Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #3

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I was up in the Roseville Road area this morning and I specifically took a detour to have a visual of the "former" Millard property. I was having a really hard time trying to figure out WHY they would move the Eliminator to the Hangar vs. just using it there. Well, I think I finally get it now after looking at everything for myself. The neighbours are actually quite close and the privacy you would assume you would have on a country property really isn't there. The Trinity Road/Book Road area is actually more spread out than this area on Roseville Road. No wonder so many saw so much.

Then I wonder why they burned the seats there?
Alex Pierson from AM900 reporting @15:00

-Friday's testimony was supposed to come from a forensic dentist but moved to Monday because of legal arguments.

-The incinerator's trailer system was custom built! Incinerator company was "fascinated that someone would put it on wheels"

-We will see video surveillance from the hangar
I don't think he was even thinking for a minute that he was going to be arrested later on that Friday night. He may have thought he had bought some time with the police having been so open when they came by the hangar in the morning and when nothing more came of it....well, home free for now.
Take the invoice, strip the licence plate an serial number sometime later ....and whose incinerator is it anyway.....after all there are so many people coming and going on the farm and the gate is never locked etc. Etc. .....I am just saying!!! Who really knows how a mind like that works.
So someone at the hangar likely built the trailer for the incinerator. When was it built? wow.

ETA: he probably used parts from a stolen trailer to build it. JMO
Funny that the invoice does not show the cost of the custom trailer.....separate invoice?? Thought maybe DM made the trailer but then it looked too well put together. DM is anything but precise or neat and tidy about anything that he appears to have done.
I did observe how well the fenders over the wheels on the trailer were molded and raised above the wheels to protect them from any heat.
Funny that the invoice does not show the cost of the custom trailer.....separate invoice?? Thought maybe DM made the trailer but then it looked too well put together. DM is anything but precise or neat and tidy about anything that he appears to have done.
I did observe how well the fenders over the wheels on the trailer were molded and raised above the wheels to protect them from any heat.

The company did not make the trailer. It was custom made elsewhere. It's assumed that someone from the hangar built it. JMO
So someone at the hangar likely built the trailer for the incinerator. When was it built? wow.

Better still, where was the base for the custom built trailer stolen from? ;)

And he sure didn't lift that thing on to the trailer himself, even with a hoist he likely had help. So how many people knew about the Eliminator? And how many are going to show up in court to tell what they were told it was used for?

Funny that the invoice does not show the cost of the custom trailer.....separate invoice?? Thought maybe DM made the trailer but then it looked too well put together. DM is anything but precise or neat and tidy about anything that he appears to have done.
I did observe how well the fenders over the wheels on the trailer were molded and raised above the wheels to protect them from any heat.
I'm not so sure DM was not capable of making the trailer. While sleuthing I have come across multiple photos of him and friends working on many cars and even on one photo there is a comment about how DM likes to build custom vehicles and replace certain parts... I don't believe I am allowed to post it here or else I would.

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At the beginning of the trial, there were seats reserved for other families, too. The Millard family. The Smich family.

But nobody ever sat there.

As far as I can tell, Smich has never had a supporter in the courtroom.

Millard has had a couple of people there. Once, a middle-aged man asked a court officer if he could speak with Millard because he knew him. He was told no.

Another time a middle-aged woman — not his mother — smiled and waved and mouthed greetings to Millard. I asked her who she was and she became flustered.

"I'd rather not say," she replied.

I never saw her again.

Even if it was with innocent intentions, it could be that the thought of having strangers stare at them or ask them personal questions makes them too uncomfortable to attend. Which would be a shame, in my opinion, as they have just as much of a right to be there as anyone else, and seeing as how they did not commit a crime, they should be free to observe court without fear of strangers intruding.

Or perhaps they are on the witness list and unable to attend until after they testify, as has been brought in speculation up many times.

I know that the Bosma's have lots of support, (and rightly so!), but I am curious to hear from those who have been there, if strangers come up to them to offer their sympathies, or if that kind of support at court is reserved for friends, acquaintances and loved ones? Personally, I would want to offer them a sympathetic hug, but I would be afraid to intrude upon them. After all, we might start to feel like we know them after reading so much about them, seeing their pictures and thinking about them, but to them we are still just strangers with our own agenda, even if it is meant in kindness, it could still make people uncomfortable, I think.

This is all my opinion only and not meant to criticize anyone who may have a different opinion than me.
I was almost there. The carpets would certainly hold the accelerant then burn and scorch the ground. The only thing is....the carpets in a vehicle are not such neat rectangles or squares. Any carpet or floor mat I ever stripped out of a car was cut to shape for the foot wells for the driver and passengers and sometimes with holes and slots for the brake and gas pedals etc.
I keep coming back in my mind to the radiant heat from the incinerator and trailer.....not unlike the radiant heat that would come off your hot coffee mug and spoil the wood surface of your once nice dining room table.
The irregular area in the photos definitely appears burnt......the square area appears to be scorched and I do believe that I see some corn stalks and leaves that actual remain inside the regular shaped area.
But it is interesting..

I think that I read here earlier that if it threw off that much radiant heat, it would burst the tires and blow up the propane tank. Also, heat rises, so theoretically, the bottom would not be the hottest part.
I was almost there. The carpets would certainly hold the accelerant then burn and scorch the ground. The only thing is....the carpets in a vehicle are not such neat rectangles or squares. Any carpet or floor mat I ever stripped out of a car was cut to shape for the foot wells for the driver and passengers and sometimes with holes and slots for the brake and gas pedals etc.
I keep coming back in my mind to the radiant heat from the incinerator and trailer.....not unlike the radiant heat that would come off your hot coffee mug and spoil the wood surface of your once nice dining room table.
The irregular area in the photos definitely appears burnt......the square area appears to be scorched and I do believe that I see some corn stalks and leaves that actual remain inside the regular shaped area.
But it is interesting..

FYI, according to the 'developer' of the incinerator, you can put your hand on it even when the internal temperature is at 1200 degrees.
Its also interesting that the unit is on a trailer in this article (with what appears to be a wood floor)
Here's my opinion on the burn marks and the incinerator:

As evidenced by surveillance video, the incinerator was initially used at the hangar the night TB went missing. I believe this is the time when TB's body was cremated (ugh, my heart sinks whenever I think about this). There could have been a tarp in there as well, as evidenced by the grommets found inside.

Subsequently, the incinerator was moved to the farm, and it did not get used again. JMO. The cremains could have been cleaned out at either the farm or the hangar. But if they burned anything else after the body, it could have destroyed any of the evidence left over of TB's body. And LE has assumed that the ashes found were part of the body.

The truck seats, carpet, etc. I believe were burned at the farm site where the scorch marks were found. They were burned on the ground and not in the incinerator, IMO. Why? The accelerant smell would not have been present if the incinerator was used. Also, the dairy farmer saw a "big plume" of smoke from the farm. I believe the incinerator has a special exhaust system to prevent that much smoke. Instead, a big plume would be created if they just poured gas over a bunch items and lit it up.

Thank you....I did check out the website you referred to. I have to say I am impressed. Still leaves me wondering why that one scored area is so regular.
Maybe the files in the hangar are dusty. ;)

That looks possibly like a "garden" or "work" type glove with a lighter coloured rubber palm?


Catching up here today, so sorry if already addressed.

I would call them "work gloves" as I have a very heavy duty pair in blue. Google image search of just "work gloves" brings up this nitrile glove:

ETA: What I say? >> already addressed. I'm going to have to move west coast to east coast to keep ahead of you guyz :D
I'll admit, absolutely nothing is coming to mind for me about the square burn area. I've never lived anywhere one could have a bonfire or a burn pit.

Tarps have been mentioned, but if one was used, it didn't need to be plastic or polyester. I have two that are made of cloth, a canvas-like material, which is good for multiple purposes -- tying down things on your van roof, securing loads of firewood on a wheelbarrow or wagon, using as an underpad for a dog crate when traveling and needing to set the dog up outdoors for a bit, while camping, and so on. Both of mine are perfectly square, not rectangular, and they are water-resistant but not waterproof. They provide protection from ground dampness for the short term, but aren't meant to keep serious rain or flooding out.

If DM had something like that in the Yukon or the barn, it would have served perfectly. The ground was wet, which wouldn't prevent the fire from starting when you're using accelerant but would inhibit its getting going quickly. A tarp like mine would allow the fire to roar away, would not burn immediately, and might allow easier picking up of what refuse remained post-burn. After all they didn't have time for a careful clean-up.

I can't tell from the pictures what size those burn marks are, but I'm sure these canvas-type tarps come in various sizes. Mine are around 5 ft by 5 ft, IIRC. I've seen bigger ones at horse shows and the like. Never tried burning with one, LOL, but I'll bet it would leave a square scorch mark on the ground.

Just one possibility.

And, worry about the fire spreading was probably needless. The newly planted corn was just a stubble, and live plants don't turn into a scorching blaze. The ground was wet and nothing immediately flammable nearby. I always have a hose handy out in the field when I burn stuff, but I've never needed the hose. The fire contains itself because unless the area is extremely dry, once what you're burning dies down, the fire dies down too. It doesn't spread to live grass and plants in the area.

And this may explain the likelihood that neighbours or passers-by saw the fire but didn't report it (perhaps someone did, but not likely a local resident: the FD does NOT want non-emergency calls in the middle of the night. They are understaffed and need to keep their engines and crew for REAL blazes like the barn fire in Puslinch a month or so ago that killed so many horses., or a family home). If you see people attending the fire, even more reason to think the people merely don't have a burn permit(would explain burning at night) or might be contravening a bylaw, but there's rarely a reason to suspect criminal activity. Police, same story. I ran out to assist with hit and run in front of my house at 2:00 a.m.; called 911 immediately and the volunteer fire department was on the scene quite quickly, but the OPP took 40 minutes. While the officer was measuring the skid marks, I asked how come it took them so long to respond. He said they had 3 cars on that shift to cover something like 600 square km of rural area.

There are LOTS of odd things going on on a regular basis, including gunfire, little of which is criminal. Unless one is very sure something is an emergency or a crime in progress, calling emergency responders may make them unavailable for a real crisis.
Maybe the files in the hangar are dusty. ;)

That looks possibly like a "garden" or "work" type glove with a lighter coloured rubber palm?


Hmm garden gloves, work gloves? Perhaps LE found some at the Maple Gate address also. DM was seen by a neighbour doing work outside the house with a few other men. What kind of work were they doing and who were these other men I wonder? Would DM really have the time to be doing work outside the house, or was he trying to set up an alibi of some kind? Interesting if he was actually doing yard work. That doesn't seem to fit in with the slobbish type of person DM appeared to be in regard to the Yukon and the state of the Maple Gate house. Were they the Columbian works doing work outside? How much attention did this neighbour really pay to what was going on at the Maple Gate house? He apparent didn't know about the "friends" living there, the basement dwellers.

Earlier this week, Millard's home was raided by Toronto police, neighbours said. He lived there alone after his father died six months ago. He was last seen by neighbours Wednesday evening working outside on his house with a few other men.

The home was host to pool parties with Millard’s schoolmates, and a bevy of cats and dogs lived there throughout the years, friends and family said.

When the Star visited the home, which backs onto a golf course, in May following a police investigation, it was a mess, with clothing, documents and cans of soup strewn throughout. The only thing moving was a black cat.

“I thought he was just a spoilt little brat who had his way all his life and didn’t appreciate what his father was doing for him,” said Mr. Sharif. “He was an impediment to the hangar operation” who didn’t meet his deadlines, almost never arrived at work before noon, and refused to clear his collection of cars, jeeps, hot rods, jet skis and personal airplanes from the business premises.
Canvas tarps....I had forgotten that that is exactly what they used to be of and I do agree that something of that order could indeed have done the job and left a distinct scorch mark with very regular sides and corners. Brilliant on you for thinking of the canvas.
And I hear you about the neighbours not getting in a panic unless it looked like something long and sustained in terms of a are absolutely right on that count. Thanks so much--Abitcountry
Hahaha. Good on him. We know of two close friends who will testify for the Crown, SS (his mechanic) and AM (his ex roommate and Baja racing partner.)

Don't forget about CN... :D
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