Breaking news - MSNBC - Body Farm results Back, it's not good

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What evidence would he be testifying?

Not evidence, more like character? continued behavior in not searching, or giving information to others, that would allow for searching. Casey gotten alot more assistance than many others in this type of situation Will this figure in any case?
Here's my question: How do we know these reports are accurate? These are coming from a TV station and not the FBI or LE themselves.

I mean, I know she is most likely guilty and all, but until an official source validates these reports, aren't we jumping the gun?
Maybe, but if I were a betting woman...which I am...we will see them confirmed very soon.
There is a whole thread about the Kio investigation. It is important to CASEY'S PROSECUTION and nothing more.

If anyone thinks Caylee is alive after reading all of this, I really have no idea what to say to you. Denial is a bad thing.

What was discovered about Kio, if LE so decides to use it in their prosecution, would be big in their defense if Casey keeps claiming she is with a babysitter. They could argue that they know where she came up with her babysitter story, how she came up with it and so forth. It would be a huge deal to the case and people saying this information is irrelevant are wrong.

Finding truth's in Casey's lies even if they aren't the truths we wanted to find, is going to be big when they do prosecute her.

That is all I have to say on that.
No. Reports say that the hair, dirt, and stain came back from FBI as scientifically linked to Caylee and human decomp. The air and hair came back as postive for Human remains/decomposition from the Body Farm.

I believe it was in this report:


I know prosecutors can successfully try a homicide case without a body; whether they WILL do that in this case has me intrigued. I'm sure they will continue to push for Casey to tell them where she left Caylee's body.
Nancy Cooper?

Do we have a link to where Casey has changed her story?
Death penalty = Robert's "Fear of God".

We shall see if Casey can indeed recollect.

Sometimes, I just think that part of her brain/memory is fried and I think Casey has just gone bonkers (pardon the slang). I mean, legitimately insane. Psychotic break. I think what ever happened to Caylee – she couldn’t face it. It broke her.

It's as if she's blocked it out and replaced her old life script with the new one - cobbled together from pieces of her old life and her connections on-line.

“Casey’s movie.” So Fellini-gone-Tarantino

I agree..but even Tarantino couldn't have written this..he usually has adults done in ..not toddlers. Loved all the Kill Bill movies as well as the Twin Peaks series and Blue Velvet.

However no one in the Anthony camp is going to have her take this bait. She will hang in there, even when new charges are pressed...Casey will not admit the deed done at this point. Frankly I don't think that George or Cindy helped with hiding the body..nor do I think that they knew anything was wrong with Caylee until the car pick up, the Casey pick up on the same day and still no Caylee. Then Casey offered a tidbit to her folks by saying she is with the Nanny since I last saw you..and she kidnapped Caylee. At first a parent ..a grandparent..would want to believe that story...I don't think they do now. The despair they must feel, all the time Casey and Baz telling them to believe her story. Now it is simply a story to Casey of CYA and to the family of how do we get Caylee back for burial and keep Casey from the DP.

This is the start of the legal dance..she will not admit anything until she is charged, then months down the road her attorney will start with motions to get evidence thrown out, etc, ..then when they have hit a roadblock and all else has failed in the defense teams eyes..Casey will admit to what happened inorder to avoid the DP. But right now..that ain't happening..the fat lady has yet to sing.

The butterfly represents the emergance from the cocoon into the beauty of life on one's in peace dear little Caylee..know that you are loved by many and I know that the angels are pampering you and loving you now..
Nancy Cooper?

Cary, NC mother of 2 who was found murdered in a storm drainage area in a new being-developed cul-de-sac on 7/14/08, 3 miles from her home. Estranged husband said she went jogging the morning of her disappearance on 7/12. It's one of the featured cases on WS.
Where are the landfills (if there is more than one) located in Orlando?{87380626-1391-4E41-B756-14E566E6FA6F}

I sure hope JB isn't blowing smoke up Cindy's B@@@, and telling her that these tests are not reliable. If JB thinks he can convince a jury of that - he's nuts.

Quote from Jose Baez in the video of him speaking to reporters about test results:

"I know it's very frustrating when you hear news like this, but - you know - it's all speculation."
Preliminary results were back from FBI tests on physical evidence found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. The samples, which included hair that investigators said was scientifically linked to Caylee, a stain and dirt, came back positive for signs of decomposition. Investigators said more test results were expected.

Thanks for posting the link. IMO the state has enough to convict Casey, and it's just about finding little Caylee's remains.

I am so very sad about this whole thing that I feel sick.
I'm currently STILL reading the 400 page docs and trying to take in the developments of today. Ok, so here is the thing:

If LE truly suspected that Casey acted alone and killed her daughter, and drove the car with the body, and disposed of it solo, there is no way in h$&l they would offer any sort of immunity. The fact that they have, SPEAKS VOLUMES of what their theories are. Obviously, they believe Casey was involved, but that she did not act solo, and therefore are offering immunity in exchange for someone else's conviction. I will not post names here since I've been asked not to, but if you really want to draw connections as to who LE may be looking at, the statement on page 301 of the documents is VERY TELLING.(not who the statement is from, but rather what it says).
I think the saddest part of this to me is the fact that Casey wasn't a struggling single mom with no one to turn to. Her mother would have gladly taken Caylee, but that would have been too much like right....Casey would not give up that control that she has on her mom.
I'm very annoyed if it is true that the DA is nudging Casey to admit it was an accident. They obviously know they have no way to prove Caylee was in the trunk of the car and that is why they are playing the immunity card. They know they have a weak case.

If it was just an accident, why has Casey NOT show ONE SIGN of sadness?

This is not justice...
the statement on page 301 of the documents is VERY TELLING.(not who the statement is from, but rather what it says).

Page 301? Is that the 3rd PDF? The numbering of the documents are not just 1 - 400. They are broken up into sections, with each new interview starting at page 1.
I was looking over, and noticed some new documents. One was a "Namey incident report" and the other was a "Calls for service summary". I did not see any threads regarding them. What happened with this Namey thing? I cannot find anything about it. Was Padilla in a fight or something?
Also, in the calls for service, can someone shed some light on the "Call types". I found it difficult to piece everything together there. I also found it interesting that the Anthony's reported the gas can burglary on 6/24, and told the media that Casey has stolen gas before. If she stole gas before, then why not report it? Why did they only report this one time?
First time I could post since this all happened.
They are still all in denial? What will it take, for them to beleive it.
I heard in LG statement from the family that they didn't even know these tests we going on, I am sure , we knew , everyone following this story knew, so how can that not have known.

I hope they shake the truth out of her not, if not , I hope LE nails her A@@ to the wall.
Poor precious Caylee, I didn't even know her and my heart is breaking.
Caylee never deserved this terrible end to such a short life.
I have tears running down my face just typing this.
Fly Little Angel:beats:
I'm very annoyed if it is true that the DA is nudging Casey to admit it was an accident. They obviously know they have no way to prove Caylee was in the trunk of the car and that is why they are playing the immunity card. They know they have a weak case.

If it was just an accident, why has Casey NOT show ONE SIGN of sadness?

This is not justice...

Maybe the immunity deal is like them just saying "Tell us what really happened, and we will make sure that you will not get the death sentence."
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