GUILTY AZ - Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock, 25 July 2010 - #4

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So many people are vocalizing their thanks to Don except the two "mommies". I just can't stop thinking about that. Not one word to Don from either of them.

I realize that TP has been completely silent but CN has been posting on FB all day.!/sylernewton

Don and Charity were talking private before he found Sylar.I have no doubt that they are still talking.
I Do not undertand Tina's not speaking to the media at all. If she ever expected anyone to believe her story it seems she would have tried harder to convince people. I guess she thought noone would think Sylar was a big deal because it is apparent she did and does not. Her inaction has made that very clear. Now Charity while misguided ,does seems to want people to focus on Sylar.
Don and Charity were talking private before he found Sylar.I have no doubt that they are still talking.
I Do not undertand Tina's not speaking to the media at all. If she ever expected anyone to believe her story it seems she would have tried harder to convince people. I guess she thought noone would think Sylar was a big deal because it is apparent she did and does not. Her inaction has made that very clear. Now Charity while misguided ,does seems to want people to focus on Sylar.


Thanks Soulmagent. I helps me to focus on that aspect of CN.
Don and Charity were talking private before he found Sylar.I have no doubt that they are still talking.
I Do not undertand Tina's not speaking to the media at all. If she ever expected anyone to believe her story it seems she would have tried harder to convince people. I guess she thought noone would think Sylar was a big deal because it is apparent she did and does not. Her inaction has made that very clear. Now Charity while misguided ,does seems to want people to focus on Sylar.


I have been so angry at what I saw as CN's selfishness. Bear with me while I try to explain my thoughts:

CN lied to her family about Sylar's home. She told them that he was living with her in TX while he was actually in AZ with TP.

CN was well aware of serious issues within TP's family as evidenced by her arrest record and acknowledgment of Sylar's overdose in November and still left him in TP's care.

My reaction upon reading this article was that CN did not want her family to know that she had given up another child and her 'arrangement' with TP would allow her to have someone else raise him and still make it appear to her family that he was living with her.

But now....misguided...yes.

Thank you Soulmagnet. Your post has helped me see CN in a much kinder light than I have been. I believe you are right - the custody agreement with TP was CN's misguided way of keeping this baby in her life.

I hope this makes sense - I am so so tired and so so sad.

And this is all MOO
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I don't know if this article has been posted:

Sylar Newton, the 2-year-old boy that disappeared from Beaver Creek Campground in Arizona in Yavapal County may have been found.

A relative of Skylar's was searching for him when he came across bones about two miles from the campground, reports ABC news.

"The remains were located at the bottom of a wash and likely came to rest in this area due to recent flash flooding. At this time, the remains are believed to be that of Sylar Newton, but final confirmation is still pending," said Yavapai County Sheriff's spokesman Dwight D'Evelyn.

Yavapai County Sheriff's Capt. David Rhodes said that the area had been searched extensively for weeks and it appears as if someone attempted to conceal the remains.

"Somebody didn't want us to find him," Rhodes said during a news conference.......

No argument at how a seemingly small thing can provide a clue, it's the rain I have issue with and how it destroys evidence. It's the amount of water, the severity of it and the fact that we're talking a really big area to search for evidence. Looking for evidence is way different than looking for a body or a live victim. Now you're looking for tiny little details and when you'r talking about potentially 3 plus miles up the wash from where the body came to rest that is a crazy amount of land to cover looking for an overturned rock, and if he was placed in the wash when it was dry an awful lot of the rocks have been overturned.

I agree. Darn curious to know why they believe he was originally 3 miles away from the wash site and how they could tell from where he ended up that someone tried to conceal him. Wouldn't the rain have moved things around to such a point and covered up evidence that it would be difficult to tell? LE wouldn't have stated that without having some really good evidence.
My issue is the dismembered remains.

Really I do not care how much water went down the wash. Animals maybe. But not water. I mean I read a story on that is on this board about a guy whos body hung in a tree for a year by his neck and his body(I mean skeleton) was still intact. Still hanging.
I remember during the Laci Peterson case there was information posted about this. Laci was weighed down in the water for a while before her body broke apart.

Animals could have made dismemberment possible but I looked up the definition and it says cut apart I know not meaaning much. Why would they say dismembered ???
They shouldnt have said that if he was not DISMEMBERED in the somebody did it kind of way.
I am stuck on that so someone needs to push me forword.
My issue is the dismembered remains.

Really I do not care how much water went down the wash. Animals maybe. But not water. I mean I read a story on that is on this board about a guy whos body hung in a tree for a year by his neck and his body(I mean skeleton) was still intact. Still hanging.
I remember during the Laci Peterson case there was information posted about this. Laci was weighed down in the water for a while before her body broke apart.

Animals could have made dismemberment possible but I looked up the definition and it says cut apart I know not meaaning much. Why would they say dismembered ???
They shouldnt have said that if he was not DISMEMBERED in the somebody did it kind of way.
I am stuck on that so someone needs to push me forword.

I don't recall seeing any reporting of dismemberment. I posted a question on the "scattered" remains and questioned whether he was possibly dismembered because I thought that it would take longer for the remains to decomp to the point that they would be scattered and the thought of dismemberment popped into my mind - morbid as it is.
I am usually pretty quiet just handing out my thanks here and there, but this case has me in tears!

RIP sweet Sylar, may god take care of you the way no one on earth ever did.
I don't recall seeing any reporting of dismemberment. I posted a question on the "scattered" remains and questioned whether he was possibly dismembered because I thought that it would take longer for the remains to decomp to the point that they would be scattered and the thought of dismemberment popped into my mind - morbid as it is.

I am Almost positive I saw the LE say that on a video report. I am trying to find the link for you but it was the first news report after Don had found his body. I say Almost positive. I will be back later to either post a link or eat crow!
They did the autopsy yesterday...yet no confirmation that this is definitely Sylar although it is a pretty safe bet it is. I am still in a state of shock that some idiot could just toss him somewhere...accident or not! I really think the punishment should match the crime...put the guilty one(s) out in the woods, no food no water and let her starve to death and then be picked apart by wild animals. I truly want to see whoever did this (and I believe it is more than one drug head involved) suffer tremendously. Sad to say they will most likely be put in jail and we will continue to have to pay for them to eat, sleep and get medical care just like we most likely did on the outside...I don't understand why no arrests, they knew he was killed, they knew he was removed from the campsite by a person...if they know all this then they have to know at least the who. Throw those pigs in jail! Quit letting them sleep in their beds, smoke their pot, pop their pills and live a somewhat normal life. Sorry for my anger but I am absolutely sick of the justice system and sick of people like TP and her disgusting mother getting free time when a life was ended.:furious:
An autopsy is under way on the skeletal remains of a child found near the Arizona campground where a 2-year-old boy disappeared, but authorities said it may be several days before the results are in.

Officials have said they believe the remains are likely those of Sylar Newton.

"The autopsy is today, [but] results are likely several days away due to DNA and toxicology tests," Dwight D'Evelyn, spokesman for the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office, told AOL News by telephone.
My issue is the dismembered remains.

Really I do not care how much water went down the wash. Animals maybe. But not water. I mean I read a story on that is on this board about a guy whos body hung in a tree for a year by his neck and his body(I mean skeleton) was still intact. Still hanging.
I remember during the Laci Peterson case there was information posted about this. Laci was weighed down in the water for a while before her body broke apart.

Animals could have made dismemberment possible but I looked up the definition and it says cut apart I know not meaaning much. Why would they say dismembered ???
They shouldnt have said that if he was not DISMEMBERED in the somebody did it kind of way.
I am stuck on that so someone needs to push me forword.

Both of those cases you're talking adults and both of the cases are situations where the body didn't get thrashed along the bottom while hitting rocks along the way. Add in the time before with the heat and the scavengers and it's completely plausible. Sorry to be so graphic, but I think it's important. The muscle and a tissue of a child is very different from that of an adult. The skull hasn't fully closed, there's still a soft spot, it's much easier for someone to break their little bones, dislocate limbs (think about abuse cases).

To further all of this, dismemberment brings on a whole new level of psyche. You go from an accident, or fit of rage, or trying to cover up an overdose to something much darker. Most people just aren't that calculated.

As far as what the media said, IIRC it was that his remains were "scattered" over some area.
Well Don saying in that video he watched the birds/buzzards flying over an area, is smart and I should have said that from our experiences. Don saying he smelled something to me means Sylar's time of death is very important and the state of decompostion isn't just bones. Boy the science involved and most of us are crying.

This tells me that there was soft tissue left, hopefully they will be able to detect what was the COD and manner of death for Sylar. I have my fingers crossed.

My issue is the dismembered remains.

Really I do not care how much water went down the wash. Animals maybe. But not water. I mean I read a story on that is on this board about a guy whos body hung in a tree for a year by his neck and his body(I mean skeleton) was still intact. Still hanging.
I remember during the Laci Peterson case there was information posted about this. Laci was weighed down in the water for a while before her body broke apart.

Animals could have made dismemberment possible but I looked up the definition and it says cut apart I know not meaaning much. Why would they say dismembered ???
They shouldnt have said that if he was not DISMEMBERED in the somebody did it kind of way.
I am stuck on that so someone needs to push me forword.


Okay I'll try to give you a nudge SM :)

Okay we had a child (small child) who was at least 2 weeks + into the decomp stage which is accelertated by the extreme high temps of the desert. Heat will always effect the natural stages of decomp, but the desert puts that acceleration on over drive.

We have a small deceased child who has been exposed to extreme conditions, and then the heavy rainfall came, moving him from where he was concealed out into a wash (waterway that is dry when it is not raining).

Those washes are not like dry creek beds that we see back east where the bottom of the creek is usually smooth with sand and mud. These washes are full of boulders and very large sharp rocks. There might be a stretch of the wash that is smooth but for the most part, they are filled with rocks.

The above video gives you an idea of the power of the water moving into and down that wash. It comes all at once. It's not a creek that becomes higher and more swift after a rain. I have seen reports of cars being moved down washes from the power of the water alone.

Now, take a small child whose body is compromised by advanced decomp and have them in that wash hitting the obstacles of the boulders and rocks as they make their way down the wash.

That is how I think that some of Sylar's remains were scattered. Not by being dismembered by someone but as a natural occurance of him moving down the wash at a high rate of speed, hitting the obstacles of the wash area and coming to rest once the water receded. KWIM? HTH.
I hope there's soft tissue left too, but reports from the cousin and reports from LE seem to be differing on that issue.
I'm very curious to hear the autopsy results, the "smell" and "buzzards" thing isn't completely jiving with me.
Sarx, I'm sorry that it looks like we posted the same explanation but I was later! I was trying to get the right video and you hadn't posted your response yet :)

(PS and OT: I miss the Desert, yes I live in what is called paradise right now and it is beautiful, but the desert is where my heart is!)
Kat-no worries, I think the video is a great visual! Thanks for posting it!
I hear ya, no about the desert, but I lived in paradise too, and in the end couldn't wait to get back to my mtns and seasons!
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