Bedtimes and blankets

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If the whole world and probably the police thought I was lying and I wasn't I would beg to go on some program and just set out exactly what happened from beginning to end or write it out and have someone read it or post it to a newspaper and end all the speculation once and for all.

Exactly. I wouldn't want to give the impression that I have been advised to shut up because I only incriminate myself further every time I open my mouth.

Since all these relatives seem to have complete confidence that everything she says is factual and makes sense to them, why not take advantage of their comprehension skills and have them act as interpreters in the interview. Now she said this but what she really means is this...
MY OPINION: Misty is fixated on the blankets because she covered Haleigh with a sheet when she put her to bed. Misty put the blanket in the dryer before she left the house. She planned to cover Haleigh with a clean blanket when she got back home. That is when she discovered Haleigh was missing. That is why her voice cracks when talks about the sheet. There is a connection between the clean blanket and Misty discovering Haleigh was missing. It is written all over Misty's face. Watch the video.

What happened to Haleigh?

Opinions of the people involved in this case are not important. Facts solve crimes.

a.)Ron was at work when the abduction occurred.

b.)Misty left the house.

c.)The abductor felt confident they could get away with taking Haleigh.

How does all of this tie together? That is what the investigators are trying to find out. If no one confesses and no evidence is found, we may never know what happened to Haleigh.
IIRC 1 blanket is still missing from van?
Could haleigh of died on that blanket?
Could that blanket have decomp on it?
Very messy and thrown away?
Could the blanket of been in one of the bags in dumpster?
LE not saying they found blanket?
the other 2 blankets were washed and found IIRC...........
Has LE made statements about how many blankets they've accounted for and have in evidence?
Misty said she "had to wash the blanket" over the window and Haleigh's blanket smelled like urine. Her own blanket was in the van they took away. So, she does laundry then covers Haleigh with the blanket. Misti didn't say if the window was left bare or not. I wonder if Haleigh's freshly washed blanket would still have her scent for the dogs even if it never covered her that night?

This has flown right over my head for weeks now - why and when was Misty talking about her own blanket being in "the van they took"? Was she talking about the van that LE had impounded, or the van that she was buying from her sister Chelsea that "someone" moved?

As long as I'm on here, one more question -

Are we sure that there are not TWO (2) vans in question? Seems like SIL had a lt. gray van and Sis had a lt. blue van. Or are they one and the same?

Sorry if this is stuff that was previously addressed, but I've had a heck of a time trying to catch up and keep up.
It should be a simple answer. Unless you weren't there or were so drunk/high that you can't remember....

Call me naive, but why wouldn't she have just broken down and admitted that she had gone out and gotten stoned? I don't doubt your thinking, just what in the world is motivating so many in this tragic situation to choose to lie and/or withhold info.
Ummm excuse me...LOOK AT THIS!!!!!

"In the interview Wednesday, Croslin said Haleigh watched “Madagascar” and “AirBud” with her brother, then snuggled beneath a blanket in a pink Hannah Montana top. She reported Haleigh was wearing that top when she disappeared."

And this is from statement days ago....."So I washed her blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with (voice breaks) and she fell asleep and I went--come in there and put her blanket on her and then I laid down."

WHAT BLANKET??? The girl said she FELL ASLEEP....WITH A SHEET and that she didn't put a blanket on her until after 10. Now she was watching DVD's with her brother...UNDER A BLANKET?

I also noticed that genuine emotion when she used the word, "sheet". It was one of the few times she cracked. It almost sounds like she covered her whole body with a sheet...I get the chills.

Ron stated on the tube video which I just watched, that both children went to bed at 8, and they all slept in the same bed.:confused:
I also noticed that genuine emotion when she used the word, "sheet". It was one of the few times she cracked. It almost sounds like she covered her whole body with a sheet...I get the chills.

Ron stated on the tube video which I just watched, that both children went to bed at 8, and they all slept in the same bed.:confused:

Do you know the time frame of the video you watched?

A day or two ago I watched an earlier Today show with RC and the sheriff. It was 2 or 3 days after Haleigh went missing and he says they were in the same bed.

When he & his bride were in NY, he was asked what did MC tell you the night she went missing about the sleeping arrangements & he said MC & JR were in the big bed & Haleigh in the smaller bed.
in that video she says she got up to go to the bathroom but she's also said she got up to get a drink, right?
Maybe this blanket “talk” needs to be revisited. Was the blanket story created for a cover of a blanket being used in the van and an excuse to wash away any evidence on the beds.

1...Because there were no extra blankets in the home on Monday night and MC needed one, she had to remove the blanket hanging on the window and then wash it and place it on her and Ron's bed.

2...This leads me to wonder if Misty left the queen blanket in the van on Monday, the 9th.. IF SHE DIDN'T leave the blanket that day, then Ron was w/o a blanket for quite a while because MC had been gone for the weekend. If he were there, he would need a blanket. It could be argued that he took the blanket from the window and used it and then placed it back on the window...not likely, according to my way of thinking.

3. MC claims Haleigh's blanket had urine on it from the previous night....if we believe that, then Haleigh must have been there between Friday and Sunday with her father to make that possible. Is she saying this child had NO other blanket in the house to cover her so she had to wash that blanket and put a sheet on her till it dried? Not buying that one either. Children usually have extras....sleeping bags and such.

4..At what point did Ron's bed blanket get from his bed to the van? MC say the blanket was in the van on Monday and "they" (brother and family?) took the van and she needed a blanket...why was their bed blanket in the van?

5...Her brother lives VERY close to the house...I would have called and asked him to bring it over....but that's me. Either way, it wasn't until 10pm that anyone in the house had a blanket on them. It was very cool that evening.

I have never quite understood the whole "blanket" talk. It seems what she is saying that the LARGE blanket was put in the van on Monday, the 9th. Is the story a diversion or is it fact. If it is fact, than WHY was the blanket placed in the van on Monday, the 9th? Misty’s day was busy. She was at the hospital with her father and had to watch her brother’s kids…at what point did the blanket get in the van that day?
I took it to mean that Misti's blanket that was in the van was actually her's and Ron's blanket. It must have been what she was claiming or she wouldn't have had to take the blanket off the window to wash if there were other blankets in the home. Misti seems to think in terms of "what's his is mine", including Ron's kids as evidenced by some of her interviews. So, his blanket is probably thought of as her blanket. If it was though, why did she leave his blanket in the van on her first day back at the trailer. If she left it before the big split up, what did Ron cover with while she was off alledgedly partying for 3 days........Too many blanket questions. There must be a totally different missing blanket.
When a child disappears under your watch, wouldn't you be so upset that you would be obsessing and talking about everything that child did the last time you saw her. When she came home from school, what she was wearing that day, how her hair was fixed, what she had for dinner, when she had her bath, what she was talking about that evening, etc. Instead of that, we are overwhelmed with information about blankets. Something is really not right.

I agree but I went back and listened to her 911 call, she is asked how tall is she, Misty doesn't know. She doesn't know her weight, she says 40, 50 or 60 lbs, her hair color, she said it is curly, long. No one knows her birth date. Misty sounds like a little scared kid on that tape. But blankets she knows.
I took it to mean that Misti's blanket that was in the van was actually her's and Ron's blanket. It must have been what she was claiming or she wouldn't have had to take the blanket off the window to wash if there were other blankets in the home. Misti seems to think in terms of "what's his is mine", including Ron's kids as evidenced by some of her interviews. So, his blanket is probably thought of as her blanket. If it was though, why did she leave his blanket in the van on her first day back at the trailer. If she left it before the big split up, what did Ron cover with while she was off alledgedly partying for 3 days........Too many blanket questions. There must be a totally different missing blanket.

Unless you lived in the house, you wouldn't know if a blanket was missing. So where ever Haleigh is, she has a blanket with her. JMO
Maybe this blanket “talk” needs to be revisited. Was the blanket story created for a cover of a blanket being used in the van and an excuse to wash away any evidence on the beds.

1...Because there were no extra blankets in the home on Monday night and MC needed one, she had to remove the blanket hanging on the window and then wash it and place it on her and Ron's bed.

2...This leads me to wonder if Misty left the queen blanket in the van on Monday, the 9th.. IF SHE DIDN'T leave the blanket that day, then Ron was w/o a blanket for quite a while because MC had been gone for the weekend. If he were there, he would need a blanket. It could be argued that he took the blanket from the window and used it and then placed it back on the window...not likely, according to my way of thinking.

3. MC claims Haleigh's blanket had urine on it from the previous night....if we believe that, then Haleigh must have been there between Friday and Sunday with her father to make that possible. Is she saying this child had NO other blanket in the house to cover her so she had to wash that blanket and put a sheet on her till it dried? Not buying that one either. Children usually have extras....sleeping bags and such.

4..At what point did Ron's bed blanket get from his bed to the van? MC say the blanket was in the van on Monday and "they" (brother and family?) took the van and she needed a blanket...why was their bed blanket in the van?

5...Her brother lives VERY close to the house...I would have called and asked him to bring it over....but that's me. Either way, it wasn't until 10pm that anyone in the house had a blanket on them. It was very cool that evening.

I have never quite understood the whole "blanket" talk. It seems what she is saying that the LARGE blanket was put in the van on Monday, the 9th. Is the story a diversion or is it fact. If it is fact, than WHY was the blanket placed in the van on Monday, the 9th? Misty’s day was busy. She was at the hospital with her father and had to watch her brother’s kids…at what point did the blanket get in the van that day?

excellent questions! Point 4 is intriguing as Misty as you point out just got home. At what point did she need to put a blanket in the van? That day is very puzzling to me. Some say she was kicked out by Ron for saying she was pregnant and Ron thought it was someone else's baby, I have also heard she just walked out because she was mad at Ron. I don't understand Ron taking her back unless he wanted or needed her there, to watch the kids, or to punish her. So she comes back do you think there is a fight about where she was and what she was doing? I don't see this day happening the way they say it did. There had to be so much stress, so why are we washing blankets, putting them in a van? She also had to be hung over after 3 days of drug use. What frame of mind was she in? We are missing something here. Just rambling now...
Personally I think the house with Misty gone for 3 days, drugs and fighting would of been like a pig pen.
Why all of a sudden washing blankets and using bleach??
Something happened and Misty was told to do this or else!
Before TV came in TN and GGS 'tidy up story' TN admitted clothes were always on the floor by washer.
Something happened to Haleigh that night and I do not buy the kidnapping at all MOO
Maybe she is wrapped in that blanket, Bern! Maybe she wet her blanket, was drowned in the bathtub, and was wrapped in the missing blanket to be disposed of. I hope that's not true, but it's a plausible scenario.

Then the back door was propped open so someone could carry her body out in the blanket to a waiting vehicle.
Earlier in this thread, KSgirl78, posts about the "sheet" Misty placed over Haleigh.
I'm sure that a lot of you here are like me and watch many true crime shows. This past week while watching a case on "Amercian Justice," I noticed a dead body being taken away in one of the scenes. Over the body was a sheet.
Bingo! When I saw that, Misty's story about putting a sheet over Haliegh came to mind immediately. Dead bodies are most often covered in a sheet. Did Misty let that slip into her explaination because there was a sheet involved to cover a body?
Don't know why exactly, but I find it very curious that her story went into such detail when it came to covering little Haleigh.
Maybe I'm watching entirely too much true crime stuff.
At some previous point in time Misty claimed that the reason she washed the blanket was because Haleigh had peed on the blanket. If that were true I would think that more than her blanket would have been wet - right?

When my son was that age, I had a closet-full of blankets and sheets. He never wet the bed, but we've had some bad stomach nights (if ya know what I mean).

That meant I had to clean him up (did Misty change Haleigh's clothes after she wet the bed)? Why didn't she change the sheets if she "peed on her blanket".

In Misty's own words: “I put her to bed at 8 o’clock,” Misty Cummings said. “I was washing our blankets, and after that was done, I put her blanket over her. She was sleeping when I put her blanket on her. She was in her bed, and it was about 10 o’clock. I finally laid down and went to sleep. I woke up at 3. I got up to use the bathroom, and I noticed the kitchen light was on. I walked through the kitchen, and that’s when I noticed the back door was open. So I run back to my bedroom to get my phone to call Ronald. That’s when I noticed Haleigh was gone.”

How many 5 year olds will go to sleep on an unmade bed for 2 hours before a blanket is placed over them?

Anyway, in my life, I clean up my son first, put him in my bed, quickly change his sheets (fresh from the cupboard) and a new blanket (fresh from the cupboard). and do the laundry the next morn, as most of us moms know that a load of laundry (especially blankets) can take an hour or more to do.

Is this family trying to sell me that they only have ONE blanket for Haleigh?

I'm also not happy with the pink shirt that she initially told investigators that Haleigh was wearing. Apparently she later found it in the dirty clothes and she showed the detectives after she found it.

Sounds and smells pretty fishy to me!!!!


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