Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #3

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Alex Pierson from AM900 reporting @15:00

-Friday's testimony was supposed to come from a forensic dentist but moved to Monday because of legal arguments.

-The incinerator's trailer system was custom built! Incinerator company was "fascinated that someone would put it on wheels"

-We will see video surveillance from the hangar


“We redesigned and modified the heating system so that it actually did the job – and as anyone who has flown in a DC-3 will tell you, that made a lot of people happy.”

Among the mods developed for this aircraft, one involved removing the turbocharging system from the engines and redirecting hot air into the engine. This greatly enhanced performance. The interior also came in for a significant change complete with seats that were newly designed by Millard Air engineers. The end result is an aircraft with improved performance, enhanced cabin capabilities and a new lease on useful service to smaller carriers.

So even today – when Carl Millard does something – people still take notice and talk about it. And as for how long he plans to be around, he says that his current space lease runs out in 2011. Carl states flatly that if he does not like what is happening at Pearson then, he can always pick his hangars up and move them somewhere else. And knowing the man involved – he is fully capable of doing it too! - See more at:

I think, Carl was rebel I, Wayne rebel II (a bit more harmless maybe) and Dellen now is a criminal rebel -III-, building things and refining existing objects like his grandfather too - for example a trailer for THE ELIMINATOR, a trailer for racing cars etc., cars for the Baja racing etc. etc. I imagine, if DM couldn't do that himself then he had assistance of his helpers but the ideas were his.

Without his criminal vein he could perhaps have been very successful.
Alex Pierson from AM900 reporting @15:00

-Friday's testimony was supposed to come from a forensic dentist but moved to Monday because of legal arguments.

-The incinerator's trailer system was custom built! Incinerator company was "fascinated that someone would put it on wheels"

-We will see video surveillance from the hangar

The good stuff, the new stuff does not happen until 15 minutes in but it is worth a listen. GFs not expected on the stand for a few weeks. Thanks matou!

“We redesigned and modified the heating system so that it actually did the job – and as anyone who has flown in a DC-3 will tell you, that made a lot of people happy.”

Among the mods developed for this aircraft, one involved removing the turbocharging system from the engines and redirecting hot air into the engine. This greatly enhanced performance. The interior also came in for a significant change complete with seats that were newly designed by Millard Air engineers. The end result is an aircraft with improved performance, enhanced cabin capabilities and a new lease on useful service to smaller carriers.

So even today – when Carl Millard does something – people still take notice and talk about it. And as for how long he plans to be around, he says that his current space lease runs out in 2011. Carl states flatly that if he does not like what is happening at Pearson then, he can always pick his hangars up and move them somewhere else. And knowing the man involved – he is fully capable of doing it too! - See more at:

I think, Carl was rebel I, Wayne rebel II (a bit more harmless maybe) and Dellen now is a criminal rebel -III-, building things and refining existing objects like his grandfather too - for example a trailer for THE ELIMINATOR, a trailer for racing cars etc., cars for the Baja racing etc. etc. I imagine, if DM couldn't do that himself then he had assistance of his helpers but the ideas were his.

Without his criminal vein he could perhaps have been very successful.

:tantrum::tantrum::facepalm: Mallards 1,2,3.....What can I say--Sometimes genius skips a generation.
I was almost there. The carpets would certainly hold the accelerant then burn and scorch the ground. The only thing is....the carpets in a vehicle are not such neat rectangles or squares. Any carpet or floor mat I ever stripped out of a car was cut to shape for the foot wells for the driver and passengers and sometimes with holes and slots for the brake and gas pedals etc.
I keep coming back in my mind to the radiant heat from the incinerator and trailer.....not unlike the radiant heat that would come off your hot coffee mug and spoil the wood surface of your once nice dining room table.
The irregular area in the photos definitely appears burnt......the square area appears to be scorched and I do believe that I see some corn stalks and leaves that actual remain inside the regular shaped area.
But it is interesting..

Why did the soil had a intensive smell of burn accelerator if still there were leftover unburned straws?
Maybe they used something like a rectangular grid (from the eliminator or out of the barn) plus carpet on top plus seats on top?
Hi. Long time lurker here, since the beginning. I don't know how to post pictures, but looking back at the Yukon, I think the black box people are wondering about maybe a brake controller for a trailer. Don't know much about them, just that my husband has one in our van and in his truck to help with electric brakes needed for larger trailers. This is just a thought so MOO
These things bother me as well. These are all things that are easy to destroy, for example, a lighter would have quickly disposed of the incinerator invoice at the office, where he could have just brought it to the washroom for privacy.

Is it possible that DM had tried to protect these items to use in his defence? If the gun had MS's fingerprints, he had good reason to lock it in a box and give it to someone who wasn't MS. The crown's opening statement highlighted that MS was not given the gun back, but had to make an effort to retrieve it, which suggests to me that the person who was in charge of holding the box was possibly told to keep it from MS. Could that be why he involved CN in hiding the truck instead of someone already involved, perhaps he didn't want MS to know where it was. Or here is a possibility some people will like, perhaps he was saving it to blackmail MS later.

All my opinion only.


My thoughts. I'm curious to hear more witnesses .....
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the square doesn't seem that large does it? I'm using the size of the corn stalks for scale, but maybe they're bigger than I think they are.

So a pile of clothes seems reasonable.

We really need to know dimensions of this. Pictures are so very deceiving.
Will be interesting if/when this evidence come forth explaining the "perfect" square.
Why did the soil had a intensive smell of burn accelerator if still there were leftover unburned straws?
Maybe they used something like a rectangular grid (from the eliminator or out of the barn) plus carpet on top plus seats on top?
The upright stalks that you see in the photo are not thin straws but rather much larger corn stalks by comparison that are showing as badly scorched....I think if it was a rapid flash fire lasting only minutes they really didn't have time to burn off completely.
Your explanation of a rectangular grid and rug would likely create the clearly regular scorch pattern. Did you read the post about the possibility of having used a canvas tarp and accelerant to create the same effect. I think both are distinct possibilities.
I was up in the Roseville Road area this morning and I specifically took a detour to have a visual of the "former" Millard property. I was having a really hard time trying to figure out WHY they would move the Eliminator to the Hangar vs. just using it there. Well, I think I finally get it now after looking at everything for myself. The neighbours are actually quite close and the privacy you would assume you would have on a country property really isn't there. The Trinity Road/Book Road area is actually more spread out than this area on Roseville Road. No wonder so many saw so much.
Hadn't they tried it out before?
They likely knew what a long and boring wait it would be and didn't feel like sitting on a farm in the dark, with just a barn without house or amenities.
FYI, according to the 'developer' of the incinerator, you can put your hand on it even when the internal temperature is at 1200 degrees.
Its also interesting that the unit is on a trailer in this article (with what appears to be a wood floor)

Thank you very much for this information. This has been a big debate on a differnt Web page. I'm not horribly knowledgeable of these units but was pretty sure of and stood behind what I said...with much debate against me.

Great find :)
Along with all the damaging evidence against DM thus far, I think what's going to have a big impact on the jurors this evidence/testimony below. Once presented in court is really going to help seal the deal on the perps fate. Both guilty of first degree murder in TB's case. Then DM has two more trials to go through; LB's where a DI has been granted, and then WM's murder. MS has one more trial, LB's. Bye bye boys, have a nice life rotting away in a prison cell. DM will get serial killer status, no doubt in my mind. It will be interesting to see if MS gets that title also.

Taken from the OS.
Also on this day, May 7, 2013, Mr. Millard told his roommate that they had stolen a truck on May 6, the day before. This roommate already knew that Mr. Millard and Mr. Smich planned to steal a truck of this kind. The Accused had told him this plan on the weekend.

Mr. Smich told his girlfriend that Mr. Millard stole the truck and that he (Mr. Smich) was there. Mr. Smich also said that the man they stole the truck from , who the Crown says was Tim Bosma, was quote “gone gone gone”.

Mr. Smich’s girlfriend told police of the two accused looking for a truck to steal and talking about this a few days before the murder. She also told police she remembered Mr. Millard picked up Mr. Smich on May 6, 2013 which would have been before they made their way to Ancaster to see Tim Bosma’s truck.

Despite Mr. Millard’s written direction at the end of many of these letters to “destroy these letters”, they were still in the girlfriend’s bedroom in April , 2014, when she was arrested for her involvement which was almost 1 year after the murder and the arrest of Mr. Millard.

In the search of Mr. Millard’s girlfriend`s residence, police also seized from her bedroom a DVR- digital video recorder – that Mr. Millard had taken from the airport hangar and given to his girlfriend to hold on to, apparently without explanation. He gave this to her on May 9th when he picked her up while en route to Kleinburg to drop the trailer with Tim Bosma`s truck in it at his mother`s place.
Then I wonder why they burned the seats there?

If the seats were too cumbersome/large to incinerate in the incinerator, they would have had to burn them in an open fire. I am certain that there are bylaws in effect to prevent open fires in the industrial area at the airport. So they could have planned ahead to kill 2 birds with one stone, incinerating the body at the hangar while taking care of the seats at the farm. MOO
I think they had to make sure to empty out the bones first if they wanted to put the seats in too. I wonder if Noudga helped with that job too?
Thank you....I did check out the website you referred to. I have to say I am impressed. Still leaves me wondering why that one scored area is so regular.

I don't not know how to post pics here. But the one evidence picture (forensic team going through the burn sites) those sites look to be smaller then we are assuming they are.

In the picture that shows the burnt seat frames. Those seats look to have came out of the truck in one section. Noticed the bracket at the seat base. It joins all 3 sections of the seat together.

So with that said, I'd put my money on the square site to be the seats and the smaller to be their (DM and MS) clothing and what ever else they needed to burn.
Just don't know why they'd need two burn sites to do this...but hey, nothing has been smart from these two from the get go!
There is a photo of the anthropology students working under the tents on the scorched areas. One is marked with ribbon along the edge. It looks about 8 feet on one side. JMO
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