Baez is saying that "CASEY is really struggling"

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By the way, I was arrested for suspicion of DWI about 11 years ago and I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks. My medication was seized since it was in my purse at the time and the jail attendees refused to give it to me while I was there. It happened during a traffic accident (turned out to be one of those stop and squat, insurance accident scams.) Pixxes me off that Casey gets hers while I didn't get mine.

I thought it was policy in all jails that you just couldn't get meds like that. She deserved to have a full blown anxiety attack and feel the full severity of it. At any rate, I think that she is just know starting to realize what is in store for her. I really think she thought she was gonna get away with this...but SURPRISE...not now!!
By the way, I was arrested for suspicion of DWI about 11 years ago and I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks. My medication was seized since it was in my purse at the time and the jail attendees refused to give it to me while I was there. It happened during a traffic accident (turned out to be one of those stop and squat, insurance accident scams.) Pixxes me off that Casey gets hers while I didn't get mine.

ha, no joke!
Does he really think anyone is going to feel sorry for her...???
He would do well just to keep quiet at this juncture.
Yeah she really looked like she was 'struggling' when she was out clubbing in those photos.
Oh that's right I forgot she was just perpetuating her'alternative lifestyle'.
The only emotion she's struggling with is the anger and indignation that her litle cardhouse of lies is collapsing and she knows on some level she isnt going to be able to demand everyone believe her through sheer force of stubborn will.
Typical cheap sociopath.
'If only Mom hadnt of pissed me off none of this would be happening...'
I thought it was policy in all jails that you just couldn't get meds like that. She deserved to have a full blown anxiety attack and feel the full severity of it. At any rate, I think that she is just know starting to realize what is in store for her. I really think she thought she was gonna get away with this...but SURPRISE...not now!!

Yeah, they won't give you your own meds.. they have to order it through medical. It often takes awhile for that to happen- I have ended up psychotic because it took so long to get my meds.

No rushing going on in jail.
Baez is also "struggling" to give an interview with reporters coherently. He was contradicting his co-counsel this morning...
God wouldnt you just love to be a fly on the wall when Casey's lawyers have to break the news to her that forensics has discovered her big,weepy,huggable fingerprints ALL over that duct tape and plastic bag?
(Which I would be willing to bet they are.)
I would buy a ticket for that and microwave some popcorn.
To really see KC suffer, get RM, TL, JG, AH, Annie, and all of the ##s of others she's partied with to visit her in jail and instead of them talking to her on the phone, just have them sit in front of her with expressions of total hatred on their faces. Only then will she suffer. BUT NEVER WILL SHE SUFFER OVER OUR PRECIOUS CAYLEE!
I don't care if the perp is struggling. JB is only saying this to help prove remorse during sentencing and I just don't care. Struggling shoud have been going on when this happened not cuddling and watching videos. Struggling should have been going on instead of strutting for cameras with sunglasses that looked like children's sunglasses that were bought with her friends stolen money. Struggling is what she is doing now because she was told she may face the Death Penalty. UGH! (I think all of us here at WS needed the sedative for struggling, not the perp. I am really struggling with this.)
The panic attack that kc is having now, would what most Moms have when their baby is kidnapped

No emotion at that time????

Hope the DP is brought back.


You have that right!!! She should have been calling everyone to help her find little Caylee. She is only needing to be sedated now because she is caught and it is about her spending the rest of her days locked up! That puts her in a panic, not the fact that she stuffed her daughter in a garbage bag and put in the woods for six months she was okay with that.
Oh yes I heard about the red face & her dropping to her knees & saying "this can't be happening now" of some sorts, & medication, but did any other emotions happen than this?

KC probably still thought she could beat the charges. We all know she lives in her own world.
Casey is not the victim, Caylee is. My sympathy's lie with her.

That's where my sympathy lies also. If KC is suffering, it's only because she's caught and can't keep Zani the nanni did it story alive.

Caylee was the only victim, has always been the only victim. What GA/CA have done, they've done to themselves. They brought this on with CA's defiance. I do believe Baez totally conviced her that OCSD built this case around KC and they Anthony's ran with it.

I've said it before, you do not trade one child for another. You know your child (KC) harmed your granddaughter, yet choose to lie in hopes of hindering this investigation. They have created false sightings to create doubt. It backfired big time. Caylee showed herself when the time was right.

Caylee has been in God's care and will continue to be in God's care where she is free from her last moments on earth...they were terrifying...
Poor KC, my heart breaks for her, not!
When the folks who work at the jail testify to KC's reaction to LP's find at Blancard Park versus the reaction to the real find, the gig will be up.
KC is struggling...KC is "STRUGGLING"/// She gets a Xanax to help ease her "pain" during this stressful time for HER.

She has MURDERED her child and has absorbed my thoughts and time in a way that no other case has.

I STRUGGLED to have my child, had 2 miscarriages, was bedridden for 6 months, hospitalized for 5 weeks before giving birth in a stressful and scary birth (placental abruption)

That is struggling, then to find out that he was autistic, and then I STRUGGLED to bring him back to reality. He won his battle.


KC just freaked out because she got caught. And SHE gets meds?

Thank God I believe in God and Karmic justice.

ma2patrick, this case must be especially hard for you to follow. My thoughts and prayers are with you for what you have gone through. I'm glad to hear your little one has won his battle. That is to be celebrated. You should be proud of him and yourself. Life certainly didn't deal you the easy cards but yet you are a winner.
maybe some of her new lawyers can "Reach out" and help her with her struggle in a "backwards" kind of way of course

youre all growed up casey..........time to come clean

maybe some of her new lawyers can "Reach out" and help her with her struggle in a "backwards" kind of way of course

youre all growed up casey..........time to come clean


Too funny. :)

Something tells me JB has already "reached out" in his own special way.

I know. I know. That was totally inappropriate. I'm off to my corner now. LOL
She sure didn't see this one coming since no one was out there looking for Caylee, Casey thought she was free and clear. I would love to see the tape when Cindy and George go to see her, but then again we know she is just going to say zanny did it. It would be great if the DP was back on the table.
JB :"They need their privacy?"

I can understand why they are hiding.
But it makes them look like total cowards IMO

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