GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #3

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So the tweets were likely sent the morning TS arrived, sometime after SWM was seen wandering the lobby (0345)?

I've wondered why SWM was in the lobby at that time of morning. It's a posh hotel so she should have been able to call room service for anything she needed, and it was too early to be going for a drink/breakfast/massage/etc. I can understand her being sleepless because she'd gotten a nasty shock.

I wonder if she was looking for HM and TS? Did HM take off? Did she call their room and get no answer? I don't recall anything specifically mentioning who went where after TS arrived and there was the lobby argument. It seems odd that HM wouldn't have planned to spend the night in TS's room.
Twitter HQ in San Francisco so likely tweets [when not logged in to view] are shown in PT. However, could be false if servers are located in a different time zone.

ETA: There's got to be a standard time zone Twitter uses [assume PT] but I can't find anything to confirm.
Chicago (U.S.A. - Illinois) Monday, August 11, 2014 at 1:35:00 PM CDT UTC-5 hours
Denpasar (Indonesia - Bali) Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 2:35:00 AM WITA UTC+8 hours
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Monday, August 11, 2014 at 18:35:00


San Francisco (U.S.A. - California) Monday, August 11, 2014 at 1:35:00 PM PDT UTC-7 hours
Denpasar (Indonesia - Bali) Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 4:35:00 AM WITA UTC+8 hours
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Monday, August 11, 2014 at 20:35:00

Both using a time zone converter:
Okay it appears that twitter uses UTC/GMT time. And it is set at UTC/GMT-7 for everyone when you are not logged in. When you log in, the times you see are UTC/GMT in your own time zone, if you have it set correctly.

Twitter Head Office is in SF, California so it appears that they use their own time zone (which is currently UTC-7 because of daylight savings time).

Bali is UTC+8. So if TS was in Bali when he posted those tweets, you have to add 15 hours to the time you see when not logged in. That makes it 4:34am and 4:35am on August 12th.

My head is spinning. :scared:
I think the default timezone for Twitter users is the time zone they were in when they set up the account - unless they modify their settings to reflect a different time zone (can't see why TS would go to that trouble).

(edited to add: Kamille beat me to it with a much more informative answer! Thanks!)

Just noticed his August 2 tweet: "When your extremely disappointed by those that you care about, nothing hurts more". I don't know who he was talking about, but wasn't this about the time he contacted a former girlfriend and wanted to take a bus to visit her?
Well looks like we both got there eventually. :floorlaugh:

So what do those tweets mean and why was TS still awake? Looks like none of them slept all night.

And the big question...where was HM during this time? With TS or in her mother's room? :waitasec:
Okay it appears that twitter uses UTC/GMT time. And it is set at UTC/GMT-7 for everyone when you are not logged in. When you log in, the times you see are UTC/GMT in your own time zone, if you have it set correctly.

Twitter Head Office is in SF, California so it appears that they use their own time zone (which is currently UTC-7 because of daylight savings time).

Bali is UTC+8. So if TS was in Bali when he posted those tweets, you have to add 15 hours to the time you see when not logged in. That makes it 4:34am and 4:35am on August 12th.

My head is spinning. :scared:

So *if* SWM was down in the lobby, on CCTV, at 3:48am 8/12 to secure TS' hotel room, then TS probably got into his room soon thereafter, let's say around 4am, and ~1/2 hour later TS tweets his two last tweets about not F'ing w/people that hold you back and advice on listening to yourself.

4 hours later TS is seen on CCTV heading down to the M's room with an iron fruit bowl handle hidden under his t-shirt.
Okay so we're assuming that TS and SWM had an argument just after midnight until ??

3:45am SWM is seen in the lobby. As ajaylee pointed out, we don't know why. We've toyed with the idea that she was locking things up in the safety deposit box. But I think we would have heard if she had any contact with staff then. So I think ajaylee may be more onto something with regards to SWM looking for HM and TS or having been with HM and TS. She was seen going through the lobby and then into her room at 3:48am. So she was probably out of her room from the time she was in the lobby arguing with HM and TS until 3:48am. So where was she and what was she doing? Still arguing with HM and TS outside somewhere? Out of range of any CCTV cameras? She apparently went back to her room alone. About 45 minutes later TS is tweeting those comments. We still haven't figured out when he was doing those facebook comments either. But it would appear that perhaps at that time, he may have been alone in his room and he was obviously on his phone. So did he and HM break at some point with him going to his room and HM going to SWM's room? Sometime in that 45 minutes between when SWM went alone to her room and TS starting tweeting? Was this when a plan was set in motion? Or did HM decide to go and "talk" to mother alone (or rather freak out on her for the conflict between her and TS?)

Do we now have TS in his room stewing about an argument and playing around on his phone, HM in her room continuing the argument with her mother and also playing around on her phone and eventually SWM deciding she was getting some sleep so she put in for the wake-up call at 6:45am and went to bed?

Which leaves the other two still awake and communicating with each other on their phones? Making a plan?

TS tweeted those last two tweets to his "wall" [if that's was it's call on Twitter too] and to his "#1up" group.

Does that mean HM would have immediately received two alerts to see TS' tweets?

Were TS' tweets direct messages, sent in kind of an indirect way, to HM? TIA
Wow, you guys are working hard!! I don't know but do we know what time TS arrived? Do we know when the lobby convo re: paying for the room took place?
TS tweeted those last two tweets to his "wall" [if that's was it's call on Twitter too] and to his "#1up" group.

Does that mean HM would have immediately received two alerts to see TS' tweets?

Were TS' tweets direct messages, sent in kind of an indirect way, to HM? TIA

Actually that #1up is part of his name on Twitter so there was no direct hashtag to anyone. But anyone following him would get the tweets if they're on their twitter account. Heather's was private.
If HM was going to spend the night with TS, it seems she still would have gone back to SWM's room, if only for a toothbrush, phone, sleepwear.

I'm still inclined to think that any original plan to take off on their own (TS & HM) got moved up to the night he arrived for some reason. I wonder if SWM ended up deciding to guarantee only one night for TS. It was the wee hours of the morning, she'd clearly been blind-sided, everyone is tired. She may have just decided to pay for the first night, try to get some sleep, and deal with things in the morning.
I think the default timezone for Twitter users is the time zone they were in when they set up the account - unless they modify their settings to reflect a different time zone (can't see why TS would go to that trouble).

(edited to add: Kamille beat me to it with a much more informative answer! Thanks!)

Just noticed his August 2 tweet: "When your extremely disappointed by those that you care about, nothing hurts more". I don't know who he was talking about, but wasn't this about the time he contacted a former girlfriend and wanted to take a bus to visit her?

Good call on the August 2nd tweet ajaylee.

So who was he talking about? The ex who was busy? HM for leaving without him?
Actually that #1up is part of his name on Twitter so there was no direct hashtag to anyone. But anyone following him would get the tweets if they're on their twitter account. Heather's was private.

Oh, thx for the correction! But I'm still confused and a Twitter noobie ... so if HM was following TS' Twitter account, would Heather have received an alert on her phone to TS' newly posted tweets or would she have had to sign into Twitter first to see that TS had posted to his Twitter account or ??? TIA
Wow, you guys are working hard!! I don't know but do we know what time TS arrived? Do we know when the lobby convo re: paying for the room took place?

Again that's a tough one to pin down because we don't know what flight TS took out of Chicago. If he went the same airline and flights as SWM and HM (August 10th was a Sunday so it's possible) he should have arrived in Denpasar at around 3pm. Give an hour for customs (that's probably pretty generous) and another 1/2 hour for a cab ride to the hotel and you're looking at arrival time at the St Regis around 4:30pm. We've heard that he didn't first appear on the scene until the CCTV caught him arguing with SWM in the lobby after midnight.

Now here is where it gets tricky. First off we don't know if he took the same flights or if there were any delays in the flights so we don't know what time his flight actually arrived. Second, sometimes you can't just take a cab to a hotel like that and pass the security at the front gate without a reservation or voucher for a room. Not sure if that is the case at this hotel. He would at least have had to explain to the security why he was there and that he was with another party or looking to check in on his own. He may have had to get HM to come to the security gate to help him out. Or he may have just been waived on through because he was an American tourist, we don't know.

So did he get there earlier and spend some time with HM alone before they all ended up in the lobby fighting about a room? Or did he just get there when this argument took place? Which means he probably had a late flight coming into Denpasar.

Hard to say since we can't figure out what time and date in Bali some of this stuff was posted. What times are you seeing? I'm assuming you are in Central Time?


Yes, we're on Central Time. I'm seeing 2:34 and 2:35 p.m.
Thanks!! Very tricky indeed, I know the timeline Quester has posted puts him at 12 am + arriving. I thought the various accounts of the lobby disagreement worded t in this fashion "Staff observed the 3 fighting in the lobby over who would pay the bill for TS's room and Shelia was overheard to say "I paid...the room"?? So it was on CCTV only?

ETA: Wasn't here a pic of him with a cousin saying waiting for the flight? I thought someone wrote that here...would that tweet be helpful, you guys know how to read the tweet times. Personally I never go near my twitter, it's too much for me.
If HM was going to spend the night with TS, it seems she still would have gone back to SWM's room, if only for a toothbrush, phone, sleepwear.

I'm still inclined to think that any original plan to take off on their own (TS & HM) got moved up to the night he arrived for some reason. I wonder if SWM ended up deciding to guarantee only one night for TS. It was the wee hours of the morning, she'd clearly been blind-sided, everyone is tired. She may have just decided to pay for the first night, try to get some sleep, and deal with things in the morning.

And once again you've given me an idea. HM may not have just gone to her mother's room to get a toothbrush. She probably went to the room to pack up all her stuff to "move in" to TS's room. And to argue some more with her mother. Who was probably telling her that she'd had enough of her crap and that she could very well move into TS's room but good luck checking out and paying for it as well as a few other choice comments for what she was putting her mother usual.

Or another theory...

I keep thinking of the weird story of TS carrying the suitcase up to the 7th floor and back down to the 6th that was caught on CCTV. We've seen that there is a smaller suitcase that matches the one that Sheila was put in that was at the police station with the bigger one. Perhaps that is the one that HM was using and was the one she put in the back seat of the cab. And that one is the one that TS was seen carrying up the stairs to his room. We've also heard that it was from his room that the trolley came down with the suitcase wrapped in a sheet on the bottom of the trolley and the two other one's on top of it. That was a pretty elaborate story for it all to have been wrong.

So did TS move HS's suitcase with her belongings in it up to his room during the cleanup? Or did he do it earlier at some point? Did HM perhaps secure a room for them herself earlier in the day when he arrived by using SWM's credit card? And it wasn't until after midnight that SWM found out about it when she ran into them in the lobby together? I keep thinking of why they changed HM's room number on the passport photocopy.

Tues, 8/12/14; 12a+ Boyfriend TS arrived on Bali at the St. Regis in Nusa Dua; WW [SWM's brother] later said he suspects TS showed up in Bali without his sister’s prior knowledge.

Tues, 8/12/14; 12a+ St. Regis security camera showed HM, SWM & TS had public argument in lobby about who would pay bill upon departure; According to a [St. R] staff, SWM was heard telling her daughter, “I’ve paid for his flight here, so the two of you should pay for the hotel”.

* * *

I've been meaning to post an updated timeline but it's gotten tricky since LE via MSM has seemed to put out info they later counter with other info.
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