AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #3

DNA Solves
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ModMaiden;12041903]That's a good point. For discussion sake, why would this stranger cover her head after killing her? Why continue in the same area where you previously killed someone? The risks seem too high and if he followed the news, he could be aware of them having DNA of the killer. One question that comes to mind is was he prowling around February or is the discovery of the prowler only from August? That's six months between her murder and the prowler. Any reports of suspicious behavior in the same area of Allison in January/February or even late months in the previous year?

1. Blunt force trauma to the head and a possible gun shot wound, this most recent news article said "bleach" so it just goes with the attempted cleanup, stopping blood from spreading. We don't really know if it was around her head or?
2. Criminals are usually creatures of habit, they have their stomping grounds where they know the lay of the land.
3. All we can do is go by what SPD is telling us, they don't like to advertise crimes in the Scottsdale area, bad for the "community". This prowler could have stopped for a while to cool things off, and then started up again, only SPD knows.

Not that I know of. My impression is it stalled because of the unknown DNA. They could be doing some trash digging to get it from some of the people on their radar. It could be the one and only time the killer showed their true colors. We can only hope they find the killer before this individual show those colors to another victim.

It's "unknown", no cross matches in any of the data bases they looked at. They're not tipping their hand by clearing the people who the DID get DNA from because the perp may just get out of town...they're giving him a false sense of security.

I'm with you, tarabull, on the case being solved. It might take a while but I am more of the side that Allison's killer will be known. I might be surprised at who it turns out to be if it's not who I have always had my eye on.

Might take a few years, there's cold cases being run in the Maricopa County area that have gotten matches 30+ years after the fact.
Eventually, he's got to slip up.

*If my intention is to kill someone, I would wear gloves, protective clothing, a disguise just in case of neighbors, go in, murder, and out. Would I possibly "stage" a burglary?
Maybe, but I wouldn't start cleaning up the scene. I would also make sure I had the "jump" on the victim.

*If my intentions where to burglarize, at night, I would wear stuff that wouldn't draw attention to me, I would be quiet to not disturb the resident.
If I lived in the neighborhood, and the victim recognized me, I'd panic, and quite possibly the victim would have the drop on me, I might get hurt and my DNA might just get spread around. (the victim wouldn't have to know me by name, just know I'm a face in the neighborhood)
I've already got what I came for, "stolen property", now I have a body. Major panic, too many CSI programs. Damn skippy I'm going to try to clean up the scene until I realize it's no use, I can't stay here all night long.
If we go from the text that was not received after 8:00(I think it was 8:00 pm), the perp had 5 hours....what the heck would he be doing? More than 15 minutes is totally unreasonable, the longer the criminal stays in the house, the more likely he may be found out.

We have:
Valuables taken from the house
A murder victim
An attempt to clean up the scene
Cloth on or around her head: knowledge of, or relationship with the victim, cleanup, or just plain horror at what the perp had done?

The clean up attempt just doesn't go with the a murder........that's where I get stuck. Doesn't make sense.:scared:
I feel a burglary is the least likely scenario and that any items taken were in an attempt to make it look that way.
I feel a burglary is the least likely scenario and that any items taken were in an attempt to make it look that way.

Completely believable clu...

Maybe the perp responsible for Allison's brutal murder was trying to mimick this violent burglary / home invasion that took place the month prior in Phoenix...???


PD: Man critically wounded after confronting two home-invasion suspects
January 8, 2015
Just some thoughts - when they say they have the killers DNA, they don't say if it's a complete profile. If it's not, then they could be looking at someone close to her whom they know, but just don't have enough for arrest.
If they do have a complete profile, and it doesn't match anyone - then it will take time. Apart from that, there's the possibility that the killer might say something to someone who then comes forward....

I tend to think LE has someone in mind and just does not have enough; that's why so little is being released...
I feel a burglary is the least likely scenario and that any items taken were in an attempt to make it look that way.

That makes it "death penalty", "Special circumstances", homicide in the commission of a felony.
Why would a killer do that when, if he was caught w/o the burglary, it could be plead out to "heat of passion" murder 2, or possibly manslaughter 1? The burglary just enhances the charges.
That's why I'm not buying it.
That makes it "death penalty", "Special circumstances", homicide in the commission of a felony.
Why would a killer do that when, if he was caught w/o the burglary, it could be plead out to "heat of passion" murder 2, or possibly manslaughter 1? The burglary just enhances the charges.
That's why I'm not buying it.

Sooooo just to clarify aren't buying a burglary??? OR you arent buying a cover up, by making it appear as a burglary???

Witch which?
Sooooo just to clarify aren't buying a burglary??? OR you arent buying a cover up, by making it appear as a burglary???

Witch which?

Not buying the burglary coverup, this is what I in boxed to another local following the case:

......If the sole purpose was to kill her, why try to clean up?
What if the perp got in while she was in the shower? He's in the process of taking what he wants, she turns the shower off, hears a noise. She walks out of the bathroom (explains her being naked), grabs her iPhone possibly on her night stand or dresser, she gets to the hallway and runs into the perp. SPD says she fought with the perp. He may have tried to get the phone from her, she may have tried to get a pic of him or tried to call 911, she might even have hit him with it (DNA). Here's where it gets confusing: the crime scene report was online for a mere hours and then taken down. It stated blunt force trauma to her head. Another news source also included a gun shot wound to the head. Crime scene report stated "bleach smell" and substance around the body. Most recent news article stated "bleach" around the body.
Just about every single woman has bleach in her laundry room.
If Allison confronted he attacker, he knows he can be ID'd (she could have identified him as a person living in the neighborhood?) and now he's looking at an assault along with a B & E, theft, criminal trespass, and a higher felony charge because the assumption is that if you break into a house at night, there are people in the house. She's not backing down, he fears being caught and kills her in the struggle. (He *may* have had a gun just because the biggest fear of a burglar is walking into a home and having a gun pointed at them. That's another felony 1. Since the Az gun laws changed about 15 years ago, you don't have to drag a burglar back into your house and make sure he has stolen property in his pocket if you shoot him, it's the "Castle Law" Arizona style. It's all about "fear for your life" or that of a third party.)
Homicide during the act of a felony (burglary), "special circumstances"/ "enhanced", he's looking at the Death Penalty.
You can bet he's going to try to get rid of anything that has his DNA on it.
So why "stage" a burglary? That ups the charges and penalties.
If the perp just wanted to kill her, if he was caught, he might get a "heat of passion", murder 2, maybe even manslaughter 1.
Burglars don't think beyond property crime, when confronted with murder, they're going to panic, thus the clean up attempt.
That's why I'm in the burglary gone bad camp........

Does that make sense?

Anyone who wants to, feel free to pick this apart, I'm all ears!
Just some thoughts - when they say they have the killers DNA, they don't say if it's a complete profile. If it's not, then they could be looking at someone close to her whom they know, but just don't have enough for arrest.
If they do have a complete profile, and it doesn't match anyone - then it will take time. Apart from that, there's the possibility that the killer might say something to someone who then comes forward....

I tend to think LE has someone in mind and just does not have enough; that's why so little is being released...

Makes sense, OldSteve -- and LE could be adding a few bits of misinformation so that the suspect doesn't get nervous & leave the area, if he hasn't already. If what they need is DNA from the suspect, I hope they have been watching him a lot & hoping he makes a mistake -- leaving a coffee/cola cup or fork on a table at a restaurant or burger joint, or spitting out chewing gum or tossing a cigarette butt or a cola can -- littering his DNA. Sometimes that's what it takes.
I still think it was someone who knew her. I think LE knows who it is, as do her parents, JMO.
I am having a bad day with posts, I wrote three and each time got booted off line and lost them.( arrrg!!!) I am going to only write a brief post to see if I can get back on track. I am leaning towards Allison knowing her killer in some way. Even a limited capacity. I think back to SPD,( paraphrasing) he is not always violent , but may become violent statement. I dont think he came and intended on killing Allison but something happened.
I am not thinking burglary gone bad because he spent to much time there ( three hours?).He would have no way of knowing no one was coming back. Also if he was a thief of some sort, my thought is he would have a record of something and his DNA would be on file, somewhere ( drugs, tresspassing, theft, etc).
A burglar would have staked out his target, not Allison, but the property right? He would probably want to gain entrance when no one was home. He had to see the security sign out front. Allisons car being in the garage could not be an indicator that the house was empty because she did that per her neighbors. And many people use their garages. When he did get there, wouldn't Allison had lights on? Wouldn't he be listening for noises, looking for lights, movements, peeking to see if someone was home? If he proceeded in, he must of believed the house was empty....he had to miss all those things right? ( unless Allison was sleeping??)
That makes it "death penalty", "Special circumstances", homicide in the commission of a felony.
Why would a killer do that when, if he was caught w/o the burglary, it could be plead out to "heat of passion" murder 2, or possibly manslaughter 1? The burglary just enhances the charges.
That's why I'm not buying it.

The question I have with this is, I don't see the perp. being smart enough, or capable to consider future charges and how they may play out if he was caught, ( except for destroying physical evidence with the bleach) especially in this panic. He would surely panic if he just murdered someone when his intention was burglary. And what he took with him was, what we are told does not seem like a good steal. The phone, cant use it, the credit cards, cant use them. The jewelry maybe....???? But he would know after this unexpected murder, he couldn't sell them?? So I think the items taken were to make it looked staged. If it was a burglary, he must have already had the items on him, because I don't see him rummaging thru the house after the murder to get these things. To risky to leave more physical evidence.
Something about the Tiffany bracelet doesn't sit right with me either. It was an official announcement from SPD that it was stolen and to look out for it. Then some time after ( I would have to look back to exact timing) they released info that it was not stolen. I am thinking a SPD tactic here, not sure exactly what.
For the whole town of Scottsdale and the valley to look out for a Tiffany bracelet which they didn't even describe or present a picture of just seemed strange. It may have been a message to the killer, to see how or what may happen with that info, especially if they were looking at someone.
We know, not sure if the public knows, that that bracelet was work related. I have more questions about her circle of people??
Something about the Tiffany bracelet doesn't sit right with me either. It was an official announcement from SPD that it was stolen and to look out for it. Then some time after ( I would have to look back to exact timing) they released info that it was not stolen. I am thinking a SPD tactic here, not sure exactly what.
For the whole town of Scottsdale and the valley to look out for a Tiffany bracelet which they didn't even describe or present a picture of just seemed strange. It may have been a message to the killer, to see how or what may happen with that info, especially if they were looking at someone.
We know, not sure if the public knows, that that bracelet was work related. I have more questions about her circle of people??

I am replying to my own post. ( practice and another thought)
Was this a mistake by SPD? Or an innocent mistake by family, finding later? Or a ploy, but why? maybe nothing panned out for the SPD on this. And the final report is it was not stolen. Confusing. Sorry , I am getting confused.
Lesajo, you're on a roll! Keep it up!

Does anyone know how many posts you have to post before you get more "inbox" space? Lesajo is stuck on 5 inbox messages right now.:shame: I couldn't find any FAQ's about new members and inbox storage..........:gaah:
Lesajo, you're on a roll! Keep it up!

Does anyone know how many posts you have to post before you get more "inbox" space? Lesajo is stuck on 5 inbox messages right now.:shame: I couldn't find any FAQ's about new members and inbox storage..........:gaah:

Yes please, thanks bernina!!

PD: Scottsdale prowler may have struck for 3rd time

Two women told police they awoke to a man who had been watching them sleep early Sunday morning.Police were investigating after discovering he matched the description of a suspect in two earlier prowler cases in Scottsdale.
By the time police got to the San Tropez apartments at 2700 N. Hayden Rd, the suspect was long gone.
The women said the break-in occurred at around 3:40 a.m.
About an hour later, officers arrested a man some distance away on an unrelated warrant. It’s not known at this point if the man is connected to the recent string of prowling cases.

Someone might be getting their DNA taken................

Hey Guys,

If you are sleuthing someone's SM acct. (FB) please don't bring it here. Also, if you are messaging each other in PM's, no need to post it to the threads.

All of the above are against TOS.


Welcome to this thread, and to Websleuths:websleuther:, lesajo! We are so glad when we get new folks to threads -- this one is still at the early stages, so you now are right where the rest of us are! Keep sleuthing and keep posting -- it's always great to have one more!

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