Baez files motion for JG DNA report showing he's not the father 1/28/09

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
from what I read....JB wants ALL and ANY DNA results, test etc.....I didnt see that he asked for only JG......hmmmm
Since all lawyers are taught that they have to spout case law with their requests, by him not doing so.. is evidence that he is clueless to what he is doing. I mean, on the record it shows it. Which is why Casey needs to be in court so at a later date she can not claim she was clueless to her Lawyers bumbling.

So yes, he should fill any and all motions for this case. But it's wrong to file BS motions, to waste the Tax payers money and the courts time. He has the right to file, and I have a right to poke holes in it and laugh. Not often we got stuff to laugh about when it comes to lawyers.

I agree with your whole post - but snipped it for space. i also wanted to add - that i noticed on the motion that LKB filed to get the SA thrown off the case - case law was spouted...i noticed right away because JB never does.

I just re-read the motion, and man, he wants a LOT of stuff...

He's trying to disprove the credibility of basically every lab and expert involved so far.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't JB been told numerous times that the Court cannot compel the FBI to release ANYTHING??? Well, he's asking again.. :bang: Look at page 4 of 11, number 22: "possession of any law enforcement agency including but not limited to the OSCO and/or the FBI"


Thank you! This is exactly what I've been saying...and Dr. Lee is excellent at picking apart labs, testing methods, & actual test results. OJ's friggin' DNA was found at the scene of the crime as well as Nicole's blood on his steering wheel! & Dr. Lee helped to get him off! What a great doctor he is!:mad:
from what I read....JB wants ALL and ANY DNA results, test etc.....I didnt see that he asked for only JG......hmmmm

# 23, he wants a copy of the DNA Parentage Report. Yes, he asks for other DNA, but this number is specifically for that document.

ETA: funny, notice how that number is not aligned with the rest of the motion, like it was thrown in after the fact.
Thank you! This is exactly what I've been saying...and Dr. Lee is excellent at picking apart labs, testing methods, & actual test results. OJ's friggin' DNA was found at the scene of the crime as well as Nicole's blood on his steering wheel! & Dr. Lee helped to get him off! What a great doctor he is!:mad:

Well, all we can hope for is that LE hands over documents showing an impeccable investigation, then Dr. Lee will have nothing to pick apart! :)
He can't turn over something he doesn't have.:rolleyes:

Unless, of course, he got something from his "casey is innocent tip line"!

You know, I wonder if he would have to turn over his investigative notes like he asked from LE.
I can just see all the little notes of a possible defense.

1. Zenaida took Caylee. (now crossed out)
2. Caylee is alive. (now crossed out)
3. Pizza in truck smells like decomp (now crossed out)
4. Hair in trunk doesn't match (now crossed out)
5. Casey spent hours trying to find Caylee (now crossed out
6. I think I need a beer!
7. What have I gotten myself into?
8. No video of proof of anything stolen (now crossed out)
9. Casey didn't do anything wrong (still trying to figure that out)
10. Immunity (damn I wish I would have took it!)

I bet his notes are pretty comical!
I 100% agree with you, however, if that's the case then why isn't he requesting everything from the prosecution that he's missing thus far? This only adds to my belief that he wants that test for more than the obvious reason. Just think about it for a sec. No, I do not believe for a second that a mountain should be made out of this tiny mole hill...but, he wouldn't be doing his job to the best of his ability if he cannot create reasonable doubt. That's his job...and using that dna test could be part of him doing his job to create that. DR. Lee is an expert where that's concerned, imho:blowkiss:

Actually, DNA is Kobilinsky's role. Henry Lee is the forensic crime scene expert. I imagine Baez wants a copy of this paternity test for two reasons. As a cheap short cut to Caylee's known DNA, and "just in case" they decide to throw JG under the bus.
Actually, DNA is Kobilinsky's role. Henry Lee is the forensic crime scene expert. I imagine Baez wants a copy of this paternity test for two reasons. As a cheap short cut to Caylee's known DNA, and "just in case" they decide to throw JG under the bus.

Yes, I know that, but Lee is the expert with forensic results. That's what I'm getting at. If it wasn't for Dr. Lee, OJ would have been found guilty in his criminal trial. The glove was a fiasco - just a joke - but the lab results & test results were torn apart by Dr. Lee's testimony and expertness (for lack of a better word that isn't a cuss word)!
You know, I wonder if he would have to turn over his investigative notes like he asked from LE.
I can just see all the little notes of a possible defense.

1. Zenaida took Caylee. (now crossed out)
2. Caylee is alive. (now crossed out)
3. Pizza in truck smells like decomp (now crossed out)
4. Hair in trunk doesn't match (now crossed out)
5. Casey spent hours trying to find Caylee (now crossed out
6. I think I need a beer!
7. What have I gotten myself into?
8. No video of proof of anything stolen (now crossed out)
9. Casey didn't do anything wrong (still trying to figure that out)
10. Immunity (damn I wish I would have took it!)

I bet his notes are pretty comical!

Absolutely hysterical!
Yes, I know that, but Lee is the expert with forensic results. That's what I'm getting at. If it wasn't for Dr. Lee, OJ would have been found guilty in his criminal trial. The glove was a fiasco - just a joke - but the lab results & test results were torn apart by Dr. Lee's testimony and expertness (for lack of a better word that isn't a cuss word)!

I'm not being argumentative, but my recollection is Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld tore into the chain of evidence issue, with accusations of shoddy lab work.

Henry Lee has lost his credibility in recent years, in the eyes of many in the forensic world.
I'm not being argumentative, but my recollection is Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld tore into the chain of evidence issue, with accusations of shoddy lab work.

Henry Lee has lost his credibility in recent years, in the eyes of many in the forensic world.

Exactly! I don't worry about how intelligent he is, I worry about how sneaky he is! JMHO
I find this odd for multiple reasons. One being that GA said they had a copy of the paternity test that JG gave them. Why not use that copy? It belongs to Casey.

Another thought came to me also. What if it was JG's laundry bag Caylee was in? What if Casey stole it and used it? :eek:
Doesn't Baez know that it would help his case more to know "who's the daddy?", then "who's not the daddy?"
He is getting a bit ridiculous now!
Oh and I can't help but ask:


Wouldn't it be great if Strickland said, "With all due respect, Mr. Baez, if you want to know the father of the child why don't you start by asking your client?"


Yeah, I know it won't and can't happen but I'd fall out of my chair to hear it!
I'm not being argumentative, but my recollection is Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld tore into the chain of evidence issue, with accusations of shoddy lab work.

Henry Lee has lost his credibility in recent years, in the eyes of many in the forensic world.

Yes, but they were only able to argue their cause based on Dr. Lee's findings. His testimony is what cinched the results, imo. I agree with you, so I'm not being argumentative either, just stating how & why I believe Dr. Lee is involved or going to be involved. It's my prediction that the trial could go either way and Dr. Lee could be a very big part in it. Thanks for reading:blowkiss:
It seems like JB is trying real hard to throw JG under the bus. Possible motive - anger & jealousy either way the test results turned out (in a backwards sorta way). jmo

Bingo- JG is in love with Casey, upset about the paternity test, jealous of the new relationship with Tony, fired from the police department, he is looking to paint reasonable doubt that there are people with more motivation than lovely mother of the year- look at my smiling photos Casey.
I'm just hoping and praying that every single hair found in KC's car belonged to either her or her family...otherwise, forensically speaking, reasonable doubt could be created. Remember this is a murder trial, not a manslaughter trial. KC could get off...hope not, but it's a possibility. Please please please let LE and FBI have excellent evidence not yet released to the public...otherwise, alot of us might have a hard time sleeping. JMO.

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