AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #4

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only one picture and no one says were that baby is from if you go to the one girls (red hair) MS it says she is 22 but its blocked her FB is also blocked no information about who the baby is in the photo. Someone look at the photo? Please... LoLz
the crabbs have two Older kids the older girl and the older boy but ...That other girl in the photo her MS says she lives in Virginia..(?)

-edited to save posting space-
Further look I see she has more images if you scroll through I couldn't get to them on her page interesting you can get to them this way (heh FB is great at hiding things) anyway... Seems there is one of her with a 'infant' and it says Proud mommy of a little girl. She looks pretty good for just having a child? But either way... maybe it is the other girls baby.. Weird though very weird.

Then again what attached to TS isn't?

Apparently, they were hired as new worship leaders at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX!

Isn't that where one of TPS' other friends, Cheryl, is a member also?

Seems that TPS has more ties to Cornerstone Church in San Antonio!
Cheryl is a member of Christ's Church of the Valley in Phoenix. Tammi was a member of CCV according to some of her postings (on what site IDK, between FB, MS and all the rest I am forgetting).
TS should be more careful with who she says her 'FRIENDS' are... (ha)

[name removed] Maybe you don't know where Gabriel is but I'd bet the farm, you know how he got there
.5 minutes ago ·
actaully I checked that womens page its blocked up a lot but she was marked as out of town to see her dad at the beginning of december (I believe I will get the dates) and then it says 'I just got back' .. and it was January 3rd. But doesn't specify anything else. She has very little information on her page. But that is very odd she would say that. EVERYONE clearly KNOWS that she just handed the baby off..

Maybe a pissed off person that has Gabe? Or knows who has Gabe? and is sticking up for them thats just plan ODD to put up on fb.. PLAN odd.

No, everyone does not KNOW that she handed Gabriel off. But if that person does KNOW then that info needs to go to the FBI IMMEDIATELY so they can get her IP, find out the adoption agency from her, get the adoptive parents names from the agency, and GO GET GABRIEL!

No, everyone does not KNOW that she handed Gabriel off. But if that person does KNOW then that info needs to go to the FBI IMMEDIATELY so they can get her IP, find out the adoption agency from her, get the adoptive parents names from the agency, and GO GET GABRIEL!


To whom? and how?
Same here. If he is not in Nashville, he was at some point in my opinion. Too many references. Reports of sightings, the call to or from Janet, JS's family and friends, JS saying "I have no earthly idea" as to why Nashville and then hours later they "remember" Janet, the evidence from Fl that led to the Nashville search (likely just EJ's statement about Janet, cell phone records or maybe a paper with Janet's name and number on it or something,) this statement as to "if he's found there, it has nothing to do with us", just too many references.

Not to mention that she (TS) called JM and allegedly asked her to talk to E to convince her to come back with the baby and to make the 12/28 court date. Has no earthly idea, my a$$.
To whom? and how?

FBI San Antonio or Tempe PD

Call them and they will walk you through what they need


Tempe new tip line has been established so that anyone with information on Gabriel's whereabouts can call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).

Tempe PD Non-Emergency Police Line 480.350.8311

FBI San Antonio (210) 225-6741

Silent Witness 480-WITNESS
Maybe it is just simpler than being bipolar. She was a foster child. She was in at least 5 different homes, so that indicates behavior problems. She most likely has authority problems and major distrust of authority. Which indicates anger and resentment. She probably lacks stability since turning 18 and being pushed out of the system and is irresponsible from lack of good influence, guidelines and boundaries. Foster kids can be quite wild when they finally get their freedom.

I don't see having been a foster child and being bipolar as unconnected. Being wild is not the same as having severe mental problems. Some people have problems with authority and are not angry or resentful ... and so on. Sorry, I can't really grab on to anything in your post.
Tempe police have been inundated with tips in the case and are now directing callers to the National Center for Missing or Exploited Children. The number is 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).

they changed the number I will go call now. Hopefully I read what she said right, but seems to me to be very ODD.. and out there.
Tempe police have been inundated with tips in the case and are now directing callers to the National Center for Missing or Exploited Children. The number is 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).

they changed the number I will go call now. Hopefully I read what she said right, but seems to me to be very ODD.. and out there.

I would say that you read it just fine :)
How the person meant it, only he/she knows.
Nobody could know for sure that EJ used proper adoption channels, unless they had inside information on this case. So either they are "in the know" or they are not and are just acting like they are, either way it's up to LE to figure out now.

Good catch!
aren't cash bonds set up that you pay so much and then its on good faith? .. .I dont think you have to actually pay the whole ammount UP FRONT I think its like 10% of the cost or something, and if they show up for all their hearings then they get the money back?

I dont know.. I know one time someone I knew had a 1000 cash bond and their parents only had to pay 200 dollars at a bonds man and sign their house up if the person didn't show up in court they lost their house. Something like that.

Cash-only bonds means the court will only accept cash for the total bond amount -- and is not the same as surety bonds (the kind you can pony up 10% cash of total bond).

Bail bondsman will act as 3rd parties to post the bond provided there's enough collateral, but even *they* have to have the cash to give to the court - whether it's a cash or surety bond.

+$1M is a *lot* of money.
So sad, I called them and they are passing the information onto the FBI.
They said that it is VERY interesting.
They said they are taking EVERY call about GJ very serious so they would be passing the information on imediatly
So sad, I called them and they are passing the information onto the FBI.
They said that it is VERY interesting.
They said they are taking EVERY call about GJ very serious so they would be passing the information on imediatly

It is very sad. Chemeria, thank you for sending in that info!
Hopefully it helps to bring Gabriel back home.
I'm not sure how much of this I can post on here but i'll limit it as much as possible so I don't get in any trouble.
I added one of tps kids to my fb as a friend. She emailed me last night and wanted to know if I knew her. I said no I was just adding you as a friend to support you and your siblings. She then emailed me back and asked if I knew TPS. I said no I did not but she needed to starting talking to bring this little boy home.

This is what her email to me is now when I logged into my FB. I did reply to her and tell her that I do not work for any news or anything that I was just being a friend. But I told her that I would let someone know what she has said. I'm hoping that news people or LE or someone reads here and reads this. Hopefully it'll be helpful!

January 10 at 1:52pm
Tammi wants air time. she will give a little info everyday so that she keeps going on the news. she loves the spotlight, she loves attention. SHE IS WITH HOLDING INFO. and if you do work for any news station mention the gps Tammi let Elizabeth borrow for her "trip" find the gps, you find your answers. gps can tell you everywhere that car has been. it will tell you the truth.

I took out her name after copying and posting here.
So sad, I called them and they are passing the information onto the FBI.
They said that it is VERY interesting.
They said they are taking EVERY call about GJ very serious so they would be passing the information on imediatly

Excellent sleuthing, and excellent job giving the info, Chemeria.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I'm not sure how much of this I can post on here but i'll limit it as much as possible so I don't get in any trouble.
I added one of tps kids to my fb as a friend. She emailed me last night and wanted to know if I knew her. I said no I was just adding you as a friend to support you and your siblings. She then emailed me back and asked if I knew TPS. I said no I did not but she needed to starting talking to bring this little boy home.

This is what her email to me is now when I logged into my FB. I did reply to her and tell her that I do not work for any news or anything that I was just being a friend. But I told her that I would let someone know what she has said. I'm hoping that news people or LE or someone reads here and reads this. Hopefully it'll be helpful!

January 10 at 1:52pm
Tammi wants air time. she will give a little info everyday so that she keeps going on the news. she loves the spotlight, she loves attention. SHE IS WITH HOLDING INFO. and if you do work for any news station mention the gps Tammi let Elizabeth borrow for her "trip" find the gps, you find your answers. gps can tell you everywhere that car has been. it will tell you the truth.

I took out her name after copying and posting here.

I wonder why they all seem so easy to talk to people they dont know thats making me feel weird. But Didn't the boy say he talked to the FBI yesterday? or the day before? I guess they would be talking to all them eventually.. call that number?
lol now you go do the same with the info you just posted!

oops quoted the wrong post!
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