Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #1

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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She was a nuisance? She knew something she shouldn't? A few people have indicated that AJ may have been at risk if he had not gone to his wife and daughter and had just confronted DM about the truck.

I'm sure the reason for LB's demise will come out at her trial. And unfortunately I'm sure it will be absurd.


I forget. . Was she around at the time of WM death? Could she have known something about that?
I cant find the post right now a bit back, where someone mentioned DM and MS must have went to pick up the incinerator and bring it to the hangar after the test drive. How would they get the incinerator there? Tow it with a dead man in the vehicle and spend a lot more time on the road? I dont think so.... It must have already been there.

According to this article, DM's phone pinged twice around midnight in Cambridge. I first assumed that this was the farm and they went to get the incinerator. But in reality the airport is literally on the edge of Cambridge. Wonder what it pings as?

Guess we will have to wait for CN for the answer to this.

Jackson said Millard’s phone then pinged off a cell tower in Brantford, Ont., at 9:44 p.m., before pinging twice around midnight in Cambridge, Ont. The last blip from Bosma’s phone, on the other hand, was off a tower in Brantford at 10:56 p.m.
DM really wasn't that smart now was he?! :D

Forensic examination of the truck would take place in the days, weeks and months following.

Significant amounts of gunshot residue were found on the inside of the truck, with especially high concentrations in the front seat area, both passenger side ceiling and driver’s side ceiling.

Further forensic examination found the blood DNA of Tim Bosma on the inside of the truck in various areas, including the inside rear passenger door; rear passenger armrest; around the glove box; and front passenger cup holder.

Tim Bosma’s blood was also found in various areas on the undercarriage of the truck.

The front passenger side window was shattered.

The police also recovered a spent 380 gun cartridge casing inside the truck.

Mr. Millard’s fingerprints were later found by police forensic officers on both the exterior and interior of the truck.

When Mr. Millard was arrested the police found in his vehicle the keys to Tim Bosma’s truck.
There are many holes to this theory, but I truly think that somehow, just somehow Tim made sure himself that phone would be found. I think the browser was NOT a mistake and I think the stop at Kamira was where things got sketchy and TB was shot. MOO.

Here's something I have questioned. DM was driving the truck. It is likely that he took a route familiar to him. The place where TB's phone was found is on the way to DM's property near Cambridge. But is there any other reason TB's phone was found there? Did DM know the placement and range of the company's security cameras because he had been there before, possibly on the company's property during business hours? Was this location chosen in advance, or random?

It could be a place where TB had gotten out of the truck to change seats with the driver, in order to return home. This might be when a carjacker would drive off with the vehicle. The phone could have been dropped by TB, or tossed by TB if he knew he was in trouble and wanted to leave a trail.

Two-on-one odds are better against a man who is smaller.

When I saw where the phone was found, my first thought was Tim threw it there. Unless DM/MS had a specific reason for wanting the phone left intact there, they could have easily pulled the battery and tossed the phone into a dumpster/trash can or into some trees/shrubs or into the Grand River.
Digging around in the old articles there was 1 neighbor (Bob D.) who mentioned seeing the trailer actually being pulled into the driveway Wednesday night while him and his son were watching the game. According to this the game started just after 7 and ended just past 10:20.

Yet AJ says he took those pics & phoned in the VIN to crimestoppers on the Thursday?? Hmm...

ETA: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 — message from DM "don't come to work"

The following day, (Wednesday May 8) AJ went to work, saw the truck on the green tarp

The next day, (Thursday May 9) the truck was still there. Took pics & called crimestoppers

I guess it wouldn't be all that hard to pull the crimestoppers data & confirm which day that call actually came in? But this is kind of a huge discrepancy.

I agree about the discrepancy but either way one thing is for sure...TB truck was in both places
I'm not sure how being registered for a race would be motive to steal a truck: he already had a racing vehicle, and trailer and a towing vehicle if he needed one on short notice. But wouldn't his credit card receipts show if he had purchased an entry ticket into an upcoming race? Unless it was in southern Ontario, he would not have been able to pay cash to enter.

Given that DM was building a second trailer, it is entirely possible that he needed a new vehicle to tow it. And when Igor quoted DM, he said "racing vehicles", suggesting they were taking more than one to Calgary.

Why were they in such a hurry to finish building the trailer? Why did they need a Dodge Ram so badly? I don't believe they stole Tim's truck just to chop it up and sell it. They went after this specific model of vehicle, similar to one that DM already owned and was familiar with, to suit a particular purpose. IMO it was for DM's pet projects, which could have included participating in an off-road race. If the race was on May 18th and he wanted to take multiple cars, then by early May they were getting down to the wire in terms of preparedness. So they were rushing to get this trailer built and find a truck to tow it. I didn't mean to suggest that being registered in the race is a motive in itself. Rather, it's part of a mosaic of information that could support a motive for stealing Bosma's truck. MOO
These are all very interesting details to say the least. Multiple neighbours say Thursday, BD says Wednesday. Thursday makes sense if AJ took the pictures Thursday. Not so much if the trailer showed up Wednesday. I am going to assume though that prosecution checked the time stamp on the photos AJ took to confirm that date before using his time-line. I may have missed it but did he confirm he took the photos with his cell phone? If so they are definitely date and time stamped.

The photos can be seen on the scribe website. ..
BBM. I am somewhat more open to the idea of a struggle due to the rear-view mirror dangling. And I can get behind "DM kills out of necessity" as a theory, and it makes sense in the case of WM.

But why did Laura Babcock need to die?

Regarding the dangling mirror, it's difficult to tell from the cell-phone pic if it was in fact dangling at that point.

It looks like the gasket around the driver's door opening is hanging down. Odd. Maybe happened when they pulled the seats out?



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He's getting a following. Someone needs to tweet one of the news photographers to let them know how in demand his pic is so they make sure to get one on Monday. ;)

He seems to be a leery ex-soldier who doesn't like to have himself identified to public, I think. :tears::pullhair:
If I think about: SB or WDB thought, DM somehow awkwardly turned the test truck on the driveway because he perhaps wasn't used to such a vehicle - if they had known that DM with this truck would even tow a heavy incinerator from his farmland to his hangar hours later!
I don't remember reading that, do you think you can find a link for that, please?

Edit: I didn't realize Swedie already requested that, sorry. And I realize that some of the older links seem to be hard to find now...

The neighbours took pictures of the incinerator at the farm if I recall
I agree to a point. Why were they headed straight for the handy incinerator? I'm thinking they planned to overpower their victim and dispose of them never to be found. People disappear all the time. Stealing a vehicle is not such a big deal as you say. But put the two together and the theft links the disappearance in this case. It appears to me that the plan went bad outside K where TB may have realized he was in trouble and pulled out his phone. That could have led to panic and the gun being pulled within the cab, sending the phone out the window. I can't see these guys driving down the 403 with a blood splattered cab and smashed out window all the way from Trinity. I wonder if glass bits were searched in the drive?

You raise a good point. Assuming the glass was actually shot out (as opposed to just shattered but still in one piece), I wonder if police ever located any pieces at any of the known locations.
DM really wasn't that smart now was he?! :D

Forensic examination of the truck would take place in the days, weeks and months following.

Significant amounts of gunshot residue were found on the inside of the truck, with especially high concentrations in the front seat area, both passenger side ceiling and driver’s side ceiling.

Further forensic examination found the blood DNA of Tim Bosma on the inside of the truck in various areas, including the inside rear passenger door; rear passenger armrest; around the glove box; and front passenger cup holder.

Tim Bosma’s blood was also found in various areas on the undercarriage of the truck.

The front passenger side window was shattered.

The police also recovered a spent 380 gun cartridge casing inside the truck.

Mr. Millard’s fingerprints were later found by police forensic officers on both the exterior and interior of the truck.

When Mr. Millard was arrested the police found in his vehicle the keys to Tim Bosma’s truck.

All this after having a heads up LE knew about the truck.
Regarding the dangling mirror, it's difficult to tell from the cell-phone pic if it was in fact dangling at that point.

It looks like the gasket around the driver's door opening is hanging down. Odd. Maybe happened when they pulled the seats out?


Thanks. There's the time stamp. May 9 2013

From June 22 2013 .... tons of incinerator info ... including pics of ash cleanout tool (used recently) evidence it had been moved recently (disturbed dirt) possible blood on exterior of incinerator

Had most of this figured out right after the murder , only thing we were wrong about was the location .

I would never have guessed they hauled it to an urban hangar , let alone use the victims own truck to tow it. Hitchcock Himself could not have done a better script.

I've thought a lot about their decision to burn TB at the hangar, especially since I think most of us assumed it was done at the farm, and we never imagined them driving the incinerator all over town. (Not to speak for everyone, of course, but I don't remember anyone speculating anything like that.)

It tells me a couple of things:

--The truck was the priority, specifically breaking down/stripping the truck. They had the tools and the means to do it at the hangar, but not at the farm.

--Dealing with Tim's body was of less importance. Besides, the incinerator was 'mobile' and they obviously had experience hauling things around.

--I believe DM felt more in control of his 'business' at the hangar.


AJ mentioned DM would sometimes sleep at the hangar. Maybe DM had found the hangar was deserted at night and he was confident no one would come by for however many hours he thought he needed to get the incineration done (based on experience with LB, maybe).
So DM goes to his hanger which has video surveillance. If you knew this was going down would you not have disabled video evidence?

From June 22 2013 .... tons of incinerator info ... including pics of ash cleanout tool (used recently) evidence it had been moved recently (disturbed dirt) possible blood on exterior of incinerator

Had most of this figured out right after the murder , only thing we were wrong about was the location .

I would never have guessed they hauled it to an urban hangar , let alone use the victims own truck to tow it. Hitchcock Himself could not have done a better script.


So many old friends dropping by for the discussion. Nice to see familiar names everyone.
We are a great bunch of sleuths.
So DM goes to his hanger which has video surveillance. If you knew this was going down would you not have disabled video evidence?

In a way he did, when he gave the video recorder to CN, but I agree, it would have been smarter to disconnect it before driving the incinerator onto the property.
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