AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #21

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There were 4 ppl in that home the night Isabel went missing!
It does not necessarily have to be SC whos responsible!

I will search through the documents after I fully wake up lol. I will post answers to your questions when I find them. Good morning!!

Thanks, Mama! I only found JQPs post about it and about went crosseyed trying to find info on a false police report!
It was that guy named "sources", who said Sergio's statements were inconsistent. So no, LE did not say that to a reporter. But IMO, doesn't mean it's not true.

BBM . . . I agree Knox!

Regardless who reported that Sergio's statements were inconsistent, and whether they are a reliable "source", I personally believe Sergio has been inconsistent because he has given different times regarding the morning he discovered Isa missing, as well as different scenarios of the last time he saw Isa the evening before. To me that spells "inconsistent". JMO
That is why we have law enforcement/DAs and a judicial system instead of letting the public at large judge someone guilty or innocent. If they held the power then innocent family members would have been judged legally guilty before the real perp could even be arrested. Just like they have done in the past and were wrong.

The public isnt the ones that gathers the fact nor are they the triers of those facts.


Here I am a member of the public, and all I want is Isa to be found safe and brought home. If that cannot happen, then down the line I want some justice. LE in this case has decided that releasing too much information might prevent either bringing her home or justice, so I am trusting them to know best.

In the meantime, I don't see any evidence or any good reason to join the mobs against SC or any member of the family
Thanks, Mama! I only found JQPs post about it and about went crosseyed trying to find info on a false police report!

I'll just say this before I start searching, if someone filed a report saying that she was suspicious of the sex offender who lived down the street from the Celis home, to me that wasn't filing a "false" police report, it was just a plain and simple take on what she felt may have happened to Isa. I don't remember anywhere in the docs that specifically said, (she filed a false police report). But I will look.
If Parents would speak out and the public could hear and see what they have to say and if the stories dont constantly change as the days progress then the public wont have issues with parents of missing children!

but to many times their stories dont mesh or one says one thing and the other says something else its very hard to believe them.

I understand what your saying OBE but in most of these cases its seems like they are hiding things! Sadly you cant have a private life when your child goes missing.

I also think there is a very good reason he was told to stay away from his children!.... And its nothing good! JMO

Your right we dont know the reason and they have offered no answers!

But respectfully that is just not true but how I wish it was true. Marlene spoke out it did not make the allegations any less and Somer Thompson's mom also spoke out continuously and it did not stop the accusations and I could count numerous cases where the parent or parents spoke out and it did not quiten the internet chatter when it came to false accusations. Ed Smart and his brother was accused of everything under the sun pretaining to Elizabeth and that man is as honest as the day is long.

A parent or parents of missing children are no longer supported by society, imo. If their chiild is missing they are immediately assumed to be the enemy within by the majority. I am sure that it has something to do with posters feeling safer if they believe an insider did it rather than a stranger. Or maybe it is because around 400 children are murdered by either their bio mother or father

But I have been on MBs long enough to see how it has change in recent years when it comes to parents with missing children.

BBM . . . I agree Knox!

Regardless who reported that Sergio's statements were inconsistent, and whether they are a reliable "source", I personally believe Sergio has been inconsistent because he has given different times regarding the morning he discovered Isa missing, as well as different scenarios of the last time he saw Isa the evening before. To me that spells "inconsistent". JMO

With a capital I !!!!
Many of these crimes didnt have to happen if parents had done things differently!
Something bugs me about what the neighbor who heard voices. Well not her but what she saying she heard. She knew that there were 2 male voices and she thinks they may have been speaking English but she does not know what they were saying. I get not knowing exactly what was being said not everybody is nosy. But how can she know that it was 2 male voices if she really has no clue if the voices she heard spoke in English. If it was mumbled so she really could not make out what was being said unless she ease dropped then it seems odd to me that she was able to say it was only 2 different voices and both of those were male. For all we know it could have been BC and SC talking. BC to me does not have an overly girly voice. Sure it sound feminine but its not out right girly. So speaking mumbled and not really paying attention, whose to say it really was 2 males speaking.
I'll just say this before I start searching, if someone filed a report saying that she was suspicious of the sex offender who lived down the street from the Celis home, to me that wasn't filing a "false" police report, it was just a plain and simple take on what she felt may have happened to Isa. I don't remember anywhere in the docs that specifically said, (she filed a false police report). But I will look.

I think there is a big difference between calling in a tip and filing a police report.
Many of these crimes didnt have to happen if parents had done things differently!

I dont place blame on parents who I feel are suffering and in great pain due to the tremendous loss of their loved one. There is no one to blame other than the sickos that do something this heinous.

I dont misplace blame on parents who have children who are teens and driving a car or riding with another teen and has a fatal accident.

Vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death for children under the age of 18 but no one is banning vehicles or blaming parents or stopping teens from driving or being in the car with their teen friends. More young children under the age of 12 are killed while riding with one of their parents.
It sounds to me as if the officer doing the interview was only half-listening (hearing) and put his/her own interpretation on what Mark said. I have had this happen when someone questioned/talked to me and later I see their report of what I said :what: Sometimes it bears very little resemblance to what I actually stated. I don't believe it was done deliberately for some nefarious (love that word) reason, just sloppy work. JMO MOO :moo:

My then-14 year old daughter witnessed a crime and was asked to give a statement. I did not hear her statement, but later asked for a copy. I believe the content reflected in the typed statement was accurate, but the wording was not. Think, for example of a common "euphemistic" word that your child uses consistently. Then imagine a DIFFERENT euphemism that, while it means the same thing, you know is 100% NOT your child's words. It was frustrating as I worried they might end up going to court where she would NOT use the same term and look like she changed her story.
But surely the procedure is that after completing the statement the officer hands it to you to read and sign?

That is what I have always understood how these things work anyway!

I do not have the page in front of me, and it has long since passed the point where I can go back through the quotes and find it anymore, but IS IT SIGNED? If so, is it signed by the officer only, or the officer and the witness?
Thanks, iSleuth. These are not new... but each time I try, I get police forms and blanks. I can scroll up and down, but never tried to the left. I'll try! Thanks agai!

If you are having this issue with the ones I put on docstoc - is it all of them?

TRY opening the link in a new window vs a new tab then hit the full screen button and if you side scroll-er is still missing you can use the arrows at the top to change pages.

Here is a direct link to one of my posts that has the links PattyG provided and the links to my alternate docstoc copies.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AZ Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 Media & Document Dump (No Discussion)
I dont place blame on parents who I feel are suffering and in great pain due to the tremendous loss of their loved one. There is no one to blame other than the sickos that do something this heinous.

I dont misplace blame on parents who have children who are teens and driving a car or riding with another teen and has a fatal accident.

Vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death for children under the age of 18 but no one is banning vehicles or stopping teens from driving or being in the car with their teen friends. More young children under the age of 12 are killed while riding with one of their parents.

A car accident is NOT the same as an abduction!

I know you dont like me saying parents should not let their children walk to school alone or stand on bus stops alone but they shouldnt!

Remove the chances and opportunities predators have to abduct our children!

My heart breaks for these parents....
But my god to have to live with IF I HAD ONLY!!!!!!

Sad very very sad!

The predators are the one responsible but we hve to protect from the predators!
I am not trying to attack Sergio, I am just looking at what I consider to be inconsistencies. Becky also gave some confusing answers to times regarding when she left or went to work.

It appears there is a window of opportunity between the last time Isa was supposedly seen around 11 p.m. and the time Sergio went to wake her up around 8 a.m. - if we are to believe that he fell asleep on the sofa and moved to their bed at 5 a.m. that could narrow the window to 11 p.m. - 5 a.m., as I don't believe an abuction would have occurred in daylight - we are looking at a potential period of time from 6 to 9 hours of when Isabel was either abducted by a stranger or family member, taken by a family member or possibly moved to a different location. Somehow Isabel disappeared and someone had to have caused the disappearance, since the police do not believe she left on her own. The possibilites can only be either a stranger or someone familiar. The last person to see Isabel, if we are to believe Sergio, was Sergio.

There are a variety of possibilities for how Isabel disappeared:

(1) a stranger abducted her during the night and Sergio didn't hear anything
(2) a family member abducted her during the night and Sergio didn't hear anything
(3) a family member or friend took her during the night and Sergio was aware of the "abduction" and it was done to protect Isabel or the family in some way (example: someone had threatened to take Isabel unless Sergio did "such and such", i.e. something related to money, drugs, etc.)
(4) a family member took her during the night and moved her to another location where she was harmed
(5) a family member took her to another location during the night after she was harmed in the home

I go back to the same questions I've had since the beginning - why have there been various answers to when she was last seen?

(1) Was it when Sergio asked her if she was hungry and she said no, she was tired, and apparently went to bed?
(2) Was it when Sergio said he went to tuck her in, dimmed the lights and asked the boys to keep the noise down?

Why were there a variety of answers about what time Sergio woke up, and/or went to wake up Isabel for her game?

Did Becky normally check on Isabel every morning before she left for work, or was the fateful one time that she didn't? Did Becky work the same shift on a regular basis?

Why did Sergio and Becky not hear the dogs barking when the neighbor did? Were they immune to any barking noises from their own dogs?

How do we know that Sergio actually was in the house all through the night? Did he have any visitors after Becky and the kids went to bed? Did he leave for awhile, and why, and could an intruder come in while he was gone?

Since we are not to discuss minor children, my emphasis is primarily on adult strangers or family members. There are other possibilities of a minor being involved and the parent(s) covering up.

I want answers as much as anyone else as to where Isabel is and I'm hoping against hope that she has been kept alive somewhere, but the longer time goes on and the more I don't see the parents coming out on TV etc. the more I believe she may have come to some harm, and because of the window screen and lack of footprints in that area, etc. I am leaning more towards a family member knowing something. JMO

YES. People that live in HOT part of the USA wear shorts/t-shirt or tank to bed. Not everyone lives where you freeze you *** off in April. JMO

And do they also put back on the dirty clothes they wore to the ball park after they have showered for bed? I live in an extremely hot part of the country and I have all my life and I have never put back on my dirty clothes after bathing.

I don't know if Isa was wearing the same tank and blue shorts to the game that she was reported as last having been seen in, but I have seen a few posters wonder about that and how it jibes with the shower story.

What I have gathered is that it's not so much a question of sleeping in a tank and shorts, but was she in the same clothes she had on prior to showering?

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