Baez and KC's Press Conference - 10/14/08 (Tuesday)

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Baez is going to rue the day he decided on this press conference. He just confirmed how heartless and pathetic his client really is.
so at the very end he says something about "in the end everyone will say - OH I GET WHY SHE DID ALL OF THIS" what the hell does that mean?
Visine, oh that's what it was!!!!!!!! lol Just a last minute ditch for some or any public sympathy in my opinion. They know she is fixin to head back to jail and her days are numbered!

Did I hear at the begining that Baez kicked channel 9 out? OT, but just want to see if I heard that right.

Yep good old JB kicked wftv out. He compared them to a Tabloid. I can't believe JB called Casey a victim...

Was Channel 9 rolling tape when Baez kicked them out?

If the photographer had the good sense to hit 'record', Jose's fit of pique will get more coverage than his canned statement.
Too little too late!

Why didn't they have this press conference months ago?

Why not beg the public to find caylee instead of weeping because your arse is going to jail?

She really is a piece of work this woman! :furious:
I know. What really gets me as he stands there asking the public to understand her nightmare, is that she brought all of this on HERSELF.
There are plenty of other things she should have done instead of killing her baby and lying about everything after that.(and before too) Lies upon lies upon lies. What a moron.

No joke here: Is she pregnant?

She definitely looks heavier than when all this started. She could have been gaining weight while stuck on home confinement but I don't think she's the type to indulge in food as a comfort, she seems too body conscious to let that happen. Still, she looked like all of this is just rain on her parade, not genuine remorse.
I haven't seen this press conference yet, but it's too bad a tape of Casey dancing and laughing at Fusian and buying bras and beer with her friend's money (while her daughter was missing) wasn't playing in the background. I'm sure those images were running through a lot of people's heads, though.
I went to channel 6 like One H. did and I found JB's parting remark beyond mystifying. Confounding! Not if he had been defending with justifiable homicide but he has been protesting her innocence and supporting her lie about ZG. It would be helpful if he allowed us a glimpse of his change in thinking on this, just enough to make it publicly comprehensible.
I just watched the presser and want to say a few things..

First, Casey is guilty..she cries when he talks about her..she turns to him much and can't look the media in their faces, nor the cameras..She plays with her hair, she makes these funny mouth expressions..pure and simple, she is guilty IMHO

Second..the same way that MY soilder is in Iraq fighting for our constitution to be innocent until proven guilty, my soilder gives me, and fights for my rights to say...
whenever i hear JB talk i get the urge to sleep!

Apparently, so does Casey. It looked like she was trying to stifle back yawns several times. Her mouth kept hanging open, made her look really weird.

I would have titled this thread "Baez and Casey hold press conference and Nobody Cares."

All of the local news stations said this morning that they would break into programming if a decision was announced or there were any other breaking developments.

Not a single station broke into programming for this. Even CF News 13, the 24/7 local news station, did not carry it live.

This PC was pre-planned, it is why Casey dressed up today. She even stopped wearing her stolen sunglasses. Didn't Baez say she has always wanted to speak? Then why didn't she?
I missed it. Was following the Apple Event. I'm dieing to see this. Pleeeeze. :)
Unbeleivable! What a load of cocka! Makes me ill, cant watch anymore of it.
i so agree the only reason casey is

crying is 4 her self, not because of caylee.

she makes me sick:furious:

If you watch the original bond hearings in their entirety - you will see that KC cries the minute GA gets up on the stand. She cries today when she connects her possible indictment to her father’s testimony. I think it is very telling. I think she has spent a majority of her life trying to win her father’s love and approval. Something she never cared about getting from CA - she just tried to pull the wool over CA’s eyes - but I think the fact that she has never been able to do that with her father is telling. Also would explain why she has had so many “cop boyfriends”. My armchair psychology for today
:mad: No way Jose!
You should have cued your client when to cry-ie: she did not cry when you referenced HER missing child, only when you referenced SHE was someones child. PATHETIC!

Also-unless you can produce videos of a kidnapper, time and date stamped that will show a LIVE Caylee with a gun to her head while all this has been going on, then there is NOTHING that your client or you could say to convince me she had GOOD reasons for what she has done.

Why hold this teary eyed conference today when the grand jury is meeting? Why not 3 months ago when she first was taken into custody? THEN it might have been believable-NOW it is just like pouring salt on an open wound-IT HURTS!

Your client is so self centerd and selfish that this past FRIDAY she was out sporting her stolen white sunglasses in her sexy attire and THAT said more to all of us as CITIZENS of this fair nation than all your words today did. She certainly was dressed demurely today-congratulations on getting THAT right at least.:furious::furious::furious:
If you watch the original bond hearings in their entirety - you will see that KC cries the minute GA gets up on the stand. She cries today when she connects her possible indictment to her father’s testimony. I think it is very telling. I think she has spent a majority of her life trying to win her father’s love and approval. Something she never cared about getting from CA - she just tried to pull the wool over CA’s eyes - but I think the fact that she has never been able to do that with her father is telling. Also would explain why she has had so many “cop boyfriends”. My armchair psychology for today

I tend to agree with you. George will not lie for her and she knows it.
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