AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #2

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Miss D,
I love your eternal optimism for Adrienne. You express courteous, thoughtful, caring posts. I appreciate your balanced approach. Thanks!

I am afraid I am just a little jaded. I do not think Adrienne would go without contacting someone for such an amount of time. Sadly.

In all of the other theories and talk here what have surmised as for the report of her last being seen at Brown and Roosevelt near where her car was found?

Adrienne Salinas who was last seen on Saturday, June 15, 2013 in the area of Brown Street and Roosevelt Street in Tempe at 4:30 AM.

Tempe police spokesman Mike Pooley said Adrienne was last seen near Brown and Roosevelt Streets around 5 a.m. Saturday morning.

Read more:

I am thinking she had time and reason to go back to the car-even if just to lock it up, grab phone charger, or money/cc.

Regarding her leaving the overnight bag...
I am not much older than AS and it was only a few years ago that I was a college girl and went to lots of parties. I can say that it would have been not unusual at all for me to have gone to my boyfriends house after a long night of partying without an overnight bag. Especially if I had been drinking. I did it numerous times. There were, of course, times when I would pack some clothes and toiletries but far more times I ended up places with nothing but my purse. I do think that how comfortable she was with this guy would play a part in whether she made sure she had an overnight bag. If she was super comfortable with him she may not think twice about just heading over there in whatever she had on. I am not saying that this is what happened, as apparently there was an overnight bag of some sort which indicates that she probably did intend to take some necessities, but from the perspective of my not so long ago college days, her not taking anything is not unusual.
my opinion only, just my opinion, etc.

Thanks for your input as it helps a lot. I think a lot of us are now convinced she didn't need the overnight bag any longer because she probably changed her clothes after she went back to the apartment, following the wreck.

But the wallet is another story. Why would she take off and leave all of her identification? Would you have done that as well?

Just curious.
Has anyone looked at the aunt's fb page this morning? Not the 'missing' page, but the aunt's personal fb page. In her last post she refers to forgiving someone. I can't copy and paste it here, but it seems to be a message to someone. Who? Could it be for Adrienne perhaps? Please take a look if you can and let me know your thoughts on this.

Do you have any links to where I could find this aunts page? I havent been over there and do not use facebook often but might be able to jump links through a legal to post facebook page. Or could you put it in your own words as to not break TOS here? Thats acceptable.

Thanks for your input as it helps a lot. I think a lot of us are now convinced she didn't need the overnight bag any longer because she probably changed her clothes after she went back to the apartment, following the wreck.

But the wallet is another story. Why would she take off and leave all of her identification? Would you have done that as well?

Just curious.

My wallet, with id, and phone are two things that I would have never left intentionally. Did I accidentally leave these things quite often, yes, but that was due to being pretty intoxicated. Not proud of it, but that's the truth. A heavy night of drinking can make you do stupid things. Again not trying to indicate that this was the case with AS, just food for thought!
Originally posted by WideOpen:


Miss D,
I love your eternal optimism for Adrienne. You express courteous, thoughtful, caring posts. I appreciate your balanced approach. Thanks!

I am afraid I am just a little jaded. I do not think Adrienne would go without contacting someone for such an amount of time. Sadly.

In all of the other theories and talk here what have surmised as for the report of her last being seen at Brown and Roosevelt near where her car was found?

Thank you Wide, and I feel the very same about your thoughtful and insightful posts.

There is always a possibility the times aren't correct. Maybe we are the only ones who are placing such a high importance on the exact times.

Cluciano had a good point yesterday when she posted that the only time that's really important is when she last walked out of her apartment door. And that would be, we are all assuming, sometime after 5:07, when the cabbie last called and got her voicemail, or 5:06, when she last called the cabbie.

It is confusing have conflicting reports, I agree. Like the phone being found, as an example, when it hasn't been found.

Reporters get facts mixed up. The site is confusing too.

I just don't know.

I think we can go with the phone records from the cab company and confirmed by LE. Those are probably pretty accurate, including the times she called the bf 11 times in a row, between 4:10am and 4:17am. LE released those times, along with her texting the bf saying she was coming over, at 4:47am.

the 911 call was made at 3:44am. She called a cab at 4:23am.

These are pretty solid I think. All the other times are hearsay IMO.
Do you have any links to where I could find this aunts page? I havent been over there and do not use facebook often but might be able to jump links through a legal to post facebook page. Or could you put it in your own words as to not break TOS here? Thats acceptable.


I don't know if I can post a link to there and I haven't seen anyone else do it. See, the problem with that is that the link would contain her name and so I'm pretty sure it's against TOS. I know posting her words here would be so I can't do that.

Does anyone know if I can post a link to the aunt's fb here without violating TOS?
Thanks for your input as it helps a lot. I think a lot of us are now convinced she didn't need the overnight bag any longer because she probably changed her clothes after she went back to the apartment, following the wreck.

But the wallet is another story. Why would she take off and leave all of her identification? Would you have done that as well?

Just curious.

I was thinking maybe something to do with wrecking her car in front of witnesses, not wanting to be officially tied to that until she was sober.
My wallet, with id, and phone are two things that I would have never left intentionally. Did I accidentally leave these things quite often, yes, but that was due to being pretty intoxicated. Not proud of it, but that's the truth. A heavy night of drinking can make you do stupid things. Again not trying to indicate that this was the case with AS, just food for thought!

This is a possibility. If there's any one thing we all agree on here it's that we think she was probably pretty intoxicated.
Also, the night Lauren S. vanished, she left her phone and even her shoes in a bar and her keys someplace else, after a night of heavy partying.
Also, the night Lauren S. vanished, she left her phone and even her shoes in a bar and her keys someplace else, after a night of heavy partying.

Yes, it is amazing what people who are intoxicated do that any sober person would think is out of the realm of possibility ha ha! Just like with L.S., I feel quite confident that she didn't even know she had left her phone and shoes. Many many times I have left my phone, wallet, purse, etc. somewhere unintentionally due to being drunk only to have to seek them out the next day.
I was thinking maybe something to do with wrecking her car in front of witnesses, not wanting to be officially tied to that until she was sober.

I'm trying to imagine that as a possibility. Never having been in that particular situation myself I have a hard time relating. But I have a Dentist friend who ran into a light pole while he was intoxicated. He left his keys in his car and called 911 to report it stolen. Then he ran home in the middle of the night. When he got there he couldn't get in because he didn't have his house key. He left it on the ring. So he climbed on the roof trying to break in through a window. A neighbor called police on him, thinking he was a burglar. LOL

It turned into a nightmare for him. ;)

Anyway...just pointing out how irrational someone can be when drinking. Anything is possible. But the fact she left that wallet there bugs me.
Originally posted by WideOpen:


Thank you Wide, and I feel the very same about your thoughtful and insightful posts.

There is always a possibility the times aren't correct. Maybe we are the only ones who are placing such a high importance on the exact times.

Cluciano had a good point yesterday when she posted that the only time that's really important is when she last walked out of her apartment door. And that would be, we are all assuming, sometime after 5:07, when the cabbie last called and got her voicemail, or 5:06, when she last called the cabbie.

It is confusing have conflicting reports, I agree. Like the phone being found, as an example, when it hasn't been found.

Reporters get facts mixed up. The site is confusing too.

I just don't know.

I think we can go with the phone records from the cab company and confirmed by LE. Those are probably pretty accurate, including the times she called the bf 11 times in a row, between 4:10am and 4:17am. LE released those times, along with her texting the bf saying she was coming over, at 4:47am.

the 911 call was made at 3:44am. She called a cab at 4:23am.

These are pretty solid I think. All the other times are hearsay IMO.

I am going to go through the old video's and articles and see if I can find Sgt. Pooley quote these times in question for myself. I think the 911 call is solid though.

According to phone records, Salinas had called for a cab and spoke to the driver around 4:43 a.m. The driver was headed to pick her up at a local AM/PM, but Salinas never showed up.
Thomas Simon is the owner of the cab company and tells ABC15 his son is cooperating with police. Police searched his son's house and he was brought in for questioning.

Read more:

Reporters spoke directly to Mr. Thomas Simon and reported 4:43. The article is dated 6/17.

One more quote I found in this article from the father expresses his info and knowledge of the event.
"Something happened between those two short blocks to her apartment and her car," said Adrienne's father Rick. "Something took place."

He doesnt say something happened between her apartment and the AMPM.

just thoughts.
not trying to derail the thread with more scenarios but spark new ideas and thoughts.

Snippet posted by WideOpen:

just thoughts.
not trying to derail the thread with more scenarios but spark new ideas and thoughts.

All good thoughts, Wide. We need new ideas! We are fresh out of them. ;)
If you take Adrienne's 'actions' the night/morning she disappeared you get a clearer picture of what her frame of mind might have been:
  • argues with boyfriend
  • says he isn't paying her enough attention
  • leaves with boyfriend and goes to his home
  • continues to argue with boyfriend
  • walks out of boyfriends house to go home
  • argues with boyfriend in his car
  • jumps out of boyfriends car
  • packs bag and leaves apt to go see boyfriend
  • wrecks car
  • calls cab
  • goes home and changes clothes
  • no shows for cab
  • leaves again we think to go see boyfriend

There is no evidence of foul play whatsoever. No one saw or heard anything.

Her cell phone has not been found.

Is there a reason the website has not been updated?

Is there is a reason the solid lead has not been followed up on?

Arizona Laws:

Being a missing person is not a crime. Adults can be missing if they choose to. They can chose to leave work, ignore friends and even family. Because of this, law enforcement is quite limited in what they can do. Even if law enforcement does locate the person, they can not divulge any information about that person without specific permission from that person.

Everything seems to revolve around Adrienne's obsession with her boyfriend that night, other than the wreck. But then she wouldn't have wrecked if she hadn't been driving to see him.


ETA: The reason I have posted her 'actions', as I perceive them, is because I think it is very relevant to understand how Adrienne was thinking when she disappeared. I do not intend to malign this delightful young lady in any way whatsoever. From all I have read and heard she is a wonderful young girl and I can only hope and pray she will be found safe and sound.

As most of you are aware, I wonder if she was so mentally distraught over her relationship with her boyfriend, that this last night of arging, combined with wrecking her car, might have been enough to push her 'over the edge'. I personally think this is a valid enough argument to merit consideration.

With that being said, I want to add that I feel the motivation for her to leave voluntarily is much higher than the opportunity someone had to abduct her. But then again, this is only my opinion based on the way I process information. Much of this has been influenced by my study of her Facebook and Instagram accounts. (Instagram in particular)

When she was first reported missing I immediately went to her social media sites and began my own research of them. I felt she was distressed at that time from my reaction to things she posted. I still feel the same way.

I hope that if this is the case that Adrienne knows she can always come home. I wish there was some way to put out a message in the event I am right to let her know she can come home without fearing shame or rejection or repercussions.


When I was a teenager I was so much like Adrienne. I can relate to her in so many ways. I was obsessed with love. I came from a divorced home. I related very much through movies, tragic movies (love stories about unrequited love) much like she does on Instagram, see her posts about 'Moulin Rouge' and 'Gatsby'. I argued constantly with my boyfriend, who I loved intensely, and drank and partied a lot. I did run away on several occasions, only to be found and brought home. I only mention this because naturally this does influence my thinking.

I have also done an enormous amount of research since Adrienne vanished, on missing persons and why they run away etc. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that she could have left voluntarily and does not wish to be found at this time. Thousands of young people, even adults, run away daily.

Whenever I post these feelings, someone usually comes along and dismisses it very quickly and then it gets buried only to later be brought up again by me for consideration.

I think this is a very likely scenario. We don't really know much about the Salinas family. She may not have been as happy in her family life as we have been led to believe. (Not to cast aspersions on anyone.) But this is a possibility.

She may have been suffering from a nervous breakdown.

Okay...I'll stop for now. Just throwing this back out there one more time, FWIW.

If you got this far....thanks very much for reading.

I think this is interesting:

I posted on Adrienne's 'missing' page under my FB account, which is different than my user name here on this site.

I posted that I was hoping and praying for Adrienne's safe return and asked if the Tempe police had followed up on the "solid lead" they had requested of them.

It was a very nice and encouraging, two line, post on my part.

It was deleted.

Why would they delete my little post inquiring if the lead that they were complaining that LE didn't follow had been followed up on? This makes no sense to me.

I think this is interesting:

I posted on Adrienne's 'missing' page under my FB account, which is different than my user name here on this site.

I posted that I was hoping and praying for Adrienne's safe return and asked if the Tempe police had followed up on the "solid lead" they had requested of them.

It was a very nice and encouraging, two line, post on my part.

It was deleted.

Why would they delete my little post inquiring if the lead that they were complaining that LE didn't follow had been followed up on? This makes no sense to me.


for a dialogue that exists of '' twice, and also wishing that a family member might die, or that people should '**** off,' and then prayers. thats the extent of their dialogue. and deleting your post? par for the course! why would they respond to that? you should of put your comments in a quote, and said that jesus himself, was saying it from a piece of toast in his image. that MIGHT of gotten a response.

since i read those aunt/fb missing posts, i've given up rational thought and hope for intelligent discourse coming from those pages, aside from the father.

the LE would be on a lead like butter to toast, and i think that whatever the aunt posted prior, is pure rant. which, is understood due to circumstance, but that it was put online, is just embarassing.

for a dialogue that exists of '' twice, and also wishing that a family member might die, or that people should '**** off,' and then prayers. thats the extent of their dialogue. and deleting your post? par for the course! why would they respond to that? you should of put your comments in a quote, and said that jesus himself, was saying it from a piece of toast in his image. that MIGHT of gotten a response.

since i read those aunt/fb missing posts, i've given up rational thought and hope for intelligent discourse coming from those pages, aside from the father.

the LE would be on a lead like butter to toast, and i think that whatever the aunt posted prior, is pure rant. which, is understood due to circumstance, but that it was put online, is just embarassing.


I saw those comments too. I'm surprised they use and allow that kind of language on their fb page. I just thought they were pretty upset over a troll showing up and posting hateful things, as was the case I am surmising.

Still, I would have handled it differently but then...again....I know emotions are running high.

I just wondered if anyone might take the deletion of my comment as perhaps not wanting to discuss that 'solid lead' any longer, maybe due to LE having spoken with them, etc. But then they didn't delete their rant about the detective not following up.

Oh well...I understand your feelings on it.

Hi everyone. I am still reading everyone's posts, and, like you, checking for new news every day... have absolutely nothing to add that has not been addressed multiple times. I have thoughts that I can not express here on 2 people that are not POIs so I stay mum. I really hope for a resolution in Adrienne's case as some point, sooner rather than later. Your dedication here is amazing. I hope Adrienne had as many people caring about her before she vanished too.
Hi everyone. I am still reading everyone's posts, and, like you, checking for new news every day... have absolutely nothing to add that has not been addressed multiple times. I have thoughts that I can not express here on 2 people that are not POIs so I stay mum. I really hope for a resolution in Adrienne's case as some point, sooner rather than later. Your dedication here is amazing. I hope Adrienne had as many people caring about her before she vanished too.

Hi AzPistonsGirl !!! It's always nice to see you and read your thoughts. I hope you regs and newcomers will continue to check this thread. For those of us, especially those of us in Arizona, who are so deeply invested in her disappearance it's very important to keep this thread alive, so it makes me happy to know people are still looking and posting.

I wish you could talk about your theories as they are surely very interesting and worthwhile.

Hope something will break soon.

it is disheartening to see their troll responses to something thats not even on the fb page anymore. i've been thru tragedy, im sure some you have as well. imagine the dialogue amoungst them, it must be truly lovely. such prayers and good feelings! perhaps, some actual practical, rational thought might help and not just typing prayer on fb.

the aunt posted about LE not helping them and actually ignoring their concerns?
i consider the comments, a landmine that she laid, just leaving it there, and not responding. IF she has anger because of something from year ago, and transfers that to the police now, how is that helping?

can you imagine trying to even be the LE in this case, who get the cooperation of an entire neighborhood to go into houses, etc. BUT with family of a salinas, they are at odds with. wonderful.

the sleuthing we have done online, we are discussing what is a salinas worse night of her life, AND POSSIBLY last night, as well. stakes are high.

and they way that salinas aunts page is, well its a farce. is this jerry springer, or reality? seems like a whole bunch of immature nonsense.

the police can only help those that want help. that they are accused of not helping after pulling together fbi, lake searches, and an entire neighborhood sweep, is insulting. and heres' why im MOST insulted. the rights' of our neighborhood were a bit 'bent' and swayed, and NO ONE complained much. everyone OUTSIDE of the family/friends is putting energy and thought into this (not counting the father who is the one true saint.)
,perhaps, they should as well.
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