Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #1

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I think the ambition tattoo was a vital lead that allowed LE to identify DM early on and throw him off his plan. There was also AJ calling Crimestoppers, but he was holding off on giving up info to LE. Imagine if DM had another day or two to work with. He could have cleaned out the incinerator properly (no blood or remains) and do something better with the truck (either hide it better or chop it down). Without any evidence of a body, a truck, or a murder weapon, would there have been much of a case against him?
Smaller airports, other than with use of security cameras, rarely have anything more than a mobile security patrol on dispatch to shine a flashlight around from time to time.

Waterloo 'Regional' likes to tout itself as up and coming, but like any other airport, it has it's financial pressures. Specific buildings/aviation concerns, like those with courier services, may have security.. but if money isn't involved, and no passenger service ongoing - no real need for on-site security.

I hear you but I find it hard to believe that a Security Vehicle didn't notice that something was BURNING on airport property during business hours. That's what I have a hard time with.
Yes, and all clean, too.

Notice how you can't see the passenger side window? Too bad. With no one around, you'd think AJ might have had time for multiple interior and exterior photos.

Assuming AJ was being honest with his testimony, I can imagine him finding the best angle to get the whole truck in view and snap a pic. I know if it were ME, I'd have totally looked inside and taken pics at every angle I could come up with. But I've been following true crime cases for 40 years, so that's me. Most regular folks don't think that way.
Nope. I believe that was MS driving the same vehicle that transported both DM and MS to the Bosma residence in the first place. Of course I could be totally wrong and there may be some evidence yet revealed that will blow us all out of the water but so far, I remain unconvinced of a 3rd person.

May I ask how you think they got to Ancaster?
I hear you but I find it hard to believe that a Security Vehicle didn't notice that something was BURNING on airport property during business hours. That's what I have a hard time with.

I believe it was established that the incinerator was being lit around 1:30am. (Crown's opening statement?) And elsewhere (both links is here somewhere) it's been stated that model incinerator burns 100 pounds an hour. In this case, by the time of the opening of the business day, the vile deed in the incinerator would have already been done. I suspect the "don't come into work for any reason" text/email, was to buy some time to clean things up a bit.
May I ask how you think they got to Ancaster?

Well they sure as heck didn't rollerblade there. They arrived in a vehicle. Where that vehicle was as they were walking down the Bosma driveway is anyone's guess. Unless someone takes the stand and decides to tell where it was. Now wouldn't that be nice?
They could have come in a vehicle that they parked on the road, with or without a third person. However, if this was being filmed for some reason, "Donut" was likely waiting just outside the Bosma property.
I hear you but I find it hard to believe that a Security Vehicle didn't notice that something was BURNING on airport property during business hours. That's what I have a hard time with.

They didn't have a bon fire with smoke drawing attention. They apparently used an environmentally friendly incinerator.
I think the ambition tattoo was a vital lead that allowed LE to identify DM early on and throw him off his plan. There was also AJ calling Crimestoppers, but he was holding off on giving up info to LE. Imagine if DM had another day or two to work with. He could have cleaned out the incinerator properly (no blood or remains) and do something better with the truck (either hide it better or chop it down). Without any evidence of a body, a truck, or a murder weapon, would there have been much of a case against him?

Yes, there was video evidence of him at the hangar incinerating TB. What more do you need to hang him?
Originally Posted by etrain
has anyone come up with why there is blood/dna on the undercarriage of the truck?

Maybe he was working on it prior to advertising it for sale...and cut himself.

I'll bet *that's* it! <modsnip>
I think DM felt very confident that no one would ever know what was going on in or around the hangar, that once he got the truck there he was secure.

But AJ blew that out of the water. I think SS warned DM about AJ's suspicions Thurs night and suddenly DM had to scramble to cover up. He and CN worked through the night to move the truck, perhaps clean out and then hide the incinerator, and figure out what other kinds of evidence needed to be got rid of in case LE showed up the next day.
I hear you but I find it hard to believe that a Security Vehicle didn't notice that something was BURNING on airport property during business hours. That's what I have a hard time with.

I live 5 minutes from the airport. Yes it is a smaller airport but not a "small community airport". It is quite a fair size.

The hanger is located at the far end of the airport. Close to road but away from the main traffic of the airport. It would be quite easy to burn there with no one noticing.
So now that we know a little more about SS, is he the "employee" who ordered the incinerator? Thoughts?
Maybe he drew a box around his tat to emphasize to himself what his "mission" was: get a truck no matter what it takes. It seems he was also working his staff towards a deadline. JMO

Awhile back, did someone not discover that DM was registered in a BAJA race, we all figured that he needed a truck to pull the jeep down across the States to the race. Anyone else remember this, was this his deadline?!?
Originally Posted by etrain
has anyone come up with why there is blood/dna on the undercarriage of the truck?

I'll bet *that's* it!:sick:

Until we hear where it was found there are multiple possibilities. How about someone with blood stained hands from putting a body into an incinerator hooking up a trailer hitch with lights? And which one of them had experience with hooking up trailers? Which one owned it?


Video of a vehicle following TB and the accused from the Bosma residence, or further along the road?

What was in the DVR that CN had? A homemade music video?

From that link:

Kavanagh said based on video evidence they now know when Bosma left his home with two males to test drive the truck, a second vehicle &#8212; which may have been an SUV &#8212; followed them.

What we don't know (yet) is this: where exactly along that road, video evidence picks up a vehicle following Tim's truck. If we knew the exact physical location of that video camera, that would certainly narrow it down but we don't have that - that I'm aware of?

I've never physically been on that road but I've taken my google street view guy down it a hundred times or more in the last 3 years. It looks pretty much identical to any country road in southern Ontario - houses, barns, fields, silos, creeks, ponds, driveways, laneways, field entry ways, shoulders with wide pull out areas, etc. Multiple places to pull a vehicle off the road, park and walk to wherever. Likewise, multiple places to pull over and let a passenger out to get into another vehicle. Depending on how far down the road that video camera was, it would have been ridiculously easy for them to pull off and one of them get back in the same vehicle they arrived in and keep going, before video footage ever spotted either vehicle.
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