AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #4

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Ok, I am catching up and still have about 100 posts to read but am stopping here to share my thoughts too, new ones that came after watching the show last night, and kinda in line with this thought that MissD is putting out there.

Way back when, I suggested that Adrienne might indeed know a cab driver in the area - esp. if she needed to use one when she was sick earlier this year.

Cab drivers do hang out in Tempe, as it is a party area and good place for fares.

Not out of the realm that she could know a cab driver, maybe use the same one all the time, one who she might have chatted up from the back seat one night, sharing little personal tidbits (perhaps at cab driver's questioning) and getting to know each other enough to be comfortable using that same driver. IMO

Maybe that driver said to call anytime. IMO

Maybe that driver even had a little crush on her. ALL IMO.

Also, and this is bigger - what if...

what if someone else (maybe the cab company she calls, or the driver or the dispatch person) suggests meeting at the AMPM.

Maybe she tells the driver (whom she may even know a little bit - see above) and she vents a little bit about BF trouble and the party, and maybe even her car crash. Driver commiserates with her, asks where she is, (maybe she is walking back to her car for something?) and the DRIVER suggests meeting at the AMPM, not Adrienne at all.

This is all just IMO and should not be construed to refer to any real people. Just saying.

a lot of people in area have GO TO cab/courier drivers, they use. its cheaper, familiar, and quicker if they know where you live or are.

i dont think its out of the realm of possibility that salinas spoke to a cab driver that she was familiar with. maybe they needed to have a 7 min talk
Screenshot of TV with Nancy Grace show work up of Adrienne's calls time linne:


I wish I could get into her head for a bit and work out what was going through her mind.

I wonder if, when she couldn't initially get through to the cab company, she came up with a "plan b" for what to do or how to get to her boyfriend's place, and started setting wheels in motion for that. I know they called back a few minutes later (4.26 according to the above picture) but if the details of where to meet etc weren't finalised until the call at 4.37 maybe she'd already started walking somewhere else for this "plan b" and then had to make her way back to the AMPM to meet the cab driver. When the cab is arranged, she texts her boyfriend at 4.43 to say she's coming over.. then, maybe she realises she doesn't have any money on her and calls the cab company to let them know she'll be late?? That would be the 4.53 call - difficult to guess what this call was about with no further details in the above. And THEN *something* happens, when she's in the middle of rushing around all over the place.

I just can't work out what her "plan b" might've been. And this doesn't work too well if the 5.06 "a minute away" call happened.
Sorry, but Cabbie Jr. is a grown man. Why isn't he speaking for himself? Why aren't reporters on his doorstep?
Ok, I am catching up and still have about 100 posts to read but am stopping here to share my thoughts too, new ones that came after watching the show last night, and kinda in line with this thought that MissD is putting out there.

Way back when, I suggested that Adrienne might indeed know a cab driver in the area - esp. if she needed to use one when she was sick earlier this year.

Cab drivers do hang out in Tempe, as it is a party area and good place for fares.

Not out of the realm that she could know a cab driver, maybe use the same one all the time, one who she might have chatted up from the back seat one night, sharing little personal tidbits (perhaps at cab driver's questioning) and getting to know each other enough to be comfortable using that same driver. IMO

Maybe that driver said to call anytime. IMO

Maybe that driver even had a little crush on her. ALL IMO.

Also, and this is bigger - what if...

what if someone else (maybe the cab company she calls, or the driver or the dispatch person) suggests meeting at the AMPM.

Maybe she tells the driver (whom she may even know a little bit - see above) and she vents a little bit about BF trouble and the party, and maybe even her car crash. Driver commiserates with her, asks where she is, (maybe she is walking back to her car for something?) and the DRIVER suggests meeting at the AMPM, not Adrienne at all.

This is all just IMO and should not be construed to refer to any real people. Just saying.

I like the way you think! To make just one slight alteration to your theory, if you will forgive. What if the driver, after hearing about her flat tires, suggested she meet him at O'Reilly's instead of the AM/PM, stating they could check out what the hours of operation were?

And what if she did meet him there? At 4:52 a slender woman was spotted in the O'Reilly's parking lot.

At 4:53 she made a call to the cabbie saying "I'm here." (surmising)

At 4:54 a dark 4 door sedan was spotted on surv cam at O'Reilly's (Could have been him picking her up).

Pure speculation: They then drove to where she abandoned her car. She felt safe with this driver. They got out to inspect the damage and that's when things went bad. Real bad. Really, really bad!

With Adrienne in the trunk, the driver drove back to the AM/PM to establish an alibi. He had both cell phones in his possession by then.

Connect the dots. It only takes a couple of minutes to drive from O'Reilly's to Brown & Roosevelt where Adrienne's left her car.

What were his movements after that?
Sometimes there is a reason people don't speak up and I include LE as well. IMO.
DOCUMENTED FOOTAGE of the cabbie at ampm on surveillance, with no salinas in his car (from images shown, they say.) SO whats the timestamp on those? IF the time of the car at oreillys is round same time as ampm cab surveillance, thats a hell of a great alibi.

IF i was the cabbie, i would want that ampm surveillance shown, with time. clear the air, show the out and out dilegence and white knight servitude of proper cab service!!!! perhaps the media and LE thou, are just too distraught to show the times, its really stressful i guess

I wouldn't necessarily say that Adrienne isn't in the car, just that the footage doesn't show that she is in the car. There could be tinted windows, she could be lying down in the backseat, or <gasp> in the trunk. Also, IF the cab picked her up at OReillys at 4:50-ish, then there is an approximate 17 minute gap between then and when he was purportedly seen at the AMPM (I believe he is stated to have arrived there at approx 5:07). 17 minutes is a long time if you're just across the street.
I like AZ's post. Didn't want to quote it again as it was long. I've had a designated cab driver in every city I've lived in. If they pick you up once, they essentially beg you to use them from that point forward - especially if they're a smaller outfit. I've had them physically grab my phone and put their cell number in it. And yes, I have taken advantage of that convenience multiple times. So, yes, one can and often does get to know his regular cabbie.
I can't see LE subjecting themselves to going on Nancy Grace, if they are not pretty stymied.
sure, change my theory upthread to the O'Reillys lot (vs. AMPM) I am fine with that change and it is just as plausible indeed - point being that it was not HER suggestion to meet there (there being AMPM or OReillys, or someplace other than her home, where her roommates mght even know this driver...).
oh yes tonto! i agree, ive posted a few times about the tinted windows or lying down in backseat theory....!

IF cabbie did arrive at 507 (and maybe the ampm surveillance footage can show that?) why did it take him a good 44mins or whatever it was, to get there?

lets not be too harsh!!!!

maybe he was updating his twitter with locations of how to drive up to the tempe lake on northside. perhaps, he was taking pics of drunk girls on the cement in scottsdale. MAYBE he was taking pics of women in his cab who were leaving their 'walk of shame'. or half dressed... AND GUESS WHAT. thats not IMO. thats documented, on his twitter. those are pics on his twitter, and there is no riddle, im not gonna speak in code about that. its not IMO. perhaps, he was too distraught updating his twitter with pics wondering if the tempe pd are 'eating donuts' in their headquarters.
PERHAPS, he is just hanging out a starbucks or airport taking pics of womens legs, or consoling women in back of his cab to not block their faces when he takes their pics. BUT thats not IMO. thats just, on his twitter.

cheers websleuthies

I. LOVE. YOU. :floorlaugh:
Thanks AZ, and it seems highly logical to me that she might have requested of the driver, or the driver might have suggested, that they go check on her abandoned car to see if it was still there or had been towed off by then. Like I said, Brown & Roosevelt is only a couple of minutes away from the AM/PM, maybe even less depending.
I still find it strange that the cab company owner, on NG yesterday, was somewhat sketchy about the time Adrienne called for a cab. On air yesterday, he first said that it was Adrienne who made the first call that came in at 4:23 requesting a cab and that the call had lasted a few minutes. Then, only a few minutes later, on air, he changed his story and said that it was the dispatcher (cab driver?) who called HER at 4:23.

Why would he change his story in only a few minutes? As we are seeing here, every minute counts. Would it be more advantageous for the cab company if it had taken less time for the cab driver to arrive to pick up Adrienne?

Just theorizing, speculating, whatever. ALL IMHO, as always. ;)
In other words, it would have been less time for something bad to happen to Adrienne?
I think there were two cabs. One at AMPM as the alibi, and another to pick her up from Oreilly's. Imo

I agree. Not necessarily at Oreilly's. But I think another cab (likely from the same company) picked her up.

Can we talk more about Cab Dad since he's put himself in the news?
Bottom line is if everything - everything - this cat says is true, and those calls - all of them- are legit, then whatever happened to her happened in a span of a minute or less and within earshot and probably eyeshot of where the cab was purportedly parked.

I'm just not buying that on its face.

Just bumping 'cause it's still true.
Hm a cabbie might eat donuts and drink coffee at the Starbucks where the 911 caller went to work after reporting the wreck...? (thanks GGE!) ;)
JMO...don't want the thread to be closed down due to too much pointing finger at anyone in particular, since LE hasn't/won't....JMO
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