Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Wasn't there a big deal being made not long ago about George having put Casey up (complete with assurance of the building security person that he would watch out for her) at a gated address in Cape Canaveral? If all that was true, how can she owe her landlord money?

It has to be a former landlord that's listed on the bankruptcy form--unless George gave her the rent money and she just never paid the landlord. Would Casey actually do something like that to Daddy Dearest?
Anyone else think Cindy is totally p.o.ed that Casey claimed to "own" her bedroom furniture in the Anthonys' home? I bet her blood is just boiling because Cindy paid for everything.

(Not that she'd ever indicate she was upset about it or disagree publicly about Casey owning that furniture since Casey does no wrong)
Um...where are people on Twitter getting that Casey is doing an NBC interview? Who is Blaiss? I can't keep up with which network is the most ~evil in this case. Anyway, I doubt anyone's boycott of any network will last that long. Eventually, there will be something you want to watch, such as the Super Bowl which rotates among the big four. Even the old shows (in syndication) on other networks still make money for the original channel. And some networks are connected to other huge corporations. (ABC is owned by Disney, which also owns ESPN, for example). The network that pays Casey for an interview is going to be thinking about how high the ratings for her interview will be; They aren't worried about a boycott.
And yet, I find comfort in knowing that even after almost 5 years, here we are willing to use our voices to make our opinions known.
My dirty little secret is that we had to file bankruptsy back in 2008 or 9 because of medical debt for a heart attack I had. Had I known then that I could jot down future possible debts I would have listed every medical facility, ambulance services and anything to to do with one's health in my state as now we are back into medical debt because of an arotic valve replacement that my hubby had to have 2 years ago.
I'm sorry but I could really have a good cry over this. How is it even possible or fair that this woman has gotten away with everything? No need to answer as I know all of you are wondering the same thing.

You can't list future debts, but you can list potential debts based on PAST if someone might sue you for something you already did.

BK = ?
Bankruptcy K_______ ?

BanKruptcy. :)
She has already given CBS5 Adam Longo the phone interview and new photos of her with her legal team and Longo says there was not just ONE conversation .... more to come ....

Blaiss gave Longo the phone interviews? Blaiss is an anti Casey crusader. Confused!
Anyone else think Cindy is totally p.o.ed that Casey claimed to "own" her bedroom furniture in the Anthony's home? I bet her blood is just boiling because Cindy paid for everything.

(Not that she'd ever indicate she was upset about it or disagree publicly about Casey owning that furniture since Casey does no wrong)
Do we even know if that furniture is till there? Maybe mom and dad did give the furniture to her. Nothing would surprise me anymore. How sad is that?!
I noticed that for length of unemployment she listed 4 years. Um, I think it's been a few more than that. Perhaps they should rephrase that question to say: Length of unemployment (please exclude all imaginery and hallucinated jobs)


She had a job for 4 years?
She had Caylee when she was 19yrs and never returned to work. So she began working at 15yrs old :waitasec:
They wouldn't let him pay for the interview. But the photos, maybe...

Maybe Jose's little agreement with her where she supposedly gave up her A/C privilege (hopefully with the advice of separate counsel) also included an assignment to him of photo rights?

"They" = Casey's lawyers?
"him" = Adam Longo?

A/C = ?
Air conditioning?
Alternating current?
Atomic clock?
Assistant coach?
Air controller?
Appeals council?
I thought not...
Re: the ring on her finger in the photo:
Here is what she itemized as jewelry. Not sure an opal shines like that.

(good to see her spelling is as good as when she typed "foolproof suffication")

Also noticed that Cheney Mason and Dorothy Sims are not listed. Why not, I wonder?

Also, why is Brad Conway, Mark Nejame and Mark Lippman listed? Did any of them represent her?

Any idea why Adventist Florida Hospital is listed? Dated from 11/2007 to present. Sounds like an old debt from before.
Bolded by me.
I think this may have been from when Casey was taken to the hospital by Jesse Grund because she allegedly had a seizure while they were out one night. I never bought she actually had the seizure since there didn't ever appear to be follow-up visits or an EEG or anything. One of my friends had a seizure & was taken away by ambulance- she'd never had a seizure before. She had to go see a specialist after being discharged from the ER & get tests and an EEG. She was eventually diagnosed with epilepsy. Casey had this one seizure & then nothing ever came of it again, although maybe that's because she didn't have health insurance (again, not that I buy that she had a seizure).

I just remember the seizure story because Cindy told Dr. Phil about this one alleged previous seizure episode & based on that, she surmised that Casey must have had a seizure while Caylee was in the pool & then Caylee drowned. (A total load of BS)
There is a person listed named Juan from Lithia, FL. Owns property in Polk County FL. I wonder if this was one of her hiding places?

Small update: This Juan visited her in jail in 2009.

Not saying Juan is............ but, hope she listed Caylee's father as he would have a claim for wrongful death, would he not?
There are many pictures of Caylee with this article that I do not recall ever seeing before. Interesting.

CBS 48 HOURS posted a ton of these same photos back in May 2010.
perhaps with the goal to make FCA look like a "good mother" to Caylee, right before jury selection and trial
She says this will allow her to "move on". To where? She says this will give her "closure". From what? The brightest accomplishment she ever knew was her daughter and we all know how much she appreciated her.

These people migrate to her now like she's some kind of celebrity. That I don't mind seeing because that's what is ultimately going to keep that distorted self-ego she's got going and end up being her demise just as OJ did worried about his worldly goods even though he was guilty as sin of taking his children's mother from their world.
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