AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #10

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Did Mom tell Dad to please put Isabel to bed for her, and he didn't completely follow through, I wonder? There does seem to be some tension there...JMO
Becky may have braided Isa hair nightly because of hair tats in the morning. JMO
Dad seem to have avoided the question on how he feels that people blame him. However i don't think he is hearing much of anything as he is distraught over his baby girl missing as it sounds like they had a good relationship. JMO
I wonder if the Uncle/Cousin lives close by and went over to Isa house to go to the ball game that morning and he was the one that woke up Isa and she was gone (making him a suspect in LE eyes) Not that he is suspect but if he is the cousin? Maybe he wanted to be there to see family reaction knowing Isa was gone? JMO Just thinking here.:waitasec:
Also with the family (hiding)from public are they also hiding from some family as LE might have told them usually in cases like this it is a family/friend and they have some people in mind and working to help LE?
I just can't wraP my head around a man taking such a huge risk coming into this house after 11pm (way after that) since the parents would have to go to sleep. He comes into a full house of people and happens upon isa's room without being seen or heard and then carries her out without her screaming- he carries her out of a window? Or a door? Locks the door? Is not seen outside carrying a child?

How did he do this?

I seriously hear everything in my hOuse at night. was this a big house?
Are we sure her hair was braided after the game? I have to listen to the interview again. Maybe mom braided her hair before the game?

Here's the transcript of that part of the intervew

just that sweet little face . just that sweet little face . she had just gotten her hair done. it was just before she went to bed. she had a baseball game early the next morning. and becky braided her hair up. so she was going to be ready for early morning . and i was asking her if she was hungry. and she just had that little sleepy look as she was walking by. and she just said, "no, daddy. i'm tired." she was just walking by
I believe they had more than one type of dog at the home and LE has never confirmed what type of trained dog it was that alerted in the home.

Right, there were 2 dogs from the FBI, LE has never said which dog hit on what.

I wish JVM would stop saying 'The cadaver dog got a hit at the house'...
You're correct it isn't a direct quote, but according to that reporter (and please note this is not a Huff Post often looney blogger/reporter, this is reuters) the police said it. The police may have dropped the F bomb in there (I am sure they didn't this is an example) so the reporter has reworded the cops exact words, leaving out the unnecessary word.

If I directly quoted everything said to me in stories word for word there would be quite a few people that would look like complete buffoons with their stuttering, obvious poor word choices, poor explanations - often caused by nerves or circumstance. But TUCKED in this case seems to be a word mentioned not one added by the reporter for colour. IF the reporter did actually throw that word in off their own back I am sure there would be a retraction and apology because it would certainly mislead readers.

If a reporter was told Dad was the last one to see Isabel the previous night, and assumed he brought her to her room then that's where it could be a big deal. If Dad never did go into Isabel's room that night, and there was someone already in there...

Reporters use their own words all the time.
I thought I heard yesterday that they would make a decision "today" (yesterday) about the pressers. Anyone know if they will be continuing them?
Asked if he had anything to do with Isabel's disappearance, Sergio closed his eyes for a moment before responding.

"I wish I knew where to begin," he said. "We are so frustrated."

Read more:

Did anyone see the presser?
Why didn't he immediately say "NO" or did he
I didn't see it and the article might have left that out.


1st BBM: Yes ... that is what Sergio said ...

2nd BBM: He did NOT immediately say "NO" ... and JMO, but it raised my radar !

And JMO ... but that was a very "strange" answer ...


1st BBM: Yes ... that is what Sergio said ...

2nd BBM: He did NOT immediately say "NO" ... and JMO, but it raised my radar !

And JMO ... but that was a very "strange" answer ...


That was my feelings too, very strange. I went back and watched that moment twice.
Since my post was quoted and then uses a second person address "you," I guess I am expected to respond; although, I am confused.

First of all, I cannot imagine if I did this. Period.

If there was another person in that home, would not that person be very alerted when that person was not called as a potential witness, or involved?

Since posters have suggested that the uncle/cousin is suspect for the very reason he spoke to news media so early--inserted himself-- my thought would be that he would still be inserting himself if he was there the night Isa disappeared.

Again, my disclaimer: I may not be understanding the reply to my post.

Is this post suggesting that some known to the famliy person was in the house when Isa went missing, contrary to what LE has stated or led us to believe for 13 days, and LE instead of simply bringing in that other relative or friend to interview is trying to ignore that person, so that person will make a mistake?

I would think if anyone else was in the home that night LE would have requested them to return to the home like they did the parents and older son.

And if that had happened they would have been shown on the media video right along with the others who were shown entering.

I dont think anyone else was in the home but the family, imo.
I have not seen anyone else say this, I guess I am just not seeing what every one else is, but to me the moms reaction was odd she seemed to have a smirk on her face thru the entire interview also her eyes are looking all around. I beleived the dad and saw grief and heart ache, but the mom I just didn't see anything.
I would be hysterical if this was my child, I mean truely hysterical...... Also did you guys see at the begining of the video how high and small those windows were? they also said that there were dogs both inside and outside that night.

1st BBM: Yes ... that is what Sergio said ...

2nd BBM: He did NOT immediately say "NO" ... and JMO, but it raised my radar !

And JMO ... but that was a very "strange" answer ...


I think he found that speculative question preposterous and outrageous. He cant imagine why someone would believe that about him or even ask him that question.

Nancy Grace will discuss the Today show appearance by Isabel's parents on her HLN show tonight (8:00 Eastern, repeated at 10:00).
I have not seen anyone else say this, I guess I am just not seeing what every one else is, but to me the moms reaction was odd she seemed to have a smirk on her face thru the entire interview also her eyes are looking all around. I beleived the dad and saw grief and heart ache, but the mom I just didn't see anything.
I would be hysterical if this was my child, I mean truely hysterical...... Also did you guys see at the begining of the video how high and small those windows were? they also said that there were dogs both inside and outside that night.

Thats an interesting observation about the mom. The only time I think I saw her smile was when talking about what kind of child Isabel is. And I think that was perfectly normal. However, throughout the rest of the interview she came off as very controlled, trying to keep her emotions in check. There were two times I noticed a little anger coming through, but she would tense up and take deep breathes.
I've got a niggling feeling about the "Snyder Molester" (20 something man with three girls) and Isa's abductor. Not just the same town, same age victims and same two week period.

The composite sketch of "S.M.", imo, has a military look. His short cropped hair and the eyeglasses (which resemble military issue.)

Isa's abuctor (if not family) must be extra-stealthy and strong. Maybe someone like Joseph Duncan, who had access to night-vision goggles and a weapon.

Freedom Park is a large complex of baseball and soccer fields. It lays on the Northwest corner of Craycroft and Golflinks. As has been stated here, it's the perfect pedo playground. There are lots of games going on at all times, from early morning, into the night. Adult leagues play there as well as children's leagues, in addition to special sporting events. (Husband's unit played a weekend softball tournament there when he was in the service.)

So, lone adults without children there at any time, aren't unusual. It would be easy to follow the family home, it's a straight 2 mile shot from Freedom Park to their home, with just one turn (off of Craycroft) and lots of other traffic to conceal the stalker.

Across Golflinks is Davis Monthan AFB. (Hence the name of the park, "Freedom Park".) I wonder if the grandfather of the "S.M." girls was retired Air Force or a veteran. If so, I wonder if the girls visited the base while they were in Tucson.

Trying to keep up with this thread but it's not easy! I hope everyone will respect each others opinions and realize we are all really 'thinking out loud.' If any of us held the key to the castle, so to speak, we wouldn't be here. I enjoy others opinions just as much as I enjoy expressing mine.

Based on Sergio's reaction to that question, I have to wonder if the parents left the house that night and someone else they trusted was caring for the kids. The cousin/uncle/friend comes to mind but maybe it's someone completely different. I do think they are hating themselves for some reason and because they don't want to make accusations about this person, they are laying low, hoping beyond hope what happened to their precious daughter was really want this person is making them believe. It's kind of how the Anthony's were at first, defending CA and as time went by and realilty sunk in, and they came to their senses.....well we know how that turned out. could the parents have gone out that night ? Do you mean after the family came back from the baseball game ? Didn't people see Sergio there , he is a coach ? Isabel's mom was said by a colleague to be in work very early on the Saturday morning... It makes me think they were all home that Friday night. But who knows ? JMO
I agree with what a poster just said a few posts back-it was almost as if he didn't hear the question (was he involved) over the thought in his head 'WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?' It just didn't seem suspicious to me.*
Mom looked like she was trying very hard to control herself, yes she looked nervous but I would be alarmed if she was just calmly sitting there.*
Oh almost forgot-Sergio saying "Isa is IS.."-to me that looked like someone trying very hard to believe his daughter is still alive. Almost like if he believes it hard enough it will be true. I tend to do the same thing-speak that way-so maybe that's why I didn't see anything suspicious about it, IDK. But they must know what the odds are...
If a reporter was told Dad was the last one to see Isabel the previous night, and assumed he brought her to her room then that's where it could be a big deal. If Dad never did go into Isabel's room that night, and there was someone already in there...

Reporters use their own words all the time.

Honestly? We don't - we can't make up stuff as we go - not in print anyway.
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