Baez is saying that "CASEY is really struggling"

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I would bet that Casey is about to climb the walls thinking that her parents are going to sacrifice HER for themselves. And if you think about it...they are trying to do just where is this love they feel for their daughter again? Where is the love? Oh that's right, THEY come before HER I guess when it comes right down to it, and in all honesty I believe all of their lies to this point were for their own selves and never was for Casey at all...They were just "keeping up their image" and now that is out the window they are willing to throw Casey to the wolves? This would have meant so much more a couple of months ago...

Anyhow, Casey, I guess you are all alone just like you were when you stole the life out of Caylee...You are all alone just like SHE was and you are going to face the very same demon that she faced, and that is YOU!
Do we know that Casey is actually swallowing this medication and not saving it up for future use?

If Casey is on Psychological (sp?) Watch as has been said, then she would either have the sedative in shot form, or if in pill form she would have to take the pill, then open her mouth and lift her tongue, then open her mouth wide for an officer or nurse to look in. (sentence too long, LOL)
Then the officer or nurse would watch her long enough that the pill would have disolved. They are very careful about this. Officers would be certain that Casey could not stockpile enough pills to commit suicide.

Very likely it would be a shot.

THis may have already been stated, and if it has I apologize.

Did Baez really say on the tape that the Anthony's should be allowed to greive or REJOICE.


Rejoice at what? That there was a child found that wasn't Caylee? Another child that is missed and loved?

Rejoice at being able to stay at a luxury hotel?

Rejoice that the cameras are back at their house?

I don't get it, what could they possibly "REJOICE" at this time?


Can Baez get any worse? If this is not Caylee, it is someone's child - a dead child who has been thrown away like garbage.

REJOICE? :furious:..........Someone needs to call him down on this one!
I don't think she should get anything to help her...what was there to help Caylee in her last dying moments? A monster who did not give one #@$% about her that's what and that should be what Casey has for her comfort as well-she should be left alone and sober and wide awake with the monster that she IS!

Can Baez get any worse? If this is not Caylee, it is someone's child - a dead child who has been thrown away like garbage.

REJOICE? :furious:..........Someone needs to call him down on this one!

Baez is such a creepy guy IMO. I don't know what it is but from day one I haven't been able to stand to hear him speak and not sure why or what exactly about him that sets off my "hinky meter" big time! If he really did say this then he is a complete and total a$$! :mad:

Oh Casey's struggling, cry me a fricking river! :boohoo:

I hope that she will have nightmares for the rest of her life while she rots away in prison and IMO that's too good for her. But I am betting on the people that cannot stand chicks like her in prison getting a hold of her!
has it been reported if she has ordered other things from the jail "shop"?
Do we know that Casey is actually swallowing this medication and not saving it up for future use?

Because they make her take it, in front of them. Some nurses also shine a flashlight under the tongue and around the mouth.

Besides, KC would not off herslef. If given life w/o parole, she'll morph into the model inmate, then set about ingratiating herself to anyone of influence in the jail.
I think she is in for years and years of having a hard time. Not a lot of dancing, not many choices of foods, no choices of friends, no Universal visits, Disney visits or what have you. Not even a pic-nic on a nice day. Heh.

BUT, she can tie a knot to tighten her jail shirt.
A sociopath wouldn't be bothered, much by viwing the remains.

If the Ants truly are God Fearing people they would want her to pay for this now.

They might throw KC under a bus if charges for obstrucion were seriously pressed against THEM.
When did she order that grab bag for $20.00? pppl that are struggling don't order silly stuff.
Of course kc is struggling. THey have found the body of her daughter and she knows that there was evidence in that bag to link her directly to the crime. I am 100% certain that her fingerprints are all over the items at the crime scene. At this point she knows that her story has fallen apart and she is STRUGGLING trying to come up with an explanation for this. Just a thought.
I'm just catching up from last night and am pages behind, but couldn't let this one pass!

I am absolutely NOT bothered; in fact, I believe it should be required that she see that little angel's body. That way, the results of her actions and the decomposed (sorry) condition of that beautiful child's body will be the everlasting image burned into KC's mind. Yep, the court should order the photos, of course, that they could leave behind as her photo decorations in her cell.

I agree. She hasn't put up any pictures of an alive Caylee. Her actions speak volumes. Great idea about using them as cell decorations. It just breaks my heart to think of that sweet child murdered for no reason except for the Mothers selfishness. I knew her body would turn up, I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but someone upstairs wanted Caylee home for Xmas. Lacy and Connor floated to the surface on Good Friday or close to it.
where is the barf bag? Struggline because she knows she's going to spend the rest of her life in jail. When I heard her reaction I know there isn't any doubt that is Caylee. Miss cocky Casey thought (just like scott peterson) that she was smarter than everyone and she would never get caught. I would love to see her squirm. :clap:

Who really cars? I hope she suffers mightily.
I don't think she should get anything to help her...what was there to help Caylee in her last dying moments? A monster who did not give one #@$% about her that's what and that should be what Casey has for her comfort as well-she should be left alone and sober and wide awake with the monster that she IS!

maybe some chloroform and masking tape would make KC more comfortable... she deserves and should be make to stay awake and alert at this time. after all she never knows when LE is going to need her assistance to ID Zanni and Samantha. (gag)

What comfort did she offer her dying child? Her favorite doll was in the car. Was it the same kind of care she showed when she snapped pictures of her poor baby who was crying and had her arms held out to her to be picked up?
She makes me sick.
Sedatives are too good for her. She should be made to deal with the findings without the assistance of a little pill. JMO.
:snooty: No. I'm not feeling sorry for her. :snooty:
Exactly. She's the female Snott Peterson (may he rot in hell), a pure sociopath/narcissist who cannot feel and is the center of her own universe.

I'm sure her biggest concern right now is how this is going to affect her chances to get away with murder (she won't).

I still don't think they will ever put her in gen pop; women who have nothing to lose will beat her to death in no time. Women in prison who miss their own children desperately are not going to sit on their hands when a baby killing monster is in their midst. As a Florida resident I sure as hell don't want Cindy and George suing the state if their preciousssss gets murdered by another inmate. I don't want them getting a penny of our tax dollars.

I feel pretty confident that she'll get death penalty. Especially with the new evidence being found. If so, she'll be on death row in a small iddy biddy cell until they give her the needle 10-15 years from now.
Because they make her take it, in front of them. Some nurses also shine a flashlight under the tongue and around the mouth.

Besides, KC would not off herslef. If given life w/o parole, she'll morph into the model inmate, then set about ingratiating herself to anyone of influence in the jail.

Exactly... EXACTLY! I called this a long time ago... a pathological liar survives on morphing to their surroundings and situations. Casey will take what she has and create a life around it... she may feel a sting at first, but slowly she will observe and work things, until she is just another part of the inmate community. Women in prison tend to be far more forgiving of each other, from what I have read about inmate life... they tend to bind into a tight community... and I can easily see Casey finding her roost and making out well, on the inside. I wouldn't even be surprised if she takes a girlfriend to deal with her physical wants.

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