Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #17 [06.03.16 to 06.09.16]

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Can anyone explain to me how DM was caught.
Did LE have a tat registry where they could just look up Ambition alphabetically?
AJ went to CS but not LE till after they came to the hanger.
Also why did AM or MH snitch on Smitch?
There was not a lot said that I saw.
Am or Mh snitched on smich because they didn't really like him thought he was shady.
I agree 100 percent..MS is just as guilty as he knew exactly what happened and did everything possible NOT TO Reveal what he knew...mAY THEY BOTH GET THE max SENTENCE ..imo IT IS A hORROR WHAT WAS done to Tim Bosma his wife said " my husband was killed for a dam TRUCK!" I believe it was totally insane .Remember it could have been anyone of us if we placed an Ad to sell a RAM Diesel Truck...JMHO ...Plus IMO they both extremely dangerous offenders...Take them to Jail for the rest of their LIVES...again JMHO ..I believe Ont. will be a lot safer...again JMHO...Robynhood.
Am or Mh snitched on smich because they didn't really like him thought he was shady.
IMHO, the gig was up for DM & MS when LE reached out to the public immediately and started to put the few pieces of the puzzle that they had together. Win # 1 for LE was obtaining TB's cell phone records- that identified the Bates phone and IIRC, IT. IT remembered the Ambition tattoo and had a physical description of the two guys and it just unravelled for these 2 low lives from there.

I believe that TL summed it all up quite nicely- regardless of the theories the two defences were spinning. Of course both of these guys are going to to throw the other under the bus- what do they have to lose now that they've been caught? I also think that MS wasn't quite as dumb as many of us thought he might be- IMHO, it's pretty clear that he's got more than a few brain cells churning away. MS did give a good performance, but IMHO, once TL put all the evidence in chronological order, it became fairly clear that MS & DM worked as one.

They're both sick-they were both willing to murder and incinerate an innocent man and IMHO, the Jury will find them both guilty of 1st degree murder. Do I care about why they did it? Nope- all that matters to me is that we're all safer with these two psychopaths locked up. MOO
Millard plans of stealing a truck according to Michalski and likely many others. Suddenly, after telling all staff to not show up to work, a beautiful black diesel Dodge Ram with chrome appears in the hangar. Tim Bosma's story is in the news, CP24 is reporting about it in high rotation. The image of Tim's black Dodge truck is everywhere. F all them for playing dumb. I hope the jury finds both guilty of first degree murder. JMO
Only ones received from ms on their phones, Or on IMessage

Believe me, there are very likely many texts that we haven't heard about. I expect that they recovered literally thousands of texts.
You keep making statement like "Millard being the ringleader" and "organizing ALL missions" , but once again you are simply incorrect. There are several instances that I recall where Smich asks Millard to join him. When someone points out that you are wrong, you just make excuses "maybe Smich was just trying to walk the walk".

Why do you consistently try to make excuses for this guy?

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Please point out to me where I'm wrong or incorrect. I listed "all these texts" that NoodlesMcgee's highlighted whereby MS asks DM to join him... They are in my post #712. If there are others I missed please link these facts so I can see the error of my ways. Maybe I've failed to find more texts. Possibly like LE did. Thank you.
I see it differently. I believe yes he wanted him to change his testimony, however I don't believe Andrew was involved anymore then was said. I still stand by Dm was a selfish brat and would use anyone to his benefit willingly or not

Well innocent little Andrew was there when the mission was being discussed with DM, MS and MM. MM knew enough that she begged Smich not to go and feared for his life when she didn't hear from him. Andrew must have been brewing a cup of tea or something when they were going in to detail I guess.
Just another look at the timelines at the hanger on the tragic night. This is for those wondering about cleanup and lack of evidence of TB DNA in the Yukon. Just showing that DM most likely got into the Yukon between 16 and 23 minutes after arriving at the hanger. Did DM clean up in this time frame? The Yukon seems to be a sticking point for a few due to the lack of TB DNA found in the Yukon. Both used the vehicle, and still no TB DNA in the Yukon from what we've heard. Does that add to the reasonable doubt for MS's involvement?

12:19 am - The trucks arrive at the hanger. The Bosma truck towing the Eliminator, and the Yukon following close behind.

( 16 minutes later) - did they clean up? Remember that they disconnected the Eliminator, and possibly leveled it during this time.

12:35 am - The Bosma truck is moved to the south end of the hanger leaving the Eliminator trailer in place at the north end of the

(6 minutes later)

12:41 am - The Yukon moves to the south end of the hanger.

12:41 am - There is movement between vehicles suggesting that a person moves from the Bosma truck to the Millard Yukon.

12:42 am - The Millard Yukon leaves the Millard Air Hanger

(30 minutes later) During this time MS testified he worked on cutting out carpet and removing seats.

01:12 am - The Millard Yukon returns and parks at the north end of the hanger. Location of Eliminator

(21 minutes later)

01:33 am - DVR shows DM and MS walking in the hanger

(11 minutes later)

01:44 am - Flame rising from Eliminator on video from GA Masonry

(15 minutes later)

01:59 am - Bosma truck is turned around

(31 minutes later)

02:30 am - Bosma truck is moved into the hanger through north entrance

Am or Mh snitched on smich because they didn't really like him thought he was shady.

Who said anybody snitched on Smich? I always assumed that once Millard was arrested and they had his phone, cops keyed in on Smich. AM ad MH were still lying through their teeth at that time weren't they?
Just another look at the timelines at the hanger on the tragic night. This is for those wondering about cleanup and lack of evidence of TB DNA in the Yukon. Just showing that DM most likely got into the Yukon between 16 and 23 minutes after arriving at the hanger. Did DM clean up in this time frame? The Yukon seems to be a sticking point for a few due to the lack of TB DNA found in the Yukon. Both used the vehicle, and still no TB DNA in the Yukon from what we've heard. Does that add to the reasonable doubt for MS's involvement?

12:19 am - The trucks arrive at the hanger. The Bosma truck towing the Eliminator, and the Yukon following close behind.

( 16 minutes later) - did they clean up? Remember that they disconnected the Eliminator, and possibly leveled it during this time.

12:35 am - The Bosma truck is moved to the south end of the hanger leaving the Eliminator trailer in place at the north end of the

(6 minutes later)

12:41 am - The Yukon moves to the south end of the hanger.

12:41 am - There is movement between vehicles suggesting that a person moves from the Bosma truck to the Millard Yukon.

12:42 am - The Millard Yukon leaves the Millard Air Hanger

(30 minutes later) During this time MS testified he worked on cutting out carpet and removing seats.

01:12 am - The Millard Yukon returns and parks at the north end of the hanger. Location of Eliminator

(21 minutes later)

01:33 am - DVR shows DM and MS walking in the hanger

(11 minutes later)

01:44 am - Flame rising from Eliminator on video from GA Masonry

(15 minutes later)

01:59 am - Bosma truck is turned around

(31 minutes later)

02:30 am - Bosma truck is moved into the hanger through north entrance


Thanks for the timeline Inspector_North! IMO that is more then enough time to change clothes and wash your hands. But in the opinion of others that could be an excuse. I personally don't think there would be enough time to change at a murder scene if you're inside TB truck while he was murdered then jumping out into the Yukon to get away. Nor would someone want to risk being seen. Especially as others feel a guy like MS covered his tracks so well. It'd be a little hard to explain why you've got your pants down in the field if someone came along. MOO
Millard plans of stealing a truck according to Michalski and likely many others. Suddenly, after telling all staff to not show up to work, a beautiful black diesel Dodge Ram with chrome appears in the hangar. Tim Bosma's story is in the news, CP24 is reporting about it in high rotation. The image of Tim's black Dodge truck is everywhere. F all them for playing dumb. I hope the jury finds both guilty of first degree murder. JMO

Exactly. Every one of those people that testified that after two or three days they hadn't heard of Tim Bosma is full of *****. IMO if they were willing to lie about knowing about it after the fact, the are definitely willing to lie about it before the fact.
Please point out to me where I'm wrong or incorrect. I listed "all these texts" that NoodlesMcgee's highlighted whereby MS asks DM to join him... They are in my post #712. If there are others I missed please link these facts so I can see the error of my ways. Maybe I've failed to find more texts. Possibly like LE did. Thank you.

You have taken all those texts out of context, and are trying to prove a point solely on that basis.

I mean no disrespect ... I am truly trying to understand your perspective.

Have you read billandrew's posts where he ties all the text messages and evidence together? Do you see them as everyday chitchat? You don't see them planning together towards this mission?

As I asked another WSer, perhaps our interpretations of "reasonable doubt" are vastly different?

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Thanks for the timeline Inspector_North! IMO that is more then enough time to change clothes and wash your hands. But in the opinion of others that could be an excuse. I personally don't think there would be enough time to change at a murder scene if you're inside TB truck while he was murdered then jumping out into the Yukon to get away. Nor would someone want to risk being seen. Especially as others feel a guy like MS covered his tracks so well. It'd be a little hard to explain why you've got your pants down in the field if someone came along. MOO

<modsnip> Who ever said that either of them would have been covered in blood at that point. The back seat, where Smich sat, is pristine. At the hangar, doesn't it make sense that you complete the cleaning and dismantling of the truck before cleaning yourself and disposing of your clothes?
You have taken all those texts out of context, and are trying to prove a point solely on that basis.

I mean no disrespect ... I am truly trying to understand your perspective.

Have you read billandrew's posts where he ties all the text messages and evidence together? Do you see them as everyday chitchat? You don't see them planning together towards this mission?

As I asked another WSer, perhaps our definitions of "reasonable doubt" are vastly different?

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With all due respect Mrs T, I took the text messages highlighted as MS "mission prep" that someone else posted and offered a rebuttal. I don't feel I took anything out of context, (unlike the sausage photos and fireside furniture that went on for days), but please let me know where I did.

I'm not trying to prove any point. This is the point of discussion that someone else linked. It isn't as if I picked that area of focus. And if others have more then the highlighted texts to show mission prep, then great.

That being said it seems every.single.poster that sees reasonable doubt cant tie the evidence together. Or must not be seeing something. It's condescending. But it won't stop me from voicing my opinion in a respectful manner.
Please point out to me where I'm wrong or incorrect. I listed "all these texts" that NoodlesMcgee's highlighted whereby MS asks DM to join him... They are in my post #712. If there are others I missed please link these facts so I can see the error of my ways. Maybe I've failed to find more texts. Possibly like LE did. Thank you.

The night where Millard is out to dinner with his mom, Smich tells him he has a mission. So obviously Smich is planning missions of his own. So yes, you are wrong when you say that Millard was the sole mission planner.
<modsnip> Who ever said that either of them would have been covered in blood at that point. The back seat, where Smich sat, is pristine. At the hangar, doesn't it make sense that you complete the cleaning and dismantling of the truck before cleaning yourself and disposing of your clothes?

I agree with the cleaning up part. The following timeline IMO indicates that DM moved from the uncleaned Bosma truck directly to the Yukon without leaving any DNA in the Yukon. Even if he cleaned himself first, he transferred directly from the bloody truck to the Yukon. This suggests that both MS and DM may not have come in contact with blood.

However, you point out a very important observation, the back seat was not removed and was not found to have much DNA evidence. The seat where MS could have been when TB was shot.

12:41 am - The Yukon moves to the south end of the hanger.

12:41 am - There is movement between vehicles suggesting that a person moves from the Bosma truck to the Millard Yukon.

12:42 am - The Millard Yukon leaves the Millard Air Hanger


The night where Millard is out to dinner with his mom, Smich tells him he has a mission. So obviously Smich is planning missions of his own. So yes, you are wrong when you say that Millard was the sole mission planner.
I believe the texts NoodlesMcgee linked showed that MS spoke about mission planning. I was asking if I missed more then those 3 over the course of a year.
There seems to be an assumption that a person in the back seat of TB's 3500 would be blood covered.
Evidence shows that there was significant blood on floorboards, dash, drivers side running board, passenger side running board, passenger side of truck, in bedliner of truck box, and some on the Eliminator.
Evidence of front seat and carpet removal supports the previous evidence of blood in front seat. A few spots of blood are all that was evidenced in the back seat.

I see no reason why a back seat person would have much blood on them, even if in the truck when the slaughter occurred.
I see no reason why a back seat passenger would have transferred blood evidence to the Yukon, even if that person was in the back seat of the 3500 at the time of the shooting.
Evidence does not support much blood in the back seat area.

My theory is that
(1) DM had blood on him, being in the front seat, and the drivers side running board evidence supports same. DM stayed with TB truck, his new prize. MS drove Yukon to farm.
(2) Once at the farm, TB was wrapped then moved from the passenger seat into the truck box, luminol evidence shows bloodless area surrounded by blood, as though body was wrapped.
(3) At farm, the incinerator was hooked up and transported to the hangar, with TB in the truck bed. DM driving 3500, MS driving Yukon again.
(4) Once at the hangar, TB was moved into the incinerator by one or both of the perps.
(5) Following the incinerator loading, the perps cleaned up themselves first, (shower, change of clothes) prior to DM getting into the Yukon. MS may or may not have been in the Yukon, I theorize both were in the Yukon
(6) Yukon run was drive-through... coffee etc - and discussion of next steps.
(7) Back to hangar, light incinerator, strip and cleanup of TB truck. Coveralls etc
(8) Opening of incinerator mid burn was pitching in clothes, coveralls used during seat removal, and checking on status of TB body. Seats too large to fit in incinerator, so seats wrapped in tarp in hangar.
(9) Seats and tarp moved into Red dodge later, and further remaining evidence destruction, seats, tarp etc in field at farm later date.

Evidence shows that both perps planned, prepared for, initiated, then finally executed their (plural) plan, and both participated in the evidence destruction post execution.

Both are guilty of 1st degree.

My opinion only...
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