AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #4

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Alright, we know that EJ's act is just that. It's an act.
She is just not as dumb as she puts off. I didn't even carry a 4.0 in high school, the little bit of high school I attended. So, to me that means that all the crap she has been spewing is just that...crap. Everything from "I didn't know that I was doing anything illegal" to "Extradition, what's that?"
So, is playing dumb natural for her? Sometimes with very smart people, it is. I do it alot. People put their guard up when they realize how smart you are. It's just easier to get info when people think you are an idiot. So, is this just her, something that she does to get out of trouble or is this something that the Smith's taught her? Act dumb when you have to talk and just don't talk the rest of the time.

I guess what I'm getting at is that this girl has some darn good survival skills, both the literal kind and the ones that are less common. So why not get across the border, why not disappear, why go to FL at all? It had to be against her better judgement. What is in FL, and who called in that tip? I know that these aren't the main questions that people are asking, but to me they are huge...very intelligent people don't go against their better instincts without good reason. She did, she had to. She knew that she was seen in TX, and she would have known that FL just wasn't enough. Run to Maine, run to CT, run to WA, but not FL. So, why did she?
Could this baby made it out of the country like into Europe or something? The Smith's obviously have the resources to make it happen.

I thought about that, too, but now it seems to me that it's more likely he will be found in Nashville.

I love this one --

"You know, I hope baby Gabriel is in Nashville," Jack said. "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you. One thing I can tell you, is if they do find him in Nashville, it has nothing to do with us."

So, Jackie Don, does that mean that if he is found anywhere else BUT Nashville, it maybe sorta kinda could be you two liars? But NOT IF HE IS FOUND IN NASHVILLE -- got it. Thanks.

And what kind of crap is, "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you . . " ?

These two really like the sound of their own voices.

I also have to wonder - is she supposed to be on meds? I'd heard she had quit taking them. If it's even just significant bipolar, going off those meds can make a huge difference.

According to her grandfather, she went off her meds shortly before she took off with Gabe (for bipolar disorder). He also says that she was diagnosed with post partum depression, but I don't know if she was being medicated for that separately.
I'm not at all sure she talked to the Smith's via phone before the long recorded conversation, but she did evidently call grandpa collect once before that wanting the Smith's phone number. I suspect the Smith's were savvy enough to not have talked with her much - anyone know if there are other reported calls? I think most of what sounds scripted has come from before she landed in jail - whether specifically discussed or it was just such a part of the constant conversation, coaching, and that Tammi can tell that Elizabeth will respond to her cues.

I can't believe they haven't visited her in all this time. They could be communicating with her through her lawyer though which is privileged communication.

My bold.
Not enough time in the day imo. Az to Fl, updating FB, reading the bible, cleaning colons, heading to the NG show, lunch with Pat, rendezvous with Yami, etc... gotta cut something out, visiting with EJ just didn't leave enough room for the master plan, which is titled Look at me! Look at me!
I also have to wonder - is she supposed to be on meds? I'd heard she had quit taking them. If it's even just significant bipolar, going off those meds can make a huge difference.
Yes, it would make a difference. It's hard to know how much of a difference it would make without more information. Do we know that she was diagnosed with bipolar ?

Didn't see Not my kids post, so the Grandfather said she was diagnosed with bipolar. I wonder when this happened. Bipolar is often a very hard condition to diagnose. The other thing with bipolar is that sufferers often go off their meds because they miss the manic phase.
I'm wondering about that joint custody granted on Dec 17, and if part of the court order was visitation. Logan was supposed to get Gabriel for a visit on Dec 18. That may have legally been governed by the joint custody.

So if that was custody on Dec 18, that's the date she took off from Tempe AZ. So AZ would have had jurisdiction for the custodial interference and kidnapping charges.

I'm not sure how to word the custody legal stuff. Hope y'all can figure out what I'm trying to say :) lol

The temporary custody agreement from the court hearing on Dec. 17th is on page 2 of this doc: Court/012010/m4037032.pdf

Also, according to the doc, Logan was officially named as Gabriel's father and it was ordered to put him on the birth certificate and change Gabriels's name on the birth certificate to his "true" name. So, I wonder if Logan wanted Gabriel's last name changed to his instead of EJ's.

They were both given equal custody of Gabriel. Custody was supposed to change every Wednesday and Sunday. What day was the 18th? I think this court hearing determination is what set EJ off. And I do think she is capable of hurting Gabriel. I hope it's not true, but I don't think he is okay.
I thought about that, too, but now it seems to me that it's more likely he will be found in Nashville.

I love this one --

"You know, I hope baby Gabriel is in Nashville," Jack said. "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you. One thing I can tell you, is if they do find him in Nashville, it has nothing to do with us."

So, Jackie Don, does that mean that if he is found anywhere else BUT Nashville, it maybe sorta kinda could be you two liars? But NOT IF HE IS FOUND IN NASHVILLE -- got it. Thanks.

And what kind of crap is, "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you . . " ?

These two really like the sound of their own voices.


Same here. If he is not in Nashville, he was at some point in my opinion. Too many references. Reports of sightings, the call to or from Janet, JS's family and friends, JS saying "I have no earthly idea" as to why Nashville and then hours later they "remember" Janet, the evidence from Fl that led to the Nashville search (likely just EJ's statement about Janet, cell phone records or maybe a paper with Janet's name and number on it or something,) this statement as to "if he's found there, it has nothing to do with us", just too many references.
I recall Tammi trusting this girl come on Tammi, how much do you really trust her? Step right up and put your money where your mouth is Tammi.

Heck, I'm half afraid they get her out just to off her.
My bold.
Not enough time in the day imo. Az to Fl, updating FB, reading the bible, cleaning colons, heading to the NG show, lunch with Pat, rendezvous with Yami, etc... gotta cut something out, visiting with EJ just didn't leave enough room for the master plan, which is titled Look at me! Look at me!

LOVE this! She IS entertaining --
Well maybe EJ can start getting some work done for ole Sheriff Joe, on the chain gang there, and maybe she will get a nice tent to think things over .. :)
a girl that just befriended TS on FB said to a person bashing EJ about not going through proper channels and just handing off a baby that She 'Did go through proper adoption people' thats all she says after a MASSIVE rant from another 'friend' of TS's

that seems out of place...and odd. Maybe I am reading it wrong can someone check that ? I dont want to post that MASSIVE rant here ..

[Name Removed] she went through adoption people not strangers
10 minutes ago
The temporary custody agreement from the court hearing on Dec. 17th is on page 2 of this doc: Court/012010/m4037032.pdf

Also, according to the doc, Logan was officially named as Gabriel's father and it was ordered to put him on the birth certificate and change Gabriels's name on the birth certificate to his "true" name. So, I wonder if Logan wanted Gabriel's last name changed to his instead of EJ's.

They were both given equal custody of Gabriel. Custody was supposed to change every Wednesday and Sunday. What day was the 18th? I think this court hearing determination is what set EJ off. And I do think she is capable of hurting Gabriel. I hope it's not true, but I don't think he is okay.
IIRC, this is the same hearing where Tammi said they went to meet with Logan, but he wouldn't meet with them after Elizabeth was granted custody. Another lie to add on with the rest.
except for i dont think he ever wrote back anything to her, at least not publicly. when you write one someones wall on FB it says "logan mcqueary wrote on tammi peters smith wall" and I never once saw that.

Thanks, maybe he messaged her, or maybe she is just CRAZY? She seems to go back and forth in the media first villifying Logan, and next making statements like "but I don't believe he was ever violent" Who know, but I would take it as a compliment to be blocked by that woman on FB :)
Yes, it would make a difference. It's hard to know how much of a difference it would make without more information. Do we know that she was diagnosed with bipolar ?

Didn't see Not my kids post, so the Grandfather said she was diagnosed with bipolar. I wonder when this happened. Bipolar is often a very hard condition to diagnose. The other thing with bipolar is that sufferers often go off their meds because they miss the manic phase.

I'm not sure about a specific diagnosis with her. There are different severities of having bipolar - they will diagnose sometimes on just mild mood swings, but my bet is that she is much more than that... and possibly she should or could have been diagnosed with other major mental illness. Nonetheless, if she has it or something else pretty severely and the meds were helping, then she could be experiencing a big change without it - like it looks like she is now in a major depressive state (I'm not sure they would give her other meds while they are trying to get info out of her? I have no idea, but I would think they would have had a psychiatrist evaluate her by now?). I would not doubt she went off her meds to experience the manic phase either - she may even have thought that would help get her through her trip or was on some kind of high being without the meds, going for her freedom and big life change thing.
a girl that just befriended TS on FB said to a person bashing EJ about not going through proper channels and just handing off a baby that She 'Did go through proper adoption people' thats all she says after a MASSIVE rant from another 'friend' of TS's

that seems out of place...and odd. Maybe I am reading it wrong can someone check that ? I dont want to post that MASSIVE rant here ..

[Name Removed] she went through adoption people not strangers
10 minutes ago

How could that person say 'she went through adoption people' when EJ herself said she met the people in the park? her!


PS.............I don't belong to FB or MS and have no idea how to use them...fran :)
My bold.
Not enough time in the day imo. Az to Fl, updating FB, reading the bible, cleaning colons, heading to the NG show, lunch with Pat, rendezvous with Yami, etc... gotta cut something out, visiting with EJ just didn't leave enough room for the master plan, which is titled Look at me! Look at me!

LOLOL!!!!!! That was my "Laugh of the day"! Thank you!!!
Alright, we know that EJ's act is just that. It's an act.
She is just not as dumb as she puts off. I didn't even carry a 4.0 in high school, the little bit of high school I attended. So, to me that means that all the crap she has been spewing is just that...crap. Everything from "I didn't know that I was doing anything illegal" to "Extradition, what's that?"
So, is playing dumb natural for her? Sometimes with very smart people, it is. I do it alot. People put their guard up when they realize how smart you are. It's just easier to get info when people think you are an idiot. So, is this just her, something that she does to get out of trouble or is this something that the Smith's taught her? Act dumb when you have to talk and just don't talk the rest of the time.

I guess what I'm getting at is that this girl has some darn good survival skills, both the literal kind and the ones that are less common. So why not get across the border, why not disappear, why go to FL at all? It had to be against her better judgement. What is in FL, and who called in that tip? I know that these aren't the main questions that people are asking, but to me they are huge...very intelligent people don't go against their better instincts without good reason. She did, she had to. She knew that she was seen in TX, and she would have known that FL just wasn't enough. Run to Maine, run to CT, run to WA, but not FL. So, why did she?

Maybe she was told to go to FL by Tammie & Jack or the lady in Nashville, and then they called in the tip? Setting her up, kinda, to pave the way for the adoption?

I don't think EJ was a total innocent in this whole thing, but I do wonder if she didn't get "played" by these fruit-loop do-gooder wanna-be adopters.

They sure seem to be trying to orchestrate all of the stories, imo.

nmk, some of the most brilliant minds in the world are also the most troubled - and not necessarily in an evil way. [See today's story in LA Times re: Walter K. Sartory.]

Goodness gracious - at this point I have no idea what to think about any of them. [OK, I do know that the Peters-Smiths give me major hinx.]
The temporary custody agreement from the court hearing on Dec. 17th is on page 2 of this doc: Court/012010/m4037032.pdf

Also, according to the doc, Logan was officially named as Gabriel's father and it was ordered to put him on the birth certificate and change Gabriels's name on the birth certificate to his "true" name. So, I wonder if Logan wanted Gabriel's last name changed to his instead of EJ's.

They were both given equal custody of Gabriel. Custody was supposed to change every Wednesday and Sunday. What day was the 18th? I think this court hearing determination is what set EJ off. And I do think she is capable of hurting Gabriel. I hope it's not true, but I don't think he is okay.

I think the 18th was a Friday
actaully I checked that womens page its blocked up a lot but she was marked as out of town to see her dad at the beginning of december (I believe I will get the dates) and then it says 'I just got back' .. and it was January 3rd. But doesn't specify anything else. She has very little information on her page. But that is very odd she would say that. EVERYONE clearly KNOWS that she just handed the baby off..

Maybe a pissed off person that has Gabe? Or knows who has Gabe? and is sticking up for them thats just plan ODD to put up on fb.. PLAN odd.
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