AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #6

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We have T-mobile & when his 2yr contract was up my son upgraded and got the S3 at no charge.

That was a little more than a year ago.
hmm... we can also turn it off and lock it if it is stolen...

never thought about that as a possibility until now.
What if someone locked it remotely?

I think her phone is a gold mine
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Look at this her phone?

considering she is taking a pic in the mirror I'd say it very well may be!

The camera lens is on the side.
I also think her phone has a front camera as well because she has many pics she took of herself and IMO they were taken with a forward facing camera lens.

eta: that phone has a forward camera. You can see it above the
time on the phone.
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we know she had T Mobile because on the company billing it shows that her calls to us were t-mobile to t-mobile.--Cab Guy
I have a picture of it
I can post it I think

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There are also photos of her using an iPhone to take photos of herself in a mirror. Once I track them down, I will post them. It is in a little turquoise case with a tiny pink heart. :)
There are also photos of her using an iPhone to take photos of herself in a mirror. Once I track them down, I will post them. It is in a little turquoise case with a tiny pink heart. :)

my guess is that if her cell phone
provider is T-mobile, the i-phone was not hers.

HOWEVER a few months ago T-mobile added
i-phones at a very hefty price... ( they will spread the payments out over a two year period which makes them a little more affordable.)

Everyone I know ( in GA) with an i-phone is with AT&T...

so it is possible she had one.

T-mobile began selling the i-phone April 12 2013
$100 up front and $20 per month for 24 months....
for a grand total of $580!!!

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Spent the afternoon and evening in the area (and it is large) of the crash site, the apartment, the alleged walk down Hardy (which I am still not certain ever occurred), the back ways, the side streets, Jaycee Park, the AM/PM and O'Reilly's and a lot of space in between. Met up with a fellow "Websleuther" (who shall remain anonymous) and we re-hashed the theories together, in person at my old favorite, Otto's....near my even more old favorite, Casey Moore's.

I will say that 20 years has changed what was my home. A lot. It is much cleaner, better lit, modernized (not sure that's a good thing... the old mom and pop businesses were very cool) and I see William Wonderful is alive and well... while Elvis the Cat has gone to the other side...

While snooping about in an area we were asked to look around by another Websleuther, we did find a phone. A very badly damaged phone. I called the Tempe Police Dept. and was told to take it from the area we were in and meet an officer in the parking lot of Tempe Beach park. So we did. We very carefully picked it up and took it to the parking lot and waited. And waited. And waited... Took photos of the front and back of the phone (it was not a Samy or an iPhone), it was a Motorola CDMA / Verizon and was missing the SD and the sim card (and the battery and back plate). After an hour and a half we decided not to wait any longer. LE has my name and my phone number. :)

Driving through the neighborhood at 10:30 p.m.... it was very quiet, most lights were out... it was a typical weekday night in anytown, USA.

Never felt unsafe for one minute. In fact, I was more at ease there than in my own neighborhood. The field trip left me a little nostalgic and a little melancholy. I'm not really sure what I expected but it was not what I came away with.

I'm going back tomorrow, as promised, for the police report and my husband is busy working some other angles that arose during our in-person dialog with our sooper seekrit friend. ;) Should be very interesting and very telling.
Spent the afternoon and evening in the area (and it is large) of the crash site, the apartment, the alleged walk down Hardy (which I am still not certain ever occurred), the back ways, the side streets, Jaycee Park, the AM/PM and O'Reilly's and a lot of space in between. Met up with a fellow "Websleuther" (who shall remain anonymous) and we re-hashed the theories together, in person at my old favorite, Otto's....near my even more old favorite, Casey Moore's.

I will say that 20 years has changed what was my home. A lot. It is much cleaner, better lit, modernized (not sure that's a good thing... the old mom and pop businesses were very cool) and I see William Wonderful is alive and well... while Elvis the Cat has gone to the other side...

While snooping about in an area we were asked to look around by another Websleuther, we did find a phone. A very badly damaged phone. I called the Tempe Police Dept. and was told to take it from the area we were in and meet an officer in the parking lot of Tempe Beach park. So we did. We very carefully picked it up and took it to the parking lot and waited. And waited. And waited... Took photos of the front and back of the phone (it was not a Samy or an iPhone), it was a Motorola CDMA / Verizon and was missing the SD and the sim card (and the battery and back plate). After an hour and a half we decided not to wait any longer. LE has my name and my phone number. :)

Driving through the neighborhood at 10:30 p.m.... it was very quiet, most lights were out... it was a typical weekday night in anytown, USA.

Never felt unsafe for one minute. In fact, I was more at ease there than in my own neighborhood. The field trip left me a little nostalgic and a little melancholy. I'm not really sure what I expected but it was not what I came away with.

I'm going back tomorrow, as promised, for the police report and my husband is busy working some other angles that arose during our in-person dialog with our sooper seekrit friend. ;) Should be very interesting and very telling.

Hmmmmmmm. Interesting their reaction and response to the found cell phone. I would have thought if they thought it could be AS's, they'd be there with bells on. The fact that no one ever showed up makes me wonder why? Ya know??? What do they know??? Why didn't they deem it important??? Weird also that they didn't tell you to leave it where it was and go out and get it themselves so they could case the area and see if they could find anything else and make sure that no new fingerprints were added in case it was AS's. Leads me to believe they knew it wasn't........FWIW.
Hmmmmmmm. Interesting their reaction and response to the found cell phone. I would have thought if they thought it could be AS's, they'd be there with bells on. The fact that no one ever showed up makes me wonder why? Ya know??? What do they know??? Why didn't they deem it important??? Weird also that they didn't tell you to leave it where it was and go out and get it themselves so they could case the area and see if they could find anything else and make sure that no new fingerprints were added in case it was AS's. Leads me to believe they knew it wasn't........FWIW.


Oh, and Seajay... while practicing deep breathing exercises while trying not to wet my pants (while not so patiently waiting for LE), all I could think of was your tag line. ;)
Great work Sage! Looking forward to the police report.

Oh, and Seajay... while practicing deep breathing exercises while trying not to wet my pants (while not so patiently waiting for LE), all I could think of was your tag line. ;)

LOL Yup, never pass one up.

So that was pretty much your take on things, when they didn't come and get the phone, that they didn't think it was important???? Thing is, I have to wonder WHY they wouldn't think it was important and want to investigate the area surrounding the phone in case it was AS's and they could find more clues.
LOL Yup, never pass one up.

So that was pretty much your take on things, when they didn't come and get the phone, that they didn't think it was important???? Thing is, I have to wonder WHY they wouldn't think it was important and want to investigate the area surrounding the phone in case it was AS's and they could find more clues.

That's exactly how it felt. I will say though, while waiting, we went through some SM photos on our phones and found photos of Adrienne with HER phone and realized what we had found was 99.9% certainly NOT hers. It just seemed based on what I told dispatch, that they would have said "don't touch the phone"... or something of that nature. Not, "take it with you to the parking lot at Tempe Beach park and an officer will meet you there." And then didn't. LOL Was kind of odd...
JMO but I am leaning towards someone who was at the party. Maybe not someone she knew but maybe had some kind of interaction with at the party that night, you know even a quick hello or whatever. Maybe he saw her leaving her apartment and just saw an opportunity to take AS. With that many people at the party people would have been coming and going at all times of the night without anyone even noticing who was there and who had left and at what time. OTOH her friends have baffled me. If my friend was missing I could assure you I would be pounding the streets day and night till I found her. I mean, there are wonderful people here on WS who don't even know AS and have done exactly that. Why do her friends seem to be so detached from what has happened? strange. JMO
This thread is so very readable the past few days. I was used to it moving more quickly but at least we're staying focused now which is good.

I'm sad that the phone SandSage found wasn't Adrienne's but it was too easy anyhow. Honestly if that had been hers and Sage had found it that quickly and Le *hadn't*, I'd be a lot more frustrated right now.
BTW I'm just a tad peeved (which is sarcasm-speak for frigin livid) that LE seems to not realize that a smashed phone found with the battery and sim card completely missing and not nearby is very probably something worth gathering up and holding on to, because it could very well have to do with some other case. sheesh.
I've been lurking on Adrienne's thread for a while and thinking about her case.

Here are my thoughts:
+I think that voluntary disappearance is still an option. She seemed to be acting very impulsively that night, so I could imagine her suddenly deciding that she didn't want to take the cab (or realizing that she didn't have the money for the cab) and running off to somewhere else. Maybe she doesn't want to be found, and her friends have caught wind of this - hence why they aren't "pounding the streets" to find her. I don't think that this is likely since she's been missing for over a month, but it is still possible.

+It seems plausible that the roommates or someone else at the party was involved. It explains why her wallet and clothes were still in the apartment and also potentially why the cab caller asked to be met at the AMPM and not Adrienne's apartment (shift the focus away from the apartment, as mentioned earlier). However, if this is the case, then they have done a very very very good job of covering it up. I would expect someone at the party to have reported something suspicious or unusual, even if it was just a suspicious partier; how can you have that many young people in one room without them knowing something was going on? Also, I find it hard to believe that the roommates could have done or seen something horrible happen to AS and then calmly create an excellent and very believable cab cover story. Plausible but not probable IMO.

+Abducted during her walk to AMPM - Possible, if she did walk to AMPM she was putting herself in danger and at risk of abduction. However, I do find it strange that she didn't have her wallet with her. The wallet makes me think that she either planned her disappearance, she never left the apt, or she was taken by someone she knew and they planted her wallet back in her apt.

All this time, and I don't think I'm any closer to sticking with a theory!
This thread is so very readable the past few days. I was used to it moving more quickly but at least we're staying focused now which is good.

I'm sad that the phone SandSage found wasn't Adrienne's but it was too easy anyhow. Honestly if that had been hers and Sage had found it that quickly and Le *hadn't*, I'd be a lot more frustrated right now.

I'd be setting up my amazing "Super Sleuthy I can find ANYTHING" business. *wink*
JMO but I am leaning towards someone who was at the party. Maybe not someone she knew but maybe had some kind of interaction with at the party that night, you know even a quick hello or whatever. Maybe he saw her leaving her apartment and just saw an opportunity to take AS. With that many people at the party people would have been coming and going at all times of the night without anyone even noticing who was there and who had left and at what time. OTOH her friends have baffled me. If my friend was missing I could assure you I would be pounding the streets day and night till I found her. I mean, there are wonderful people here on WS who don't even know AS and have done exactly that. Why do her friends seem to be so detached from what has happened? strange. JMO

*my bold*

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