Baez files motion for JG DNA report showing he's not the father 1/28/09

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
OK, people, here's what I predict: I think that the reason JB is requesting JG's DNA test isn't to see if he's actually not related to Caylee, it's to create reasonable doubt based on the type of the DNA test used! Lest we not forget that it was wonderful Dr. Henry Lee that helped to get OJ Simpson off on murder 1 charges! If I remember correctly, it was Dr. Lee that suggested it was the type of DNA testing done that proved reasonable doubt based on the fact that several thousand people in California alone shared similar markers. I sure hope the FBI used several different methods to test every single bit of trace evidence, otherwise good ol' Dr. Lee will have another notch in his respective lab belt! I've been wondering how and why JB pulled Dr. Lee onto their team - now I create reasonable doubt! I also thought of something that's easily disgusting...what about if the State of Florida is actually paying for Dr. Lee? I found a loophole in their law that says such things could be done, but then I heard that Dr. Lee is pro not sure about that. I honestly hope they (FBI & OCSO + JG's lab) didn't use PCR, because if they did, KC could very well walk. I personally haven't respected this Dr. since OJ's trial...and now I loathe him even more...but that's beside the point! It is my understanding that JB contracted Dr. Lee before this case became high profile...but it had the potential to become high profile nationwide. This would draw a HUGE audience - alot of money to be made! It's made me sick since day one! Keep in mind that these so-called experts might not make any $ during the trial, but they stand to make millions in interviews, book deals, expert panelists, etc. after the trial.!:furious:

Why not use PCR? I'm sorry I don't know the commonly used method for DNA analysis.
Probably only trying to get JG's DNA.
Trying to jitter the press a bit I guess.

Headline: Can JG DNA be tied to crime scene?

They are beginning to run out of stories anyway. For the meantime.

I think that's a real possibility. Otherwise, perhaps they want to see Caylee's dna profile, but don't want to ask for it, so figure it's better to get it this way? It's weird that we don't have any DNA profiles for any of the players yet, though we know the tests have apparently been run.
I don't think he is looking for the "daddy" either. It could open up another can of worms such as a wrongful death suit against KC if the father were identified. Plus I think JB does not want KC in court because it is easier to tell her what a great job he is doing than for her to see for herself how he actually represents her in court.
OK, people, here's what I predict: I think that the reason JB is requesting JG's DNA test isn't to see if he's actually not related to Caylee, it's to create reasonable doubt based on the type of the DNA test used! Lest we not forget that it was wonderful Dr. Henry Lee that helped to get OJ Simpson off on murder 1 charges! If I remember correctly, it was Dr. Lee that suggested it was the type of DNA testing done that proved reasonable doubt based on the fact that several thousand people in California alone shared similar markers. I sure hope the FBI used several different methods to test every single bit of trace evidence, otherwise good ol' Dr. Lee will have another notch in his respective lab belt! I've been wondering how and why JB pulled Dr. Lee onto their team - now I create reasonable doubt! I also thought of something that's easily disgusting...what about if the State of Florida is actually paying for Dr. Lee? I found a loophole in their law that says such things could be done, but then I heard that Dr. Lee is pro not sure about that. I honestly hope they (FBI & OCSO + JG's lab) didn't use PCR, because if they did, KC could very well walk. I personally haven't respected this Dr. since OJ's trial...and now I loathe him even more...but that's beside the point! It is my understanding that JB contracted Dr. Lee before this case became high profile...but it had the potential to become high profile nationwide. This would draw a HUGE audience - alot of money to be made! It's made me sick since day one! Keep in mind that these so-called experts might not make any $ during the trial, but they stand to make millions in interviews, book deals, expert panelists, etc. after the trial.!:furious:

Where I come from, all DNA re law enforcement issues goes to 1 lab, and they use the latest in DNA technology. Every day they churn out dozens of results, all for possible presentation in court. I would expect Fla. LE have a top rate lab I wouldn't worry about it too much. Plus, they can always run the tests again if any doubt.
Jersey Girl as I recall...regarding paying experts: In the SP case, the experts were paid by the county because Geragos was also a pro bono. He declared to the court, "Yes, I am pro bono but did not want to go broke". The court paid 227,000 to experts which they didn't have but one ( I think) take the stand.

Wow! That's right! So maybe what I read is correct...that the state of Florida could be paying for the Defense's expert witnesses? Holy crap! & if these socalled experts can create reasonable doubt for KC to walk, then double crap!
I was under the impression that the DNA test was the propert of JG. he paid for it, it wasn't performed by LE. So why should JB be allowed to have it, it doesn't pertain to this case. Also, we don't know if the labs are done processing all the fingerprint evidence.

JG turned it over to LE, so it was entered into evidence. As a result, JB can ask LE for it, although I'm not sure why he wants it.
JB HAS all the DNA test results that LE collected, under discovery.Again, paternity by Santa Clause wouldn't even be an issue. The father, whomever he is, didn't do it.

Do we know this for a fact? How come we didn't get them? Privacy issues perhaps?

I don't think we've seen any list yet of items they have swabbed for dna or the results of those swabs either, or have we and I missed it?
What was JB saying about the negative press with this case. And that Casey showing up at court would make it worse???

Not as negative as some of his motions he is filing.
Oh, good Lord! Now Baez wants the DNA reports showing that Jesse is not Caylee's father? GMAB! Jesse paid for this DNA report and it has nothing to do with Caylee's murder. This motion is one he is going to lose for sure, IMO.

Is Casey still throwing JG under the bus?
Why not use PCR? I'm sorry I don't know the commonly used method for DNA analysis.

PCR is a great DNA testing method, however it's too common...not clear or broad enough to trace everything on every level. Again, look at what a fiasco the DNA testing created in OJ's trial. IMO, OJ was guilty as heck...however he was only found guilty in his civil trial and not his criminal trial. Civil court doesn't require as much evidence. Criminal trials, especially murder trials, require all evidence to be supplied and guilt needs to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It makes me sick to say this but I'm really hoping & praying that LE has better evidence than what's been supplied, otherwise, they might have done better if going after KC for manslaughter instead. Again, I believe she's guilty as h.e.doubletoothpicks but it still needs to be proved with facts beyond any reasonable doubt. That's what Dr. lee is so extremely good at. Makes me ralph...ralf...hurl...upchuck...vomit - you get the drift!
What was JB saying about the negative press with this case. And that Casey showing up at court would make it worse???

Not as negative as some of his motions he is filing.

All this from the lawyer who argued against the State's Motion for a Gag Order on this case.
A lawyer, who when told he can have access to the crime scene(after whining he couldn't get on) said "No Thanks" and now has a motion filed against the land owner because he want's access to the crime scene.

Is this inexperience, stupidity, PR stunt.? Whatever the reason for all this Mr Baez comes across as a lawyer in over his head and it seems has become too emotional..JMO
OK, people, here's what I predict: I think that the reason JB is requesting JG's DNA test isn't to see if he's actually not related to Caylee, it's to create reasonable doubt based on the type of the DNA test used! Lest we not forget that it was wonderful Dr. Henry Lee that helped to get OJ Simpson off on murder 1 charges! If I remember correctly, it was Dr. Lee that suggested it was the type of DNA testing done that proved reasonable doubt based on the fact that several thousand people in California alone shared similar markers. I sure hope the FBI used several different methods to test every single bit of trace evidence, otherwise good ol' Dr. Lee will have another notch in his respective lab belt! I've been wondering how and why JB pulled Dr. Lee onto their team - now I create reasonable doubt! I also thought of something that's easily disgusting...what about if the State of Florida is actually paying for Dr. Lee? I found a loophole in their law that says such things could be done, but then I heard that Dr. Lee is pro not sure about that. I honestly hope they (FBI & OCSO + JG's lab) didn't use PCR, because if they did, KC could very well walk. I personally haven't respected this Dr. since OJ's trial...and now I loathe him even more...but that's beside the point! It is my understanding that JB contracted Dr. Lee before this case became high profile...but it had the potential to become high profile nationwide. This would draw a HUGE audience - alot of money to be made! It's made me sick since day one! Keep in mind that these so-called experts might not make any $ during the trial, but they stand to make millions in interviews, book deals, expert panelists, etc. after the trial.!:furious:

JerseyGirl you are 100 percent right about this. But couldn't the prosecution refute that with the fact that KC was already pregnant when she met JG? IIRC JG said he and KC started to date in Feb. and Caylee was born in Aug which means if she was the child of JG she would have been born 2 months premature. So the pros. could ask for Caylees birth information to counter that....right?
& something else I just thought of...The A's have been throwing JG under the bus for some time now, since I believe the beginning. JG went to their house, remember? Well, didn't forensics find 3 or 4 hairs in the trunk? Only 1 of them is believed to have the death band. What hasn't been released is if the other hairs actually could have been KC's, or even another member of her family. What about if 1 of those hairs was planted by CA? What about if one of those hairs that JG might have left on their sofa was planted & found in the trunk? Then what? Reasonable doubt is created, imo. Mind you, this is only a theory, but it really makes me wonder exactly why the A's would throw JG under the bus when he & his family did sooo much for little Caylee. My guess is b/c CA might hold a grudge that the G's believed what KC told them and they shared it with the public. It is my guess that after CA spoke with JG & his family, they probably shared with her what KC had been telling them all along (various abuse - mental & otherwise, manipulation, controlling behaviors, etc) and she (CA) then right away went into defense mode. Heaven forbid her family be made to look like a laughing stock. It is then that I believe she started to throw JG under the bus, so to create reasonable doubt. She's a nurse - she had to know a dead body was in that trunk and KC had to be involved in one way or another. Of course, this is jmo.
A paternity test isn't the same as a paternity DNA test. Are we exactly sure what type of test they did years ago?

Why would the LE do a paternity DNA test using JG as the father? DNA tests are expensive and time consuming to do. They wouldn't request one, unless it was really needed. Not just because of the cost, but the time it was being done, a different DNA test could be going on. Holding up their case or someone elses.

As for JG looking bad for not 'giving' a copy to JB... When the test was done, she and the baby would have had to give a blood sample. She would have later gotten a copy of the test results sent to her from the lab.

I seriously doubt that the LE has such results or even requested such results.
JerseyGirl you are 100 percent right about this. But couldn't the prosecution refute that with the fact that KC was already pregnant when she met JG? IIRC JG said he and KC started to date in Feb. and Caylee was born in Aug which means if she was the child of JG she would have been born 2 months premature. So the pros. could ask for Caylees birth information to counter that....right?

& something else I just thought of...The A's have been throwing JG under the bus for some time now, since I believe the beginning. JG went to their house, remember? Well, didn't forensics find 3 or 4 hairs in the trunk? Only 1 of them is believed to have the death band. What hasn't been released is if the other hairs actually could have been KC's, or even another member of her family. What about if 1 of those hairs was planted by CA? What about if one of those hairs that JG might have left on their sofa was planted & found in the trunk? Then what? Reasonable doubt is created, imo. Mind you, this is only a theory, but it really makes me wonder exactly why the A's would throw JG under the bus when he & his family did sooo much for little Caylee. My guess is b/c CA might hold a grudge that the G's believed what KC told them and they shared it with the public. It is my guess that after CA spoke with JG & his family, they probably shared with her what KC had been telling them all along (various abuse - mental & otherwise, manipulation, controlling behaviors, etc) and she (CA) then right away went into defense mode. Heaven forbid her family be made to look like a laughing stock. It is then that I believe she started to throw JG under the bus, so to create reasonable doubt. She's a nurse - she had to know a dead body was in that trunk and KC had to be involved in one way or another. Of course, this is jmo.

My post quoted above is the reason I believe JB wants the copy of JG's DNA test results. Again, this is just a theory of mine, so I'm not quite sure, but it would kind of make sense to me. Besides, isn't JB entitled to that anyway since it's been entered into evidence?
I personally think that the reason JB wants the test is a very simple one..
Its not about who is or isnt the father.. Nor is it to get a copy of JG's dna..
Its the same reason that the SA wanted the test. Its to get the results of Caylee's DNA that they know is hers.. as the tests show not only JG's dna but Caylee's also..
That is basically the only DNA results that are positive to be caylees from before the murder. He surely cant go by any results from brushes or toothbrushes CA supplied.

They prolly need Caylees dna to compair to the remains etc.. and even tho the SA has done all the test and confirmed the remains are caylees.. Im sure the defense want to have its people confirm all.. as well they prolly should.. Not because the states is wrong.. just because its what lawyers do.

I think sometimes we all try to read more into things then they really are..
My mind is so boggled with all of this.

I sure hope they have fingerprints from the tape, and they all belong to Casey!

Then, what will Baez try to spin? Can there be anything else he can do to take the blame off of Casey at that point?
I personally think that the reason JB wants the test is a very simple one..
Its not about who is or isnt the father.. Nor is it to get a copy of JG's dna..
Its the same reason that the SA wanted the test. Its to get the results of Caylee's DNA that they know is hers.. as the tests show not only JG's dna but Caylee's also..
That is basically the only DNA results that are positive to be caylees from before the murder. He surely cant go by any results from brushes or toothbrushes CA supplied.

They prolly need Caylees dna to compair to the remains etc.. and even tho the SA has done all the test and confirmed the remains are caylees.. Im sure the defense want to have its people confirm all.. as well they prolly should..

I think sometimes we all try to read more into things then they really are..

With all due respect L-C, if JB can kill 2 birds with 1 stone, why not just do it? In other words, maybe that is why he wants a copy of the DNA testing on JG vs Caylee, but he knows he can also use it to create reasonable doubt. All he would have to do is find the common markers, then get the stats on Orange County's commonly shared markers, and he could potentially create reasonable doubt. Also, we still don't know who those other hairs belonged to:eek:
JG turned it over to LE, so it was entered into evidence. As a result, JB can ask LE for it, although I'm not sure why he wants it.

I thought LE only had to turn over stuff that they would use to prove guilty and everything that could prove innocent.

I don't see how this would count for either of those things. LE pick up tons of stuff when investigating that shows empty leads that get tossed to the side. Kinda like all those call in tips that JB was whining that he didn't get a copy of, then when he did, he whined that the LE was throwing trash at him. The paternity test would be the same thing. Not part of the case, doesn't prove either way. And there is a ton of stuff just like it.
My post quoted above is the reason I believe JB wants the copy of JG's DNA test results. Again, this is just a theory of mine, so I'm not quite sure, but it would kind of make sense to me. Besides, isn't JB entitled to that anyway since it's been entered into evidence?

Oh yeah i agree. I do figure they want the DNA fromt the paternity for some kind of JG did it setup.

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