AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #24

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Yes, they are due to be released the end of August. I doubt it though. The search warrants might hold the majority of evidence they have to charge someone. (Think Susan Powell's case)

Celis case detectives keep search warrant sealed
CREATED Jun. 29, 2012

But detectives have asked over and over to keep the warrants sealed. They requested 30 days under seal at first; then another 45, then yet another 45 days.

That means the warrants will probably be locked up until late August---about four months after Isabel's disappearance.

It's the last day of August. Any local word on the search warrants being released, or are they continuing under seal?
I just watched the longer version of the interview, I didn't have the same impression about the oldest boy as some of you had. In the family he seemed the most hurt, but I noticed he agreed (nodding head, saying yes and such) sometimes when parents were speaking. The younger boy seemed to be doing a bit better, taking into consideration what happened.
I really don't know what to think, the whole thing mostly reminded me of interviews given by parents of kidnapped children (for ransom) more than those of a child who simply vanished with no trace.
I really thought something was going to happen months ago, but now I'm afraid we won't hear something new for a long time, if ever. I hope I'm wrong.
The parents know something. Unfortunately I feel like LE know this as well but can't nab them until a piece of evidence comes through. :(
Yes, they do know something. They know their little girl was taken from her home that night, and they know they love her and miss her and want her home. Beyond that, none of us should state things that we don't know as fact.

There is not going to be any piece of evidence to turn up now unless they find her body. I think most of the tests on any other evidence should be done by now. My guess is that LE won't publicly acknowledge that they are stumped and let a lot of valuable time slip by while they focused on the parents. Sadly, I think the perp, whoever it is, got away with murder. Literally.

Right now...They are covering the Isabel Celis Case on HLN JVM 7 pm EST. They state- LE has not either named a person of interest- nor have they cleared the family. I am sure the video will be available shortly. Also that there is physical evidence from inside the home and outside the home ( specifically the blood in Isa's room and the car NOT SC's) Jon Leiberman states that was not released in the famous document dump. But that is not a cold case. Far from a cold case.
Per a local reporter's email to me (KOLD), the search warrant seal has been extended.
The news has been asked about the search warrants release & another document dump. I'm tired of proding them. FOIA request have been filed but if the LE aren't releasing them, must be a reason. My guess is they do have a suspect(s) but without Isa, her body, a confession or say someone telling the truth about anothers alibi, they might be stuck. Same as they were with Haleigh Cummings, Lisa Baldwin, Alya Reynolds and so on.

We can guess that TPD focused solely on the parents but actually they went to great lengths checking Mexico, California tips and other states back east. They questioned each family in a 3 mile radius 2 times at least & searched their homes, checked videos, searched the small lakes, washes, the dumps and have made other searches we don't know about. They have methodically approached many other scenarios. They have even stated they had several directions they were investigating, 4 was the last I remember. It has been a thorough investigation from when we were privy to updates. Getting search warrants when the family said they could search the house. It appeared to me they did everything by the book so that when there is an arrest & trial, some defense lawyer can't say they didn't do this or that. Having only 2 full time investigators was a shock to hear but if they just need that one piece of the puzzle obviously they haven't found it yet.

If a parent was the last to see Isabel, first to notice her missing, blood found in her room & there was evidence he shouldn't be around his boys, then it's a duck to watch. Notice the parents this week on the news still would'nt answer the question if the family was reunited. It appears that Sergio does have visitation privelages at least though.

Hopefully, someone will step forward with information of where Isa is but I won't hold my breath sadly. Seen it too many times. jmo
Another 90 days on the sealed warrants. Seems like forever (again)...
We can guess that TPD focused solely on the parents
We know they didn't because just from the doc dump the number of RSOs they interviewed and the questionaire and canvassing of the 'hoods around the area was in the hundreds. They also investigated outside of just the parents including search warrants on at least one neighbor's house, if not more.

Clearly LE believes the parents are at least involved, and perhaps solely responsible. Notice the very specific language used "haven't named any person of interest..." Classic and specific LE language which just about shouts out, "but we do most certainly have someone in our sights..."

I have to keep reminding myself that she only disappeared FOUR months ago...

RC seems to be giving the most "tells," especially with her latest comment that Isa will not be home for her Bday. There's only one way she could know this.

While RC's comment does sound ominously suspicious, it doesn't necessarily imply guilt or inside knowledge. Her statement could simply indicate that LE hasn't supplied any updates to the family to suggest that tomorrow or next week will be any different than today. I've been in those situations in which I make a pessimistic assumption about the future because there's no indication my situation will change any time soon. I had that experience just recently regarding my employment (or, unemployment) situation. I made a comment to someone that I later realized sounded like I didn't plan to have a job within the next week, when in fact there was one job I was especially hoping to land. But, after 8.5 months of having my hopes dashed, I didn't expect the following week to be any different.

I would be more suspicious if RC expressed confidence that Isa would be home for her birthday although there was no progress in the case after four months. I think the family is naturally vacillating between the desire to remain optimistic and the desire to be realistic by trying to prepare themselves for the worst.
My daughter voluntarily went to live with her father 3 years ago at age 17.

I still can't talk about it without a lump in my throat.
Yes, they do know something. They know their little girl was taken from her home that night, and they know they love her and miss her and want her home. Beyond that, none of us should state things that we don't know as fact.

Facts are a funny thing. According to the dictionary, a fact is "an event or thing known to have happened or existed; a truth verifiable from experience or observation."

If Isabel was carried out the side door in her pajamas by a family member, then she wasn't really "taken."

If she was handed off by a family member to someone, then she wasn't really "taken."

If she was killed in her home and then carted away, then she wasn't really "taken."

It's worth noting that a good many people here feel that the last three scenarios are actually what did happen to Isabel. Bette's poll shows that, of the respondents on this thread, 75 percent think her family had something to do with her disappearance.
We know they didn't because just from the doc dump the number of RSOs they interviewed and the questionaire and canvassing of the 'hoods around the area was in the hundreds."

I think the point Dr. Know was trying to make was that, even though a lot of early signs led to family, they investigated away from family as a way to hedge their bets in order to avoid the OJ accusation of "tunnel vision."
My daughter voluntarily went to live with her father 3 years ago at age 17.

I still can't talk about it without a lump in my throat.

Do we have the same daughter? Mine did as well (only she was 18+). One of three daughters... no known reason. Still won't openly communicate with any of us. And I raised 'em all alone from the ages of 3 and 8 years of old. Too painful. I cannot imagine ever smiling about her being gone. Ever.
Do we have the same daughter? Mine did as well (only she was 18+). One of three daughters... no known reason. Still won't openly communicate with any of us. And I raised 'em all alone from the ages of 3 and 8 years of old. Too painful. I cannot imagine ever smiling about her being gone. Ever.

I'm waiting for the aliens to swap mine back.


I am trying to analyse some of the footage, they didn't say Isa's name once so far.

Not one of them.

I'm confused by the redecorating of Isa's bedroom. Every parent of a missing child in which the parents had nothing to do with the disappearance tend to keep their child's bedroom exactly as it was in the hope the child will come back. Sometimes they keep the room exactly as it was for years...and in a few cases, even a decades.

I don't know what it means that the Celis family are changing Isa's room, but it seems quite counter to what other parents do in this situation. Are they making it a girly-girl room or are they actually nuancing it more into a 'spare bedroom' but promoting it as if they are fixing it up for Isa?

While not popular, I remain suspicious of the parents. Obviously if LE said they were cleared then my suspicion would go away with it.
A lawyer perhaps has been hired? Get Isabel's name out on HLN? NBC? ABC or CBS, be seen? I hope there's not a walk thru & pictures we've never seen before is all I have to say about the redecorating of Isabel's room.

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