AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 7

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This is my first post...I suspect the perp may have watched the children plain site from the vantage point of the local businesses/parking lots. I suspect this was planned in advance. The person seen in the video appears to be trying to evade being seen by the teens walking through the parking lot. I too missed it the first time I saw the video until I looked at it full screen. Then it was blatantly obvious.
I mentioned this in an earlier post of mine. The only way I can see this being about Isa is if the male voices were the dad and uncle and they were staging a scene.

The dogs frantically barking could be that dogs are usually protective of kids and could have sensed something very wrong with Isa, even death. Dogs have a way of knowing something isn't right.

However, if this isn't the time of abduction and someone else did in fact take her, I would assume the perp would do it under the cover of darkness. Not at 6:30 a.m. when they would have no idea if someone would be up in that household, or the neighbors, and when it is now daylight. I know perps can be brazen, even enough to steal a child with many people around and in the blink of an eye, but was this perp that brazen? Perhaps I may be shocked if 6:30 was the time of abduction and someone outside that house is responsible.

I just find that far fetched. If they were going to talk about staging a scene they could easily do that inside and one only needed to come out and take the screen off.

Why would they be talking right under a neighbors window ..and speaking loud enough she knew they spoke English?And she said they were not in Isa's yard but on the other side of the wall. That just doesnt make a bit of sense to me and they are doing it when the sun is coming up?

I dont think she was abducted at 6:30am and imo, the police doesnt believe it either, imo. LE knew this woman's story for a week and hadnt even followed up on it during that time.

But yes, I do think people who are capable of kidnapping children from their beds in their own bedroom are very brazen. Heck young children have been kidapped right out in broad daylight when the child was in their own yard in a residental setting with neighbors and traffic all around. Did they know they could be seen kidnapping a child when it was broad daylight? Yes, but they didnt was worth the risks. And I think those who invade home are as big of risk takers as any pedo who is determined to nab a young child.

We have read cases where a perp would enter a home and be within feet of them when they were asleep and they never even knew it.

This guy is like a cat burglar except what he wanted to take was an innocent sleeping child.


I just watched this PC. Right after 13:30, Ltd. Pacheco says they are close to issuing an amber alert-did I hear that right??

Hi Shelby ~ I rewatched this video. It's a pain in the pain because you can't move the video forwards (or in reverse) to repeat the same segment but it sounded to me like he said "we aren't" close to issuing an amber alert. But, lol, I may be wrong and don't want to invest another 13 minutes for that one word. Plus, everything he was saying up to that point was an explanation of why they haven't yet issued one, i.e.; no specific suspect or vehicle. Hope I got this right . . . I'd never cut the mustard downstairs in the scanner room!

ETA: Okay, after reading the other posts above mine, I've got to go back and listen again!
Hi Shelby ~ I rewatched this video. It's a pain in the pain because you can't move the video forwards (or in reverse) to repeat the same segment but it sounded to me like he said "we aren't" close to issuing an amber alert. But, lol, I may be wrong and don't want to invest another 13 minutes for that one word. Plus, everything he was saying up to that point was an explanation of why they haven't yet issued one, i.e.; no specific suspect or vehicle. Hope I got this right . . . I'd never cut the mustard downstairs in the scanner room!

ETA: Okay, after reading the other posts above mine, I've got to go back and listen again!

Try using this one. It's timed the same as the other link, but you can zoom ahead to 13:00. And repeat to hear again.!prettyPhoto/0/
If they can smuggle immigrants into the country by the dozens...then they can secret a small 6 yr old girl out of the country easily. I pray they find Isa soon...has any one else heard the police are investigating this as a possible drug angle? My guess would be human trafficking.
I just find that far fetched. If they were going to talk about staging a scene they could easily do that inside and one only needed to come out and take the screen off.

Why would they be talking right under a neighbors window ..and speaking loud enough she knew they spoke English?And she said they were not in Isa's yard but on the other side of the wall. That just doesnt make a bit of sense to me and they are doing it when the sun is coming up?

I dont think she was abducted at 6:30am and imo, the police doesnt believe it either, imo. LE knew this woman's story for a week and hadnt even followed up on it during that time.

But yes, I do think people who are capable of kidnapping children from their beds in their own bedroom are very brazen. Heck young children have been kidapped right out in broad daylight when the child was in their own yard in a residental setting with neighbors and traffic all around. Did they know they could be seen kidnapping a child when it was broad daylight? Yes, but they didnt was worth the risks. And I think those who invade home are as big of risk takers as any pedo who is determined to nab a young child.

We have read cases where a perp would enter a home and be within feet of them when they were asleep and they never even knew it.

This guy is like a cat burglar except what he wanted to take was an innocent sleeping child.


All MOO The more I think about this, taking into account others' experiences with cell phone times being "stuck" on the last time used, I'm starting to wonder if the neighbor actually was awoken at the time the dad found Isa missing and the two men she heard were discussing the screen being set aside and the window open. If the dogs were barking frantically, the two men had to have been speaking loudly in order for her to hear them over the barking dogs. Even being woken up by knocks on her door from Uncle and LE about Isa missing, it actually could have only been minutes between the two. I know that I've taken naps during the day, but wake up suddenly and feel like it's been a few hours, when it's actually only been about 10-15 minutes. Moo

Just another perspective on the neighbor about her timeline with the barking dogs and talking men. MOO
Here, in green, you can see part of the rute of the 5 persons (2 men and 3 woman) in the video (we don´t know where they went after they went around the corner).
Here, in pink, you can see the location of the mysterious person in the video
Here in red you can see the location of Isabel's romm/window

SO, the mysterious/unidentifyed person was VERY close to Isabel's room/window at 1:30 AM, approximately 200 feet!!!

And just to make it clear; at 1:30 AM, in the video there appear:
5 persons in a group walking
1 person behind the wall, by himself, walk from west to east, and seconds later come back from east toward west (seems to wear dark pants and light shirt, have dark hair)


Thank you so, so much for this! I am a visual person and this really helps me.

I am not complaining just asking for some edification: Why can't what is in the scanner be posted here? Is it some kind of legal issue? tia

My feeling is because if a report about a child or body found is issued on the scanner thread and is wrong, that could start a rumor storm and could get back to the families of victims who may read here but not be members. But, I don't know!

BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse closes at 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.

Someone asked earlier if there was a college nearby. There is. The map on Risky Business' website shows the Univ. of Arizona:
It is a research university and has on-site housing:

This is my first post...I suspect the perp may have watched the children plain site from the vantage point of the local businesses/parking lots. I suspect this was planned in advance. The person seen in the video appears to be trying to evade being seen by the teens walking through the parking lot. I too missed it the first time I saw the video until I looked at it full screen. Then it was blatantly obvious.

Good post and.....

If LE had already identified and spoken to our mysterious 6th person recorded on this latest video release, doesn't it make sense that they would have said that when asked at today's presser? IE, "Oh, yes ~ that was Office Max's security person or custodial staff, and we have interviewed them" or whatever?

I would think that type of statement would shift the focal point back onto the five walkers ~ which is what they desired. Since they didn't do that, it leaves me to believe the mysterious figure is the very reason they want to talk with the group of 5 ~ to discover if they noticed him/her and could give any description or further helpful details. 'Course, just moo.

IMHO; Spot on!
Just watched it specifically for this, and yes he very quickly said they are close to issuing one, which was a response to a follow up question - IIRC, that question was "are you close to issuing an Amber Alert?" BUT, right before that, someone asked about issuing an Amber Alert, which he responded by explaining that specific criteria need to be met before an alert can be issued (i.e. suspect and/or suspect vehicle) and stated that they were not at that point yet.

IMHO, I am starting to think they DO have a lot more information than they are letting on, and just making sure all the pieces fit. MOO

Sorry to quote myself, but I watched the video back a few more times, and it sounds more like "CAN'T" say they are close to issuing Amber Alert.
Sorry to quote myself, but I watched the video back a few more times, and it sounds more like "CAN'T" say they are close to issuing Amber Alert.

It hard to tell just because of the wording- "I can'T Tell" sounds just like "I can Tell" know what I mean?
Also I thought he said something about "working towards it"..
LE is still throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, IMO.
If they can smuggle immigrants into the country by the dozens...then they can secret a small 6 yr old girl out of the country easily. I pray they find Isa soon...has any one else heard the police are investigating this as a possible drug angle? My guess would be human trafficking.

I agree it would be earlier to smuggle a child out.

LE stated they are investigating ALL angles, including drugs.

I have not heard of any legitimate proof of human trafficking involving young children for purposes of a sex trade, for example, in the U.S. to Mexico or in the U.S. at all. Troubled and runaway teens being trafficked for prostitution reasons across state lines happens all the time. Trafficking teens to Mexico would make little economic sense as the money is here, not there.

Trafficking little kids for sex trade reasons, child *advertiser censored*, etc., well there have been rumors about that for years. But, never any viable evidence that such actually occurs.
After careful review, I think that the abduction of this child is drug related. The details remain to be uncovered but I don't feel this is a random stranger abduction. too many things just don't fit. Now, fellow web sleuths, dig deeper into that world and maybe we'd be onto something.
LE is still throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, IMO.

I really hope LE has some line they are investigating with purpose - some sense of what is more likely the case here, than not.

I know they always have and know much more than they release to the public, even if not enough to charge a suspect.

It's been 7 days. That's an eternity to Isabel and those who love her, but not much time at all to figure out such a case with little, obvious evidence.

I really hope they are getting somewhere.
I would think LE has obtained any videos made at the border into Mexico.
I just read what one neighbor said about why the Celis' (Sergio and Becky) moved to that house.

"The Pikes say the Celis family is very loving and very caring. They moved into the neighborhood so they could be closer to one of their mother's who suffered a stroke."

The grandfather has appeared on camera, but he seemed to stick very close to his house. I now understand why.

The abuelos are Sergio's parents.

I think the grandfather shown on TV was Becky's relative if we are referring to the same incident. I am referring to the news clip where Uncle JM spoke, too. If Sergio's father spoke on camera I don't recall it or missed it. Becky's maiden name is not Rodriquez, maybe Hector is her step-father?

Missing girl's family and neighbors speak out
04/21/2012 06:47 PM

Isabel's grandfather from her mother's side, Hector Rodriguez, said he's praying for the family to receive good news soon.
It's been an agonizing day for the family as they wait to hear about what happened with their loved one.
Rodriguez was glued to his binoculars trying to see what was going on at the scene.
He lives in Douglas and made the trip to Tucson as soon as his daughter called him with news that little Isabel went missing.
"Why does this have to happen? It's something I just can't believe. I feel like I'm dreaming. I really do hope I'm dreaming because this is such a horrible thing. We feel so helpless," said Rodriguez.
Try using this one. It's timed the same as the other link, but you can zoom ahead to 13:00. And repeat to hear again.!prettyPhoto/0/

. . . several comments explaining what is required for an Amber Alert and how they currently have not met that criteria followed by:

Q: Are you getting close to that threshold to issue one?

A: Uhh, we continue our efforts but I can tell you that we're close to issuing an amber alert.

OMGosh, you are right. But his actual words make no sense in the context of the conversation.

It would be like saying, "A clean house requires a clean floor; I have been cleaning my floor but I'm close to cleaning my house."

I hate those confusing buts!
I really hope LE has some line they are investigating with purpose - some sense of what is more likely the case here, than not.

I know they always have and know much more than they release to the public, even if not enough to charge a suspect.

It's been 7 days. That's an eternity to Isabel and those who love her, but not much time at all to figure out such a case with little, obvious evidence.

I really hope they are getting somewhere.

I don't know...they say they are confident she did not leave the house on her own...okay. But beyond that, I am not feeling very confident that they do know much more...they don't seem to be able to move away from the family even as they consider all options...

I wish there were more ongoing searches, I guess, but I know how difficult it must be if you are just picking areas to search at random...

With all of those cameras...hard to believe that none picked up someone carrying a child Isabel's size thru an alley or into a car...not like hiding a baby or even a toddler...if cameras are not ultimately helpful in this case, when will they be...

The border is not secure.
"The kidnappers drove through the border checkpoint in San Diego, bringing the mother and daughter to Tijuana. The two were held captive for a month until their family paid a ransom of $100,000.
Veronica said of her experience: “We got an automatic green light to go through Mexican customs and then we were blindfolded and taken to a house in Tijuana. They held a pistol to my stomach all the time we were in the car.”
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