GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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Lol that does not surprise me. Found this pic online provided by Elkin, he's working the baby angle for sure! Wonder who got paid to take the photo?

Caption under photo:
Heather Mack continues to care for her baby, Stella, in prison in Bali.
Photos courtesy of attorney Michael Elkin

Oh no - this is the worst type of Publicity shot possible - the Staged 'sleeping baby' and mother - makes want to :ignore:
Hang your head in shame Elkin and Favia - what security are you offering this child by having her face plastered over the media and the web - and with her murdering mother.
Not alot.

Interesting comment in the Mailonline article by an Oak Park resident who describes Elkin as "Sharkskin" and Favia as "the Vampire".:thinking:

Is there an applause button somewhere ...

The young American woman serving 10 years in a Bali jail for the ‘sadistic’ murder of her mother is set to hand over her baby daughter to a family living on the holiday island, it can be revealed today.

Heather Mack, 20, is understood to in negotiations to place three-month-old baby Stella, who was born in a prison hospital last March, into the care of an Australian family living in Bali.

Daily Mail Online has been told that the little girl, who is currently living with her convicted mother in a cell in the notorious Kerobokan Prison with eight other women, could be handed over to the family in four months’ time.

Much of her $1.3million trust fund has already gone to the baby, and she is considering transferring the rest to the little girl to ensure she can be cared for properly while Mack is behind bars.

Comment from Rhonda C of Oak park in this article:

"This is actually a shrewd ploy to transfer custody of the baby before Friday's Cook Court hearing to decide on guardianship o Stella and ownership of the trust fund."

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There is still no guarantee that HM will hand over the child - it seems to be a condition as to whether or not the Slayer Rule will come into play.
HM's lawyers are using that to try and 'ensure' that the money is kept in the HM camp and that the money goes to the child.

I say let the Slayer come into play - and let WW then oversee some money to the child from the funds, and not HM or the lawyers of HM.
It keeps the money out of the hands of the murderer.
It allows for the child's well-being and welfare to be the priority from a responsible source.
It helps cement a good home for the child outside of the prison.
It ensures that HM will not have direct access to the money after her time in prison.

If the lawyer are so concerned for the child's welfare, then what opposition can they put to it?

And what happened to 'The Appeal'?
There is still no guarantee that HM will hand over the child - it seems to be a condition as to whether or not the Slayer Rule will come into play.
HM's lawyers are using that to try and 'ensure' that the money is kept in the HM camp and that the money goes to the child.

I say let the Slayer come into play - and let WW then oversee some money to the child from the funds, and not HM or the lawyers of HM.
It keeps the money out of the hands of the murderer.
It allows for the child's well-being and welfare to be the priority from a responsible source.
It helps cement a good home for the child outside of the prison.
It ensures that HM will not have direct access to the money after her time in prison.

If the lawyer are so concerned for the child's welfare, then what opposition can they put to it?

And what happened to 'The Appeal'?

Here's the problem with funnelling funds through the baby. The "nice" Australian couple is likely only taking on the responsibility of Stella because of all the current perks of supplying HM with her meals and shopping orders on a daily basis and then some promised additional funds to take on the care of the baby full time. This while also being required to bring Stella to the prison daily along with HM's meal and shopping orders. They are not doing this for free. They are being paid somehow. Not sure how much of the $150,000 sent to AS may have actually been earmarked for HM's personal use. I have to believe she negotiated a deal with AS in that he asks for all the money and she gets a cut for her personal expenses.

Therefore any money being sent to Indonesia for Stella's care, is in fact being used more for HM's care. It seems that no one in these US courts has a clue what things actually cost in Indonesia for the locals and they are willing to send money that equals the cost of living in Chicago Illinois. Which is ridiculous. And is one reason why this whole thing is such a mess to begin with. They should have listened to WW and his attorney.

Anyway, I hope Sheila's family's presence in the courtroom tomorrow helps to bring this back to the victim. And I think it's time for TS's mother, KW, to start making legal challenges to the conditions in which her granddaughter is being raised. Even though Favia would like us to think someone is advocating for the baby, truth of the matter is NO ONE is. Maybe it's time for Nanna to step in and take action. Her new profile pics are interesting. :thinking:

Oh, and the prosecutors/judges are waiting to see if the 200 grand is being sent before that "appeal" goes anywhere. All articles keep saying that they are "thinking" about it. Uh huh. :notgood:

I'm wondering about the appeal, too.

HM's instagram to VonMar mentioned only being in prison for five years. I just don't see the loophole in all this clever legal maneuvering that will allow her $200K for an appeal.

I suppose Elkin/Favia would argue that the appeal will benefit Stella because it will reunite her with her mother sooner, therefore it's appropriate for Stella to pay for the appeal. Pretty twisted thinking, but perhaps it would work.

I just find it hard to believe that HM has accepted that there will be no appeal, she'll just have to stay in jail for another 9 years, more or less.

BTW...according to the latest reports, looks like HM never got upgraded to the semi-private cell the minister offered. I wonder what that was all really about.
I say let the Slayer come into play - and let WW then oversee some money to the child from the funds, and not HM or the lawyers of HM.

I seriously doubt WW will be the appointed Trustee in Stella's Trust. HM would probably rather put a person who won't fight her, the latest Law Group has jumped in 06/08/2015 LEVIN SCHREDER on HM's behalf.

HM can challenge the current Trustee and petition for a new one. So We'll see what happens (shrug). New Lawyers specialize in this messed up stuff.

Court is scheduled at 10:30 AM CST so we'll see how fast news can get out of that courtroom today. I can't help but to hope SWM's Family is there just to see HM's expression, via Skype, when Cohen says the funds are going back to SWM's Siblings. I know shame on me....

Maybe they will show HM's recent IG saying "*advertiser censored** the Police"
Frankly, I think it would be better for Stella if HM spent the entire trust on lawyers.

If there's no $$, Stella has a better chance of being taken in by someone who will love her for herself.

However, I'm no longer concerned that HM is going to try to divert $$ to helping TS out.

Grandmother in Bali suitcase murder case claims Heather Mack trying to sell baby for $150,000

But, in more courtroom drama Friday, Tommy Schaefer's mother told the Cook County judge presiding over the trust fund case that she is concerned about her granddaughter's welfare. Kia Walker told Judge Neil Cohen she fears Stella is being sold for $150,000.

When pressed for proof, Walker told the judge, "Would text messages and a confession be acceptable?"

On Friday, Cohen urged the lawyers to try to come to agreement. He said lawyers already have eaten up $400,000 in legal fees. One lawyer, for example, has tried to charge the trust $600 an hour for her services. Cohen balked at the request.
Sounds about right. Love Kia's answer

Lol, well I certainly did not see that headline coming from the court room today. :laughing:

I can't help but wonder if Kia is going to fight for custody. Proving HM is an unstable parent or planning to "sell" her off, sadly seems a bit of a set up to me. It will have to be taken to a different court regardless.

I am guessing Favia is the $600 / Hour
You know, i'd likely chip in a miniscule amount to get that baby away from HM and her control.

No doubt favia is the 600 an hour.
But would any US court have jurisdiction?

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But would any US court have jurisdiction?

Not likely, it would have to go through US courts first I would think, then once won probably taken to Bali's Child/Family Services. Basically an order-in-hand awarding custody to go pick Stella up from Indonesia. I would imagine though by that time HM would have other arrangements made. US Courts move very slow.
Way to go KW! I was hoping she'd start stepping up and advocating for her granddaughter. She unfortunately didn't do all that well by her son over there in Indonesia by forcing him to tell the absolute truth for his own sake since HM was just going to use and then discard him (as psychopaths usually do) but perhaps she can make a difference for Stella. Both of them have suffered greatly already from HM's control. It's time to take all control away from her, starting with the baby and moving on to all funds.

We are led to believe that HM has received no funds from the U.S. since the beginning of May. So where is she still getting funds from? Because she's obviously still got her second cell phone and someone is paying the bill. Not to mention her fast food and whatever ongoing expenses she may have for Stella, although she was probably supplied well with clothes/diapers within the 4 months she did receive funding.

$600 an hour? Really? Maybe that lawyer (and we can only guess who) should move to Bali to practice law. ;)

A Cook County judge ordered a guardian be appointed to represent baby Stella...

"We just wish the best for Stella, we're all concerned about Stella, her health, and for Stella to have a wonderful life,"
(William) Wiese said. "It's a tough situation."

"We'll have further proceedings to see if Heather inherits or whether the full amount of the trust would be payable for the benefit of Stella," said Leonard LeRose, attorney for Wiese.

As for the trust fund, it is now worth just over $1 million. Around $400,000 of it has already been used for legal fees.

In the Tribune article, which I now can't access, the family was quoted that they were not opposed to support for Stella and they had found a "good Samaritan" in Indonesia to help.

This tells me the family has decided to forgo any argument as to if Stella would inherit. We discussed here that Stella may not be eligible since she was not born yet. They are also OK with Stella getting support, I assume, from the trust. Of course, they will want control over that....who could blame them?

It sounds like they are laying the groundwork to do what is best for Stella-more than Favia ever has. Of course, at the rate it is disapearing, there may not be much left for her. And that may be ok. If she has access to funds, HM will always be around.
Wow, Elkin is going after KW as a money grabber? I guess there's no love lost between HM and KW but who does TS side with at this point?

So glad a guardian is finally being appointed for Stella. And it sounds like WW is trying to do the right thing for the baby. When is the hearing to determine the slayer rule? Are they really still waiting for the Bali courts to put the verdict in writing? What's the hold up there I wonder?

Even if the written verdict is delivered in such a way that HM is not Automatically disqualified from receiving the funds, surely someone (Stella's guardian, Sheila's brother or sister) will file a civil suit, right?
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