Bosma Murder Trial 05.11.16 - Day 47 - Smich Defence commences

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Bosma* says he had seen the gun before with Millard. "I know that it was a gun that Dellen had." He says he knows the make now -- a Walther PPK.
by Adam Carter 3:52 PM

*oops Adam, you mean Smich

Smich says he'd seen it before, and handled it when Millard first bought it. He says he took a picture with it on his blackberry we've seen in court.
by Adam Carter 3:52 PM

He says he shot the photo inside his car.
by Adam Carter 3:52 PM

That's now it for today. We're breaking for today, will be back at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

by Adam Carter 3:54 PM
Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 40s40 seconds ago
Smich expected bag of weed. Broke tool box open. Saw a thick cloth.picked it up. Gun fell out. "I was shocked.I grabbed it. Put it back in"

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 32s32 seconds ago
He says he had taken a photo of it after Millard first bought it. On his blackberry. The photo we've seen in court, he says. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 19s19 seconds ago
When Millard first bought the gun he showed it to Smich & Smich took a photo of it. They were in the car. He saw the gun in the house too

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 16s16 seconds ago
Smich says he now knows, from court, that it was a Walther PPK. Saw it in Dell's house, car.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 49s50 seconds ago
When he first purchased the gun he showed it to me and I took a photo of it on my Blackberry." Says it happened in Dell's car.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 42s43 seconds ago
"I've seen Millard with guns," Smich says.
I find it very interesting that while in jail, DM was scheming and manipulating, while MS was completing high school. Points to character IMO
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 37s38 seconds ago
Dungey asks if Smich ever saw another gun at another time that belonged to Millard. "Yes I've seen Millard with guns," he says. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 45s45 seconds ago
Dungey asks about the '2 finger photo.' That's him, he says. Again the same gun. "Dell's gun." #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 44s44 seconds ago
"Yes, I've seen Millard with guns." Admits the so-called two-finger gun photo that jury has seen is photo of himself, Smich with gun.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 42s42 seconds ago
Smich agrees it is him in the photo holding a gun, putting two fingers out. It's the same gun that was in toolbox, he says. #TimBosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 32s32 seconds ago
Court is done for the day. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 27s27 seconds ago
He says the photo was taken inside the car. #Bosma
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 56s56 seconds ago
We are now breaking for today. #Bosma

Peter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV 56s56 seconds ago
We are stopping #Bosma trial now. Until tomorrow at 10am. @CTVNews

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 57s58 seconds ago
Smich says that is the same gun that was in the toolbox. Justice Goodman: Would you like to stop there for the day?...Jury dismissed.
Wow, hardcore tweeting day, thank you Justice Goodman for ending early!!! lol
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 44s44 seconds ago
Smich picked up the cloth "and a gun fell out. I was shocked." Arthur was surprised too. #TimBosma

I wonder if TD will be calling Arthur?

I find it very interesting that while in jail, DM was scheming and manipulating, while MS was completing high school. Points to character IMO

Just what I was thinking this morning. And whether it is a sign of good character or he did it to look better it still shows what each of them put their effort toward. With the two doing very very different things with their time for the last three years, it has to say something to the jury.
This is a big risk, IMO. But maybe one worth taking.

IMO he has nothing to lose! IMO he is most likely getting 1st degree, with DM and his cronies sticking to DM's side, why not take the stand and tell the truth and attempt to lessen your sentencing.
But then why would he be in the other truck following and not in the truck with DM and TB like they did on the 'scope out' with Igor?

I wonder if this was in DM's plan to have MS out of the truck while he planned to shoot TB
Where's the gun? Testimony from MM that MS had it and disposed of it.
Why didn't MS go to the police? Wedding - BS
Why did he hide at MM sister's? Wedding - BS

MS testified today that gloves were put into the garbage bag and burned... Why did police enter gloves into evidence with TB DNA on them?

The gloves with TB DNA on them only had DM's DNA and CN's DNA was found on another pair (not sure if TB's DNA was found on that pair also). MS's DNA was not found on any of the gloves
IMHO, TD would not put his client on the stand if he didn't think he was capable of telling the truth. I'm thinking that unless MS has taken some serious acting classes, MS is giving us front row seats into a true accounting of the events before, during and after TB's murder. The truth doesn't change, and IMHO, he's probably just filled in a couple things for the Crown. MS's testimony has officially put me back into MS "the innocent dupe" camp. Sounds like he found out the hard way that his pal was a raging psychopath. I have no doubt that we'll hear more truths- and IMHO, P & S are going to have a very difficult time getting around MS's testimony. MOO

Should we just ignore the "fireworks tonight?" and him posing with a gun in a photo, him talking to BD right after about his dream gun? and what's with not saying, "what the F---? I'm outta here dude" and NOT going back to help cleanup? IMO
Where's the gun? Testimony from MM that MS had it and disposed of it.
Why didn't MS go to the police? Wedding - BS
Why did he hide at MM sister's? Wedding - BS

MS testified today that gloves were put into the garbage bag and burned... Why did police enter gloves into evidence with TB DNA on them?

It's a long list and I've already forgotten some, for the time being.

Friend waiting at Tim Hortons was mentioned in the driveway - per SB and tenant's testimony - not a last minute change in plan per MS.
No satchel/man purse mentioned in SB/tenant's testimony - where did it suddenly come from MS?
Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 7m7 minutes ago
Smich says the gun is Dels. Had seen it at his house. In his car. When he first bought it. He photo'd it on his phone. @AM900CHML

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 7m7 minutes ago
Smich is done for day. Continues tomorrow. @AM900CHML
It's a long list and I've already forgotten some, for the time being.

Friend waiting at Tim Hortons was mentioned in the driveway - per SB and tenant's testimony - not a last minute change in plan per MS.
No satchel/man purse mentioned in SB/tenant's testimony - where did it suddenly come from MS?

MS confirmed that DM had given the Tim Hortons story in TB's driveway.
The last minute plan, he said was when DM pulled over and said that the friend couldn't find the Tim Hortons and dropped off MS to go in the Yukon.
It's a long list and I've already forgotten some, for the time being.

Friend waiting at Tim Hortons was mentioned in the driveway - per SB and tenant's testimony - not a last minute change in plan per MS.
No satchel/man purse mentioned in SB/tenant's testimony - where did it suddenly come from MS?

I'd have to go back through the tweets to be sure and I'm not up for that at the moment, but I believe the Tim Horton's reference *in the truck* was when DM pretended his fake friend couldn't find Tim Horton's.


Step 1: DM tells SB et al that they were dropped off by a friend who has gone to TH's.

Step 2: Once in the truck, DM claims that the friend couldn't find THs, so they are turning this corner to meet them.

I think the second part is what was tweeted/testified about today.
What canadiangirl clearly means is the the phone was 27 seconds from the Bobcat.

The phone was on the southbound passenger side. Is that the phone MS said DM wiped off? Doesn't make sense IMO to go back and throw it there. IMO
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 44s44 seconds ago
Smich picked up the cloth "and a gun fell out. I was shocked." Arthur was surprised too. #TimBosma

I wonder if TD will be calling Arthur?

Now Arthur is implicated with lying ! I hope perjury charges are in order for all of these people.
I read it differently. He didn't feel guilty because he didn't kill TB. I'm sure he was filled will guilt and all sort of emotions and total shock! I'm not really sure how'd I'd deal with it all. I've always said "I'd do this or that" if someone ever tried to "assult" me. When it happened to me, I froze and it took me 3 more weeks to go to the police. I was terrified, shamed and an emotional wreck. Untill something happens, you really don't know how oneself will react. Something tramatic can put you in PTSD. Seeing someone dead is a shock, I'd like to think I'd do the right thing but honestly after my assult and how I reacted, I have no clue anymore.

Speaking very generally and not about this case specifically at all I cringe when I hear people say "a normal person wouldn't do this" or "there's no way I would do that" or any kind of 's/he just weren't actin' right' kind of opinion. It seems to me that unexpected or shocking or unfamiliar events are processed on some kind of weirdo brain circuit that has little to do with reason or intention. I've shared the story about when I was the victim of an attempted armed robbery and just.could.not.stop beaking off to my two robbers in the middle of an empty dark street at midnight. They're walking away with their big old stiletto knife and I'm still insulting them! Hey though, I did have 20 bucks on me I needed to protect. (!)
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