Bosma Murder Trial 03.23.16 - Day 26

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Do we know that Riverside had a newly paved driveway?

It was mentioned earlier in the JV testimony that they had been laying gravel before paving

ETA: Oops, I was mistaken that is was Riverside, I can see now it was Maplegate getting a driveway.
From testimony just before the break, the new gravel/pavement was to be at Maplegate not Riverside.

They were working on the driveway, and they needed gravel before laying down more asphalt.
by Adam Carter 2:28 PM

Villata was working at the Maplegate property that day.
by Adam Carter 2:27 PM

Yes. I was responding to DeepWoodsOff who was talking about running water on a newly paved driveway. I hadn't heard about any new paving there in today's testimony and thought maybe that had been determined before or I had missed something.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
Javier spent months building inside the Millardair hangar. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Sachak running through properties, and long hours V worked. Often 6, even 7 day weeks. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
Javier and brothers worked very hard for Millard.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 29s30 seconds ago
Sachak suggests he didn't get time to relax, crack a beer smoke a cigar. He had his hands full, working hard. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 10s11 seconds ago
V looks kind of confused. Says we took breaks but not to have a party. #Bosma
Yes. I was responding to DeepWoodsOff who was talking about running water on a newly paved driveway. I hadn't heard about any new paving there in today's testimony and thought maybe that had been determined before or I had missed something.

Ah yes, I'm with you now. As far as I can tell, the pavement was happening at Maplegate and I haven't seen anything mentioned about paving at Riverside. So IMO the water running on new pavement part doesn't make sense.
Just "mess" off the driveway perhaps?

Another possibility is covering for running water down an inside drain for many hours. Running water outside all day would be cover for any records of a spike in water usage in that period. Total speculation.
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Sachak now asking about the $9,500 Millard loaned Villada -- makes sure to point out it was $500 more than Villada initially said.
by Adam Carter 3:58 PM

Sachak now asking if there was any collateral or interest on that loan, and Villada says no.
by Adam Carter 3:59 PM

"He didn't ask you to go to a lawyer and sign a detailed contract?" Sachak says. "What he said was, 'Look, you can work it off.'"
by Adam Carter 3:59 PM
Another possibility is covering for running water down an inside drain for many hours. Running water outside all day would be cover for any records of a spike in water usage in that period. Total speculation.

Interesting thought, and something I wouldn't have come up with. I'd make a terrible criminal. JuneBug67, will you be my accomplice? LOL

It appears that DM had a very frantic lifestyle and I have to wonder if he was ADD or ADHD. He has a pattern of starting things and not finishing and then other things get started and it goes on and on. He's not a good planner. He has LOTS of ideas but gets LOST IN THE DETAILS. He then hires people to do the DETAIL work but because he doesn't pay well and seems to give up and move on nothing ever gets accomplished. I think those the closest to him recognize this and don't work terribly hard to make his ideas a reality because they know he'll move on to something else sooner rather than later. His original Lawyer called him a philosopher type person. Maybe that's a nice way to describe him rather than saying he's a thinker and not a doer or something even worse.

So if I now look at what all transpired the night Tim was murdered I am not surprised by the lack of attention to detail one little bit and the back and forths to the farm, the hangar, Etobicoke and now it seems he was at Riverside too. He was EVERYWHERE and it gave the appearance that this was not a planned outcome. I disagree.

IMO DM most definitely had a plan but the details were not in the plan and because of that we get the highly unorganized next several days of poor decision making and LACK OF ATTENTION TO DETAIL that would be his undoing. This is why so many of us waffle on whether it was planned or not planned. Was it an accident or did they really plan on doing it?

I am absolutely confident today to say that the murder was premeditated and that they had a plan. I think DM thought he had a very good plan but since he NEVER finishes what he starts he was undone before he even got started.

I also think that JV's testimony today has really solidified how I see DM as a VERY controlling person. He has figured out how to control the money, the work, his friends, associates etc. etc. This is a good thing for Mark Smich I think. I am beginning to wonder if the Jury may start to feel sorry for him and see DM as all evil because there hasn't been a whole lot thrown at MS so far.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 8s8 seconds ago
There was no interest on the loan -- $9500 Sachak clarifies -- that Millard gave him to travel to Columbia. And no payback deadline. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 6s6 seconds ago
Millard lent him money and didn't charge him interest. Or have him sign anything.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
V does not have any credit, he says. #Bosma
Sachak asks multiple times if Villada had to go to a lender, bank or pawn shop for the money. "I already answered that, and said no," he says.
by Adam Carter 4:02 PM
Not sure but I'm thinking there is a hose attachment on the driveway side but the actual hose wast running down the driveway itself?

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 16s17 seconds ago
Day #Millard is arrested, Villada is asked to run water with hose all day - 10 hours. Photo shows hose snaking over lawn to pile of brick
Sachak asks him how old he was in 2010. Villada says "You can do the math." Sachak says no, you tell me -- Villada says he was 50. "Are you saying you just didn't bother determining how much you had paid him back because it was irrelevant?" Sachak says.
by Adam Carter 4:04 PM

Villada says he can't remember how much he owed Millard at the end of 2011, but they "weren't in agreement as to the amount."
by Adam Carter 4:05 PM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 8s8 seconds ago
There was no interest on the loan -- $9500 Sachak clarifies -- that Millard gave him to travel to Columbia. And no payback deadline. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 6s6 seconds ago
Millard lent him money and didn't charge him interest. Or have him sign anything.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
V does not have any credit, he says. #Bosma
Just another attempt to rock a witness who really seems to take his oath on the bible seriously. I feel for JV. I'm trusting the Jury sees thru this. Maybe they're trying to make it look like JV and his family were out to get poor DM. MOO
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Sachak asks how old were you in 2011 when he got the loan. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 47s47 seconds ago
Sachak berating Javier, wanted to know how old he was when he got the loan and why he doesn't know how much he owed and when.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 35s35 seconds ago
V, clearly irritated, tells him he can do the math. "I'm not going to," Sachak shoots back. "Answer it." He was 50. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 49s49 seconds ago
#Millard lawyer asking about $9,500 Dellen loaned to Villada, interest-free, so he could visit Colombia. $ would then be - from Villada pay

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 29s29 seconds ago
He can't remember the amounts he owed Millard at the end of 2011 or 2012. #Bodma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 25s25 seconds ago
Javier was 50 and says he doesn't remember how much he owed at end of 2011. He and Millard disagreed on amount. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 49s50 seconds ago
He can't remember the amounts he owed Millard at the end of 2011 or 2012. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 44s45 seconds ago
Javier says he can't remember amounts.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 41s42 seconds ago
Villada did not keep track of how much he paid or what was still owed.
Sachak again asks how much Villada owed Millard at the end of 2012.
by Adam Carter 4:07 PM

Sachak asks him again, Leitch objects, says Sachak has just asked the same question four times. "I will repeat again, I don't know how much he owed me," Villada says.
by Adam Carter 4:08 PM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 24s25 seconds ago
"As a 50y/o man, what was your und of what you owed him at the end of 2012," Sachak says.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 16s17 seconds ago
Javier says " it was very confusing because sometimes I gave him money and he said we'd straighten it out, but we never did."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 16s17 seconds ago
"That I owed him or he owed me," he says. Sachak says he didn't owe you any money, let's not play games. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 40s41 seconds ago
V says how do you know. He says he has receipts which is confusing. Sachak: "" #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 17s18 seconds ago
Sachak: "Let's not play games. How much did you owe him?" Crown objects, says it's been asked 4 times. Javier again says he doesn't know.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 39s39 seconds ago
Leitch objects. Judge says answer it. Again V says he doesn't know how much he owed him or vice versa. Sachak moves on. #Bosma
Villada had apartments at the Riverside property, he says.
by Adam Carter 4:09 PM

Villada says he was paying $1,700 some months, and $1,000 for the first three months.
by Adam Carter 4:10 PM
No idea what they are getting to with the hoses.....

Sounds like DM washed TB's truck at the Riverside property after TB was murdered on the night of May 6th. Then driving the truck to the hangar caused the blood spatters on the undercarriage and other places such as running boards. Leaving the water on and running down the driveway, DM was hoping to wash away blood evidence left behind from washing TB's truck. Perhaps blood was found on the hose itself. MOO.

Paving of driveway was done at Maplegate address not Riverside just to clarify. MOO.
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