Bosma Murder Trial 02.29.16 - Day 16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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So to sum up, when DM was arrested he nearly literally had Tim's blood on his hands.

The box cutter was mentioned today by AC on Twitter:

There was also DNA found on a box cutter found inside the truck, but there wasn't enough DNA to make a full profile.

I assume that is the same box cutter they found when examining TB's truck. It was not used as a murder weapon, but solely for the purpose of removing carpeting. This was speculated in earlier threads, but again was said not to have been used earlier. MOO
My memory, which is absolutely faulty at this point, is that we have never *heard* get SB asked whether she could identify MS or DM in the courtroom. We've never heard about her viewing a lineup. So it's not that she can't positively identify them, it's that we have never heard her being asked to do so.

Furthermore, I thought someone, maybe one of the journos, said there was a specific reason she and others were not being asked the question, but I don't think reason was spelled out.

If someone had opposing info (meaning, SB has stated or acknowledged that she could not positively identify them) please bring along a link, because I'm sure this will come up again.

Thanks ArianeEmory! My recollection is that ABro had said some time ago that the reason SB was not asked to id DM, was that he had no mugshot OR was it that his photo had been all over the news and that would taint an id?

Honestly, I did think it was mentioned that SB and WDB were asked to id MS and could not, but you are completely right, we need a link as my memory and the facts may not at all match. Apologies if I'm creating confusion or adding to it! :gaah:
I have often wondered what DM & MS were smoking the night they picked TB for the test drive. I mean the whole thing is so unbelievable---the clean up and cover up that followed so sloppy and bizarre it all seems lone humongous drug induced nightmare.

People keep saying this but what if Igor hadn't seen the Ambition tattoo?
Here is a break down of the glove evidence today as best as I can make it out from the tweets.

There were 4 black nitrile gloves tested. 3 were found on DM when he was arrested. They did not specify where the other was found.

First glove, that was found on DM, had blood stain and yielded 2 male DNA profiles and one female profile. The DNA could be from blood, skin or sweat. This was the most important find because the blood found on the thumb of the glove matched TB's DNA. The male and female DNA found on the inside and outside of the glove matched DM and CN.

The second glove tested had a blood stain with insufficient DNA to do a comparison. They did not specify whether there was additional male and female DNA on this glove but there was either both or just female DNA on this glove based on future tweets.

One set of gloves had both male and female DNA inside. The male DNA matched DM, the female matched CN.

The other set of gloves had just female DNA inside that matched CN.

So of the four gloves, the Crown only summarized the first one which had the DNA of three people TB, DM and CN.


Thank you, that's the type of summary I was talking about.
If DM was found guilty of FC but it was MS who pulled the trigger, they would still both be found guilty of 1st degree because the murder occurred during the forcible confinement at which both were present.

Precisely.....1st degree for the both of them.
No, because if one was not involved in either the planning of a murder or the confinement and only assisted in covering up the crime, they would then only be considered an accessory after the fact to murder (i.e. CN).
Since they are both being charged with the murder of LB then I suspect LE has a lot more evidence coming. If MS knew of the murder of LB then it would be naive to think he wouldn't know of the plans for TB wouldn't it? Not that it has any bearing on this trial though.
Does MM act as MS chauffeur normally, or how does he get to Waterloo without a license?
Tim Bosma Murder Trial: Whose DNA was on the incinerator and on black rubber gloves? | EXHIBIT #77

The Mob Reporter Adrian Humphreys for The National Post

DM and gang are so stupid they probably would have done something else in the following days to blow their cover.

I truly believe that had it not been for IT and AJ, these alleged monsters may not have been caught . . . or at least certainly not discovered as quickly as they were. Of all the unfortunate facts in this case, that LE had DM's ambition tattoo noted on file, and IT had the wherewithal to be so observant, was very fortunate for LE and later the Crown, IMO.

All MOO.
I truly believe that had it not been for IT and AJ, these alleged monsters may not have been caught . . . or at least certainly not discovered as quickly as they were. Of all the unfortunate facts in this case, that LE had DM's ambition tattoo noted on file, and IT had the wherewithal to be so observant, was very fortunate for LE and later the Crown, IMO.

All MOO.

AJ refused to tell Crime Stoppers where the truck was. He only went to the police after he had learned they came to the hangar. They came to the hangar because Igor spotted the Ambition tattoo.
I suppose it's possible AJ would have rolled all the way eventually.

I doubt it. AJ only told the police about the location of the truck after he had seen "the suits" at the hanger.
Also, AJ was very brief in his testimony. When he first saw the truck, I believe seats were still inside. I have a feeling, he saw more than just the truck. MOO
Does anyone know if the incinerator has an electric igniter or would it require a flame source ie lighter?

It was never stated, that I know of. It would need some sort of ignition to produce a flame. I'd say at 15k, you'd think it would be an electric ignightor but the afterburner was an addition to the Eliminator. All of these shipped to Canada had to meet Canadian standards. It's the fans that needed the hydro, not the unit itself (but the unit won't run without the fans on) So it's possible it's a manual (eg lighter) or spark light ignition (like a bbq or gas stove) as well, seeing as it was propane ran. Hard to say as I can't seem to find specs on these units or for the ECO units (formerly Eliminator)
Maybe someone else has a better search engine then my phone. Phone is at page 10 and all about this case in Relation to my search.
Did I read somewhere in Sloot's evidence today that they found residue on a glove that resembled powdered blood?????

Two male profiles and one female DNA profile were found on the gloves -- as was blood.
by Adam Carter 3:02 PM

"It was like blood dust that you could see under high magnification," Sloots says.
by Adam Carter 3:04 PM

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Did I read somewhere in Sloot's evidence today that they found residue on a glove that resembled powdered blood?????

Yes, from AC's Twitter: "It was like blood dust that you could see under high magnification," Sloots says.

ETA: I see amis_ already answered this. I'm a slowpoke.
I haven't heard anything today about DM being cockey and smiling around the courtroom.....waving. For anyone who was there has his demeanour changed?
I am pretty much with you, for both of these guys to have so much on the line I cant see why one or both wouldnt want to try and get on the stand and accuse the other. Especially with DM's jail house letters being so adamant about the fact that hes innocent and "its right in front of our faces" and getting frustrated that no one could "see it"

There are plenty of reasons why they would be advised to not go on the stand. Firstly, accused have a right against self-incrimination. However, if they testify what they say can be used against them and they will be cross-examined. In this case they'd be cross-examined by the Crown and the Defence lawyer for the other accused, which would be an absolute dream come true for the other accused because then they could still argue they did nothing and say hypothetically, "LOOK DM DID IT, HE ADMITTED IT". And saying someone made you do something, is admitting you did it, which would be a bad tactic if you're claiming innocence. To me, these guys are not very authentic. If I were, DM's lawyer, I would advise him not to testify after all the smiling and waving he did at the beginning of the trial. Also, because he isn't a very compelling witness: a spoiled rich kid who killed a young, family man for a truck. No one would sympathize and say aw, I totally get why he did it.

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