AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #6

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A few new tidbits in this one. I swear they read here.

Plagiarists! lol

IMO This article somewhat puts a different spin on the story though, slightly biased toward the TJS' it seems

"Whether [EJ] researched [T and J] Smith is unclear, but knowing their histories, she couldn't have picked a better couple in which to spin her tale of woe."

"[TS] said her former husband abused her and after several years of fighting, she lost custody of her three daughters. [JS] also put up a fight for custody of his granddaughter, [H], from her biological father."

"The [TJS] admit they saw their own heartbreak in [EJ] tearful, blue eyes and believed every word."​

One (yours truly) could also see it as the TJS' taking a 23-year-old emotionally-disturbed and vengeful girl who really had no clue about adoption and leading her down their own experienced and deceitful path--

One (yours truly) could see TS alleged loss of her own children by alleged trickery and see her involvement here and in her other "adoption" case as filling a deep-seated need for not only what she feels she was cheated out of-- children --but a need for some type of revenge --eye for an eye- if her ex can do it, so can she --in a twisted vindication

Hence the reported adoption of H without the father's consent
Hence her friendship with a woman in the adoption business who was "challenged for allegedly stripping a father of his parental rights without properly notifying him." (see above article and the court documents posted in thread #4)
Hence her hooking EJ up with same woman from the adoption business
Hence her post praying for EJ's safe travels and underground help

Her oldest daughter is questioning the legitimacy of TS' statements
Her ex husband is questioning the legitimacy of TS' statements
Her husband's SIL is questioning the legitimacy of TS' and TJ's statements

Does this couple (TS and JS) want a family so desperately because they have severed many of their ties to previous family? Are they thinking about who will take care of them when they age?

I'd ask TS, to please tell us why she sent EJ to San Antonio, or tell us why she sent EJ to JM for adoption advice who sent her to San Antonio, BUT instead I wish that EJ would just talk now that she has a lawyer and implicate the TJS' so they can be STOPPED from any future desires to "help" young mothers

To say "duped" now? c'mon! That is simply cowardly

ALL above IMO based on what I believe to be true
The best and kindest advice I could give TW is to get an attorney, and stop posting all over the internet, if he sincerely wants to try to rectify his situation. All he's doing right now is damaging his chances of getting what he wants in regards to H.

I hope that he doesn't get the child. The last thing she needs is to be removed from the only stable home she knows and go to a virtual stranger. I don't think much of the Smiths but I haven't seen anywhere that they aren't good parents to her. Given a mother with a substance abuse problem and a father that possibly has violent tendencies, she should stay right where she is. Also, I don't think they are dummies. I am sure the adoption was done legally. The fact that the father chose to take a job out of state and didn't have an attorney to go to court for him shows that he knew what was going on and for whatever reason his priority was to work. Leave that little girl alone. She has had a bad enough go of it to bring more sorrow to her.
As for Travis Warford's criminal record in TX.... well here it is

5168573 warford,Travis andrew [Aug-31-1976]



Arrest Date: 02/13/2000 Arrest Summary
DATE OF ARREST 02/13/2000



Arrest Date: 02/16/2000 Arrest Summary
DATE OF ARREST 02/16/2000



Arrest Date: 10/07/2003 Arrest Summary
DATE OF ARREST 10/07/2003


As for Travis Warford's criminal record in TX.... well here it is

Batch Search Summary
5168573 warford,Travis andrew [Aug-31-1976] CCH/NBF/SOR [1 results.] VIEW DETAILS

Respectfully snipped by me...

I truly appreciate your efforts and research, but I was wondering.. could you maybe post a snippet and a link, my scrolly wheel is getting worn out every time I refresh the page.
I forget where the reference is and the exact date, but I think Tammi put Elizabeth in contact with Janet Morris before she left for San Antonio - I could be wrong so I hope someone else can chime in here
According to TS statements it was sometime after EJ left AZ because TS states that JM told EJ the same thing that they had been telling her which was to come back or she might be charged with this and that

I am not sure why TS would not have come forward with this before though--
If she did in fact have EJ call this JM to help bring Gabe back

1 - Why would she not brag about that before the FBI had to find out on their own? Seems good evidence that TS was trying to bring Gabe home
2 -Would EJ in her state of mind want to call JM knowing that some stranger was just going to try to convince her to return to AZ?
What if she took the GPS with her and still had it when she was picked up in Miami Beach?
Is that how they are suddenly sure that she was never in Victoria? If she had it in her backpack, and it was on for a good portion of the trip, it would show where it had been, right? Or would it have to be hooked up in the vehicle to do that?

My Garmin (about 6 months old) is not state of the art by any means, but it is the average GPS portable --I know it will show all of the addresses I have searched before; I am not sure at all that it will locate where I have been if it is ON, but I have not used it to map it out where I am going -- perhaps it saves all of the locations as long as it is on -- I can't access that, but maybe forensics could
I do not always have it plugged in unless I need directions -- I throw it in my center console when I park and often don't take it out until I need directions -- as far as having it on and not plugged in, I am not sure how long it would keep on---not very long
Haha ... posted some of the online stuff I was looking for this morning and couldn't find....

Didn't Tammi claim not long ago they were just babysitting for Gabriel?

That's rhetorical, right? lol
This is who you feel sorry for? I should add that this is his TN record, he is from TX. So who knows what record he has there.


Not to be misquoted, I said "I feel for this guy" -- I don't hold myself above anyone, and I don't use the words "feel sorry" very often if at all

To be clear: "I feel for" someone means that I can put my self in someone's position and try to feel their pain -- the pain of losing a child --

Yes, I found his records in TN and TX and read it all closely when TS first slammed him -- I did not post them here or discuss them in any detail as IMO they are off topic and he is an innocent party to this case

To bring my post back on topic, I feel for JS' SIL who seems to have been put in the same position as Logan was before Gabe was missing --

Not to be misquoted, I said "I feel for this guy" -- I don't hold myself above anyone, and I don't use the words "feel sorry" very often if at all

To be clear: "I feel for" someone means that I can put my self in someone's position and try to feel their pain -- the pain of losing a child --

Yes, I found his records in TN and TX and read it all closely when TS first slammed him -- I did not post them here or discuss them in any detail as they are off topic and he is an innocent party to this case

To bring my post back on topic, I feel for JS SIL who seems to have been put in the same position as Logan was before Gabe was missing --

I do not agree that he is an innocent party in this case. He has posted all over the internet in an attempt to bring attention to himself. Not only that but he is taking advantage of Gabriel being missing to insert himself into it by further distracting the real issues. If the Smith's legally adopted that child he is slandering them and it creates further doubt and suspicion about them in this case where it may be unnecessary. So in that situation people need to know more about the source of these accusations.
A few new tidbits in this one. I swear they read here.

Ruh-roh. I know that feeling. Kinda makes ya queasy, doesn't it? It does me, anyway.

beanE - you are getting an taste of what I feel like I have been experiencing for the last 11 months. [I'm sure I have scars on my forehead by now, lol.]

Y'all get ready, because I have already composed a rather lengthy post (complete with footnotes, no less!) on the adoption agency ideas being thrown out over the past 2 nites. Don't y'all make me post that thing, young ladies!

Mum I don't know if you changed your avi before you signed off for the night, but you look plum beat in the one I'm seeing right now. Dust yourself off, and start sleuthing other avenues that might support your theory. [lol, been there, had to do that, too.]

I have about 6 more pages to read to catch up if I don't conk out first. Hopefully this post doesn't look foolish for my failure to finish reading before posting. [I think I'm a little punchdrunk at this point, so pls forgive.]
A simple Thanks is not enough for this brillant (imo) post, Prof.

Bravo! [Or Brava!]

This will be one heck of a story once everything is eventually unraveled and Baby Gabriel hopefully found safely.

Plagiarists! lol

IMO This article somewhat puts a different spin on the story though, slightly biased toward the TJS' it seems

"Whether [EJ] researched [T and J] Smith is unclear, but knowing their histories, she couldn't have picked a better couple in which to spin her tale of woe."

"[TS] said her former husband abused her and after several years of fighting, she lost custody of her three daughters. [JS] also put up a fight for custody of his granddaughter, [H], from her biological father."

"The [TJS] admit they saw their own heartbreak in [EJ] tearful, blue eyes and believed every word."​

One (yours truly) could also see it as the TJS' taking a 23-year-old emotionally-disturbed and vengeful girl who really had no clue about adoption and leading her down their own experienced and deceitful path--

One (yours truly) could see TS alleged loss of her own children by alleged trickery and see her involvement here and in her other "adoption" case as filling a deep-seated need for not only what she feels she was cheated out of-- children --but a need for some type of revenge --eye for an eye- if her ex can do it, so can she --in a twisted vindication

Hence the reported adoption of H without the father's consent
Hence her friendship with a woman in the adoption business who was "challenged for allegedly stripping a father of his parental rights without properly notifying him." (see above article and the court documents posted in thread #4)
Hence her hooking EJ up with same woman from the adoption business
Hence her post praying for EJ's safe travels and underground help

Her oldest daughter is questioning the legitimacy of TS' statements
Her ex husband is questioning the legitimacy of TS' statements
Her husband's SIL is questioning the legitimacy of TS' and TJ's statements

Does this couple (TS and JS) want a family so desperately because they have severed many of their ties to previous family? Are they thinking about who will take care of them when they age?

I'd ask TS, to please tell us why she sent EJ to San Antonio, or tell us why she sent EJ to JM for adoption advice who sent her to San Antonio, BUT instead I wish that EJ would just talk now that she has a lawyer and implicate the TJS' so they can be STOPPED from any future desires to "help" young mothers

To say "duped" now? c'mon! That is simply cowardly

ALL above IMO based on what I believe to be true
Again, Robin, I agree, I think Tammi knew she had a vulnerable victim in Elizabeth and knew exactly how to push and what buttons to push.

I also think that Elizabeth wants a lawyer and we may see that quickly leads to something.

I'm not so sure I think this was an adoption - at least not an immediate one. I think the other route is someone hiding him until, like Jack said, he gets filtered back into the system. For most purposes that doesn't have to happen until school age. Not as many questions are asked when you've already had a child for 5 years and I'm not so sure by then any one would present it as an adoption. They can probably get phony papers that are not even questioned.

Any chance that someone they know lost an infant/toddler recently? [I don't mean misplaced lost, but lost due to SIDS or some severe birth defects or something.]

It's a longshot, I realize, but you don't just "filter a child back into the system" anymore. This is the 21st century, the great Digital Age, where there is no such thing as real privacy or lost records anymore.
Someone called and verified that Tornado doesn't stop in Victoria, but I don't think anyone has called and verified whether or not it goes through Victoria, or near enough to ping a tower there.

I'm thought she took the bus AFTER the phone pings in Victoria? Am I wrong about that? It was my understanding that she drove down there to Victoria(completely out of the way) and then came back up to San An...and got on the bus...that would shoot down any thoughts that it was pinged in Victoria while she was on the bus...
I so don't want to even think about Gabriel gone overseas. If he's been taken out of country, he's not ever coming back IMO (as much as it pains me to think that).

Don't be so sure. It's the people on the blogs like us that are fed up with the way it's historically been. Time to make some substantial changes.
What bothers me the most (besides the fact that there is a helpless baby missing) is Elizabeth's determination to sit in jail without saying a word. If she really did give Gabriel up, I would think a plea would drastically reduce her time in prison, so why not talk. If she is doing all this to spite Logan, I have trouble believing that would last long in lock down( 23 out of every 24 hours a day). The only reason, I can see, for her silence is that her crime will bring charges worse than what she already has, if she were to come clean.

Again, hoping an attorney will be honest with her about what she's facing. As the charges stand now, they are pretty much a slam dunk. A good attorney will level with her about this.
According to TS statements it was sometime after EJ left AZ because TS states that JM told EJ the same thing that they had been telling her which was to come back or she might be charged with this and that

I am not sure why TS would not have come forward with this before though--
If she did in fact have EJ call this JM to help bring Gabe back

1 - Why would she not brag about that before the FBI had to find out on their own? Seems good evidence that TS was trying to bring Gabe home
2 -Would EJ in her state of mind want to call JM knowing that some stranger was just going to try to convince her to return to AZ?

Good morning, friends. Catching up, so this may have already been posted.

Prof (and I think Marigold was looking for this too), I'd posted that Tammi asked Janet from Nashville to call Eliz on Dec 26 or Dec 27. I just looked it up to confirm it.

Please note that this also includes the date Eliz told Tammi about the 'underground' - Dec 26.

For reference: Dec 26 is Saturday, the last confirmed sighting of Gabriel. Dec 27 is Sunday, the day Eliz texted Logan and hopped the bus. Dec 28 is the Monday when the full custody hearing was held.

"CASAREZ: Right before the commercial break, you told us that Elizabeth had told you, and referred to it as an "underground help" at least once -- that she had gone to. When did she tell you this?

TAMMI SMITH: She told me, I believe it was the day before that Sunday that she had found a domestic violence -- she didn`t tell me a name. She just said that that was her plan to go there and they would take care of everything because that was our last plea to come back. I had a friend in Nashville that works with attorneys call her and plea to her to come back here to Arizona to court on Monday. I had my attorney call her and plea to her to come back here and go to court on that Monday, so -- yes.

CASAREZ: So you say that she said to you the Saturday before the Sunday -- so you`re saying -- the Sunday of the 27th, she left...


CASAREZ: ... San Antonio. So she was in San Antonio when she told you she had found an underground domestic violence shelter, a place to go?



Search tip: the way I find NG transcripts quickly is by googling:

transcript nancy grace guestname keyword(s)

as in this instance:

transcript nancy grace tammi smith call friend

This transcript popped right up as the second link.
After seeing the way Tammi trashed Logan during the beginning of her media 'tour', I believe that Tammi helped to manipulate Elizabeth into hating Logan.

I'd bet that Tammi played a huge role, behind the scenes, of destoying that relationship, all for Tammi's own gain.

If I look at the timeline of how long Logan and Elizabeth we together as a couple, it seems to me that things really got out of control after Tammi and Elizabeth hooked up.

I think that Logan may have actually brought some much needed stability into Elizabeth's life, and Tammi was hell-bent on destroying that- just so Tammi could get her paws on the precious baby Gabriel.

Just my speculation, of course.
I do not agree that he is an innocent party in this case. He has posted all over the internet in an attempt to bring attention to himself. Not only that but he is taking advantage of Gabriel being missing to insert himself into it by further distracting the real issues. If the Smith's legally adopted that child he is slandering them and it creates further doubt and suspicion about them in this case where it may be unnecessary. So in that situation people need to know more about the source of these accusations.

Agreed. This case is becoming all too much about people other than Gabriel, including way too much wild speculation, fabrication, and exaggeration.

I get tickled every time I see posted on the internet Tammi or Jack getting trashed for their speculation, fabrication, and exaggeration, when the trashing itself is purely wild speculation, fabrication, and exaggeration.

Pot meet kettle.

Wild speculation, fabrication, and exaggeration may be great entertainment for some, but it's not going to find out what happened to Gabriel. Let's stick to the facts, and keep speculation based on those facts, and somewhere within the bounds of logic, reason, and common sense.

It's about Gabriel.

(Glad I got my rant for today over with early.)
My first New Year 2010 prediction (lol!).....

If Gabriel is not found within the next 3 days (maximum), and if Elizabeth does not start talking within that same time period, they will slap murder charges onto her other standing charges so hard Elizabeth's head will spin.
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