AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #13

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That's what was reported early in the investigation. During an interview, however, Sergio simply mentioned that he worked in a dental surgery office and did not specify that he was a hygienist. If a license is required for this position, he does not have one.

It is not a professional license it is just a certificate one can get from any 2 year technical or trade school.
I dont want to suggest that people should not trust the police, there are many fine people who are police officers but they are not your friends and buddies when they are involved in an investigation, YOU just said yourself that YOU DONT UNDERSTAND why some people say the things that they do, TAKE THAT IN TO CONSIDERATION when you are speaking to police, THEY ZERO IN ON EVERY SINGLE LITTLE WORD YOU USE and if you are not precise or well versed in the english language and most Americans are not, you can find yourself in hot water in a hurry even if you are innocent just because you express yourself in a certain way, which to you may sound innocent but to a seasoned interrogator who is trained to zero in and everything you say and READ BETWEEN THE LINES of everything you say, what you think you are saying may mean something entirely different to a cop. This is why you have an attorney, we have a knowledge of what WORDS MEAN and what words should be used in any given situation and how some words or phrases that to most everyone seem innocent could trigger a red flag to a professional interrogator.

Obviously this doesn't mean anything coming from stranger in cyberspace, but you are one of the most intelligent people I have had the pleasure of "hearing" in a long time. While I certainly pray that I will never be in any trouble, if were I would surely want someone like you on my side!

That being said, I hope they find Isabel and I hope the person/s responsible for her being taken are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law (and then some).


P.S A Blessed & Happy Mother's day to everyone.
It is not a professional license it is just a certificate one can get from any 2 year technical or trade school.

This might vary from state-to-state. The hygienists and dental assistant in my dental office are licensed by the State of Michigan.
A dental hygenist i believe......thats what i read, it is stated on thread one i just read it.

A hygienest has to be licensed and no one has found a license issued to Sergio. I read that he is an assistant in an oral surgery office. That does not require a license, unless things have changed since I held that job.

Hygienests do not normally work in oral surgery offices. JMO, MOO, all that.
I'm just floored by these latest news.Up to now I've been giving the parents the benefit of a doubt.I really did not think this would turn out to be one of the cases where the parents are involved! Yes,they've been acting "unsusual" but who know how one acts when faced with something so horrible?
I was leaning 100% towards someone connected to the uncle/cousin....but now I'm not so sure anymore....
...then again I'm reminded of the Keegan Schuchardt abduction that just happened here resently in my area and CPS took the fathers remaining kids and would not give the baby back for awhile because the dad failed a drug maybe it's just something simple like that and really doesn't have to do anything with Isa's disappearance?
....but for the parents to be separated when they seemed "unseperable" mit really makes me think twice !!

I'm in Houston, too, and Keith Schuchardt still doesn't have custody of his children. He admitted to taking a Vicodin that morning and tested positive for marijuana. The grandparents have custody while he completes parenting classes, which will take a few months.

Do you remember the case of Devon Davis, the 2 year old who got out while his mom was napping, and drowned in a pond behind his house? After his drowning, CPS met with the family and they agreed upon a Child Safety Plan for their infant daughter. The parents admitted to a DV call to their home in VA, (neighbors called after hearing a loud argument, but no charges were filed) and CPS had been called to their home in VA on another occasion, but nothing inappropriate was found. The Davises agreed to the safety plan so that CPS could work with them to child-proof their home. They passed their background checks and drug tests, and spent $600 to child-proof their home, but CPS gave them no time frame for returning their daughter to them. After 5 weeks, the parents snatched their daughter from the foster home and moved back to VA. Apparently, no laws were broken because it was a voluntary agreement.

If the Celis' voluntarily agreed upon a child safety plan, is it legally binding, as well? I believe I read that the family met with CPS and agreed to this, which sounds similar to what happened with the Davis family. The no contact order is the big difference here. Is it legally binding without a court order?
I was being silly of course, I think the person who posted he may be gay and a pedophile simply meant exactly that, it is possible he could be gay, there is some evidence for it in his behavior I suppose AND a pedophile at the same time. I dont think this means that all gay men are pedophiles, one would have to be living under a rock to draw such a silly conclusion about an entire group of people.

I don't agree that there is "evidence" that Sergio is "gay." If someone on this forum FEELS he's gay, that another story.

And, I'm officially offended that this has even come up. What does this have to do - IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM - with this case??? ANYONE???????
This might vary from state-to-state. The hygienists and dental assistant in my dental office are licensed by the State of Michigan.

That is likely true, I know they just have to get a certificate from a trade school but I do not know what sort of testing or certification/licensing is required thereafter.
I don't agree that there is "evidence" that Sergio is "gay." If someone on this forum FEELS he's gay, that another story.

And, I'm officially offended that this has even come up. What does this have to do - IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM - with this case??? ANYONE???????

I think it was originally brought up as a theory for why the parents may be separated?

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I don't agree that there is "evidence" that Sergio is "gay." If someone on this forum FEELS he's gay, that another story.

And, I'm officially offended that this has even come up. What does this have to do - IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM - with this case??? ANYONE???????

I have no idea, I didnt bring it up and that is why I said "I SUPPOSE there is evidence" I guess to some the way he talks and walks or whatever indicate to them he may be gay, I disagreed with that in several posts, however. I dont see him as being gay.

I think for those WHO DID BRING IT UP, they largely did so to possibly explain the possible marriage problems between the two and also what appears to be a cold and distant attitude of Becky around Sergio.
Nothing as far as I know. My understanding is LE does not want public searches. LE is following up on leads. I guess some sort of searches down in Mexico but who knows what kind of investigating is going on there. Is it physical searches or just putting up flyers?

If LE doesn't want public searches that makes me wonder even more about the monies being collected for "searches" if they aren't happening. Even if its just flyers, money being generated from one or two fundraisers should enough IMO. Now if its for searches in Mexico, that sounds fishy to me.

Where is Isabel?
I don't agree that there is "evidence" that Sergio is "gay." If someone on this forum FEELS he's gay, that another story.

And, I'm officially offended that this has even come up. What does this have to do - IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM - with this case??? ANYONE???????

Well there is nothing wrong with being gay and there are many married men that ARE gay and never come out.

I think it was how he said things that caused some to think that i dont know!
It crossed someones mind!

Is this likely due to the fact that an "assistant" doesn't have direct contact with the patient? Duties like sterilizing instruments, handing them to the dental surgeon, cleaning up following procedures, etc. would not require the assistant to have any direct contact with a patient.

An assistant does have contact with patients. They assist the doctor in many aspects of surgery. It has been a number of years since I had that job, for all I know a license is required now. Direct contact would be mostly evacuating blood during surgery. Taking x-rays.
He is a dental surgery assistant/oral surgery assistant. This is not a licensed profession like a dentist or hygienist. It is a certificate program and you need to pass an exam, and possibly hold a radiologic proficiency certificate, CPR, etc. The reason dentists/hygienists are required to be licensed is that they provide services and bill for them. The assistant does not bill for services, yet works [legally] under the direction of a state licensed provider, the dentist or oral surgeon. Yes, they have direct contact with patients in the capacity of an assistant, along with sterilization, documentation, etc.

Most oral surgery assistants do not even have the higher education offered through ABOMS...(board certification) but those that do are highly coveted in the work force.

It's interesting how some look a name up in one database and leap to the conclusion that SC is some sort of unlicensed quack or otherwise lying about his profession.

IRT the CPS actions -I think it's great -they have a responsibility to be overly cautious in ensuring the well-being of the older boys...especially with such a high profile case. I tend to think it is something relatively benign and by the book...perhaps the dad is having a hard time coping and bursting out in anger (drama queen), which scares the boys and CPS doesn't think it's good for them to be around. And the Mom is more guarded in her emotions and this doesn't directly affect the boys. Both parents are surely freaking out, rightly so. I wonder how anyone of you reading today would feel if your kid went missing, and people leap to all kinds of conclusions about their being gamblers, unlicensed professionals, child abusers, drug addicts, alcoholics, pedophiles, affiliated with cartels, wife beaters and cheaters, ---Perhaps the lack of forthcoming information allows one's mind to run wild with speculation.

I think every single reported thing can be logical explained in a very simple way. Except most significantly: where Isabel is, and how and why she is where she is.

Do unto others...please, these are real people. Where is a spirit of kindness and understanding?

Anyone care to try to sleuth out that one connection that LE is looking for to help connect the dots to what they suspect? Kudos to you if you can!
I am Latina, I have "gaydar" and a gay uncle. My "gaydar" fails me with educated or artsy Latino men, and European men, especially those 40+. We mentioned in an early thread that these cultures almost adopt an effeminate style to subconsciously separate themselves from the 'working class'. I see Sergio as effiminate, not sure if I see him as gay.
Where I could see it is in searching for an answer to "what might the family have to hide that would cause distance between the parents but let them still be friendly enough to live together and go to their kids games together ?" maybe SC is gay. And what might cause the police to take away his right to see his sons that is a cause for concern but not enough to arrest him or publicly announce him as THE POI? Possibly gay *advertiser censored* of legal but young males.

Like many if us who have been abused by relatives tend to suspect that particular relative (uncle, stepfather), those of us who have had personal experiences draw from them, and in the 80s, my uncle almost lost visitation with his daughter because back then, the court system entertained such nonsense like thinking a gay man is more likely to be a pedophile. ( even though his child was female..) now we know better, but just saying.
We have so little to go on, we have 1. They seem like loving parents 2. The parents seem to have some distance between them 3. Sergio seems to have feminine traits 4. Sergio is not allowed contact w his sons but has not been arrested in isa's disappearance , so I am just trying to find ways to make that fit.

Thanks marazul.. IMO you are doing a superb job of describing what is the majority of my opinions about this case, at this present moment.. IMO such a mighty fine job that for once I'm not blabbing out 3,000 word posts attempting to relay my point and/or opinion about these particular issues.. You do it so much better and far less bs to get to the point than I do.. I quite appreciate your being able to articulate these points as I find them to be extremely relevant and actual, real possibilities as to what is going on at this time..

Again thanks:. Or muchas gracias, marazul.. lol.. My Spanish is the bare, boned basics learned 20yrs ago in middle school..;)

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
If LE doesn't want public searches that makes me wonder even more about the monies being collected for "searches" if they aren't happening. Even if its just flyers, money being generated from one or two fundraisers should enough IMO. Now if its for searches in Mexico, that sounds fishy to me.

Where is Isabel?

If they want no public searches i pretty much think they know she is not in the immediate area!

so exctly!

Where is Isabel?
If they want no public searches i pretty much think they know she is not in the immediate area!

so exctly!

Where is Isabel?

*If* Isabel isn't in the immediate area, that would pretty much rule out either parent as the one responsible for her disappearance as well as family members who were present immediately after she was reported missing.

Not that I have read, but they certainly should. I would. MOO

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There are several good attorneys including myself who would represent them pro bono, so if they havent I dont see why at this point, especially Sergio now.
A one day Vegas trip? That's a 430 mile trip (7 hours in the car with 3 whining kids) or SW plane tickets for 5 ($$) to see a monster truck jam? Hmmmm. Is Sergio a professional bridge player or gambler? (Help me out here.)

There is an older Sergio Celis living in Los Vegas. Maybe they were visiting relatives and then went to the monster truck show?

Many young people label their friends as their family on FB.

Sergio...gambler professional...
Could explain no ID of present or any jobs to speak of.
ETA... And could cause HUGE debts to nefarious people.
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