There are just so many factors that have to be aligned to make improvements. The substance abusers need to be identified. Their parenting needs to be assessed. The substance abuse must be addressed. There needs to be supervision and education if the parenting is found lacking, or removal of the children if it's bad enough. There must be enough safe homes for these children to be placed in, and enough treatment and education options for the addict. Beyond this, there MUST be consequences if the first attempts are unsuccessful. Don't let these kids be left in homes where their parents are not being responsible. If they lose their kids once, get them back, and then screw up again that should be IT. No more chances to hurt the kids! Supervised visits if the parents are capable of following some rules but don't let them go back. And, the authorities involved should be held accountable if they decide to return children and they end up hurt or dead (Powell boys for example!).
Sadly, there are some who truly are beyond help. If that's how they want to live, fine...just get the kids to safety. I am so scared of what's going to happen to Bella's sister. She is so vulnerable to becoming an addict herself, having severe depression or even suicidal thoughts because she feels like she should have saved Bella and had to give LE info that potentially incriminate her own mother. She hasn't had her own father's influence and her mom's boyfriend is a criminal. I pray the girls haven't been sexually abused but I've seen some photos in which the girls appear older than they are, making them even more vulnerable to predators.
As I mentioned, I work in substance abuse treatment. I am going to compile a notebook with photos and info on kids who die because of their parents' poor choices due to substance abuse, and make it available to every client I see. If any of you know of specific cases off the top of your head, will you message me with the info?