Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #13

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The timing of it and the wording is creepy to me. He had how many years to honor her?

Don't know what his financial situation is, but a tatt that size probably costs megabucks ... anywhere from $150 to $180 per hour and about 20 hrs work, probably not all done at once.

ETA: iirc, AM was on LB's (Elle Ryan) FB friends when we first became aware of this case. Maybe we'll hear more about their relationship at the LB murder trial. Interesting that I don't believe DM ever was one of LB's FB friends.
Andddddd our little CN loves BJ's according to her Instagram.

All comments are JMO unless stated otherwise
Andddddd our little CN loves BJ's according to her Instagram.

All comments are JMO unless stated otherwise

isn't she supposed to be on house arrest except school, work? She's at a Blue Jay's game?

ETA- I mostly lurk so if I'm wrong about the house arrest thing I apologize in advance.
isn't she supposed to be on house arrest except school, work? She's at a Blue Jay's game?

ETA- I mostly lurk so if I'm wrong about the house arrest thing I apologize in advance.
I thought so with her pretty ankle bracelet
isn't she supposed to be on house arrest except school, work? She's at a Blue Jay's game?

ETA- I mostly lurk so if I'm wrong about the house arrest thing I apologize in advance.

I believe she can go out, as long as a parent is with her.
Andddddd our little CN loves BJ's according to her Instagram.

All comments are JMO unless stated otherwise

I'm afraid she's out of luck here.

Must be extremely bored. Well, noudga, enjoy your minute in the spotlight.
News: noudga made an "I don't remember" tattoo. Just kidding.
Andddddd our little CN loves BJ's according to her Instagram.

All comments are JMO unless stated otherwise

Ok, good thing I read the next post where it said "Blue Jays" I though BJ'S was referring to her "truck ride" to the hangar :blushing:
Don't know what his financial situation is, but a tatt that size probably costs megabucks ... anywhere from $150 to $180 per hour and about 20 hrs work, probably not all done at once.

ETA: iirc, AM was on LB's (Elle Ryan) FB friends when we first became aware of this case. Maybe we'll hear more about their relationship at the LB murder trial. Interesting that I don't believe DM ever was one of LB's FB friends.

Not many places charge by the hour now. Even one of TO's high end shops, now charge by the piece. Judging by the mess ups of that tattoo, he's chosen a lower end tat shop. The anatomy of the girls arms are wonky, many horrible unstraight lines. IMO, its Not a very good outline.
Not many places charge by the hour now. Even one of TO's high end shops, now charge by the piece. Judging by the mess ups of that tattoo, he's chosen a lower end tat shop. The anatomy of the girls arms are wonky, many horrible unstraight lines. IMO, its Not a very good outline.

Guess it's different in TO. I know someone who priced tats in Vancouver just yesterday and the quotes were $150/$160/$180 per hour.
the damn hoses at Riverdale. Will we ever hear what is going on with that story?? Looks like they detoured there at some point. Rinsing ashes away for 10 hours much? So much more that doesn't make sense.

Since CN's parents are "immigrants" typically they are not ok with their daughters being out all hours with boyfriend, smoking drugs, practically living at DM's house 6-7 nights a week. That is considered not acceptable to most immigrants. Trust me, I have lots of insight into that issue

Of course just my speculation, but I think TB was shot when they stopped near the Bobcat dealership and they transferred him into the bed of his truck therefore he didn't lose too much blood in the truck on the seat. DM thought he could wash the seat once he removed it from TB's truck, so he took the seats over to Riverside and washed it in the area where water was ran for 10 hours. Explains the laundry detergent and bucket in the back of the Yukon and the questions about "functioning" bathtub and shower in unit #2, whether DM had keys. DM was going into until #2 to get water using the bucket. No hose outside and outside water shut off and DM didn't know where water turn on was located inside or didn't have a key to access the area where water turn on was inside the building . DM got JV to get hoses and water the area to wash away blood evidence and detergent. DM failed at washing the seats and took them to the farmland and burnt them. Billandrew's timeline shows he was at Riverside (Etobicoke) May 8th, around 3am. Around 6am farmer sees smoke plume at farmland. ALL MOO.
Since CN's parents are "immigrants" typically they are not ok with their daughters being out all hours with boyfriend, smoking drugs, practically living at DM's house 6-7 nights a week. That is considered not acceptable to most immigrants. Trust me, I have lots of insight into that issue

My parents aren't immigrants and that didn't fly with them either, either in my adolescence or adulthood. I agree with you, and it's a pretty common viewpoint whether immigrant or not [emoji4]
Lawyering up and refusing to talk to police are not the same thing although they are often conflated.

AM, MH and BD all lawyered up. The advice they received was go to police and make a full statement. I think we can all agree it was good advice.

If I were ever arrested or questioned as a suspect in regard to a murder, I would certainly lawyer up. There's too much that can go wrong if you don't.

It's also not especially relevant to compare a suspect's decision to lawyer up with a lawyerless victim reporting a crime. I'm not going to lawyer up either if a family member is murdered. Two entirely different situations.

I think there is relevance in the contrast I described between how CN and MB behaved compared with TB's family, IMO. Often those closest to a missing person or murder victim are the first suspects in a case, and often they come under intense scrutiny and investigation by the police, IMO. For one example, when Scott Peterson's wife Lacey went missing he lawyered up as soon as he thought the police considered him a suspect, IMO. So many cases I've heard about where the crime victim's closest family or friends are under suspicion, IMO. Some get lawyers and many of those cases I've heard of ended up with the lawyered up relative charged with the crime, IMO. That's why I think the way TB's family opened themselves up willingly to the police so they could be ruled out early as suspects stands out, IMO and because they had no involvement in the crime they had no reason not to cooperate, IMO. Maybe that's just a perception on my part but public perception matters, IMO in cases like TB's where the family counted on the assistance of a sympathetic public to help locate TB, IMO.

Then when I think of CN and MB, they were not to my knowledge in those first few days after DM and CN dropped off the trailer that contained TB's truck to MB's house named suspects by the police, IMO - DM was the suspect not them, IMO. As you said, even if they did get lawyers there was nothing to prevent either of them from cooperating with police to help them in their investigation, IMO. That CN tampered with evidence by removing prints from the trailer is one reason IMO that she got a lawyer ASAP, and I believe MB was right there with her instructing CN not to cooperate with police, IMO. I bet they all - DM, CN and MB shared the same lawyer too, IMO, and wouldn't that be a conflict of interest if it is true?

Also about AM and MH having lawyered up, I don't know how quickly either of them got lawyers or what advice they received from their lawyers about cooperating with police, but IMO lying to the police 40 times over several interviews as in MH's case, or lying IIRC for the first 60 pages by AM's in his interview(s) that got him arrested and charged with first degree murder - even before DM - and only cooperating by telling more of what he knew then to clear himself, IMO, and neither AM or MH inspires any admiration from me, IMO.

Im not saying no one should ever get a lawyer in any circumstance, but if it were me and my son or boyfriend was charged with a truck theft and forcible confinement of a still missing man, getting a lawyer for myself would not be among the first things I would do, IMO. I would have contacted the police immediately upon hearing of my loved one's arrest to report the trailer in the driveway and perhaps then call a lawyer to accompany me to the police station so I could be interviewed, IMO. I would want the opportunity to help clear my boyfriend or son because I would believe that my son or boyfriend would never be involved in such a crime, IMO. I do believe those who are guilty of something behave differently than those with nothing to fear, like the Bosma's whose consciences were clear, IMO.

All MOO.
Andddddd our little CN loves BJ's according to her Instagram.

All comments are JMO unless stated otherwise

I think she's in the market for a sugar daddy. Why else would she keep her advertising up?
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