Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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FCA = F_____ Casey Anthony?

What does the F stand for?
Info Seeker ‏@Inquizzativ
@Blaiss explains his tweet - Adam Longo ‏@adamlongoCBS5 @KPRCmboyle Yes sir. More on that coming soon. It wasn't just one conversation.

$500,000 to be pd in installments, 1st installment low, following installments increasing. 4 interviews, pics, videos

Blaiss ‏@Blaiss
Casey shopped a deal with networks last month! The offer was numerous off camera interviews,

to be released over several days.

This is exactly what CBS5 Adam Longo is doing .... off camera interview [phone] and new photos of her ... and he promises more to come ....

I am still wondering how this person knows the details of Casey's supposed contract with a network, when they couldn't even get the name right.

And why would the first installment be low...the next increasing? I would assume that the first interview would get the best ratings, with them decreasing from there. And 500k for an off-camera interview....?
RE Longo's photos he seems to be so excited about: Worth looking at or not? I do not want to click on them because I just ate...
TT, who is this Blaiss?

I'm all for the info and grateful for it, believe me! I'm just thinking the absolute STUPIDEST thing she could do (legally speaking) is grant an interview that we all know she will be compensated for right before she files a bankruptcy.

There is no way on earth she would be doing this for free. No way.

Why does the term "money laundering" keep ringing in my head while reading all this thread? I am so sick of all these leaches who skirt the law to help this girl.

She has already given CBS5 Adam Longo the phone interview and new photos of her with her legal team and Longo says there was not just ONE conversation .... more to come ....
Casey Anthony has it made.

She can literally get away with murder.

She gets security, family, a new dog, condo in florida, without having to work or earn it.

She has time for tanning, shopping, accessorizing, straightening and styling and partying.

Yet some of us are single moms in Florida..busting our behinds working and educating and providing, and get none of those luxuries.

Has the world gone mad?

oh yeah and she has a boyfriend and absolutely no worries!

I feel you, SindyBill.

My husband & I have student loan debts that will never ever be discharged unless, god forbid, we die or become disabled. We pay our taxes (and bills) on time. My husband is a registered nurse & I am an educator. We went to college (and worked while in college) & worked to get to where we are now. We are productive members of society who chose to work in fields working to help make others' lives better.

Casey Anthony doesn't work, didn't finish high school, pays no taxes, yet has "on trend" dresses, hair, and necklaces. She has a condo that's probably nicer than mine & doesn't even have to pay rent or a mortgage; she doesn't even pay the electric bill. Heck, it doesn't even cost her anything to feed herself!

It's easy to get upset that she seemingly has it made while the rest of us who contribute to society bust our behinds as she tans & straightens her hair. But then I remember, we (by we, I mean those of us who aren't sociopaths) have something she doesn't have. We can feel. We have empathy for others. As a narcicisst & sociopath, she can't feel for anyone but herself. She has to mimic real emotions. She'll never have a real relationship with anyone because she cannot love anyone but herself. She'll never have a real human experience.

We also aren't murderers. We'd never murder a stranger let alone kill our own children because they got in the way of a hot date night we had planned to watch DVDs with our boyfriend.

All of the free stuff, lounging & tanning all day, never being held accountable, etc will never make up for the fact that Casey will never be a "real" person who can feel for others.

Even if she gets a million dollars & doesn't have to pay any of her debtors anything when she gets it, it won't last long. It's not like this girl has ever budgeted or ran a household. She'll blow it & I bet George & Cindy will be happy to help her do so, as they don't make the best money decisions, either. She won't invest it or anything. She'd be any easy target for someone (especially any good-looking guy) to swindle her out of a good deal of any money she ever gets.

And it seems like everyone she mooches off of eventually gets tired of her & she has to move on to the next mark. She'll eventually have to go back to mooching or live her whole life mooching (depending on whether or not she actually ever makes any money). She will jump from mark to mark for the rest of her life. It's easy for her to find people to use now - her fame is still relatively new & she is still young & pretty. One day people will lose interest & her looks will fade. The people she'll mooch off of will no longer be high-powered lawyers, etc. and her life won't be so cushy. She'll probably resort back to stealing (if she hasn't already) & she may just steal from the wrong person & end up back in jail or worse.
I don't do twitter but if you do please comment on those ridiculous photos.
Is he proud of them or what?
I don't do Twitter either. lol
Perhaps someone can fill us in on comments.
She has already given CBS5 Adam Longo the phone interview and new photos of her with her legal team and Longo says there was not just ONE conversation .... more to come ....

Yeah, I saw that after I posted.

All I have to say is everybody needs to follow the money trail. And there will be one, I promise you that. I hope somebody gets in trouble....eventually. At this point, I'll settle for the ones laundering the money.
In reading thru the PDF two so far stand out to me. One is a realtor office (United Country Bobby Mutter Realty of Titusville, FL) the other a dive shop (Orlando Scuba Center Inc). Anyone know what those relate to?

But I also find it curious she listed Brad Conway
He was her parents Attorney.
Does Brad have a POTENTIAL claim against OCA?
She has already given CBS5 Adam Longo the phone interview and new photos of her with her legal team and Longo says there was not just ONE conversation .... more to come ....

I don't see how that means that CBS has signed a 500k deal for off-camera interviews, in multiple installments. I don't see how Blaiss would know details of this supposed contract either. One of the other networks would be reporting on it, since it would make CBS look bad, and their network look better, as being more ~moral. If she was shopping around a deal, the second CBS won, the other networks would be telling everyone that CBS is paying a baby-killer.
RE Longo's photos he seems to be so excited about: Worth looking at or not? I do not want to click on them because I just ate...

thoroughly nauseating!
her smiling broadly with her legal team surrounding her
two photos
Interesting she is interviewed in Arizona where Jodi Arias is being tried.

She was interviewed by telephone.

Reporter Adam Longo lived/worked in Orlando during the Anthony trial. He recently relocated to Arizona. He is very familiar with the Anthony case.
She was interviewed by telephone.

Reporter Adam Longo lived/worked in Orlando during the Anthony trial. He recently relocated to Arizona. He is very familiar with the Anthony case.

Well, that probably explains why she spoke with CBS 5.
She wants to do off camera interviews so no one knows what she looks like best guess. She must not feel good about her selfish self to be seen.

Yeah and the pics being released are always not current, out dated or disguised just like the "diary videos" and the grainy restaurant pic!
My dirty little secret is that we had to file bankruptsy back in 2008 or 9 because of medical debt for a heart attack I had. Had I known then that I could jot down future possible debts I would have listed every medical facility, ambulance services and anything to to do with one's health in my state as now we are back into medical debt because of an arotic valve replacement that my hubby had to have 2 years ago.
I'm sorry but I could really have a good cry over this. How is it even possible or fair that this woman has gotten away with everything? No need to answer as I know all of you are wondering the same thing.
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