BIG HOLES in the defense theory

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Let's see if I have the defense's story right:

GA found Caylee dead in the pool. He screams at Casey saying she's in big trouble. GA and CA decide to stage a kidnapping. George, being a former detective, thinks it's a great idea to stash Caylee's body in the trunk of Casey's car, and let it decompose before they dump Caylee's little body in the woods close to their house. Casey tells all these lies because GA had molested her as a child. She parties with her friends after her daughter's drowning because...well...she's screwed up emotionally because she was abused. Months later, RK finds Caylee's body in the woods, and "takes possession" of it. Apparently HE wraps the duct tape around her little skull, and then weeks later, returns the body to the spot where he found it.

That's the gist of what happened, correct?

Alrighty then. :insert eyeroll:

ETA: How does Zanny fit in this version of events? She's Casey's imaginary friend? Created to ease the pain from years of sexual abuse by both her father and brother?

Almost :floorlaugh:

They are still saying that the body was NEVER in CA's car. I don't get why they even threw GA into the equation if they were still going to dispute the forensics. This seriously sounds like that whisper down the lane game (is that what it's called??).... everyone add something to what the previous person said to make it as unbelievable and ridiculous as possible.
The only enlightenment you need, is to understand that Baez is completely incompetent. So much so that I worry there will be an appealate issue based on ineffectual counsel. I do remember a case where the atty slept through a good portion of the trial, and the appealate court ruled that didn't meet the standard of ineffectual counsel. That cheers me, except that I believe Baez to be SO incompetent that a sleeping Baez would be more effectual than a wake one. :(

How can an appeal be for ineffectual counsel. Isn't CM a death qualified attorney?
About the As not knowing KC was pregnant. Be it parental denial or a girl wearing baggy clothes - come on, we ALL know this happens pretty often. Many, many girls and women have hidden pregnancy from the people they live with. Not to be insensitive to the topic but it happens often enough that they've poked fun at it on Family Guy (a song called Prom Night Dumpster Baby). Heck, some women have gone through an entire pregnancy and not even known it themselves. There's an entire show about it

So yes, it is concerning that you wouldn't know your daughter was pregnant but it's not unheard of by any means. It irked me that JB was insinuating otherwise.

I have known at least one teenager who managed to keep her pregnancy a secret from her family until the day she went into labor. She had a tiny frame and wore baggy, comfortable clothes. That had to be a shock to her family.
I myself did not stop wearing jeans until I was six months pregnant and did not tell my mom(I was married but chose not to tell her because she is a worry wart). Some members of my church did not know until I was 8 months. When I went to the delivery room the nurses did not believe I was full term. So, I do not find it unbelievable at all that KC could have hid her pregnancy for a while. She does look pregnant in the picture. What was she seven months? So she could have not sparked any suspicion until 6 months since she did not appear that big.
Upon reflection this morning, I find myself thinking that the sexual abuse and penis comment was completely and distracting and shocking, and that every other thing that he argued was a big empty hole.

He might have had something if he had left it at accident/abuse dysfunction but then, man oh man, the rest of his argument was vapor, which even discredits the possibility of accident.

The other thing is that the jury doesn't know the details we know, so I would imagine the rest of his argument was a complete disconnect.
It maketh no sense. If Kronk had stashed Caylee's dead body in some unknown place while waiting for it to decompose for months he would be the last person to dream of getting the reward for a live Caylee, he'd know it was impossible.

Yes, but if RK had ALSO been sexually abusing CA (and who didn't?), perhaps he was blackmailing Casey. Bet you didn't think of THAT, did you? ;)
This defense will probably change or add a million different "what ifs" by the time closing arguments roll around to see what sticks. OA and CA are not considered evidence or testimony, and their entire opening was lame to me.
Almost :floorlaugh:

They are still saying that the body was NEVER in CA's car. I don't get why they even threw GA into the equation if they were still going to dispute the forensics. This seriously sounds like that whisper down the lane game (is that what it's called??).... everyone add something to what the previous person said to make it as unbelievable and ridiculous as possible.

Oh wait...I know! After RK "took possession" of the body, he stashed it in the trunk of CA's car!

It's all so clear to me now. :innocent:
I think if JB had stopped at the drowning and GA said he would take care of it JB might have had a chance for a lesser sentence. KC told police she feared her mother's reaction to the kidnapping so that part was established. I think KC feared how her mother would react if she found Caylee died at KC's hands because there was a fight and CA would have figured Caylee died from KC's rage. I think Zanny wrote this script because it's just as bad as the others.

The less said the better. Too late.

ETA: Also I think KC may have told JG about being molested so JG would get an apartment for them before they married. RG said he would not marry them if they lived together beforehand. So it is possible the story evolved because KC needed a reason so RG would feel sorry for her and give in. That seems to be her MO. jmo
JB's creative scenario of Caylee's death and disposal of her body, seems to go something like this:

~Caylee dies in a drowning accident.

~George and Casey find her - too late.

~Although Casey acknowledges (according to JB on 5-24-11) the cause of death to be drowning, they, nevertheless, attempt to throw off LE and Cindy as to the whereabouts of Caylee, by hiding her body, because otherwise Cindy will be really angry with Casey.

~So they must hide Caylee and stage it to look like a kidnapping and murder - after all, in their minds, Cindy would probably be happier with this cause of death rather than from an unfortunate accident.

~Meanwhile, Casey concocts the Nanny story for Cindy's benefit, while at the same time she and George discard Caylee somewhere, bound in tape and wrapped in plastic bags, staging the appearance of a violent crime.

~Or maybe they did not bind and bag her, but someone else did.

~Enter the Meter Man. He unwittingly finds Caylee somewhere, and knowing immediately that there is to be huge reward money which had not even been formulated yet, he decides to keep her for a few months before he places her in the woody swamp.

~He returns to find Caylee and claim his reward.

~Meanwhile George remains stoic and unruffled with his knowledge of events surrounding Caylee's death and disappearance, while the search for Caylee goes on around him.

Where did they find this Lawyer, DisneyWorld?

Warning - graphic

BBM - The talking head medical examiners all agreed that Caylee would have been completely skeletonized within 2 to 3 weeks so that leaves a very tight timeline for the allegations against Kronk to be true. In fact, the entire Kronk theory is impossible.

The autopsy report states that Caylee's body was pulled apart by animal activity before she was skeletonized (I'm paraphrasing,). By the time she was reported missing her bones were scattered all over the place in a heavily wooded area. The exact words in the autopsy report are:

"The clustering of vertebrae at the scene separate from the location of the bags and skull indicate animal activity occurring at this location after decomposition started, but before complete disarticulation of the skeleton. This indicates the body was put in this location prior to complete skeletonization."

The entire autopsy is here:

By the time Caylee was reported missing her tiny skeleton (I can't emphasize tiny enough) was already spread all over the place in a heavily wooded area. JB's little tape measure display for the jury was misleading and shameful.

Warning - graphic

BBM - The talking head medical examiners all agreed that Caylee would have been completely skeletonized within 2 to 3 weeks so that leaves a very tight timeline for the allegations against Kronk to be true. In fact, the entire Kronk theory is impossible.

The autopsy report states that Caylee's body was pulled apart by animal activity before she was skeletonized (I'm paraphrasing,). By the time she was reported missing her bones were scattered all over the place in a heavily wooded area. The exact words in the autopsy report are:

"The clustering of vertebrae at the scene separate from the location of the bags and skull indicate animal activity occurring at this location after decomposition started, but before complete disarticulation of the skeleton. This indicates the body was put in this location prior to complete skeletonization."
The entire autopsy is here:

By the time Caylee was reported missing her tiny skeleton (I can't emphasize tiny enough) was already spread all over the place in a heavily wooded area. JB's little tape measure display for the jury was misleading and shameful.



That is exactly what I was thinking of! Jose Baez even mentioned the 10 days the crime scene investigators took to locate almost every bone and tooth.

Add into the equation Hurricane Faye, which struck shortly after Roy Kronk called the police in August. Some of those bones were under more than an inch of soil and far away from the other remains.

The hydrologist report that Baez cited used, IIRC, tracked the rainfall in 2009, when there wasn't as much rain. The State has TES searchers (some of them discovered by the defense team) who will state the area was under water at the time.

Baez also mentions the Gail St. John video, which I watched numerous times. Most of the video was taken from the car and doesn't show much of the area where the remains were discovered. Rather, the dog got sick at about the spot and they drove further up to give the dog a walk. They went to the grassy area up from the remains site and just walked him up the "path" there for a moment.

So, what does that prove?
Don't you think that after being an ex detective, that GA would have better body disposal skills? And why would some random meter reader find the body and later re-dispose of it, so he could later "find it", in an effort to get the financial reward?

IF this were true (and we all know it's not), at what point did RK take the body? It must have been after the first 31 days, because she wasn't even a headline yet. Like GA was going to hold on to this body that long. No.

Websleuthers could have come up with a dozen better theories than this one. This is the best JB could do after 3 years? Really?
If for one moment it was an accident and then the coverup spun out of control I don't believe for a second that GA would have bagged up Caylee taped her mouth and nose and dumped her to rot in the hot florida sun. If a coverup was underway, he loved her too much to just dump her. It would be more likely that he would have given her as proper a burial as could be had somewhere beautiful and peaceful that only he and KC would know about and far away from Orlando. Not tossed out like garbage.

I don't believe this senario either, but would be more in line with the love GA had for Caylee. The way it was done would be more consistant if he was framing KC all the evidence points right back to her.
Did I hear JB blame Yuri for something?

I know he mentioned Yuri in his opening statement
Years ago when my daughter found my grandson lying face down in the pool the first thing that happened after pulling him out was to administer CPR. She was alone but managed to call 911. No matter how you try to protect yourself one little slip up can and often does happen when you have a pool no matter how religious you are. GA was ex-LE the last thing he would have said was she would be charged with neglect. This happens way too often and LE treats it as a tragic accident, no reason to suspect neglect unless there are significant signs of other neglect. My grandson was revived and is a fine young man today so there is no excuse NOT to call 911 because it is never over until a qualified person says it's over.

I think KC put the ladder in the pool the first day she backed into the garage and left the gate open to make it appear Caylee had drowned. This did not work out because when KC went to remove Caylee from the trunk she realized Caylee was in full rigor and the drowning excuse was no longer realistic. I think the body was in the trunk all night from the 16th, she did not know what to expect nor what to do with it on the 17th because of the rigor, the day she borrowed the shovel she planned to bury Caylee in the backyard and tell people Caylee was with her parents and let the chips fall where they may. She would have been free to live her beautiful life and the parents would have been left to explain the buried body and she figured she'd get the house. Plan B: the backup plan - dump her off Suburban on her way back to TL's because she could not bury the body. It was convenient and on her way out. At that point she was done with it. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

JB would like us to believe that after the death of her child and her father agreeing to dispose of the body that she just put that aside and went about her life as usual and actually enjoying it so much better as depicted in her pictures from fusion. So if we are to believe that why could we not believe the above. She had definite plans for that house. Too bad she did not try to dig the hole first before killing her child.

If the drowning was such a huge secret, why didnt ICA start crying then? I think she missed her cue.

Oh...somethings not right with this girl alright.

At what point did the child ALLEGEDLY get into the pool? Was it before everyone was awake? Is that the story they're running with? If that's the case, then why was she in day clothes? A child of 2 isn't going to get up first thing in the morning, put on their day clothes and then go hop in the pool. Nope. Not gonna happen.
Here's where it falls apart for me.

Casey is not dumb. In fact, if Baez's story were true, Casey has a high sense of self-protection. She entered into this scam to hide her dead child's body simply to protect herself from her Mother's wrath. So let's say I take Baez at his word.

Now comes the hard part. Somewhere, a long, long time ago,even the most dim-witted of criminally charged defendants must have twigged to the fact that she faced something scarier from the State of Florida than from Mommy Dearest.

In all this time, with all the opportunities, all the interviews and court appearances...all THAT, Casey Anthony waited till yesterday to decide facing the DEATH PENALTY was a little less in her interest than letting Cindy know Caylee drowned in the pool?

The moment Casey was indicted, she had zero reason to continue with her Zanny the Nanny story, zero reason to allow her supposed Molester to be free, while she faced the death penalty. Casey is no tragic heroine. This cover-up supposedly began to save her from Cindy's makes no sense, even factoring in sex abuse, for her to continue to lie and maintain minute after she was indicted.

"Let's see: Mom furious with me? or...Death penalty? What to do? What to do?"

Casey's 31 days give the lie to her attempt to be the grieving Mother...and the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of days she has sat silently in jail...give the lie to Baez's Opening Argument.
I know there are many but a few that really got me is.......... The jail house tapes, didn't Cindy mention the drowning in the pool thing, and Casey said no....IF George was holding Caylee and KC came around the corner and grabbed Caylee, then how did Caylee get from KC's arms to Kronk to hide? Back to the jail house tapes, KC wanted to talk to George alone and she wasn't scared or afraid.........What holes do you see in their version of events?

Sorry, I haven't read all the pages if this has already been said...

When CA mentions this to ICA, ICA says, "surprise, surprise"...and blew it off...

How did RKronk get possession of Caylee's lifeless body? How did RKronk hold on to Caylee's decomposed remains for months until finally found in December....too many holes, doesnt' make sense and most definately does not match the evidence...if it doesn't make sense, it's not true and this to me, is a taller tale than the invisinanny....what a waste of space and human life...I do hope she just signed her own death warrant...she's a disgrace and not worth saving...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
At what point did the child ALLEGEDLY get into the pool? Was it before everyone was awake? Is that the story they're running with? If that's the case, then why was she in day clothes? A child of 2 isn't going to get up first thing in the morning, put on their day clothes and then go hop in the pool. Nope. Not gonna happen.

Yep, that's the story: Caylee somehow drown in the pool and Casey came home and found George with a dead Caylee in his arms, he then tells her "Your Mother will never forgive you" and they both attempt to cover it up.

Somehow, RK find's Caylee's body, keeps it for a while, and then discards it in the woods.
Sorry, I haven't read all the pages if this has already been said...

When CA mentions this to ICA, ICA says, "surprise, surprise"...and blew it off...

How did RKronk get possession of Caylee's lifeless body? How did RKronk hold on to Caylee's decomposed remains for months until finally found in December....too many holes, doesnt' make sense and most definately does not match the evidence...if it doesn't make sense, it's not true and this to me, is a taller tale than the invisinanny....what a waste of space and human life...I do hope she just signed her own death warrant...she's a disgrace and not worth saving...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

He ran into George :floorlaugh:

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