Bosma Murder Trial 05.11.16 - Day 47 - Smich Defence commences

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Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 5m5 minutes ago
"Equivalent of a high school education." #bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 5m5 minutes ago
So Smich now has the equivalent of a high school education. The Amadeus education program is voluntary, Dungey says (reading info). #Bosma

Peter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV 6m6 minutes ago
#MarkSmich testifying... lots of umms and ahhhs. Very nervous sounding as his lawyer asks him basic questions. #Bosma @CTVNews

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 6m6 minutes ago Toronto, Ontario
Co-accused Millard wears a white dress shirt, he looks directly at Smich #Bosma #HamOnt

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 5m5 minutes ago
Smich now has the equivalent of a highschool education. Dungey reading a letter from the institution

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 5m5 minutes ago
Dungey reads: "Mark demonstrated he is a dedicated capable and engaged participant." #Bosma
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 6m6 minutes ago
HE wrote 2 day, 8 hour exam and passed every section. "Dedicated, capable and engaged participant," wrote his instructor. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 6m6 minutes ago
Mark was a dedicated student, the letter says, and intends to continue his education. He was a pleasure to work with.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6m6 minutes ago
"He took initiative in his learning and asked for help when was a pleasure to work with Mark and I wish him success..." #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 5m5 minutes ago Toronto, Ontario
Dungey reads out education information from Smich's time in jail. A program director writes Smich was 'a pleasure to work with' #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 5m5 minutes ago
His certificate calls him "dedicated" and the program manager said he was "a pleasure to work with" #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 5m5 minutes ago
""It was a pleasure to work with Mark," wrote teacher. He has intentions to continue education? "That's absolutely correct."
He says he handed out pamphlets door to door. He says it was for community service hours for high school.
by Adam Carter 10:26 AM

He says he also worked at a place called the Croissant Tree.
by Adam Carter 10:27 AM

He says he worked there for a couple of years around high school.
by Adam Carter 10:28 AM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 5m5 minutes ago
He says his family is very close. "My family means the world to me," he says. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 5m5 minutes ago
"She moved up in the company, she did different things over time," Smich says of his mother. "We are all very close. "

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 5m5 minutes ago Toronto, Ontario
'My family means the world' Smich tells the jury, his voice breaking. #Bosma #HamOnt

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 5m5 minutes ago
Family? "We are all very close. My family means the world to me. We've always been close...Very tight knit." #bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 6m6 minutes ago
Smich says his mom and two sisters and he were all very close. Though they had their ups and downs. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 5m5 minutes ago
He says every family has ups and downs but at the end of the day "we are very tight knit." #Bosma
Has is family ever been seen in court? Are they in court today?
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6m6 minutes ago
It says Smich plans to continue with post-secondary education after the trial. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 5m5 minutes ago
"That's absolutely correct," Smich says about continuing his education. His next step is Seneca College courses but the trial got in the way

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 5m5 minutes ago
Smich is described as "dedicated, capable and engaged student" took initiative. @AM900CHML

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 5m5 minutes ago
He wants to take Seneca College courses. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6m6 minutes ago
He said his next plan was to get into Seneca College classes but he wasn't able to because of the trial. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 6m6 minutes ago
Smich says he intends to take some college courses once the trial is over and had to put his academic pursuits on hold for the trial. #Bosma
I swear I don't know what to think at this point. I wonder now if those of us who irrationally wanted to believe a little better of MS were going on some kind of legit gut instinct. Or if this is just excellent spin. I suppose we'll see when it gets to the significant events.
Adrian Humphreys ‏@AD_Humphreys 6m6 minutes ago
Smich is on the stand, unshackled and well dressed, recent haircut. He speaks clearly but quietly.

Peter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV 6m6 minutes ago
#MarkSmich plans to continue his education if he is out of jail. Hoping to go to #SenecaCollege. #Bosma @CTVNews

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6m6 minutes ago
Dungey asks about his health. "It's a lot better than it was 3 yrs ago." #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 6m6 minutes ago
Health? "A lot better than it was 3 years ago. Ah, well, I wasn't taking very good care of myself before I was arrested..Smoking, drinking."

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 6m6 minutes ago
Describes his health "a lot better than it was three years ago. I wasn't taking very good care of myself." Smoking, drinking, stuff

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 6m6 minutes ago Toronto, Ontario
Smich says his health is 'alot better than it was three years ago' He wasn't taking care of himself previously. Smoking, drinking. #Bosma
He says he also worked at a "Woody Woodchucks" a "long long time ago."
by Adam Carter 10:28 AM

Dungey keeps asking Smich about what jobs he's had, but he's having difficulty remembering them in order.
by Adam Carter 10:29 AM

After high school, Smich says he did more "under the table, cash jobs." One was painting, another was construction.
by Adam Carter 10:29 AM
Has is family ever been seen in court? Are they in court today?

His mom has been there on some days. I can't speak for today.
I know on one day, someone was with his mom who I think was his sister, but I couldn't confirm that.
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 6m6 minutes ago
His health has also improved. "I wasn't taking good care of myself" he says, lost of smoking, drinking. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 6m6 minutes ago
"My health is a lot better than it was. I'm not drinking, smoking. I try to stay healthy and in shape." @AM900CHML

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6m6 minutes ago
He says he wasn't taking good care of himself--smoking, drinking. He says that has changed since being incarcerated. #Bosma

Peter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV 6m6 minutes ago
#MarkSmich is a lot healthier now since being in jail. No drugs, cigarettes, drinking. Now "healthy and in shape." #Bosma @CTVNews

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 6m6 minutes ago
Smich says he is now healthy and in shape. Before "I would drink beer pretty much on a daily basis." Sometimes a couple, stimes more

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 7m7 minutes ago
"I would say I would drink beer almost on a daily basis. On a regular day just a couple. On other occasions there would be more."
I swear I don't know what to think at this point. I wonder now if those of us who irrationally wanted to believe a little better of MS were going on some kind of legit gut instinct. Or if this is just excellent spin. I suppose we'll see when it gets to the significant events.

I'm in the same boat on not really knowing what to think right now. I do believe however, whatever freakish spell DM once had on MS, that's long over. I just don't think DM realizes it. Yet.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 7m7 minutes ago
Dungey asks if he had a drinking problem. He said he'd drink daily. A couple beers. At a party "there'd be more." #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 6m6 minutes ago
Drank beer daily. Weed. Cigarettes. Now healthy and fit. @AM900CHML

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 6m6 minutes ago Toronto, Ontario
Smich says smoking weed was a 'big one' He was constantly smoking.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 7m7 minutes ago
Smich says he had an alcohol problem and drank beer on a daily basis, smoked weed and cigarettes. "Constantly smoking" he says. #TimBosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 7m7 minutes ago
"Smoking weed was a big one. Smoking cigarettes too. Always smoking." Smich agrees he smoked a lot of weed

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 7m7 minutes ago
"Smoking weed was definitely a big one. Smoking cigarettes also." Agrees he smoked a fair amount of weed.
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
"It's kinda difficult to think back on this, remember it in order," Smich's head is down as he thinks

Honestly, I'm a bit skeptical with all of the difficulty remembering where he worked and when. No doubt he's gone over these events extensively with Dungey in prep for testifying. IMO Dungey may be coaching him to show a poor memory, as that may come in handy when they get to the nitty gritty of his testimony. MOO
I think we're all thinking that. I'd love for us all to be wrong and him tell the entire truth about the events that night, no matter how awful it makes him look.

Between the two (DM and MS) MS has shown the best composure throughout the trial. He states that family is the world to him, so he probably gets what this means to the Bosma's. I think he'll tell the truth. He knows he's guilty and will be locked up for a long time, he really has nothing to lose! But he can gain a little bit of dignity by telling the world what happened. I give him a lot of credit for taking the stand.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 7m7 minutes ago
He smoked weed and cigarettes. "I was constantly smoking," he says. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6m6 minutes ago
Dungey asks what his first job was. He delivered newspapers for the Mississauga News as a kid. He doesn't recall how old. Elementary school.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 7m7 minutes ago
First job Smich had: delivering the @MissiNewsRoom

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 7m7 minutes ago
Smich's first job was delivering newspapers for Mississauga News. He was in grade school. #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 7m7 minutes ago
First job? "Delivering newspapers for the Mississauga News." When he was in elementary school. Did it for 3-4 years. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 7m7 minutes ago Toronto, Ontario
Dungey now taking Smich through his employment. First job was a newspaper carrier in elementary school. #Bosma
...why didn't you call the police?" Dungey asks. "I made a mistake." WITNESS says. "You made a lot of mistakes, didn't you?" Dungey says.

"You had no consideration of the Bosma family or Mr. Bosma, did you?" Dungey says, gesturing to the family. WITNESS is looking at the floor when answering now.

"What are you snivelling about?" Dungey says as WITNESS is crying. "You're snivelling for yourself, you're not snivelling for the Bosma family. You're not snivelling for Mr. Bosma who is dead, are you?"

"You don't care about Bosma at all, do you?" Dungey says. "No, I was scared," WITNESS says.

"WITNESS, you weren't a child at the time this toolbox was dropped off to you," Dungey says.

Witness at that time was Hagerman. Today, the exact same line of questions could be put to Smich. Let's see if TD is a chameleon or if he actually pushed MS for truth for the Bosma's.
Smich says he was "selling drugs" before he was introduced to Millard and started working for him.
by Adam Carter 10:31 AM

Smich says his hobbies were sports, movies, music. "I like old music, but I grew up on hip hop and rap," Smich says.
by Adam Carter 10:32 AM

Smich says rap was a hobby at first, but he later thought about pursuing a rap career.
by Adam Carter 10:32 AM
Wow...surprised MS is testifying. This could really backfire.

Dropped out of school after grade 10, a full 10 years before this murder. He was already shows signs of a troubled youth then. Don't think his mother was ill then either so that can't be used as an excuse.

"Somebody gave him my number when I was selling drugs and he called me randomly," Smich says. "I met up with him and sold him some drugs, that's when we first met."
by Adam Carter 10:33 AM

This was around 2008.
by Adam Carter 10:33 AM

"He wasn't a regular customer," Smich says. He says he lost contact with Millard for a couple of years, and then Millard called him up. "He wanted to buy some weed and we met up."
by Adam Carter 10:34 AM
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