AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 8

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You certainly could be right. I know Mark Lunsford and his parents thought they were in the fishbowl too when Jessica went missing and Steve Greone was never ruled out either and left to twist in the wind until Duncan was arrested.

I am sure at first the police didnt believe these children were really taken right out of their home by a stranger predator either. I can understand that for a few days when the investigation is just unfolding but we are way past that now.

In fact I have always wondered if LE had tunnel vision in the Greone case, because they stopped searching for Dylan and Shasta, even though these poor children were out there for 7 weeks with the who had abducted them.

If the police here have tunnel vision that is the worst thing that can happened for Isa.

Imo, they are not finding any evidence concerning her parents because her parents would never ever harm Isa in any manner.

If LE screws this case up and gets tunnel vision, which it certainly seems they are heading that way fast , I will be furious.

It really seems they havent investigated this case much at all.

A million thanks would not be enough for this post!!!!!
I didn't mean to take her statement out of context, that's why I inserted the ellipses after the "I am not very religious" statement. I know it wasn't a declarative statement, but rather she had a further point, I just couldn't recall what it was.

I did not see the picture of Junior wearing the rosary, but I honestly don't think them wearing the rosary at their press conference was wrong or being fake.

I understand, didn't mean to snap. I just hated the earlier post pages or thread back about the rosarys being a stage prop. I come from a Cuban Jewish background (yes, there is such thing). My family is moral, kind, fair, but not religious. But let me tell you if one of my daughters goes missing you will see me standing there with rosaries, stars of David, and about 4 or 5 saint pendants hung around my neck, and it will not be a stage prop, I will be a desperate parent seeking hope and comfort in any way possible.
M. Klaas says it sends a very bad message that people other the family appear to be doing more to affect Isa's return than they are. He says it's a "sad set of signals that unfortunately in this day and age gets sent out every time a family reacts adversely to the kind of publicity that is inherently thrust upon them in this sort of situation."

I love Marc and highly respect him but times have drastically changed since Pauli was taken and murdered and so has the public at large, imo.

The parents did come out and speak...........they poured their heart out and all it got them was critizism from a lot of people.

In fact when they did speak out the subject turned to critiquing the parents and very little was said about Isa who is missing and needs to be found.
I understand, didn't mean to snap. I just hated the earlier post pages or thread back about the rosarys being a stage prop. I come from a Cuban Jewish background (yes, there is such thing). My family is moral, kind, fair, but not religious. But let me tell you if one of my daughters goes missing you will see me standing there with rosaries, stars of David, and about 4 or 5 saint pendants hung around my neck, and it will not be a stage prop, I will be a desperate parent seeking hope and comfort in any way possible.

I don't see it as being anything other than seeking comfort either...just hoping that actual searching, possibly calling TES, etc...also take place, as I am reminded of Holly Bobo's case where the community seems to rely mainly on prayer...JMOJMOJMOJMOJMO
And one last comment from me this evening... If a child of mine were to go missing the first calls I would make would be to 911 and to family, friends etc. the next set of calls I would make would be to a defense attorney. I wouldn't hesitate. Good, honest, innocent people need defense attorneys as much, if not more than, guilty people.
I understand, didn't mean to snap. I just hated the earlier post pages or thread back about the rosarys being a stage prop. I come from a Cuban Jewish background (yes, there is such thing). My family is moral, kind, fair, but not religious. But let me tell you if one of my daughters goes missing you will see me standing there with rosaries, stars of David, and about 4 or 5 saint pendants hung around my neck, and it will not be a stage prop, I will be a desperate parent seeking hope and comfort in any way possible.

Nothing will return a person's deep faith quicker than having to go through something this traumatic in their lives.

They know they need God's strength to help them withstand all of this and they pray He will bring her back home to them safe and sound. They are looking for a miracle and I dont blame them one bit for relying on their faith.

And one last comment from me this evening... If a child of mine were to go missing the first calls I would make would be to 911 and to family, friends etc. the next set of calls I would make would be to a defense attorney. I wouldn't hesitate. Good, honest, innocent people need defense attorneys as much, if not more than, guilty people.

I think I might, too..because everyone knows parents are the first suspect. I wouldn't use a lawyer to hide, I would say "help me through whatever the police need from me so we can move on from us as suspects and get my child found." I also think it is sad that we see having representation as guilty behavior.
M. Klaas talking about how Danielle van Dam's parents fell on their sword and faced their "issues" while continuously publicly pleading for their daughter's return; also Sierra LaMar's father fell on his sword and goes out day after day. He says most families in this position would love the kind of attention that's being offered to this family and being rejected by this family.

(Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just typing what I hear!)

Thank you! But, northeast is hard to understand for someone directionally challenged like me! It would be great if someone could take Theforeigner's post below and add in an icon or something, where the command center was and where the police cars were parked. I really need a visual!:

In the area, on T.F.'s map, the command center was where the red letters are, which say "Isabel Celis Room/Window". There was a very large police presence in the form of a large TPD "Mobile Command Center" (which is a large tricked out R.V.), several TPD S.U.V.s., the tent area under which the chief gave press conferences and various police cars. The entire area was marked off by police tape, with the vehicles being inside of the tape.
I understand, didn't mean to snap. I just hated the earlier post pages or thread back about the rosarys being a stage prop. I come from a Cuban Jewish background (yes, there is such thing). My family is moral, kind, fair, but not religious. But let me tell you if one of my daughters goes missing you will see me standing there with rosaries, stars of David, and about 4 or 5 saint pendants hung around my neck, and it will not be a stage prop, I will be a desperate parent seeking hope and comfort in any way possible.

I am right there with you, Marazul. :please:
Okay, are you all ready for this?

Nancy is saying she is "getting reports" that there may have been some type of a get-together, "an impromptu party that night after the Little League game".

Nancy says she doesn't see where this would fit into the timeline.

I am wondering what does that matter. It is Friday night. Maybe some of the family had a few beers. I say big deal. jmo
The parents did come out and speak...........they poured their heart out and all it got them was critizism from a lot of people.

They came out and read a statement. But, they have never sat down with media even once to discuss their missing daughter or answer questions. I can only imagine the shows that have been calling and the opportunities that have been missed.
I apologize if this has already been is a picture of the floor plan that was shown on NG


Link is still not there!

Warning: long post.

My family is devoutly Catholic. In my understanding rosary beads are considered a sacramental and should not be worn as jewelry. However, there are certain jewelry items made to look like rosaries: bracelets are one example. Some people wear these; others do not.

But, not all Catholics hold this to be true. My son attends a Catholic school and had to dress as a Saint for All Saints Day. His costume included a Rosary with a crab attached (He went as Saint Francis Xavier who cast his rosary into the sea to calm the storm. Went the ship safely landed ashore, a crab returned his rosary to him). His first grade teacher (who recently converted to Catholicism) insisted that he had to wear the rosary around his neck. He staunchly refused and took off his costume all together rather than disrespect the rosary.

I have seen rosaries worn as jewelry on many television shows and halloween costumes.

*However, the most important thing here is- why does it matter if the Celis family did this or not? In their culture or their understanding of the Catholic faith, it might not be disrespectful.. and if they didn't know any better.. then what?

****Sorry, to sound snarky-but how does what a family is wearing have any bearing on how or why Isabel disappeared?

Long rant over.

Catholic here too. Technically, it is disrespectful to wear a rosary. However, it has become a cultural thing among many Hispanics and is not meant as a sign of disrespect. I do not wear them around my neck by I do wind them around my wrist several times when I fly (nervous flyer), kind of like a bracelet, so I won't lose them and so I have easy access.

But their use of the rosary was being discussed in the context of whether they are good Catholics and thus would never dump their child in unconsecrated ground in the case of an accidental death and cover-up.

M. Klaas talking about how Danielle van Dam's parents fell on their sword and faced their "issues" while continuously publicly pleading for their daughter's return; also Sierra LaMar's father fell on his sword and goes out day after day. He says most families in this position would love the kind of attention that's being offered to this family and being rejected by this family.

(Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just typing what I hear!)

I won't shoot you and I think Mr. Klaas is right. They need to be out there, even thought the public will dependably jump all over them. They need to keep attention on this case no matter what.
Please don't take what Nancy states as fact with regards to anything unless she says: Isabel Celis is missing as that is FACT!

I didn't record her show because I do NOT want to put out all this "dramatized" senseless information. IMO.
I don't see it as being anything other than seeking comfort either...just hoping that actual searching, possibly calling TES, etc...also take place, as I am reminded of Holly Bobo's case where the community seems to rely mainly on prayer...JMOJMOJMOJMOJMO

That's what I meant by not liking the constant "keep praying" mantra here....keep praying, but keep working, too.
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