AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #12

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with all due respect, if it's that private a matter, then we shouldn't be here at all.

hundreds of volunteers giving their time and money as well as scores of police officers, reporters, and internet sleuthers are trying to find a missing little girl. thousands of dollars in manpower, taxes, and labor have been spent, donated, or otherwise given to help this family.

i could give a **** about the parents. i want to hear the 911 call and see the evidence. unedited. so we can sleuth, unedited. obviously JMO...

Thank you! The voice of reason! This is not about how amazing and lovely the parents are! This is about a little girl who is missing and probably dead and finding out the TRUTH about what happened to her and if Sergio looks like the Lord Himself whilst singing Ava Marie, I could give a rat's arse unless it helps us find the TRUTH!

Sorry for the outburst but I have had it with the pussy-footing around the parents!

JMHO, all MOO!

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Thank you! The voice of reason! This is not about how amazing and lovely the parents are! This is about a little girl who is missing and probably dead and finding out the TRUTH about what happened to her and if Sergio looks like the Lord Himself whilst singing Ava Marie, I could give a rat's arse unless it helps us find the TRUTH!

Sorry for the outburst but I have had it with the pussy-footing around the parents!

JMHO, all MOO!

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My original quote which started this was about 911 calls in general and how I believe that they should be kept private, as they are by law, in NY state. I don't mean to say we should tiptoe around the parents. But explain to me what need you personally have to hear the 911 tape other than mere curiosity. To solve the case? That isn't your job, unless you work for TPD. To judge people guilty or innocent outside a trial? There is no reason, at all, that anyone other than LE NEEDS to hear what is on that tape, right now. And when I need to call 911, I think it should be my right to consider it a private matter between myself and LE. I enjoy sleuthing as much as the rest of you, but I am not so jaded that I think I have a right to see all the evidence and hear what was said on 911 unless it becomes a part of the case presented to a jury. Sometimes I think we need to remember that we are ARMCHAIR sleuths, and we are talking about tragedies that occur in other people's REAL LIFE.
Apparently Sergio is looking pretty good, as in, he is NOT named as a person of interest. Also-it IS about how amazing and lovely the parents are. In the very beginning of this case, it was reported that Isabel's parents are in Mass WEEKLY. That says something to me. Along with other evidence that the parents work hard to support their children, have the children involved in the community via sports etc.

In my opinion I feel that the parents of Isabel are very much the victims of a horrific crime.
with all due respect, if it's that private a matter, then we shouldn't be here at all.

hundreds of volunteers giving their time and money as well as scores of police officers, reporters, and internet sleuthers are trying to find a missing little girl. thousands of dollars in manpower, taxes, and labor have been spent, donated, or otherwise given to help this family.

<modsnip>. i want to hear the 911 call and see the evidence. unedited. so we can sleuth, unedited. obviously JMO...

And I respectfully disagree. It is one thing to read media articles or look at the news about cases or follow trials as they happen but 911 calls being released are intrusive, imo, and shouldnt be revealed. Now if they should be played in court during a trial that is a different matter altogether imo, but just to satisfy someone's curiosity not even connected to the case is senseless, imo.

I am glad that at least one state has put a stop to it altogether and I hope more states follow suit.

<modsnip>. Volunteers arent volunteering because they want the 911 call released nor is anyone else that has been involved in searching for Isa.

What evidence? Sleuth what? I have never seen any evidence revealed in a 911 call. If it has evidence in it then they will redact that out as this is an ongoing investigation. This is a LE team who reveals nothing.


It certainly does not change MY own opinion that 911 calls are intrusive.

Apparently Sergio is looking pretty good, as in, he is NOT named as a person of interest. Also-it IS about how amazing and lovely the parents are. In the very beginning of this case, it was reported that Isabel's parents are in Mass WEEKLY. That says something to me. Along with other evidence that the parents work hard to support their children, have the children involved in the community via sports etc.

In my opinion I feel that the parents of Isabel are very much the victims of a horrific crime.

ITA! I think the Celis family are outstanding people and lead by example.

Starry, what is MASS Weekly, if I may ask?

Sorry for the dumb question.

And I respectfully disagree. It is one thing to read media articles or look at the news about cases or follow trials as they happen but 911 calls being released are intrusive, imo, and shouldnt be revealed. Now if they should be played in court during a trial that is a different matter altogether imo, but just to satisfy someone's curiosity not even connected to the case is senseless, imo.

I am glad that at least one state has put a stop to it altogether and I hope more states follow suit.

I am not sure what your angry rant has to do with releasing the 911 call. Volunteers arent volunteering because they want the 911 call released nor is anyone else that has been involved in searching for Isa.

What evidence? Sleuth what? I have never seen any evidence revealed in a 911 call. If it has evidence in it then they will redact that out as this is an ongoing investigation. This is a LE team who reveals nothing.

It doesnt matter to me when whit if you dont care about these parents so I am not sure why you are even bringing that up in your reply to me.

It certainly does not change MY own opinion that 911 calls are intrusive.


then we shall agree to disagree.
Thank you! The voice of reason! This is not about how amazing and lovely the parents are! This is about a little girl who is missing and probably dead and finding out the TRUTH about what happened to her and if Sergio looks like the Lord Himself whilst singing Ava Marie, I could give a rat's arse unless it helps us find the TRUTH!

Sorry for the outburst but I have had it with the pussy-footing around the parents!

JMHO, all MOO!

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How is releasing a 911 call helping to find Isa?

The thing about a 911 call is that at that moment-you have a human being in terror and bewilderment and frantic-raw emotion. I for one, do not want to be some kind of voyeur into that person's unfortunate moment-besides, in a state of panic-sheer terror etc, wrong information many a time may get conveyed, so a 911 call recording may not tell the whole/factually correct story.
ITA! I think the Celis family are outstanding people and lead by example.

Starry, what is MASS Weekly, if I may ask?

Sorry for the dumb question.

NOT a dumb question at all!

For Catholics to be in 'good standing' or a 'state of grace' one must attend the church service which is called MASS.
To attend Mass weekly on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation, one must attend. Otherwise-you risk being in a state of sin......usually mortal.
Attending Mass as a Catholic ensures that we are all part of the Body of Christ-He is the tree and we are the branches sort of thing....sorry-it can be a little complicated.

There are many 'fallen-away' Catholics who do not attend Mass except on Christmas and Easter.

I guess what it tells me about the Celis's is that they take their religion very seriously. Very. And that, in turn, tells me they are doing their best to be as good people as they can, and also to show their children an example. Faith is what our children can live on when all else fails.

Sorry for the catechism lesson lol.

Please, people-do not think I am judging anyone who does not go to Mass weekly! lol

And for other Catholics reading here-if I messed up then correct it please (apologetics ha ha)
That's nice that you are not cynical!

I am afraid that I am. And with good reason.

I have seen too much shiftiness and outright evil to just assume that everyone is swell and on the up and up.

And when it comes to protecting my child, I am doubly cynical.

I have noticed, though, several times you have referenced the incredibly strong faith and devoutness of the Celises, but I have seen nothing in the MSM to support that. Do you have links ?

I mean, I am technically a member of my church and parish, but haven't attended mass in several years. Is it just the rosary-wearing that makes you think they are so devout? IIRC, Becky stated that she was not particularly religious. And although I don't sing opera, I can sing Ava Maria. And I can recite the Stations of the Cross, Hail Mary, Apostles Creed, etc.

I am not at all religious anymore.

Thanks in advance for the links/support!

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I understand that our own life experiences makes us the way we are. For several years now I have donated to several different funds set up for missing children and I have never regretted it for one second nor had any reason to. I still hear from some of them and its been years and we still keep in touch. I also have donated to children where one parent was murdered by the other parent.

I have seen their Priest speak out and he said they are relying on their strong faith in God.

Whether Becky said at one time she wasnt particularly religious never means she doesnt believe in God and if she had strayed from the church when people have such terrible tragedies in their lives they will come to realize they need God in their lives more than ever. I am not Catholic but I know many who ask God for guidance and strength in their time of need or if their family is in need.

I actually havent noticed the rosaries that much. That may be because I am a Baptist and they arent used in our church.

I believe that the Celis family is a good family and in almost three weeks now not ONE person has said otherwise. In fact I have only read/heard and seen great things said about this family from those who really know them.

Like I have said before, they remind me very much of Elizabeth Smart's family.

I have had my own share of knowing evil when I had to endure abuse during most of my childhood and in my first marriage but it has not left me cynical and thinking the worst in someone when there is no evidence to support it.

And I respectfully disagree. It is one thing to read media articles or look at the news about cases or follow trials as they happen but 911 calls being released are intrusive, imo, and shouldnt be revealed. Now if they should be played in court during a trial that is a different matter altogether imo, but just to satisfy someone's curiosity not even connected to the case is senseless, imo.

I am glad that at least one state has put a stop to it altogether and I hope more states follow suit.

<modsnip>. Volunteers arent volunteering because they want the 911 call released nor is anyone else that has been involved in searching for Isa.

What evidence? Sleuth what? I have never seen any evidence revealed in a 911 call. If it has evidence in it then they will redact that out as this is an ongoing investigation. This is a LE team who reveals nothing.


It certainly does not change MY own opinion that 911 calls are intrusive.


Hitting the thanks was not nearly enough. I so so totally agree with all of your points.
NOT a dumb question at all!

For Catholics to be in 'good standing' or a 'state of grace' one must attend the church service which is called MASS.
To attend Mass weekly on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation, one must attend. Otherwise-you risk being in a state of sin......usually mortal.
Attending Mass as a Catholic ensures that we are all part of the Body of Christ-He is the tree and we are the branches sort of thing....sorry-it can be a little complicated.

There are many 'fallen-away' Catholics who do not attend Mass except on Christmas and Easter.

I guess what it tells me about the Celis's is that they take their religion very seriously. Very. And that, in turn, tells me they are doing their best to be as good people as they can, and also to show their children an example. Faith is what our children can live on when all else fails.

Sorry for the catechism lesson lol.

Please, people-do not think I am judging anyone whpo does not go to Mass weekly! lol

And for other Catholics reading here-if I messed up then correct it please (apologetics ha ha)

Thank you so much for answering me.

We have several close friends who are Catholics but we do not go to their church so we have no idea about Catholicism. I do know they attend Mass every Sunday and at other times.

I see Isabel's mom as a pragmatist sort-while Sergio is very driven by passion, emotion, and very deep faith. How they complement each other is very good for them during this time.

Ocean- you have a good discerning eye and I believe you to be quite the good judge of character.
That is awesome what you do for missing children. Awesome.
Thank you...........
That's nice that you are not cynical!

I am afraid that I am. And with good reason.

I have seen too much shiftiness and outright evil to just assume that everyone is swell and on the up and up.

And when it comes to protecting my child, I am doubly cynical.

I have noticed, though, several times you have referenced the incredibly strong faith and devoutness of the Celises, but I have seen nothing in the MSM to support that. Do you have links ?

I mean, I am technically a member of my church and parish, but haven't attended mass in several years. Is it just the rosary-wearing that makes you think they are so devout? IIRC, Becky stated that she was not particularly religious. And although I don't sing opera, I can sing Ava Maria. And I can recite the Stations of the Cross, Hail Mary, Apostles Creed, etc.

I am not at all religious anymore.

Thanks in advance for the links/support!

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I think SC's rendition of Ava Maria said a lot and yes it was in the media and posted a few times. Add to that their constant requests for prayer and even their rosary wearing (both seen in the media on numerous occasions and posted here) goes to show they are religious. I have seen some perfect examples of unchristian like behaviour from people that attend church every Sunday (and they probably need to to ask forgiveness for their abysmal actions) - they are far less christian than I who attends church when I visit the new england area and can actually find a Church of England to attend (they are lacking in Texas)
The thing about a 911 call is that at that moment-you have a human being in terror and bewilderment and frantic-raw emotion. I for one, do not want to be some kind of voyeur into that person's unfortunate moment-besides, in a state of panic-sheer terror etc, wrong information many a time may get conveyed, so a 911 call recording may not tell the whole/factually correct story.

Perfect example the Anthonys, 911 call did nothing.
So, not asking to post the address...but do we know if the grandparents live close? And if so, how close?
So, not asking to post the address...but do we know if the grandparents live close? And if so, how close?

Sergio's parents live on the same street as they do, several houses away.
I personally do not believe we are entitled to a lot of info LE has especially if it protects the integrity of the case or can bring a child home.
You guys know the rules - no sleuthing the parents unless they are named by LE.

You may discuss their statements in the media and things of that sort. You may not bash or trash or post criminal records.

As always, the rules of the case will remain flexible to respond to the information that is given by LE/MSM.

Don't blast each other, it will just earn you a TO.

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