AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #22

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Me too. And I have a pretty wild theory.

Are you saying there have been rumours of this being a hoax?

I think RC made it pretty clear that she doesn't like the being in front of the camera, but she pushed herself to do it a few times, and it would definitely help if they did it more. She also said she doesn't care about people judging them, speculating about them etc. I beleive her when she says she is a private person and doesn't like being in the spotlight.

I don't think that is the case for SC....and here's where the bizzaro, out-there hoax theory comes in.
Firstly, the 911 call is odder than odd. It wasn't his calm demeaner that made it hinky, it was what he was saying.
The whole slept on the couch until morning, then got into bed not long before RC was due to get up was 'off'....but not completely suspicious in and of itself. combine it with falling asleep to a pre-recorded game, and the amount of detail he gives in the 911 call, and it gets hinkier.
While he was very calm in the 911 call, he was very dramatic/theatrical in the first presser they did. The whole "tell us your demands' thing didn't sit right with me.
Then the long sit-down interview they that is what made this theory come together for me.
While RC is saying she hates the spotlight, SC is talking about performing that weekend. He plays it down, but I don't buy it. IMO he wanted to sing and he wanted to be seen, heard and 'discovered' as a great talent.

So, what if he staged his daughters disappearance to get into the spotlight, that his wife shys away from?
This was bound to get media attention. A hard working, religious family, where dad coaches a little leage team....the whole white picket fence thing.
I guess I like this theory because it means that Isa is still alive and hidden somewhere.
In this theory, I don't believe RC is in on it at all.

9:50 mark of this video:
RC:I'm not comfortable in front of the camera. This is just not....I don't like this at all. (I buy this)
SC:<interupting> Neither one of us. (not buying this)

RC: "This is not what we want. .....
........being in front of the media and talking, that's just not us. Not us at all."

Interviewer: If Isabel could hear you right now, what would you say to her?

SC: We miss you sooo much Isabel. Your brothers miss you so much. We want you back. We're looking for you. We will NOT stop looking for you.We want you back more than ANYTHING else in the world. Obviously we don't want to be here, but we will BE here in front of these cameras. We will talk to everyone we need to talk to.
We ARE starting to get out there even more. We ARE gathering up our strength. We do have to take care of her brothers but we want you back and we miss you SO much. Your brothers miss you so much.
And we are...We're willing to do everything and anything we can.
So we are know..getting in front of the places we don't want to be, and absolutely everything else. We have lots of things going on that we, we're....part of the volunteer groups, we ARE going to be at these benefits, and we are going to start.......being out in front.....being out in front.

<RC interrupts with what she wants her Isabel to hear. Talks about putting up flyers, just not publicly. Says they're going to do the softball tournament on Sat > RC: We're gonna try to be there.
SC: we have a family team that's going to be playing. We will be around when the family team is playing. We will not be participating. We would like to, just to show we ARE there. We still don't know if we'll be able to....just in the light of everything.
The benefit concert that we're doing on Sunday...yes....they want me to be up there singing.They want me to be up there participating. Again, just depends on if <smirk> I'm going to feel up and able to. I've already taken myself <off?> of the chorus singing....If I'm up to it.....ah...I've spoken with my teachers and the conductor. I will TRY to go up and do ONE piece.
And as far as we are doing a march on Sunday morning....
<RC interrupts- not sure about doing that>

Interviewer asks about what they have to say about people thinking they are involved in the disappearance.
SC: <Pause. Sigh. Pause> Nothing. I really don't know what to answer to that because.....other than <little chuckle> You're Wrong! <sing-songy teenage style tone, and another chuckle> And I can't say too much. I'm afraid of saying anything as far as the investigative (sic) But ah, point blank, I guess that's the best answer I <eyes wide open> can come up with. And to defend that is just riding this out."

Raw Video Part 1: Parents of Isabel Celis speak to the local media - YouTube

RC recites a prayer at the benefit, but SC sings..... solo?

This is all speculation on my part and :moo: :moo: :moo:

To be honest, I don't find your theory wild at all..So far, with how this case has been handled I see it a possibility. Anything is at this point.
Me too. And I have a pretty wild theory.

Are you saying there have been rumours of this being a hoax?


No, I have not heard outside rumors, but I have seen the speculation that comes up on this board. I guess "hoax" might not cover all of my point; I should have added that I doubt a family collusion/cover up too.
I thought I read about some kids digging and moving dirt around to make jumps for their bikes. It was in some place they keep old inoperable planes. Don't know if that is what you are referring to as the big hole near AFB or not.

ETA - I was too slow and it looks like this is not the same place as the big hole.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

That was in the reports...something about an aircraft graveyard ...
Ok I have questions. Sandals ??? Why would IC be abducted with shoes.. If she were asleep in her bed? Either they are not hers or part of staging and or evidence tampering.
Pillow bedding and toy found ( near the park) (near nm) if these were also the victim's- I Personally find it hard to believe anyone would be able to carry that all out with a sleeping- compliant child.., through a window with 3 dogs at home.

The sandals were just another tip that was called in.
IMO most of the items (articles of clothings, bedding, etc) found in the document dump were of the same value, none. A maintenance guy at a park found a pair of sandals in and calls it in just in case. A woman somewhere else found child's stockings, a cigarette pack, and a receipt and called it in just in case. There were also wild allegations in the reports, and every tip no matter the significance in the reports. LE has not stated that any specific evidence has been found in this case. We are simply seeing what they have investigated.
Well I believe that LE contacted CPS with information that they received during this investigation. I believe LE is somewhat involved even though CPS made the decision with SC. I remember reading that LE had concern for the boys welfare and then contacted CPS. It would be nice if they let us know why but it may be something important to the investigation that they do not want to release to the public. Or maybe they simply think its no one else's business?? Just guessing..

Idon't think I am making my point clear. I don't want to know why CPS was called in, I want to know why there is no "due process" such as having a case number with a court date and the attorney assigned if they cannot afford one. It is the ever growing power CPS is gaining as a agency with, I must say very little results. The link I posted will sho the case load in Tucson, the number of cases they receive weekly and how many are on administrative leave. There is a break down somewhere in that agency. I think we saw that cleary in the Powell case. Someone should have been qualified to read his potential behavior. This lack of professional employees is troubling as well as the number of cases not getting attention and those not cleared. Just my rant I guess.
It was a voluntary action SC agreed to. Why would there be a case number and a court date if no legal action took place? SC is participating voluntarily in staying away from his kids...there is nothing for CPS to litigate right now. No official paperwork or hearing needed at this point. Yes, that could change later, but for right now, it's voluntary on the part of SC.
IDK, JMO but in my mind, honestly the only thing that is really anyones business is this ;

Everything else CPS , Past history, Particulars etc... Not Anyones Biz... Just look for Isabel !

Yes, it's nice to know things that can help look for her or figure out what happened but when it boils down to what we the public truely has a right to know, LE and the Family really shouldn't be obligated to tell us everything. At this point, the goal, find the kiddo, then dump the chum for the sharks. Yes it's nice to know what's up, but when is it too much info ? JMO
IDK, JMO but in my mind, honestly the only thing that is really anyones business is this ;

Everything else CPS , Past history, Particulars etc... Not Anyones Biz... Just look for Isabel !

Yes, it's nice to know things that can help look for her or figure out what happened but when it boils down to what we the public truely has a right to know, LE and the Family really shouldn't be obligated to tell us everything. At this point, the goal, find the kiddo, then dump the chum for the sharks. Yes it's nice to know what's up, but when is it too much info ? JMO

I do agree but this site is called Websleuths, it's what we enjoy doing when we can't be there to search ourselves. If i was in Tucson I'd be out as much as time allowed.
Not to take anyone away from this case but....

Luka Rocco Magnotta news out Canada is just insane. The measures he went to to create fame for himself.
IDK, JMO but in my mind, honestly the only thing that is really anyones business is this ;

Everything else CPS , Past history, Particulars etc... Not Anyones Biz... Just look for Isabel !

Yes, it's nice to know things that can help look for her or figure out what happened but when it boils down to what we the public truely has a right to know, LE and the Family really shouldn't be obligated to tell us everything. At this point, the goal, find the kiddo, then dump the chum for the sharks. Yes it's nice to know what's up, but when is it too much info ? JMO
Dear John..... God love you, I think that YOU have officially covered every single angle From a to z, stranger to hoax, perp to pray.

Let's at least put the most current poster up.
The Tucson Police Department said Thursday that information circulating on social media sites about missing 6-year-old Isabel Celis being found in San Diego is false.

Tucson police urge people to use caution when posting such rumors.

Isabel was last seen when she went to bed April 20 at 11 p.m., at the family's home. Sergio Celis, Isabel's father, discovered his daughter missing from her bedroom the following morning.

Police, who said they consider her disappearance an abduction, have scaled back the investigation and have ended news briefings on the case, said Lt. Fabian Pacheco. May 31, 2012, 3:35 pm
An arrest? Its been almost 1-1/2 months and this man is still free to come and go as he pleases. He is seen going to the volunteer center with Becky. In fact LE had to know he was right there at the fence watching the vigil where the boys were and nothing was done about it or we would have heard about it by now.

I dont see an arrest of Sergio for anything. Yes, there is a reason why he agreed it is best he be away from his boys but no one has a clue what that reason is and it sure isnt criminal imo because there is no reason to let him roam free when they can lock him in a cell and squeeze him by taking away his freedom.

We seem to have so many nutjobs walking around today maybe someone has been threatening to kill Sergio if he didnt move out of his home. You know how some people wont even wait for evidence and thinks they just know someone is guilty whether they really are or not.

I have no doubt TPD knows what they are doing but that doesnt mean they have a clue who kidnapped Isa. Only about 64% of cases are ever solved and from what I heard from a local the Sheriff's department has a much higher rate of success and I heard that the Sheriff's department give much better PCs too.

CPS was already involved from the get go. They call them in to give advice to any parents with missing children. CV told us that in one of his PCs.

BBM I saw a post quite some time ago from someone who either lives here in Tucson or has lived here in the past. IIRC there were no actual statistics given or anything to back up what he or she was saying. I believe the example used in that post was how the PCSO handled the Gabby Giffords shooting. Now I am in NO way disparaging the PCSO (Pima County Sheriff's Office) but in that particular case the suspect was apprehended at the scene with a smoking gun. I would say the Gifford case and the Celis case are extremely different and in no way should be used together to compare TPD to PCSO. Apples and Oranges and all that. (MOO!!!) Of course, it could be something entirely different that you were referring to and not the same local at all. In which case.... I'll just be moseying along to stick my foot in my mouth on another post. :)
BBM I saw a post quite some time ago from someone who either lives here in Tucson or has lived here in the past. IIRC there were no actual statistics given or anything to back up what he or she was saying. I believe the example used in that post was how the PCSO handled the Gabby Giffords shooting. Now I am in NO way disparaging the PCSO (Pima County Sheriff's Office) but in that particular case the suspect was apprehended at the scene with a smoking gun. I would say the Gifford case and the Celis case are extremely different and in no way should be used together to compare TPD to PCSO. Apples and Oranges and all that. (MOO!!!) Of course, it could be something entirely different that you were referring to and not the same local at all. In which case.... I'll just be moseying along to stick my foot in my mouth on another post. :)
It seems to me though TPD is handling the paperwork in this case, all le agencies have been working together on this. Along with Search and Rescue and the Sheriff k-9 units.MOO They are still searching for IC they just are not filling in the press on where they are and what they are doing. MOO
It seems to me though TPD is handling the paperwork in this case, all le agencies have been working together on this. Along with Search and Rescue and the Sheriff k-9 units.MOO They are still searching for IC they just are not filling in the press on where they are and what they are doing. MOO

I find that hard to believe. LE loves to prove their worth when they are conducting searches - makes it easier come voting and budget time. Plus, wouldn't there be some word on the scanners?
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