AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #21

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Clear up a few things here: 1) drunken voicemail...(pdf 4 page 63) it's unclear what was said or by who but the guess is SC ... just wonder do some prehistoric records checks and see if something happened to one of his sisters as a kid. 2) tunnels under the mall are not the tunnels i'm speaking of... im talking about the tunnel system NMcD was comming from southeast of Wilshire park ( pdf#3 pg 17 ) 3) the texas lady pdf #4 pg 65

I asked johnQpublic about this and this was his answer. Personally, I didn't see anything that would fit the law he quoted, but I did post asking the attorneys on the board to weigh in. To me, it just looks and reads like a tip.

What did bother me, is the tipsters name was released and the SO name was redacted. Ughhhhhhh.
And do they also put back on the dirty clothes they wore to the ball park after they have showered for bed? I live in an extremely hot part of the country and I have all my life and I have never put back on my dirty clothes after bathing.

I don't know if Isa was wearing the same tank and blue shorts to the game that she was reported as last having been seen in, but I have seen a few posters wonder about that and how it jibes with the shower story.

What I have gathered is that it's not so much a question of sleeping in a tank and shorts, but was she in the same clothes she had on prior to showering?


I sure wouldn't, but my boys have done this. When they were younger I was always catching them taking their shower then putting the same clothes right back on (because you know how much work it is to go get some clean clothes out of the dresser lol).
However, if I CAUGHT them doing this I would make them put on actual clean clothes. So I can see a little kid putting on the same clothes after a shower, but it seems like the parent would notice.
Just my own experience. Maybe little girls don't do this. I know my boys are pretty darn gross if they can get away with it. :)

Thank you a gajillion, Mama! I read most of the PDFs on my laptop but we have been in Austin for the weekend and had to read some on my phone and I obviously missed some good stuff.

I do not exactly see how the lady with the tip broke the law by calling in the RSO tip. I'm pretty sure LE already looked into the RSOs in the vicinity anyway and since the RSO is a public database and all she did was say she thought this guy was a good possibility, it's hard to see how she committed a felony, but I'm no legal eagle.

Now, on the phone call thingy, so much is redacted I had to read it over and over and still don't 100% get it.

I can see that the someone taking her children away from someone on a drinking binge might be RC, but then why would she say publicly what a horrible outrage it was that Sergio was separated from the boys?

And the actually drunken message? Hard to really see what that was and if it was SC, although that makes sense.

I guess there is still enough unclear about that voicemail that it should probably fall under opinion or theory and not stated as fact that it was SC or that it was the reason he can't see the boys. I mean, I can def. see how it looks like the case, but as someone catching up on the thread, it seemed as though it was a concrete fact and it just isn't yet.

Thanks again, Mamamia for the links! You rock!
That has probly been reported, but I don't buy it. IF it was the truth LE has had plenty of time to inform the public, that he was removed NOT because of Isabel's case. Something else that bothers me, I have never seen a missing child's t-shirt with his/her picture on the back. Why would you put the picture on the back of a shirt? :banghead:

This could be way off base, but I keep thinking of how my daughter's little league jerseys had the BIG number on the back because it lies flatter, no distortion and is easier to read. Most of us have flatter backs than fronts, and the photo would have less distortion there.
I thinking if she is in the same clothes she had on from the ball game there was no shower!
I asked johnQpublic about this and this was his answer. Personally, I didn't see anything that would fit the law he quoted, but I did post asking the attorneys on the board to weigh in. To me, it just looks and reads like a tip.

What did bother me, is the tipsters name was released and the SO name was redacted. Ughhhhhhh.

I have been taken aback thru the whole PDF over the info left visible, like the names of minors, while they were so careful to redact Isa's name and honestly anyone reading the files knows about whom the files are. JMO, but ughhhghhh is RIGHT!
Why crazy wackadoo? I read it in the report and figured it was a member of WS that sent in the tip.

Ok, I will rephrase.. Underinformed, over-zealous, good-hearted person who was trying to help. (i'm sorry, I sometimes confuse phsychics with wackadoos)
I thinking if she is in the same clothes she had on from the ball game there was no shower!

I've been away for a week (vacation), so am working on memory. Didn't Dad give a description for Isa's clothing? And then the brother said pyjamas? And then when they talked to Mom she said something else?

I figured Dad described what she wore to the ball game (last he remembered seeing her in). Brother assumed she was in pj's (and guessed probably pink), but Mom knew what Isa had on to go to bed.
I do not have the page in front of me, and it has long since passed the point where I can go back through the quotes and find it anymore, but IS IT SIGNED? If so, is it signed by the officer only, or the officer and the witness?

Any official statement given to the police should be read and then signed by the person giving it IMO.

Here in the UK it is standard procedure. Here is a link to the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service)

I would have thought that the same applies in the US.
A car accident is NOT the same as an abduction!

I know you dont like me saying parents should not let their children walk to school alone or stand on bus stops alone but they shouldnt!

Remove the chances and opportunities predators have to abduct our children!

My heart breaks for these parents....
But my god to have to live with IF I HAD ONLY!!!!!!

Sad very very sad!

The predators are the one responsible but we hve to protect from the predators!

A car 'accident' is preventable isnt it? Isnt that why its called an accident? Children are still losing their lives at alarming numbers due to vehicle accidents. Much much more than being abducted by a stranger.

The truth is no parent can protect and watch their child 24/7 like a hawk. Abductions have happened everywhere in all different kind of settings.

There was nothing that showed Sierra lived in an unsafe area. Millions upon millions of children catch the bus in rural areas all across this nation on a daily basis when school is in and arrive safely.

Torres could have just as easily abducted Sierra at a mall parking lot which has happened before right in broad daylight with the mall parking lot full.

Of course any parent of a child killed matter the reason themselves up over the 'what ifs' but they are not to blame for what someone else did without any warning, imo.

My first cousin still wrestles with her own demons wishing she could turn back the hands of time where she never asked her daughter to go to the store to get some flour so she could make their supper. But the one that caused her daughter to die and is fully to blame was the drunk that hit her vehicle head on.

Ok, I will rephrase.. Underinformed, over-zealous, good-hearted person who was trying to help. (i'm sorry, I sometimes confuse phsychics with wackadoos)

Oh, my apologies.... I thought we were talking about the psychic tipster that told them to look in the RSO's freezer.
Oh, my apologies.... I thought we were talking about the psychic tipster that told them to look in the RSO's freezer.

Whaaaat? I wonder if she was thinking of Plumadore? Maybe not so much psychic as just reading up on other cases? Lol :D
A car 'accident' is preventable isnt it? Isnt that why its called an accident? Children are still losing their lives at alarming numbers due to vehicle accidents. Much much more than being abducted by a stranger.

The truth is no parent can protect and watch their child 24/7 like a hawk. Abductions have happened everywhere in all different kind of settings.

There was nothing that showed Sierra lived in an unsafe area. Millions upon millions of children catch the bus in rural areas all across this nation on a daily basis when school is in and arrive safely.

Torres could have just as easily abducted Sierra at a mall parking lot which has happened before right in broad daylight with the mall parking lot full.

Of course any parent of a child killed matter the reason themselves up over the 'what ifs' but they are not to blame for what someone else did without any warning, imo.

My first cousin still wrestles with her own demons wishing she could turn back the hands of time where she never asked her daughter to go to the store to get some flour so she could make their supper. But the one that caused her daughter to die and is fully to blame was the drunk that hit her vehicle head on.


Amen! I can't believe some people would give even a fraction of responsibility to a parent who's child had been kidnapped/murdered. How scary is that?
And do they also put back on the dirty clothes they wore to the ball park after they have showered for bed? I live in an extremely hot part of the country and I have all my life and I have never put back on my dirty clothes after bathing.

I don't know if Isa was wearing the same tank and blue shorts to the game that she was reported as last having been seen in, but I have seen a few posters wonder about that and how it jibes with the shower story.

What I have gathered is that it's not so much a question of sleeping in a tank and shorts, but was she in the same clothes she had on prior to showering?


It hasn't been released what she was wearing the night before at the baseball game. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that she put back on her dirty clothes, but that's just me.
Do we know of any RSO it the immediate area that was not at home when LE tried to interview them?
Something bugs me about what the neighbor who heard voices. Well not her but what she saying she heard. She knew that there were 2 male voices and she thinks they may have been speaking English but she does not know what they were saying. I get not knowing exactly what was being said not everybody is nosy. But how can she know that it was 2 male voices if she really has no clue if the voices she heard spoke in English. If it was mumbled so she really could not make out what was being said unless she ease dropped then it seems odd to me that she was able to say it was only 2 different voices and both of those were male. For all we know it could have been BC and SC talking. BC to me does not have an overly girly voice. Sure it sound feminine but its not out right girly. So speaking mumbled and not really paying attention, whose to say it really was 2 males speaking.

For that matter it could be two boys and not two men who she heard. I find it a lot more likely that two kids would be out there talking while passing through to the alley than adults taking a child at that hour of the morning.

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