AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #4

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These people are unbelieveable :
Mother of missing baby gets extradited to Arizona

In a Facebook message posted by Tammi on December 23, she said, "Please keep praying for Gabriel and his Mommy's safety on the road! She has found underground help in TX that has given her formula/diapers, etc. and all the legal formalities... Keep praying for his safety.

Appearing on the Nancy Grace show again Friday, Tammi said the message was directed at Gabriel's father Logan McQueary.

"At first she mentioned that it was a domestic violence shelter, and she had used the word 'underground' maybe once in the conversation," said Tammi Smith. "And instead of saying 'domestic violence,' I didn't want that to make Logan think that he was violent towards her."

Despite reports that they wished to adopt Gabriel, the Smiths now say they have nothing to hide, and that they're doing all they can to reunited Gabriel with his father.

"We were actually just thinking of maybe just getting a dog," joked Tammi. "It seems to be a hard process adopting, and I don't know that we want to go through this again, unless the courts said, here's a baby and the parents both signed. That's different."

Both police officials and the Smiths say they believe Gabriel is alive. Now the challenge is finding him.

Police are now following leads tying the Smiths to the Nashville, Tennessee area.

"You know, I hope baby Gabriel is in Nashville," Jack said. "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you. One thing I can tell you, is if they do find him in Nashville, it has nothing to do with us."
"You know, I hope baby Gabriel is in Nashville," Jack said. "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you. One thing I can tell you, is if they do find him in Nashville, it has nothing to do with us."

Yeah, these people are something else. If he's found in Nashville, I would bet it has everything to do with them. I don't believe in coincidences, for the most part.

Do these people think the FBI is going to just give up, then when things die down, they can retrieve Gabriel?

Everything they say is a lie. They are in this up to their eyeballs, I just know it.
My bold.
Not enough time in the day imo. Az to Fl, updating FB, reading the bible, cleaning colons, heading to the NG show, lunch with Pat, rendezvous with Yami, etc... gotta cut something out, visiting with EJ just didn't leave enough room for the master plan, which is titled Look at me! Look at me!

I hate to be such a sloth, but would someone post a link to this Yami/Yonni person who works for Fox News? Or just put up her name so I can look it up. [I have no idea how to spell that 1st name & already forgot the last name.]

TIA :)
actaully I checked that womens page its blocked up a lot but she was marked as out of town to see her dad at the beginning of december (I believe I will get the dates) and then it says 'I just got back' .. and it was January 3rd. But doesn't specify anything else. She has very little information on her page. But that is very odd she would say that. EVERYONE clearly KNOWS that she just handed the baby off..

Maybe a pissed off person that has Gabe? Or knows who has Gabe? and is sticking up for them thats just plan ODD to put up on fb.. PLAN odd.

I think you may be on to something, LOL, keep watching them. Can you take screen shots?

I thought I read somewhere that the Smith's had a time share in Mexico, I think it was in her FB or MS that it was mentioned. Do we know if it's been searched? I still think that might be a good idea to search there it would be a good place to hide checking in no records except with the homeowners, right?
Thanks, maybe he messaged her, or maybe she is just CRAZY? She seems to go back and forth in the media first villifying Logan, and next making statements like "but I don't believe he was ever violent" Who know, but I would take it as a compliment to be blocked by that woman on FB :)

Come on, the Smith's had to have known EJ was diagnosed bipolar and with postpartum depression and I suspect they knew what she did last Summer. If that wasn't enough, they knew what she was doing in December and aided her in that. They probably knew a lot more if they spent tons of hours on a plane talking with her, and so on. We're all pretty sure they had contact with her during those 7 months and that they lied about her just showing back up. They knew she was ripe for the picking. They knew all along that the problem did not lie with Logan. They could have tried to help her and/or Logan, but that was not their intentions from the beginning. They were jockying around on the internet with many different mothers and opportunities - you can't tell me that if one succeeds, you just suddenly throw all those contacts away. No, you contact your adoption buddies and the word is already out.
I think you may be on to something, LOL, keep watching them. Can you take screen shots?


Yea I can take screen shots just see that TS is on to and I am watching to see she doesn't delete what she said LoL
Oh, I know that smart doesn't mean sane. I'm just wracking my brain, and trying to figure out what could have happened here. She is very hard to understand, and I don't know if that's because of mental illness or if it's because someone helped set this up to where it was nearly impossible to untangle all this. I think that she may be one of those people that has brains but no common sense. (That was me for awhile.) I don't want to call EJ a victim, to me the only victims here are Gabe and likely, Logan.
I guess I'm just too badly confused to see anything clearly. I thought it couldn't get crazier than Caylee, I really did. And now there is Gabriel, and I see the case going cold. We at least know what happened to Caylee, I don't think we will ever get that luxury with Gabriel.

Just out of curiosity, I saw that TPS was writing a book, anyone know what it's about?
I thought about that, too, but now it seems to me that it's more likely he will be found in Nashville.

I love this one --

"You know, I hope baby Gabriel is in Nashville," Jack said. "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you. One thing I can tell you, is if they do find him in Nashville, it has nothing to do with us."

So, Jackie Don, does that mean that if he is found anywhere else BUT Nashville, it maybe sorta kinda could be you two liars? But NOT IF HE IS FOUND IN NASHVILLE -- got it. Thanks.

And what kind of crap is, "I can't tell you, and I couldn't tell you . . " ?

These two really like the sound of their own voices.

I too would really like an explanation of just what he means by this. And prove if Gabriel is in Nashville that it doesn't have anything to do with you...does EJ know people there :waitasec:
Do you mean scripted in the sense of planned out in advance? Or scripted in the sense of Tammi having an agenda and trying to prompt Eliz to say certain things that would fit her agenda?

It seems that TS knew EJ's answer in advance -- they had spoken about this before, and TS had said the statement about Logan pushing her off the ledge before -- in many of TS other interviews she stalls a bit and hesitates --here she didn't -- she sounded practiced; she knew her lines
"We were actually just thinking of maybe just getting a dog," joked Tammi. "It seems to be a hard process adopting, and I don't know that we want to go through this again, unless the courts said, here's a baby and the parents both signed

I'm glad this crackpot seems to be able to find the time to make a joke when an innocent baby is missing. She sounds like a cold, heartless, (insert expletetive here), and she shouldn't even be able to adopt a dog.

It's hard to adopt a baby when you use underhanded methods, such as threatening the father, and manipulating the mother.

If they really wanted to adopt a child, they would go to a place where there are plenty of children who need love and adoption agency. Plenty of children are good kids, if you just give them a chance. I can't remember where I read it, but I read somewhere that she didn't want to adopt a child older than H, for fear that an older child would hurt her. What a sad, ignorant thing to say.
Maybe she was told to go to FL by Tammie & Jack or the lady in Nashville, and then they called in the tip? Setting her up, kinda, to pave the way for the adoption?

I don't think EJ was a total innocent in this whole thing, but I do wonder if she didn't get "played" by these fruit-loop do-gooder wanna-be adopters.

They sure seem to be trying to orchestrate all of the stories, imo.

nmk, some of the most brilliant minds in the world are also the most troubled - and not necessarily in an evil way. [See today's story in LA Times re: Walter K. Sartory.]

Goodness gracious - at this point I have no idea what to think about any of them. [OK, I do know that the Peters-Smiths give me major hinx.]

I think they set her up, I'm just not sure to what extent and where EJ went off script. I'm not even sure EJ went off script by telling Logan she had killed Gabriel. Think about it, if someone put her up to this, then they knew she was out of the way as long as Gabriel wasn't ever found. Same thing actually that Tammi and Jack told her in that call. On top of it, EJ has a history with violent eruptions, a diagnosed mental illness, has lied and this all means no matter what story she tells, if it doesn't lead to getting Gabriel back or really give concrete evidence of someone else's involvement, then it's her word against theirs. I'm just not sure that it is more to their benefit to have her in prison than out running free. It does mean the EJ can't go and retrieve anything or whatever other activities and other decisions are eliminated because she is incarcerated. Maybe they figured out it was ok one way or the other, but made sure she was far enough away, she couldn't come back and interfere and it bought them time for her to go all the way to Florida
I just went to TPS' facebook and am trying to get in as a friend - awaiting confirmation.

Anyway, she has 1700+ friends, and one of them has the last name of Crabb -- wasn't that name mentioned in the surrogate site? She asked someone if they knew the Crabb family in Kentucky --
To be quite honest, I believe the Smiths may have opened a can of worms by continually inserting themselves in this case. The longer they're involved and the more they put their face out there, the MORE people who've dealt with them in the past are going to see them and perhaps come forward.

The major reaction I've seen around the internet to the Smiths is negative. I don't believe she's only gotten a few negative comments. Almost every comment section I've seen people are telling them to disappear and or they think the Smiths had something to do with Gabriel's disappearance.

We've seen on many cases where participants backgrounds are checked by arbitrary internet participants. IF they have anything in their past that is the least bit shady, it's going to come out. They sincerely may want to distance themselves from this case. IIRC, the father of their now adopted daughter is claiming he was not given his Rights as a father in their adoption, that is IF that post we saw on another blog was in fact legitimate, so they may already have future legal troubles from this.

I don't know IF they had anything to do with what EJ eventually did with Gabriel. I don't know IF there is a REAL underground network that any of these people are connected to. But IF THERE IS, that underground network better get their act together and produce this child. IF they think they're going to be able to get away with this, IF it's true, with the media attention this case is getting, they're wrong. It's not only the wrath of the State of Arizona, State of Texas, State of Florida, State of Tennessee, and FBI that they're going to need to conted with, it's the entire internet population that has taken an interest in this case. Believe me, I've seen some REALLY GOOD detective work by amatuer sleuts, especially here on Websleuths. People can make fun of us participating in blogs like this all they want, but it doesn't mean we don't or can't come up with results.

Ok, LOL, I'm off my soap box. I really have to run. It's beautiful here and I'm going to spend the day with some of my children. :)

I'll pray that by the time I get home tonite, little Gabriel has been found, healthy, happy, and on his way to his dad's loving arms.


Apparently, they were hired as new worship leaders at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX!

Isn't that where one of TPS' other friends, Cheryl, is a member also?

Seems that TPS has more ties to Cornerstone Church in San Antonio!
I just went to TPS' facebook and am trying to get in as a friend - awaiting confirmation.

Anyway, she has 1700+ friends, and one of them has the last name of Crabb -- wasn't that name mentioned in the surrogate site? She asked someone if they knew the Crabb family in Kentucky --

very interesting she actually has TWO crabbs on there if you search on there there is two of them on the one there is a new pictures just posted with a little 'girl' in it the pic has been edited anyone good with matching up images?
I'm glad this crackpot seems to be able to find the time to make a joke when an innocent baby is missing. She sounds like a cold, heartless, (insert expletetive here), and she shouldn't even be able to adopt a dog.

It's hard to adopt a baby when you use underhanded methods, such as threatening the father, and manipulating the mother.

If they really wanted to adopt a child, they would go to a place where there are plenty of children who need love and adoption agency. Plenty of children are good kids, if you just give them a chance. I can't remember where I read it, but I read somewhere that she didn't want to adopt a child older than H, for fear that an older child would hurt her. What a sad, ignorant thing to say.

I thought the odder thing was that she didn't want to adopt a boy older than H, she was willing to take a girl up to age 8 or a boy and a girl.
I'm not sure about a specific diagnosis with her. There are different severities of having bipolar - they will diagnose sometimes on just mild mood swings, but my bet is that she is much more than that... and possibly she should or could have been diagnosed with other major mental illness. Nonetheless, if she has it or something else pretty severely and the meds were helping, then she could be experiencing a big change without it - like it looks like she is now in a major depressive state (I'm not sure they would give her other meds while they are trying to get info out of her? I have no idea, but I would think they would have had a psychiatrist evaluate her by now?). I would not doubt she went off her meds to experience the manic phase either - she may even have thought that would help get her through her trip or was on some kind of high being without the meds, going for her freedom and big life change thing.

Maybe it is just simpler than being bipolar. She was a foster child. She was in at least 5 different homes, so that indicates behavior problems. She most likely has authority problems and major distrust of authority. Which indicates anger and resentment. She probably lacks stability since turning 18 and being pushed out of the system and is irresponsible from lack of good influence, guidelines and boundaries. Foster kids can be quite wild when they finally get their freedom.
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