Baez is saying that "CASEY is really struggling"

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Remember when the Ants, particularly Cindy, took a drastic downturn in appearance, when they 'reached out' looking much more gaunt and sickly than they had just the week before. At the time, it seemed likely the reason might have been a plea-in-the works, that they'd been told more or less what was on the table and why, that they'd been given info they didn't have before, info that caused them substantial grief and pain. The Ants also went uncharacteristically silent about that time. Before, there had been that so-called promising Caylee sighting at the FL Mall. They'd scheduled several press conferences, then canceled. Eventually, they surfaced on Larry King just the night before a child's remains were found, but perhaps that was only a ploy to put pressure on prosecuters to complete the deal in order to help the only child they now knew they had left.

If there was a deal, and I think there was, it just got a whole lot worse for the creature after God and his meter man uncovered part of the truth! MO, the prosecution generally will deal for the body if they haven't fount it, pretty liberally. Now, probably not so much. Adverb Creature is probably looking at a minimum of 15-25 more years today than she was last Wednesday morning. She should have come clean sooner. If there was an offer on the table, I don't think God thought it was a good plan.


If the Ants truly are God Fearing people they would want her to pay for this now.
I think she is struggling to come up with better lies. The last ones didn't work out too well.
Too bad, so sad.
expletive deleted.
I absolutely agree with you. I hope she drives herself insane trying to remember what evidence might have been left at the scene that she didn't think about. I just pray her fingerprints are all over that duct tape.
I'm thinking instead of asking for the meds...perhaps she should have been reflecting on that Bible the jail provided for her.....

She is struggling because she know her goose is cooked.

But a Mom struggling is when you are told by Numerous Dr's that you Child most likely won't make it through the night due to an infection just days shy of her 2nd birthday.
Or a mother who has just given birth and 10 minutes later a team of Dr's have to work to save her life, and She never got a chance to say goodbye to her older children , that is struggling
Or all the other parents that have had to go through something like this (Mark Klass, Tim Miller just to name a couple)
That monster will never get one ounce of sympthany from me.
I'm just catching up from last night and am pages behind, but couldn't let this one pass!

I am absolutely NOT bothered; in fact, I believe it should be required that she see that little angel's body. That way, the results of her actions and the decomposed (sorry) condition of that beautiful child's body will be the everlasting image burned into KC's mind. Yep, the court should order the photos, of course, that they could leave behind as her photo decorations in her cell.

She will see the remains at trial if she doesn't see the them before then.
Do we know that Casey is actually swallowing this medication and not saving it up for future use?
Bolded by me.....
I so agree with your wishes.....I do not think in my 40 years on this earth that I have ever had so much hate towards one person....a person that I do not even know and wish I would have never heard of her. I hope she suffers every second of every day for the rest of her sick miserable life. I hope they put Casey Anthony to death for this. Every time they show her on TV and play the sound of her voice I get sick to my stomach...
I hope you rot Casey Anthony and I don't feel one shread od sympathy for you.
Rest in Peace Sweet Caylee...I will never forget you.

Ditto on all of the above It actually scares me the hate I too have felt. Didn't think I was capable of wishing horrible things on someone. :eek:
She is not struggling...........she is planning her revenge.

She will seek revenge on her parents.......She is planning on taking them down with her.......Remember I said that.

Oh I so agree, I wouldn't want to be them before and especially now. But I have a feeling they will be out spinning for her again very soon. She had another cloth soaked in chloroform (sp?) with their names on it. She never got the chance to use it. Maybe when she starts her vendetta, they will finally recognize her what what they created. Monster :eek:
Wonder if Casey is still being sedated? :rolleyes:

Possibly, but it's only because it's cheaper than sending her to the hospital and giving her a nicer bed and great hospital food. They probably said aw geez that's too bad, here take this and shut the h up. :rolleyes:
I don't know if this has already been brought up but do you guys remember when they were searching BP and the beads and there was a bag brought up with supposed bones etc. KC was near the TV and had to be whisked away as it was on in the jailhouse. It was said she had no reaction. Well, now we know why. She "knew" Caylee wasn't there. She had reaction to this instance because they found her and she knows it's Caylee. Will her parents come see her now, I wonder?
This CAN be happening, Mizz Thang. Oh, yes, indeedy, it CAN.


LMAO Oh yeah lil sweet pea, most of America has a higher IQ then you or your very intelligent family. At some point this was inevitable with or without a body. Why so surprised. :woohoo:
KC told her mother she didn't know why Caylee was taken--and now LE is supposed to believe (if she had her way) that a kidnapper was mad enough to kill her daughter? There wasn't drugs involved nor was there something "she borrowed" (heh) that caused such animosity...
KC: why was Caylee murdered? We know you carried her poor little body in your trunk..
I don't know if this has already been brought up but do you guys remember when they were searching BP and the beads and there was a bag brought up with supposed bones etc. KC was near the TV and had to be whisked away as it was on in the jailhouse. It was said she had no reaction. Well, now we know why. She "knew" Caylee wasn't there. She had reaction to this instance because they found her and she knows it's Caylee. Will her parents come see her now, I wonder?
Yes I do remember that very well! No reaction whatsoever but now it seems the best positive identification of the remains comes from Casey's reaction to the finding. Very telling! :furious: Another thought, maybe she should be provided the same "sedative" she gave Caylee. MOO
THis may have already been stated, and if it has I apologize.

Did Baez really say on the tape that the Anthony's should be allowed to greive or REJOICE.


Rejoice at what? That there was a child found that wasn't Caylee? Another child that is missed and loved?

Rejoice at being able to stay at a luxury hotel?

Rejoice that the cameras are back at their house?

I don't get it, what could they possibly "REJOICE" at this time?
JB :"She's doing the best she can?"


Her Bestt kept the Grandparents from speaking and seeing to Caylee after June 15 (16th if you believe George)
Her best kept her lying to her parents about her and Caylee's whereabouts for 1 month
Her Best moved her into an apartment with a new(barely knew) boyfriend and his roommates
Her Best went to party at night clubs and was actively pursuading others to come and party
Her Best went and got a Bella Vita tatoo
Her Best, willingly and with no remorse, stole checks and money from ailing grandparents, parents and friends
Her best...ugh

I can go on...but Casey's Best is Not Good Enough.
where is the barf bag? Struggline because she knows she's going to spend the rest of her life in jail. When I heard her reaction I know there isn't any doubt that is Caylee. Miss cocky Casey thought (just like scott peterson) that she was smarter than everyone and she would never get caught. I would love to see her squirm. :clap:
Wonder if KC is struggeling as hard as Caylee was as her own mother murdered her?
I'm thinking she is struggling a bit more now since her 'rents are going for immunity.

Why does that make me happy. Not the immunity part (hatess it), but KC's ever-growing discomfort.

I'm a bad Spud.

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