AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #22

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Hi all. Any news? It doesnt look like it to me as conversation is still about if kids that age should bathe or shower :-(

I had to check out for the day. I needed a break after leaping out of bed last night to protect my children from the boogie man after the pool pump kicked on. And I told my husband to let the dog out because he "alerted" at the door. Had to take a time out.
I don't think, so..but this is the first I have heard of a big hole.
In what material did you see the big hole north of the base? Was it in the reports? Was it in a news story? I had not heard of the big hole, but I would like to hear about it.
The items like sandals, and socks, and tee shrts, and blankets, and bedding, and fabric, were all fairly close to the Celis neighborhood as far as I noticed. I will be more than willing to look if you can give me more details.

The hole .....
Here is an article regarding how CPS got involved. It discusses how the December incident is not related to this incident. How LE contacted CPS with information etc.

Here's the earlier report after the Chief's presser the Monday after SC voluntarily separated himself. Same paper,.

"Child Protective Services and Tucson police met with Isabel’s parents on Thursday and made the decision Friday. The boys have been placed with their mother, Rebecca Celis, Tucson police said Monday.

CPS has been involved with the case since Isabel was reported missing on April 21, which is a common practice in missing children cases, police said.

CPS increased their involvement with the Celis family last week after detectives became aware of information pertaining to the welfare of the two boys, <modsnip>. Details about those concerns have not been made public."

Here's the actual press update the Chief gave where he states that CPS was involved since the start of the case in the first few sentences.
You are right and I have never heard one parent say publicly that their own child is ugly.


Abolutely! I find many people are beautiful because I know their hearts. Of course, I think my children are beautiful through and though!
I personally don't believe that Isabel's disappearance is related to her being sexually abused by her father. However I do believe he is guilty, of what I don't know...JMO.

Me too. And I have a pretty wild theory.

I have confidence in LE in this case. If any member or all members of the family is involved, I doubt very highly the family will get away with what would amount to not only a horrible crime, but a horrible hoax.
IMO I don't see this family as capable of said hoax, but I have by no means seen everything humans are capable of as evidenced when I watch news daily .
Are you saying there have been rumours of this being a hoax?

I am wondering why Isabel's parents have not done another interview with the media, etc to keep her face out there... It is just so strange to me...especially after seeing Michelle Parker's mom the other day...

Sorry, but it just strikes me as plain strange. Just my opinion.


that wasn't my point...

it shouldn't matter what others think about them... if it gets attention for Isabel (heck they think she was abducted!) it will have done that: gotten attention to the case.

I just do not understand it... and frankly think they are missing a golden opportunity to keep her case out there in the forefront.

I realize we all have different opinions on this.. but this one is mine. I feel very strongly that if this was an abduction they have wasted lots of chances to raise awareness about her case.

I think RC made it pretty clear that she doesn't like the being in front of the camera, but she pushed herself to do it a few times, and it would definitely help if they did it more. She also said she doesn't care about people judging them, speculating about them etc. I beleive her when she says she is a private person and doesn't like being in the spotlight.

I don't think that is the case for SC....and here's where the bizzaro, out-there hoax theory comes in.
Firstly, the 911 call is odder than odd. It wasn't his calm demeaner that made it hinky, it was what he was saying.
The whole slept on the couch until morning, then got into bed not long before RC was due to get up was 'off'....but not completely suspicious in and of itself. combine it with falling asleep to a pre-recorded game, and the amount of detail he gives in the 911 call, and it gets hinkier.
While he was very calm in the 911 call, he was very dramatic/theatrical in the first presser they did. The whole "tell us your demands' thing didn't sit right with me.
Then the long sit-down interview they that is what made this theory come together for me.
While RC is saying she hates the spotlight, SC is talking about performing that weekend. He plays it down, but I don't buy it. IMO he wanted to sing and he wanted to be seen, heard and 'discovered' as a great talent.

So, what if he staged his daughters disappearance to get into the spotlight, that his wife shys away from?
This was bound to get media attention. A hard working, religious family, where dad coaches a little leage team....the whole white picket fence thing.
I guess I like this theory because it means that Isa is still alive and hidden somewhere.
In this theory, I don't believe RC is in on it at all.

9:50 mark of this video:
RC:I'm not comfortable in front of the camera. This is just not....I don't like this at all. (I buy this)
SC:<interupting> Neither one of us. (not buying this)

RC: "This is not what we want. .....
........being in front of the media and talking, that's just not us. Not us at all."

Interviewer: If Isabel could hear you right now, what would you say to her?

SC: We miss you sooo much Isabel. Your brothers miss you so much. We want you back. We're looking for you. We will NOT stop looking for you.We want you back more than ANYTHING else in the world. Obviously we don't want to be here, but we will BE here in front of these cameras. We will talk to everyone we need to talk to.
We ARE starting to get out there even more. We ARE gathering up our strength. We do have to take care of her brothers but we want you back and we miss you SO much. Your brothers miss you so much.
And we are...We're willing to do everything and anything we can.
So we are know..getting in front of the places we don't want to be, and absolutely everything else. We have lots of things going on that we, we're....part of the volunteer groups, we ARE going to be at these benefits, and we are going to start.......being out in front.....being out in front.

<RC interrupts with what she wants her Isabel to hear. Talks about putting up flyers, just not publicly. Says they're going to do the softball tournament on Sat > RC: We're gonna try to be there.
SC: we have a family team that's going to be playing. We will be around when the family team is playing. We will not be participating. We would like to, just to show we ARE there. We still don't know if we'll be able to....just in the light of everything.
The benefit concert that we're doing on Sunday...yes....they want me to be up there singing.They want me to be up there participating. Again, just depends on if <smirk> I'm going to feel up and able to. I've already taken myself <off?> of the chorus singing....If I'm up to it.....ah...I've spoken with my teachers and the conductor. I will TRY to go up and do ONE piece.
And as far as we are doing a march on Sunday morning....
<RC interrupts- not sure about doing that>

Interviewer asks about what they have to say about people thinking they are involved in the disappearance.
SC: <Pause. Sigh. Pause> Nothing. I really don't know what to answer to that because.....other than <little chuckle> You're Wrong! <sing-songy teenage style tone, and another chuckle> And I can't say too much. I'm afraid of saying anything as far as the investigative (sic) But ah, point blank, I guess that's the best answer I <eyes wide open> can come up with. And to defend that is just riding this out."

Raw Video Part 1: Parents of Isabel Celis speak to the local media - YouTube

RC recites a prayer at the benefit, but SC sings..... solo?

This is all speculation on my part and :moo: :moo: :moo:
Okay so I found this MSM report

Still looking around

LE appeared to have discovered this hole. They did not dig the hole according to this news report.

This appears to be close to Freedom Park where the little league played Friday night.

I thought I read about some kids digging and moving dirt around to make jumps for their bikes. It was in some place they keep old inoperable planes. Don't know if that is what you are referring to as the big hole near AFB or not.

ETA - I was too slow and it looks like this is not the same place as the big hole.
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"Thanks" wasn't enough. I used to have a morbid curiosity about whether, and if so how, my story would be told on 48 hrs or similar shows if I disappeared or was murdered. Like you said I am plain. I'm not deformed, but I'm no beauty either. I don't make friends easily. Not everyone who meets me is fond of me. I haven't overcome any u usual obstacles to become who I am, but I have hit a few bumps in the road and I wasn't really apparently destined for anything in particular as a kid. I'm not a star. Im just one of the millions of people who have some friends and some enemies...who take a while to figure out what they want from life and work hard at it ...who try to be respectful of all God's creatures but sometimes acts like a selfish b*tch (lol). like you said..wonder if I'm too plain. Your choice of words really resonates with me.

Wait, PJD! I never said you were plain or unattractive... just to clear the record! I have no idea what you look like, but I LOVE science! I'm no looker myelf, but I have eyes. I see how attractive people are treated differently in many cases. Now that I am a senior citizen, I see so much blatant "ageism" it makes me upset.

Thank you to those who expressed sympathy re. my murdered sister-in-law and neice. Yes, the killer was my neice's husband! He is in jail. He had violated the order of protection NINE times and the Good Old Boy, ooops, Bakersfield, CA court laughed at her a few hours prior to her murder, saying she should just go home, and things will work out. Yup. Within a few hours her daughters were orphans while she and Grandma were killed.
people keep asking about the backyard and along the side wall where Isabels window was.. about what the ground is like. It appears that along the side of the house where Isa's window is it is filled in with landscaping stone and then it is also landscaping stones around the backyard and then right up near the rear patio area there is an area that is a grassy area and where there is neither grass nor landscaping stone there is caliche.

Nancy Grace speaks to a neighbor of missing Isabel Celis. - YouTube
I don't think, so..but this is the first I have heard of a big hole.
In what material did you see the big hole north of the base? Was it in the reports? Was it in a news story? I had not heard of the big hole, but I would like to hear about it.
The items like sandals, and socks, and tee shrts, and blankets, and bedding, and fabric, were all fairly close to the Celis neighborhood as far as I noticed. I will be more than willing to look if you can give me more details.

There must be nuerous holes like that aroud Tucson. Around Phoenix, there are numerous uncapped old mine shafts, where I believe bodies have been found.
I best not type and just read lol I am so tired - please type slowly and forgive the fact that I can longer comprehend most words lol
This was poorly worded by me. Let me backtrack and say that the only searches I've seen localy are in landfills and washes, areas that would indicate they are looking for a body.

Yes, I understand what you were meaning and I just see a huge huge difference in the amount of searching going on in Isa's case in comparison to a case that we now know for absolute certain that LE had been on the mindset that victim was murdered and disposed of in the area and that they had been of this mindset 2 weeks into the case.. Therefor there has been multiple searches per week of the area.. Rinse and repeat the same for each and every week til present due to the fact that this LE is convinced the victim has been murdered and disposed of in the area.. That type repeated and relentless searching of a particular mile radius IMO matches what we know to be this LE's frame of mind that the victim's remains are likely to be in an area around the county and towns where the victim lived and was abducted..

IMO completely opposite of what we have seen as far as searching goes in Isa's case and that's why IMO it could possibly indicate that this LE is of the mind set that Isa is not in this area..jmo, tho and definitely not indicative one way or the other just an observation in comparing another missing child case who was by many believed to be parents involved but in the end has been found to be a stranger abduction.. Jmo.

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to make a quick note that SOME blogs are allowed. It depends on their content and how they are used. Cutting and pasting is not allowed. Please paraphrase or summarize and provide the link. DO NOT use a blog to claim or support facts. Blogs are just opinion pieces - not factual information.

It appears that this most recent blog everyone is linking to would be allowed for discussion purposes. AGAIN - they are NOT FACTUAL.

Hope that helps and if anyone has any concerns, please either alert or send a pm to one of the mods.


Ok I have questions. Sandals ??? Why would IC be abducted with shoes.. If she were asleep in her bed? Either they are not hers or part of staging and or evidence tampering.
Pillow bedding and toy found ( near the park) (near nm) if these were also the victim's- I Personally find it hard to believe anyone would be able to carry that all out with a sleeping- compliant child.., through a window with 3 dogs at home.
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to make a quick note that SOME blogs are allowed. It depends on their content and how they are used. Cutting and pasting is not allowed. Please paraphrase or summarize and provide the link. DO NOT use a blog to claim or support facts. Blogs are just opinion pieces - not factual information.

It appears that this most recent blog everyone is linking to would be allowed for discussion purposes. AGAIN - they are NOT FACTUAL.

Hope that helps and if anyone has any concerns, please either alert or send a pm to one of the mods.



LOL! This is how I usually find out I've, once again, missed a possible piece of the puzzle. I knew I should have taken a quick shower instead of a relaxing bath! :floorlaugh:

Thanks though, Salem, for the reminder.
I think they would have to have a root bulb ..not just hair.


I am not sure if a root bulb is needed. I remember that in the Caylee Anthony case LE had asked for Caylee's hairbrush, I believe for the purpose of mitochondrial DNA. Cindy Anthony, it had been reported, had given LE Casey's hairbrush instead. At any rate, LE in Orlando were planning to use the hair from Caylee's hairbrush for forensic purposes. So, maybe so in this case also.
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