Bosma Murder Trial 03.01.16 - Day 17

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Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 28s29 seconds ago
He went to #Bosma home to seize a toothbrush and other property for a missing person investigation.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 20s21 seconds ago
Walker went to the #Bosma home on May 7, 2013 to seize a toothbrush and photograph it. It was a missing persons investigation at this point.
Don't recall any portion of the rear seat removed. We have seen pics with the rear seats flipped back, not out.

Ah, I could be mistaken about the rear seat then. It was definitely TB's truck though.
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Walker went to #TimBosma house the day after he disappeared to seize his toothbrush and other items

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Toothbrush was then turned over to identification branch of @HamiltonPolice. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
He photographed and seized toothbrush. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 28s28 seconds ago
Those are the only questions from the Crown. No cross-examination from Pillay or Dungey. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 49s49 seconds ago
No cross exam. Witness is done. He was likely quickest witness of the trial so far. #Bosma Now lunch until 2:15.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 49s49 seconds ago
Lunch break #BosmaTrial

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 48s48 seconds ago
That's it for this morning. Court will resume at 2:15 pm after lunch. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 28s29 seconds ago
Court heard from Ryan Walkers, the Hamilton policeman who went to Tim Bosma's house to get his toothbrush for a DNA comparison on May 7 2013

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 5s6 seconds ago
Jury has gone to lunch. Will return at 1415.
A propos of the list of Crown witnesses (someone posted a question about this -- whether media had such a list -- to Susan Clairmont and it was posted in a tweet post by Snooper Duper):

An earlier source, I believe Adam Carter but can't find the quote right now, said that the Crown's witness list was not released to the public. He didn't say whether media were allowed to see it. So although we know of some witnesses that will be called (from the Crown's opening statement, for example, that mentioned CN) we don't know who they all are.

Nor do we know of what potential defense witnesses may be called.

This kind of prohibition on release of witness information is usually done to limit potential harassment or intimidation of witnesses.
Adam Carter:Walker is asked if he needs to use his notes in the courtroom. He responds "might as well." When asked if there is any objection to that, Millard's lawyer Nadir Sachak says he "might as well not object." Big laugh in the courtroom there.

Sounds like it's been a tough day on the objection front for DM's D .
The next witness is Ryan Walker.
by Adam Carter 12:35 PM

Walker is a scenes of crimes officer with Hamilton police.
by Adam Carter 12:36 PM

Those officers seize and photograph evidence.
by Adam Carter 12:36 PM

Assistant Crown Craig Fraser asking questions about May 7, and photos Walker took at the Bosma home.
by Adam Carter 12:37 PM

Walker is asked if he needs to use his notes in the courtroom. He responds "might as well." When asked if there is any objection to that, Millard's lawyer Nadir Sachak says he "might as well not object." Big laugh in the courtroom there.
by Adam Carter 12:38 PM

Walker seized Tim Bosma's toothbrush, which was used to create a DNA profile.
by Adam Carter 12:39 PM

Court now on lunch break. We're back at 2:15 p.m.
by Adam Carter 12:40 PM

Just to clarify, there was no cross examination of Walker.
by Adam Carter 12:41 PM

That's my suspicion .. considering the phone records showing a call to the ex-gf

Well he did take off to Europe not long after SL started asking him questions about LB's phone records.

See I'm intrigued by people's product choices. Gain is less expensive and highly scented - aimed at blue-collar types that work stinky sweaty jobs, and smoke (things)

So it was a perfect match for DM then in the job department... quite a hard worker of well, nothing. :yes:
As we've found out.
Ah, I could be mistaken about the rear seat then. It was definitely TB's truck though.

:welcome4: SomeITGuy! Looking forward to your posts! :)

:tyou: Kamille and SnooperDuper for the tweets today! I'm catching up now.
3 G is a whole lotta cash for a bmx/skateboarding, no fixed address kind of guy to have in his pocket. Hoping they can tie in the transaction at the bank where is was withdrawn from! Could be payment for services, or drug money....

DM had the cash in his pocket....not MS....

eta - I see this was already addressed.....
:welcome4: SomeITGuy! Looking forward to your posts! :)

:tyou: Kamille and SnooperDuper for the tweets today! I'm catching up now.

THANK-YOU very much, I've been lurking in the shadows since this trial started. I am also somewhat local to the area so it really hit home for me as many others, not to mention I'm just intrigued by true crime & court proceedings (albeit not too familiar). I look forward to discussing and learning with you all!
He didn't say washed, he said found. Obviously Sloots wouldn't know if it had been washed or not. But the assumption would be that it was considering where it was found. (Just adding)

Well there was an objection to Sloots answering whether or not it had been washed. I guess we're going to have to wait to hear from the officer who found it in the washing machine to find out, which might also be objected to. I suppose it was found somewhat wet or with that smell of something that has sat around wet in a washer for days after being washed and has dryed on it's own. My guess is that it was washed but left in the washer and had not yet been removed.


ETA: The black marks you're seeing on it in the picture were done by the forensics people so that's why it looks so dirty.
See I'm intrigued by people's product choices. Gain is the less expensive sister product to Tide but highly scented - aimed at blue-collar types that work stinky sweaty jobs, and smoke (things)

But which one can you get at Costco? ;)
THANK-YOU very much, I've been lurking in the shadows since this trial started. I am also somewhat local to the area so it really hit home for me as many others, not to mention I'm just intrigued by true crime & court proceedings (albeit not too familiar). I look forward to discussing and learning with you all!

Welcome SomeITGuy :welcome:

Your name isn't Charlie is it? ;) :D
Well there was an objection to Sloots answering whether or not it had been washed. I guess we're going to have to wait to hear from the officer who found it in the washing machine to find out, which might also be objected to. I suppose it was found somewhat wet or with that smell of something that has sat around wet in a washer for days after being washed and has dryed on it's own. My guess is that it was washed but left in the washer and had not yet been removed.


ETA: The black marks you're seeing on it in the picture were done by the forensics people so that's why it looks so dirty.

I was guessing it was spray paint, with reference to Sloot's comment about the fumes in the truck.

Welcome SomeITGuy :welcome:

Your name isn't Charlie is it? ;) :D

LOL.. no. I'm much younger than CD!
Susan Clairmont &#8207;@susanclairmont 1h1 hour ago
Helped search Millard during arrest. Left rear pocket Canada Trust envelope with 30 $50 bills and 15 $100 bills.

That $3000 that DM had in his pocket when arrested had likely just been withdrawn from the bank and was still in the bank envelope. He wouldn't have it in a bank envelope if that was a natural thing for him to do IMO.

Speaking of Charlie the IT guy, does anyone know if he's expected to testify in this trial?

Colour me confused. In the downloadable slide presentation of yesterday, slide #9 shows a rear passenger seat with a blood stain. What vehicle was that from?

I wonder if DM's Yukon was gone over with a fine toothed comb as well...looking for trace evidence and blood transfer.
There were lots of pictures of the gloves, the duffel bag and the general filth contained through out the truck.....
But there was a one very curious photo of a front seat --- the black cover was pulled back exposing a dense area of staining !!!

Correction: Thanks to Kamille, Random and Cansleuth....for correcting me.....the photo of the seat with dense area of staining was not the Yukon after all.
It takes a village to raise a child and a whole Websleuths' forum to keep a poster on the rails. :grouphug:
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