GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #2

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Well I'm sure Sheila offending him was a pretext, probably her very presence offended him. This was preplanned by both of them.

You know SWM may very well have said some unpleasant things to TS with regards to his intent towards her daughter and his "less than stellar" outlook for his future prospects as a respectable law abiding employed citizen. And she probably said it back in July when he was caught with her daughter in that hotel room. Or if she never got a chance before she left on vacation, she may have said it when he showed up with a ticket that she likely paid for without her knowledge or consent. And she had every right to be angry with him because he should have known after the cops showed up at the hotel that HM was stealing from her mother to benefit him. And of course if SWM had just been told about the pregnancy that's one more thing she would have had to confront him with.

None if it justifies hitting someone repeatedly in the face with a heavy object until they are dead. That's a whole other kind of wrong that most people could not/would not do. I mean...what kind of a person would resort to this out of a spur of the moment argument with someone who is practically a complete stranger to them? No matter what that person said to them. The solution to that situation would have been to leave the room. And if having that woman dead was not seen as such a benefit to both him and his girlfriend that that's likely what would have happened in a normal situation.

His lawyer and family seem to think he couldn't do such a thing and didn't.

So what happened?


Glad you found this Hiandmighty. It's been driving me crazy since this morning as to why the story was pulled from another news outlet. Why are these lawyers flying to Bali? It's time for LE in Bali to get a handle on this and refuse all visitation with those two from US lawyers until they get the whole story out of them.

I wondered about this too. Maybe he had provided for the other children in divorce settlements. Regardless, it seems somewhat hurtful to HM's half siblings.

That will was made up when he only had one minor child and was about to embark on a trip to Europe. He also did not have a settlement on his lawsuit so he had very little in his "estate" to leave. It made perfect sense to me that he would want his minor child taken care of and not have his adult children and ex wives fighting over it.

Heather could've given him her room key. She wouldn't really need it if Sheila let her in.

That was a possibility that was mentioned by LE I think. So I suppose they don't have a camera angle that shows whether he used one or whether he walked in to an open room or was let in very quickly by someone. I always remember that video footage from the Joran VDS case in Peru and how amazing the footage was from there in the hotel hallway because luckily the camera was right beside his door. LOL

I'd still like to know why HM was in her mother's room and not in TS's room. I think we even noted that her room number had been changed on her passport copy didn't we? There was a reason why she was there. Seems more and more planned, by her, to me.

Yeah but according to him, he was a "baller" and an "aspiring rapper/hip hop artist". She "dissed" (disrespected) him by expecting him to pay his own way. Violence is how many baller/rap artists deal with anyone who disrespects them. How dare she expect him to pay his way, why she ought to be glad to be in his company and just lay out the red carpet and finance his good time. :rolleyes:

( I hope you know I am being snarky. But in the world that TS imagined he belonged in (rapper/baller/etc) people get killed for dissing other. Look at all of the dead rap/hiphop artists and all their feuds over the stupidest imagined slights)

Oh I am sure HM filled his head with stories of her famous daddy, her inheritance, the money she felt belonged to her and that he mom stole from her. I am sure HM told him how she would beat her mom to get her way. She surely got him all pumped up on expectations, and having to pay his way was simply unacceptable (and financially impossible) for him to do.

I want them both to be equally responsible. She did NOTHING to stop it, helped to cover it up and has shown no remorse. She doesn't care about anything but saving her own but and getting out and getting her hands on that money.

I'm not sure there is anything to say he had been violent save the Conrad hotel arrest and living that kind of life. Here's a biracial kid that from all of his music threads had some talent, raised in a well to do community and appeared to be fairly well integrated in the Oak Park life despite having a single parent that was not as rich as most of his peers. Contrast that to Heather, another biracial kid, raised in the same community by a single Mom for the last 9 years with a fair amount of wealth yet her history reflects a much more violent past.
That will was made up when he only had one minor child and was about to embark on a trip to Europe. He also did not have a settlement on his lawsuit so he had very little in his "estate" to leave. It made perfect sense to me that he would want his minor child taken care of and not have his adult children and ex wives fighting over it.

He was also 77 and had been ill for 2-3 years since the cruise ship injury and in light of dying within a week or so of drawing their wills up dies, we can suppose he was not feeling healthy. Shelia drew her will up at the same time and that is the very one that has been filed in Probate as of last week.
I read some speculation that Elkin and the female lawyer say they are acting on behalf of the interests of the unborn fetus ;) If Heather is convicted she cannot take under her Mother's will which leaves it all to her in a trust. If that turns out to be the case then by the rules of intestate it would then pass to Heather's child. Not to suggest a lawyer would do such a thing, it may be the only way for them to get paid...follow the money.
It's still a bit of a mystery how TS gained access to the room. The reports said that he either had an access card or the door was unlocked. Not sure why they say that other than the fact that he must not have been seen knocking on the door and waiting any length of time for someone to answer it. Don't know what the camera was able to pick up and whether they can tell that someone did not answer it for him. So someone knew he was coming and was either waiting at the door to open it immediately or they left it unlocked. Not sure that's an option in an upscale resort other than to not quite close the door for the automatic lock to catch. Or to put something small in the door jam to prevent it from closing completely and locking.

I personally do believe that SWM was sleeping when he first came into the room. And if there was an argument, it probably started as soon as she awoke and realized that TS was in the room. So she may not have gotten too far from the side of the bed. But if she was upright, which they have said she was, it makes much more sense for someone taller than her to have inflicted the injuries that she had. Much more force when swinging down at a target.


Yes, I think she was sleeping or somehow disoriented and surprised by TS's sudden appearance, which might explain why she was half-naked. Come to think of it what woman this age (or any age) would answer the hotel door in her undies?
Yes, I think she was sleeping or somehow disoriented and surprised by TS's sudden appearance, which might explain why she was half-naked. Come to think of it what woman this age (or any age) would answer the hotel door in her undies?

Love to know what they meant by half naked. Just what was she wearing?
I'm not sure there is anything to say he had been violent save the Conrad hotel arrest and living that kind of life. Here's a biracial kid that from all of his music threads had some talent, raised in a well to do community and appeared to be fairly well integrated in the Oak Park life despite having a single parent that was not as rich as most of his peers. Contrast that to Heather, another biracial kid, raised in the same community by a single Mom for the last 9 years with a fair amount of wealth yet her history reflects a much more violent past.

He did/does have an assault charge from a restaurant encounter I believe. Can't remember if it has made it to court yet or not and whether there was a conviction on that. Of course we have no idea if he's been involved in any other violent incidents that have not involved LE. If SWM didn't document all of HM's incidents, she'd only have the one juvenile charge for us to peruse as well. Not even sure if that would have been brought to light if not for the other police reports since it is a juvenile conviction.

He did/does have an assault charge from a restaurant encounter I believe. Can't remember if it has made it to court yet or not and whether there was a conviction on that. Of course we have no idea if he's been involved in any other violent incidents that have not involved LE. If SWM didn't document all of HM's incidents, she'd only have the one juvenile charge for us to peruse as well. Not even sure if that would have been brought to light if not for the other police reports since it is a juvenile conviction.


I'm looking for that other incident and will let you know when I find it but what I should have said is that regardless of HM being a juvenile at the time she has a clearly established pattern of behaviors with her mother that show her knee deep in delinquency at best for an extended period of time during some important formative years.
Even they got the room number wrong LOL. There is so much confusing and conflicting information out there that I'm sure it's difficult to put a story together with actual facts. I also noticed that they wrote that the couple had been dating since April. Which is also the time the ex girlfriend died I believe. I think they may have taken a liberty with that as I've still not found anything to say when they started dating. Unless this author is actually local and got some local input. But I doubt it.

Early on when this story first broke, I read that friends said HM and TS had been dating off-and-on for about two years. This would make sense as despite the 2-3 year age difference they lived in the same community and attended the same school at one point. Also read that TS and the deceased ex-girlfriend had stopped dating quite some time before she passed away and TS may have exaggerated their relationship somewhat...Will try to find the articles, but as I'm sure many here will understand...we have all read a lot of stories from everywhere, plusI'm reading local comments too.
Love to know what they meant by half naked. Just what was she wearing?

Can't wait to find out at trial. For some reason, the fact that she was half-naked really bothers me. Totally disturbing. It is the ultimate show of HM's disrespect/hatred toward her mom: Either attacking her while she was half-naked and defenseless, or HM admitting TS into the room while SWM was half-naked and defenseless. Or still worse, disrobing the body to fit into suitcase. Sickening way to treat anyone, let alone your mum.
Can't wait to find out at trial. For some reason, the fact that she was half-naked really bothers me. Totally disturbing. It is the ultimate show of HM's disrespect/hatred toward her mom: Either attacking her while she was half-naked and defenseless, or HM admitting TS into the room while SWM was half-naked and defenseless. Or still worse, disrobing the body to fit into suitcase. Sickening way to treat anyone, let alone your mum.

I'm like you, I've read so much but I thought I read that they had not been dating for a long time but I don't know where. However, I tend to think they had not been dating that long...I think while they had known of each other in school they had only recently reconnected in late spring and early summer once she had started living downtown and hanging "out" more...there aren't a lot of typical social media signs from either that they were a couple yet they were each individually posting a lot otherwise....that's what I want to find out.

Someone correct me if my times are off but I really believe after the lobby display where SWM and TS (Was HM there or no?) have words about the room payment, HM concocts this story about how they could wait until her Mom goes to sleep, knock her out and steal the cash, ccs and take off and travel and escape from authorities...she was well traveled and convinced him this was feasible. They part at some point, she goes back to room and then
I'm wondering if SWM and HM weren't having a heart to heart between 3:45 and 6:45, SWM and HM end it, she calls for her wake up call and falls into bed exhausted and say just a nighty sans underwear, HM summons TS saying she's asleep now and they attack...OR I actually think Heather may have done it herself and then calls TS for cleanup duty. I hope he rats her out if she turns out to be the true murderer or primary.
Imo, HM fantasized about killing her mother, she was setting Sheila up from the get go, she imagined a murder in a faraway land where she and her accomplice could escape justice. I truly believe she just wanted her mother dead, to have the money and for other sick reasons! :mad: jmo
Imo, HM fantasized about killing her mother, she was setting Sheila up from the get go, she imagined a murder in a faraway land where she and her accomplice could escape justice. I truly believe she just wanted her mother dead, to have the money and for other sick reasons! :mad: jmo

It sounds all too true, they were dreaming of diamonds and money bags.

What's stunningly ridiculous is how immature and stupid both of them were to fantasize escaping a murder scene in a strange country with very strict laws and a firing squad, thinking they could get their hands on enough money to make it worth it and stay on the run, being pregnant, and a whole bunch of other crazy ideas. :dunno: You'd think one of them would've been smarter at that age. He just got there and SWM ends up dead! Then, the armed men story, really dumb. :sheesh:
Glad you found this Hiandmighty. It's been driving me crazy since this morning as to why the story was pulled from another news outlet. Why are these lawyers flying to Bali? It's time for LE in Bali to get a handle on this and refuse all visitation with those two from US lawyers until they get the whole story out of them.


geee -- wouldn't a foreigner require a work permit to ply their trade in Bali? What exempts these guys?
geee -- wouldn't a foreigner require a work permit to ply their trade in Bali? What exempts these guys?

They do require a permit and they can not be the official attorneys for either of them when they go to court. It it appears they think they can be of some help. Like they know more about the law than the lawyers who practice it in the country. It comes off as quite arrogant to me. Maybe that's why TS's lawyer apparently walked. Because TS would only listen to the US attorney on the phone?

Wasn't TS seen dragging the suitcase up to floor 7 and then back down to floor 6, which was where his room was located? Why move the victim between floors?
Wasn't TS seen dragging the suitcase up to floor 7 and then back down to floor 6, which was where his room was located? Why move the victim between floors?

What was that about? I've tried to understand why he'd carry the suitcase to
the 7th floor. It made more sense when they mistakenly reported the murder happened on the 3rd floor, but I guess it happened on the 6th. Was he trying to find a place to hide the suitcase with the body in it? The roof? Guess he had no idea hotels have cameras. Leaving the suitcase in the waiting taxi cab was another stupid move. Still gives me chills to imagine what these two did to Sheila.
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