GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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I think the advantage (or disadvantage) to mediation is that to participate, both parties have to agree that the result will be final and binding - unlike court actions, which can be dragged out and challenged, all while the meter is running and costs are mounting.

The 'slayer statute' is a separate, complicated issue. I suspect HM's lawyers will argue that it isn't appropriate to try to invoke it until all of HM's legal appeals have been exhausted. After all, if her conviction is thrown out on appeal, there isn't much legal basis for invoking the statute.

HM further complicated the issue by assigning much of the trust to Stella. I think WW would be fine with that if it meant that HM would never have access to the funds, but as long as HM has custody, it's hard to spend trust money on Stella without indirectly benefiting HM (and even TS). HM's lawyers will probably make the argument that HM should get money for her next bribe, er, appeal, from Stella because Stella benefits from having her mother freed from prison.

The judge may be suggesting mediation because he hopes it will avoid a drawn-out legal battle that continues to exhaust the trust funds.

Stella might actually be better off if everything is spent on lawyers. If she has no money, there's no longer a reason for HM to hang on to her. Without the money, she might have a better chance of being adopted by someone who genuinely cares for her and not just her inheritance.

Other than possibly the Aussie family, no one is really concerned about Stella at this point. They're concerned about the money she has and who controls that money.

Party day at Kerobokan. TS is too shy to dance but HM is a 'star', still hopeful that her next appeal will result in a sentence reduction.

TS is on methadone because of a 'previously unreported drug habit'.

In the video clip, HM suggests she is not going to give Stella up for two years. She's asked about stories that she would give her up at 7 months and she denies it. The Australian, Osha, takes her to the hospital once a month for a checkup.

Party day at Kerobokan. TS is too shy to dance but HM is a 'star', still hopeful that her next appeal will result in a sentence reduction.

TS is on methadone because of a 'previously unreported drug habit'.

In the video clip, HM suggests she is not going to give Stella up for two years. She's asked about stories that she would give her up at 7 months and she denies it. The Australian, Osha, takes her to the hospital once a month for a checkup.

TS is on methadone because of a 'previously unreported drug habit'.

Presumably he's on heroin then. Is this from before he was incarcerated or since? Honestly the whole article makes me want to puke and I hope that William Wiese has read it.
I fully expected TS to get into drugs, but I thought he'd go for pot, washed down with alcohol, not the hard stuff.

HM is mentally unbalanced, but she's a cunning and adaptable survivor. TS is a weak **** wanna-be who thought his ticket to success was latching on to the right (wealthy) chick. He's completely dependent on a nutter who is likely getting somewhat bored with his whining. That makes him a perfect target for drugs; suppliers can let him run a tab, knowing he's got a rich baby-mama to pay up.

The celebration where HM was dancing is also a time of year when sentence reductions get handed down to the fortunate. Noor Ellis (!) got a three-month sentence reduction on her 10-year sentence; Renae Lawrence, one of the Bali Nine, got a 9-month reduction on her 20-year sentence.

HM and TS (and Lindsey Sandiford) were not eligible for sentence reductions because of their on-going appeals. If HM got a three-month reduction every year (like Noor Ellis), her 10-year-sentence would be reduced to 7.5 years.
What a joke! I'm having a difficult time reconciling the prison life we've heard about with this report. The murderer is allowed to dress any way she wants? Have her own bed linens??
What a joke! I'm having a difficult time reconciling the prison life we've heard about with this report. The murderer is allowed to dress any way she wants? Have her own bed linens??

Yeah, this is disgusting! Some prison, what a joke- it's like Club Fed!! She oughta be in prison in Peru, then she'd learn the meaning of harsh.
Facebook Comments cited:

So the troubled Chicago teenager sent her boyfriend a Facebook note riddled with grammatical errors on May 26, 2014, records show.

It began simply: “Can you not tell people i asked you to kill my mom.”

“Cause i was so f—ed up tommy and i really didnt mean it,” it read. “Ive been regretting ever saying that so much and ive paid for it, shes almpst died like 5 times and ive been so petrified and scared.”

Chancery Case continued until Oct 14, 2015 - I did not see anything other than request for continuance.

A couple things jump out at me.

Who was giving TS legal advice? Or had HM already gone to Elkin looking for ways to get at her inheritance immediately? That would explain how she knew to call him from Bali. I don't understand the business about 'emancipation'. I've only ever heard the term used in connection with a minor seeking court recognition as an adult, and HM was already an adult (legally).

The article notes that the current status of the FBI investigation is unknown. IIRC, the US doesn't have an extradition treaty with Indonesia. I wonder if there's any kind of statute of limitations involved? Can the FBI go after them for murder or just conspiracy to commit murder (because the murder was actually committed outside the US) when they get back? I hope so!

What was HM talking about when she mentioned SWM almost dying several times?
In other Indonesian court news, the Canadian teacher Neil Bantleman's conviction has been overturned by a higher court and he has been released. However, there is still the possibility that the prosecution will appeal to the Supreme Court so he is still in limbo. I wonder how much this is costing his family? ;)
I hope he can use some of the money from the defamation lawsuit.

"Last month, a court in Singapore found that a woman accusing Bantleman had defamed him, and ordered her to pay $164,700 in damages."
From the above referenced Sun Times article:

That’s likely why Schaefer referred to Mack as a “millionaire,” according to the feds. And on July 25, 2014, they said he sent Mack a Facebook note that read, “F— your mom.”

“Just take your money take that b—- to court and leave her on the street with 30%.”

The next day, he allegedly told Mack her mother “doesn’t want you to realize that you’re 18 and can do whatever you want now.” He told her she could become emancipated from her mother, apparently referencing the terms of James Mack’s will.

So much for our thoughts of TS being HM's fool to carry out her orders. I never thought HE was the instigator. Now I am thinking differently.

We all knew he was attracted to HM's money. Now it appears he was just as manipulative as her to try and get some for himself.

Remember his "demands" for a slice of the pie??

Also, I am hoping this will keep pressure on the Feds to keep this case open.

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I am no fan of Heather or her being a mother. That said I don' think there is enough to go on to make the judgement that "Stella is more like a pet than a child to her". Really unless you have had hours of observations with her in person I don't think that is fair. We humans are animals also and I think that there is some maternal qualities to how Heather seems in the videos and pics with her baby. Again though she is not going to be mother of the year.
SWM's brother has been put in a very bad situation and I'm not sure a fair outcome is possible, given flawed laws and lawyers willing to take advantage of them.

I hope this drags out. As long as it does, HM and TS are still in prison, and as the recent failed appeal shows, unless HM can get her hands on $$$, her next appeal is likely to also fail.

HM's playing a very tricky game. It doesn't do her any good to settle her inheritance on Stella unless she keeps control of Stella. That's exactly what WW has to try to prevent, but I don't think the laws work in his favor. The only evidence we have right now seems to suggest that Stella is doing fine. She appears to be getting fed and treated well - and, most importantly, she's outside US control right now.

I hope it drags out, because it will force HM's hand. Perhaps she really intends to surrender Stella to a foster home at six months, perhaps not. If she does give Stella to the Aussie family, I think she'll find it tougher than she thinks right now. She appears to have settled in, Stella is more like a pet than a child to her, but she is constant company. I think she'll miss her when she's gone. It might also mean her visits to the male side of the prison are no longer allowed. I also think if/when that happens, TS is more likely to find drugs.

I still haven't figured out how giving Stella to the Aussie family is going to put $150K in HM's hands. Some kind of discussion must have gone on - I don't think KW made up the text messages she said she saw. Surely HM doesn't think the court will give the Aussie family $150K, no strings attached, no questions asked, for Stella's 'care', ie, for HM's appeal.

FWIW, Stella may be in a better position with HM in Kerobokan than she would be if they were all free and back in Chicago. HM has 7x24 eyes on her - if she starts abusing or neglecting Stella, word will get around and I think the prison authorities will step in. If they were back in Chicago, HM and TS would likely be partying hard and living large - who knows what Stella would be exposed to or how she would be treated?
I am no fan of Heather or her being a mother. That said I don' think there is enough to go on to make the judgement that "Stella is more like a pet than a child to her". Really unless you have had hours of observations with her in person I don't think that is fair. We humans are animals also and I think that there is some maternal qualities to how Heather seems in the videos and pics with her baby. Again though she is not going to be mother of the year.

Well she IS selfishly raising her daughter in a dirty prison to make things easier for herself and to continue getting funds from the trust for "Stella's care", which she is obviously using for her own benefit. Even though she knows that after 2 years, Stella will be taken from the only people and home she's ever known and placed elsewhere with other people in a corrupt country. To do what? Go to school there for a while, be forced to visit her mother in jail every day, get attached to other people only to be reunited with her mother? And who knows where she'll end up at that point. Not to mention what she'll learn about her parents and why they were in prison when she discovers Google. This can't be in Stella's best interest.

IMO, Stella is also being used by her mother for access to the trust fund that may be transferred entirely to her if the slayer rule is applied. Nothing Heather has done as far as Stella is concerned has been for Stella's benefit...just her own. That's not very maternal IMO.
Wow. I wonder if KW knows all this.

No extradition, but that's OK if they decide to treat these two like Joran van der Sloot: let them finish their sentences in Bali and then come back to the US and face the music here. I hope that doesn't constitute some kind of double jeopardy. If so, perhaps the US can still get them on 'conspiracy to commit' if not the actual murder.

I admit, I thought HM was the ring-leader. She was the one with the violent history. Sounds like he was not only ambitious and greedy, but also stupid - telling everyone he had a rich 'sugar mama' and openly talking about killing her or otherwise getting her out of the way.
Federal authorities flew Indonesian law enforcement officials to Chicago at least twice in recent months to answer questions as part of the ongoing investigation, the Tribune has learned. The focus of the probe, however, remains less clear.

A Cook County judge overseeing the trust fund case allowed about $150,000 to be wired in increments to the daughter's overseas criminal attorney. But, amid repeated questions about the legal bills and after she had been found guilty, the judge balked at a demand in May for another $200,000 in one lump sum to pay for legal costs related to the appeal.

The FBI and U.S. attorney's office in Chicago declined to comment. Chicago attorney Thomas Durkin, who is representing Schaefer in the federal case, also declined to provide further details.

Unbeknownst to the victim, Schaefer followed them to the resort. His flight, which cost more than $12,000, and room were booked using her credit card.

The FBI, which has an office in the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, was involved in the murder investigation from the onset. Besides ensuring that the victim's remains were flown back to the United States, federal agents assisted Bali police with technical support related to texts and emails on phones and computers that belonged to the victim and defendants.

Two weeks earlier, von Wiese-Mack had confronted her daughter about money missing from her checking account. In a series of emails to her friend, who later provided them to the Tribune, von Wiese-Mack wrote that she feared what her daughter might do next.

"I am truly afraid of her," she wrote May 12, 2014, later adding: "I simply cannot afford to let my guard down for a moment with her. She will stop at nothing to get at my money."

Fights over money were constant, records showed. According to the federal document, Schaefer told someone identified only as Individual B that Mack was a "millionaire," and agreed to support him financially, and that "Mack's money was (Schaefer's) money."

On July 25, 2014, two days after the couple were found partying at a Chicago hotel in a room paid for with von Wiese-Mack's credit card, Schaefer sent Mack a Facebook message that said, "(Expletive) your mom just take your money take that (expletive) to court and leave her on the street with 30%."

That next day, Schaefer wrote: "Your (mother) doesn't want you to realize that you're 18 and can do whatever you want now. According to the will, you can do what's called an emancipation which is saying that you do not belong to your mother anymore ... When you do that, whatever the will says from your dad is yours ... So you mom is freaking out ... Cause you have the power ... She's trying to contain you (now) more than ever."

Lawyers in the trust fund case return to court in October. They are expected to meet with a mediator before then to try to come to agreement on Mack's access to the money.

My bolds. Some we already knew, but this helps put the pieces together. TS was definitely more of an instigator than I thought. I bet he jumped for joy when he found out HM was pregnant. Glad to hear the investigation is ongoing.
Well she IS selfishly raising her daughter in a dirty prison to make things easier for herself and to continue getting funds from the trust for "Stella's care", which she is obviously using for her own benefit. Even though she knows that after 2 years, Stella will be taken from the only people and home she's ever known and placed elsewhere with other people in a corrupt country. To do what? Go to school there for a while, be forced to visit her mother in jail every day, get attached to other people only to be reunited with her mother? And who knows where she'll end up at that point. Not to mention what she'll learn about her parents and why they were in prison when she discovers Google. This can't be in Stella's best interest.

IMO, Stella is also being used by her mother for access to the trust fund that may be transferred entirely to her if the slayer rule is applied. Nothing Heather has done as far as Stella is concerned has been for Stella's benefit...just her own. That's not very maternal IMO.

I completely agree with this whole post and a woman who would kill her own mother would just as easily kill her own daughter if she became an inconvenience. Stella is in danger with her. Heather doesn't have a maternal bone in her whole body! Just because you can have a child by having sex doesn't qualify you to be a fit mother!!!
P.S. The pictures are nothing more than photo ops for her, IMO.
Federal authorities flew Indonesian law enforcement officials to Chicago at least twice in recent months to answer questions as part of the ongoing investigation, the Tribune has learned. The focus of the probe, however, remains less clear.

A Cook County judge overseeing the trust fund case allowed about $150,000 to be wired in increments to the daughter's overseas criminal attorney. But, amid repeated questions about the legal bills and after she had been found guilty, the judge balked at a demand in May for another $200,000 in one lump sum to pay for legal costs related to the appeal.

The FBI and U.S. attorney's office in Chicago declined to comment. Chicago attorney Thomas Durkin, who is representing Schaefer in the federal case, also declined to provide further details.

Unbeknownst to the victim, Schaefer followed them to the resort. His flight, which cost more than $12,000, and room were booked using her credit card.

The FBI, which has an office in the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, was involved in the murder investigation from the onset. Besides ensuring that the victim's remains were flown back to the United States, federal agents assisted Bali police with technical support related to texts and emails on phones and computers that belonged to the victim and defendants.

Two weeks earlier, von Wiese-Mack had confronted her daughter about money missing from her checking account. In a series of emails to her friend, who later provided them to the Tribune, von Wiese-Mack wrote that she feared what her daughter might do next.

"I am truly afraid of her," she wrote May 12, 2014, later adding: "I simply cannot afford to let my guard down for a moment with her. She will stop at nothing to get at my money."

Fights over money were constant, records showed. According to the federal document, Schaefer told someone identified only as Individual B that Mack was a "millionaire," and agreed to support him financially, and that "Mack's money was (Schaefer's) money."

On July 25, 2014, two days after the couple were found partying at a Chicago hotel in a room paid for with von Wiese-Mack's credit card, Schaefer sent Mack a Facebook message that said, "(Expletive) your mom just take your money take that (expletive) to court and leave her on the street with 30%."

That next day, Schaefer wrote: "Your (mother) doesn't want you to realize that you're 18 and can do whatever you want now. According to the will, you can do what's called an emancipation which is saying that you do not belong to your mother anymore ... When you do that, whatever the will says from your dad is yours ... So you mom is freaking out ... Cause you have the power ... She's trying to contain you (now) more than ever."

Lawyers in the trust fund case return to court in October. They are expected to meet with a mediator before then to try to come to agreement on Mack's access to the money.

My bolds. Some we already knew, but this helps put the pieces together. TS was definitely more of an instigator than I thought. I bet he jumped for joy when he found out HM was pregnant. Glad to hear the investigation is ongoing.


All this time I thought HM was the leader and TS her little love sick puppy. I really got it wrong.
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