Bosma Murder Trial 05.11.16 - Day 47 - Smich Defence commences

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Possible explanation of keys left in truck:

Didn't we see that DM's keyring had a bajillion keys on it? Wouldn't it be kind of hard to conceal, thus giving lie to their usual 'a friend dropped us off' story?

Just a thought.

I agree MS is lying about some stuff.


DM's keys. It actually does make sense he'd leave them in the Yukon instead of having them on him while lying about the friend going to Tim Hortons.
Didn't MM testify that MS plugged in his phone and that's when all the messages flooded in? So IMO, this would mean that MS'S phone died. She also claimed that MS was having all sorts of issues with that phone but they couldn't afford to fix it or buy a new one.

I thought it was said that MS texted MM at 9:20, the same time they passed Super Sucker going north on Trinity, then turned his phone off? I could be wrong.....
I have always been of the mind that MS was not guilty of first degree murder. His testimony today alters my belief, I think he is lying about:
- not knowing about the keys in the cupholder
- the purpose of change of clothes
- not knowing there was a gun with DM

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Well how did you believe he was not guilty of first degree murder then?
The velocity of a bullet can have a cutting effect on the glass which could leave surround glass intact. A safety hammer blow has the effect of cleaving the glass which would trigger a shatter.

This video can show you how to shatter a car window before it sinks into water with a little tool made for that purpose. It's called a centre punch.

can anyone provide a link referencing the sausage/furniture? I'd like context and haven't seen any mention of it anywhere other than in a few threads here.

Yes, temper that comment with the fact that Smich is trying to prove he was completely unaware this crime was going to happen. Lets not forget the fireworks, tape, spare clothes, gloves, sausage, furniture and celebrating. But we'll hear about all that stuff eventually, mark my words.

I hope so.
can anyone provide a link referencing the sausage/furniture? I'd like context and haven't seen any mention of it anywhere other than in a few threads here.


It was covered by multiple reporters in tweets, they just didn't write it up for the published stories. My theory is that they did it out of respect for the family. But the tweets are all part of the trial threads now. I'd look them up, but I already looked them up for someone yesterday. Search previous threads for the word furniture.
You really have to wonder why DM chose not to testify in his own defense. Wouldn't it have made sense for him to do exactly what MS just did, and take the stand and accuse MS of shooting TB? And that it was HIM who was scared, and just tried to help MS clean up what a horrible thing he'd just done?
Can anyone familiar with the routing (I am completely useless at the physical logistics) tell me if Tim's phone would have been found before or after the 'bobcat place' on whatever logical route they took?
They passed Kemira going south on Oak Park. Then, the Bobcat stop, 180 turn, once again passing Kemira going north on Oak Park. My best guess is the phone was pitched out the passenger window while northbound on the way to the farm.
Thats why he has a murse.

Even in his satchel they'd be bulky and jingly. I have tons of keys on my keyring too, and you can hear my keys coming into the room before I do, even in my purse.

ETA: looking closer at the pic of DM's keys, I'm seeing:

17(?) keys (one of them being the key to Tim's truck - placed there after the night of May 6th), 1 fob, leather sandal, key card(?), another fob(?), some black cylander type thing. VERY bulky, and very jingly, no question about it. There was no way he was going to conceal those on his person or even in his stupid little satchel.
(I'm having to block so many spammers on twitter taking advantage of the #bosma hashtag.)
Kemira Water was on the same stretch of road as the Bobcat, a couple (few?) hundred metres before the Bobcat as they approached it, on the opposite side of the road. So in MS's scenario it would have to have been tossed on the way from alleged murder scene if it was indeed Tim's phone being wiped. A potentially awkward toss if they didn't get out of the vehicle or otherwise accommodate their position as it would have had to have been thrown by a driver out a passenger window hard enough and accurately enough to clear a fence and land on the grass. You can google street view the Brantford Bobcat and virtually travel between the two businesses.

Ok, I've been super confused with where the phone was found to where the bobcat video shows them stopped. So if I'm looking at the video and exhibit photos correctly, TB'S phone would have been tossed out the driver's side window before the bobcat shoulder stop.
(Sorry I suck with North n South bound here as well) so if they were going Southbound on Oak Park, they pulled onto that lanes shoulder. TB's cell phone was found on the opposite side of the road (Northbound) 350 meters before they pulled over. Or did they turn around and head Northbound after the stop?

So I'm assuming DM was wiping off his own phone, if I'm looking at the pictures correctly.
I hope so.

Thats the thing about criminals testifying, the look brilliant until its time for cross examination. You'll notice that Dungay is keeping the testimony very linear, easy to remember. When its time for cross examination I expect that they will bounce all over the place with regards to time. It will be very hard for him, especially being as nervous as he already appears to be. What is Millard making notes about? Probably every single inconsistency in Smich's story. That will be a big advantage to Millard's lawyer as he'll hammer away at each and every one of those points.
Again, who leaves their keys in plain view in an unlocked truck, especially a pair of professional thieves? It just doesn't make sense!

(hypothetical) Sachak on cross.... "Were the keys right out in the open? In plain view? In the cup-holder? Jury, how can you find my client guilty?"
Ok, I've been super confused with where the phone was found to where the bobcat video shows them stopped. So if I'm looking at the video and exhibit photos correctly, TB'S phone would have been tossed out the driver's side window before the bobcat shoulder stop.
(Sorry I suck with North n South bound here as well) so if they were going Southbound on Oak Park, they pulled onto that lanes shoulder. TB's cell phone was found on the opposite side of the road (Northbound) 350 meters before they pulled over.

So I'm assuming DM was wiping off his own phone, if I'm looking at the pictures correctly.

It could have been tossed either before or after the Bobcat stop as they passed by Kemira in both directions.

As an interesting aside I never use north/south/east/west in describing direction because I'm in Northern Ontario and we just don't do that around here. :) It's much more common and necessary in Southern Ontario. Here it's all left, right, before, after and x minutes past y beer store. :)
Ok, I've been super confused with where the phone was found to where the bobcat video shows them stopped. So if I'm looking at the video and exhibit photos correctly, TB'S phone would have been tossed out the driver's side window before the bobcat shoulder stop.
(Sorry I suck with North n South bound here as well) so if they were going Southbound on Oak Park, they pulled onto that lanes shoulder. TB's cell phone was found on the opposite side of the road (Northbound) 350 meters before they pulled over. Or did they turn around and head Northbound after the stop?

So I'm assuming DM was wiping off his own phone, if I'm looking at the pictures correctly.

Yes they turned around at Bobcat and went North. Easy toss from driver's seat through rolled down passenger window.
And I get that. Hindsight is always 20/20.

But to go into a laneway/field to a truck around the corner from his house would raise flags, especially when the "friend" could have just driven the truck up his driveway to his house. Not to mention there are at least two Tim Horton's within about three minutes of his house, something TB surely knew.

Something just isn't sitting right about some of MS's testimony.

I'm thinking TB would have been immediately suspicious about a story by DM to MS that their mysterious "friend" couldn't find a Tim Hortons and decided to park in that field area to wait for them to meet up. According to SB, TB was already feeling uncertain about going with the potential "buyers" of his truck, so I think he'd have been very alert to suspicious stories or behaviours, IMO.

DM or MS would had to have received a call or text from someone in TB's presence for such a story to be convincing, IMO. From the moment they met TB until MS got out of TB's Ram, TB was in the presence of both DM and MS, so the story MS is spinning today doesn't add up for me.

Didn't MM call or message MS while on the test drive? Perhaps it was part of the plan to have someone call MS or DM around 9:15 and they'd use that call or text to convince TB that the lost "friend" had called them? I think there was a plan for the truck theft and I'm not convinced that MS wasn't aware of a plan by DM to murder TB, but that's just my gut feeling in response to MS's testimony so far today.

All MOO.
It could have been tossed either before or after the Bobcat stop as they passed by Kemira in both directions.

As an interesting aside I never use north/south/east/west in describing direction because I'm in Northern Ontario and we just don't do that around here. :) It's much more common and necessary in Southern Ontario. Here it's all left, right, before, after and x minutes past y beer store. :)

Southern Ontario here and many of us do the same: just past the John Deere place, about 5 minutes before the Tim Hortons, etc. Of course that's in farm country, and it's just easier to say it that way because everyone knows what you're talking about.
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