But as it stands at this moment, he (Lee) is 100 percent behind his sister

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I don't believe that Lee is one hundred percent behind his sister. I believe he is one hundred percent reflective of the fact that Casey was not some bad seed, in their family Casey psychopathy developed while he too looked the other way, and closed his door. It is not his fault, he was just a boy, but as a man I imagine him to be very conflicted about who or what is to blame. I do not even believe he was shocked by the reports of Casey saying she was abused. I can imagine a Anthony family conversation with Casey along the lines of.... say what you have to say, do what you have to do..to get free..we can deal with any scandal, the important thing is to get you out of jail.

Go back and listen to the civil depo in the section where Lee says I believe everything my sister tells me because I have to. Right around that spot in the tape, he explains that his "strategy" to keep her divulging information is not to confront her. He says something to the effect of when you are trying to get information from someone, you play along, otherwise they shut down and you get nothing. This was in response to the lawyer asking him didn't you just slam on the brakes and say what, that makes no sense, or didn't you point out the contradiction. Lee was very aware that every word he said there would be public within the hour and would get to Casey, so he couched his words very purposefully ,imo. What he was implying,is that this is how it works with Casey, this is what I have to do...in the hope of there being one tiny clue of the truth in her lies.

Unguarded,and believing the conversation to be private, he told Tony the truth..Casey lies, she always lies, he knows she lies...Casey lies, she sure wasn't looking for the baby on the days she said she was, she was not staking out any Zanny apartment, she lies just to lie, she told Tony bull----, she never graduated, never worked as event planner, you name it, he said that is bs ...several times. So, it isn't that Lee falls for Casey's lies, or doesn't recognize that they are lies, or that he stands behind her lies. It is that Lee has learned what game to play with her. I liken it to Desi Arnaz putting in the contracts for I Love Lucy that never, ever in any episode will it be that Lucy actually fools Ricky or makes a fool of Ricky..he will play along but by the end of the episode it is to be revealed Ricky was not Lucy's fool. The episode may not reveal that until 29.8 minutes into it, but in the end...the truth is revealed, he was on to her all along. That is how I took Lee's statement about I believe everything my sister tells me because I have to. By the way......Lucy gets the spanking in the end.
The fact that Mallory now has a lawyer, I take as a good sign!!!

I hold out hope for Lee to gather his courage, go against his mother and everything he was ever misguided about his entire life, growing up Anthony, to take the stand and tell the truth.
Every once in a great while, maybe only a handful of times, ever,... we have a defining moment in our life. God, please...let telling the truth for Caylee be one of Lee's!
Go to the 4.20 minute mark, Mark relays to Greta that Lee indicated to him that he believed Casey either knew or was involved in what happened to his niece, Caylee.

Respectfully snipped....thank you so very very much for putting my thoughts into words for me...exactly my point, I don't think LA will be all that has met the eye thus far.
It is the immunity, however, that piques my interest-Could he be the source for DC's look-see at Suburban?
Respectfully snipped....thank you so very very much for putting my thoughts into words for me...exactly my point, I don't think LA will be all that has met the eye thus far.
It is the immunity, however, that piques my interest-Could he be the source for DC's look-see at Suburban?

Hi Jayla, Lee only has use immunity, it is because of Florida law, the same immunity granted to every witness the state subpoenaed. He has no free pass, he has to testify truthfully and consistent with his earlier statements he made under oath. Use immunity is granted to a witness in a criminal case that prevents the use of the witness's compelled testimony against that witness in a criminal prosecution. That does not preclude him from being charged with perjury or a crime that the state would have discovered through other means than by him divulging things on the stand. ( That is my understanding, I am not a lawyer ).

Mom, Pop, Tony, Amy, Annie....everyone on the list has use immunity, Lee has no more or less than the next state witness. I'd really like to see Mallory's deposition!
Several things strike me as odd in Lee's videos.

1. He mentions that a few months before Caylee is missing she breaks away from all of her old friends and kind of gets a "fresh start"

2. Tony mentions that KC is very smart and could remember things that he had told her...Lee quickly confirms this. The thens goes on to say that her and George are alike that when their wheels start spinning it is usually to better themselves. He called them both selfish.

3. He mentions that KC lies to lie sometimes and sometimes she starts a small lie in order to pull of a bigger lie. (Nanny)

4. Tony mentions that when KC finally talks to him after the arrest she is seems more mad that Tony does not believe she graduated from HighSchool versus being upset about Caylee.

5. Lee and Tony both say they do not believe KC was actually out looking for Caylee like she said she was.

It is clear to me that Lee does not believe his sister's story. He knows she is lying and knows more then she is saying. I think he even as a hostile witness could really help the prosecutors case. With his statement about the small lie to create a bigger lie makes me see that their may have very well been premeditation in this case. I know we have the internet searches, but this to me is very interesting.
Anais, reading about your family reminds me of two things.

1) This situation with Casey is a cautionary tale, for parents. In the bible it says very simply spare the rod, spoil the child. Often times in life the simplest things are the wisest. Casey grew up with no real training or discipline (which does not mean what Cindy believes it means, to punish...it means TO TEACH). There was never a consequence for her lying, cheating, manipulating and stealing from her family. So she never developed empathy or an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect, that distinguishes whether one's prospective actions are right or wrong.
2) There is a difference between a family forgiving one's actions and covering up for them and enabling them. A very distinct difference. If you don't believe me, just ask Grandma Shirley and Uncle Rick.

I don't believe that Lee is one hundred percent behind his sister. I believe he is one hundred percent reflective of the fact that Casey was not some bad seed, in their family Casey psychopathy developed while he too looked the other way, and closed his door. It is not his fault, he was just a boy, but as a man I imagine him to be very conflicted about who or what is to blame. I do not even believe he was shocked by the reports of Casey saying she was abused. I can imagine a Anthony family conversation with Casey along the lines of.... say what you have to say, do what you have to do..to get free..we can deal with any scandal, the important thing is to get you out of jail.

Go back and listen to the civil depo in the section where Lee says I believe everything my sister tells me because I have to. Right around that spot in the tape, he explains that his "strategy" to keep her divulging information is not to confront her. He says something to the effect of when you are trying to get information from someone, you play along, otherwise they shut down and you get nothing. This was in response to the lawyer asking him didn't you just slam on the brakes and say what, that makes no sense, or didn't you point out the contradiction. Lee was very aware that every word he said there would be public within the hour and would get to Casey, so he couched his words very purposefully ,imo. What he was implying,is that this is how it works with Casey, this is what I have to do...in the hope of there being one tiny clue of the truth in her lies.

*Snipped Respectfully

The World According thank you so much for your very concise post and all of the you tubes, I'd almost forgotten about the one with Mark making that statement about LA's admission. I spent alot of time going over the vidoes and rereading above and agree with your post entirely. I also believe that he most likely was not taken aback one bit by Casey's molestation accusation. I do see Lee as an extremely conflicted person when it comes to Casey,actually his entire family. The fact that Mallory now has an atty. is significant IMO in a positive way.

In the end I truly hope that he will do what is right and stand up for Caylee. Only time will tell now.

"There is a difference between a family forgiving one's actions and covering up for them and enabling them."

I think that herein lies the difference in that Casey's family always enabled and covered up for her behavior and actions rather than holding her accountable and then forgiveness in time. That was the main point that I was trying to get across and failed. You said it all so elosquently, thank you so much!
Hi Jayla, Lee only has use immunity, it is because of Florida law, the same immunity granted to every witness the state subpoenaed. He has no free pass, he has to testify truthfully and consistent with his earlier statements he made under oath. Use immunity is granted to a witness in a criminal case that prevents the use of the witness's compelled testimony against that witness in a criminal prosecution. That does not preclude him from being charged with perjury or a crime that the state would have discovered through other means than by him divulging things on the stand. ( That is my understanding, I am not a lawyer ).

Mom, Pop, Tony, Amy, Annie....everyone on the list has use immunity, Lee has no more or less than the next state witness. I'd really like to see Mallory's deposition!

Makes sense....but even as you describe above, and with DC presumably not talking about this with LE, it could be asked of LA, and may be asked of CA and GA, too, whether or not they told DC where to find Caylee, or whether KC gave them any information of the sort. So LA could give this information if asked directly and be protected, so long as the state and LE was not able to find this information without LA's own testimony.
LA can always state he did not know for sure if the body was there, he did not look for himself, therefore he broke no law, did not obstruct justice-Maybe this is why he hired Luka, to go through this with him.
Or, of course, he could perjure himself, or legitimatey not know how DC knew of the pavers-That goes more to the point of this thread, whether LA will support KC by any means.
The state might not know how DC knew where Caylee was, but like LE they will ask and we'll see if DC spills first, which he has not done yet-He has hidden behind his "contract" with the Anthonys.
If Lee is behind Casey it helps to solidify my belief that she did not murder Caylee. I have been wondering where he was! Also wondering why Mallorys depo is not available after all the time the SA has had to file it for the defense!

Who do you think did? And why is Lee's backing proof of caseys innocence?
Who do you think did? And why is Lee's backing proof of caseys innocence?

Got me! He mouths ' I love you' to her after she accuses him of molesting her. That is bizarre, to say the least.
His recommendation is not worth much to me..... :innocent:
Got me! He mouths ' I love you' to her after she accuses him of molesting her. That is bizarre, to say the least.
His recommendation is not worth much to me..... :innocent:
Last night I listened to his first LE interview again and the tapes Anthony L recorded and he says a lot of very incriminating things about his lovely sis. I'm wondering if that I love you wasn't really sarcastic. We saw the guy get emotional at the memorial and you'd think seeing your sister for the first time in over a year, and making her cry would make you slightly emotional too...and it didn't.
ITA about Lees backing. Means nothing.
Lee has shown his true colors over and over and 100% backs KC. He was raised Anthony and it is quite apparent, imo.
Lee has shown his true colors over and over and 100% backs KC. He was raised Anthony and it is quite apparent, imo.

And that's the honest truth!

Not to make light of Caylee's murder; however, if a fictional movie was on Lifetime and the characters and story line of a murder were based off the Anthony's, no one would have trouble seeing and understanding the A clan are evil. Pure evil.

It is only because Caylee was murdered by the A clan that some people have difficulty seeing their evil. Some people want to justify Caylee's murder, like Geraldo recently did, ugh. Some want to believe no family or individual is capable of murder or assisting in the cover up of a family member's murder, much less the victim being a small innocent toddler. Some need to "justify" the reasons in their own minds.

But this justification searching never will change the actual facts of a case. The forensic evidence will speak the truth. And those brave people who gave up time from their personal family life to find the truth.

Lee is just as transparent as the rest of his clan.
Not to make light of Caylee's murder; however, if a fictional movie was on Lifetime and the characters and story line of a murder were based off the Anthony's, no one would have trouble seeing and understanding the A clan are evil. Pure evil.

Snipped with respect, this is a little off topic but, funny you should mention this. I just watched a movie this morning from mid 1990's, Meryl Streep & Liam Neeson are the parents of a boy who appears to have committed a murder. The movie is called "Before and After", it's running now on HBO or Starz or whatever. I won't spoil it in case anyone wants to check it out, but I could NOT stop thinking about the Anthonys while watching it, it was so strangely similar, right down to the cleaning of the car, destroying evidence, the father having to testify to the Grand Jury, defense lawyer going for reasonable doubt by pinning the murder on someone fictitious, the mother's denial in the face of the facts, etc.
Got me! He mouths ' I love you' to her after she accuses him of molesting her. That is bizarre, to say the least.
His recommendation is not worth much to me..... :innocent:

My view of his actions towards the family, the situation and his sister are more simplified than that. I have one brother and I see some similiarities in how he handles emotional issues. He loves me, always will but there were times that he didn't "like" me for one reason or another. There is a bond between LA and his sister that won't be broken, no matter what she's done. She's hurt him with her fabrications of molestation, IMO and yet he finds a way to let her know that he still loves her, even if for a brief moment when he hasn't been to see her in jail in how long? It meant something to KC when he mouthed the words "he loves her".

Lee's recommendation, if there is one.........as being "innocent"?.......well, let's just say that's nothing but denial. Something he's been sharing with his mother for nigh on two years now trying to get the State to spare his sister's life which is the most important thing right now with the DP on the table. That's just my opinion of LA and his view on his sister's case. If she had confessed long ago and had better representation, I think she could have gotten a far more reasonable verdict than what I feel she WILL get after all this is said and done.
If Lee is behind Casey it helps to solidify my belief that she did not murder Caylee. I have been wondering where he was! Also wondering why Mallorys depo is not available after all the time the SA has had to file it for the defense!

That makes no sense. How does apparent loyalty of a family member negate the evidence? He hasn't even been to many hearings.
My view of his actions towards the family, the situation and his sister are more simplified than that. I have one brother and I see some similiarities in how he handles emotional issues. He loves me, always will but there were times that he didn't "like" me for one reason or another. There is a bond between LA and his sister that won't be broken, no matter what she's done. She's hurt him with her fabrications of molestation, IMO and yet he finds a way to let her know that he still loves her, even if for a brief moment when he hasn't been to see her in jail in how long? It meant something to KC when he mouthed the words "he loves her".

Lee's recommendation, if there is one.........as being "innocent"?.......well, let's just say that's nothing but denial. Something he's been sharing with his mother for nigh on two years now trying to get the State to spare his sister's life which is the most important thing right now with the DP on the table. That's just my opinion of LA and his view on his sister's case. If she had confessed long ago and had better representation, I think she could have gotten a far more reasonable verdict than what I feel she WILL get after all this is said and done.

BBM Just curious...if the SAs prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey either restrained or drugged Caylee then duct taped her mouth/nose so she couldn't breath then waited for nature to take its course, what's a reasonable verdict for the torture and death of a two year old?
Lee has shown his true colors over and over and 100% backs KC. He was raised Anthony and it is quite apparent, imo.

ITA with your post.

If this trial ends up being as big as some people predict, I wonder how Lee will deal with the talking heads discussing ad nauseam every aspect of this case to include Casey's very detailed account of him molesting her. Casey said George may have molested her but she was very specific about Lee, there was no doubt. She went into details about what he did and she said she threatened to kill him if he didn't stop. Right now he can hide and stay out of the spotlight because it's not really covered that much in the news.

Last time I checked he was a member of the board for the (cough) Foundation which means he's probably bringing in a salary if anyone is donating money. He's not above collecting blood money or enjoying a cruise with it.

He's still very cocky and a total smart *advertiser censored**. Mouthing "I love you" to Casey was beyond inappropriate (he could have written her a letter) and when the prosecutor said something like 'I guess that wasn't meant for me', he said 'absolutely not'. Smart *advertiser censored** through and through. I hope he acts just like that in front of the jury. People like him (who think they're smarter than everyone else) will be shocked when the SAs start questioning them. He won't know what hit him and he may end up doing some time in prison himself. Wonder how far he'll go to protect Casey.

ITA with your post.

If this trial ends up being as big as some people predict, I wonder how Lee will deal with the talking heads discussing ad nauseam every aspect of this case to include Casey's very detailed account of him molesting her. Casey said George may have molested her but she was very specific about Lee, there was no doubt. She went into details about what he did and she said she threatened to kill him if he didn't stop. Right now he can hide and stay out of the spotlight because it's not really covered that much in the news.

Last time I checked he was a member of the board for the (cough) Foundation which means he's probably bringing in a salary if anyone is donating money. He's not above collecting blood money or enjoying a cruise with it.

He's still very cocky and a total smart *advertiser censored**. Mouthing "I love you" to Casey was beyond inappropriate (he could have written her a letter) and when the prosecutor said something like 'I guess that wasn't meant for me', he said 'absolutely not'. Smart *advertiser censored** through and through. I hope he acts just like that in front of the jury. People like him (who think they're smarter than everyone else) will be shocked when the SAs start questioning them. He won't know what hit him and he may end up doing some time in prison himself. Wonder how far he'll go to protect Casey.

I noticed that too. He chose to answer ABSOLUTELY NOT to LDB to emphasize his disdain for her. Truly Cindy's son.
Remember also, he vowed to keep his promise to 'CMA' at Cindy's CayleeMemoriallapaloozafest. His is as entrenched as the rest of them.
My view of his actions towards the family, the situation and his sister are more simplified than that. I have one brother and I see some similiarities in how he handles emotional issues. He loves me, always will but there were times that he didn't "like" me for one reason or another. There is a bond between LA and his sister that won't be broken, no matter what she's done. She's hurt him with her fabrications of molestation, IMO and yet he finds a way to let her know that he still loves her, even if for a brief moment when he hasn't been to see her in jail in how long? It meant something to KC when he mouthed the words "he loves her".

Lee's recommendation, if there is one.........as being "innocent"?.......well, let's just say that's nothing but denial. Something he's been sharing with his mother for nigh on two years now trying to get the State to spare his sister's life which is the most important thing right now with the DP on the table. That's just my opinion of LA and his view on his sister's case. If she had confessed long ago and had better representation, I think she could have gotten a far more reasonable verdict than what I feel she WILL get after all this is said and done.

I think Lee knows that her accusations are lies, so he is not that bothered about them, they were written just for public consumption as part of her defense - a ploy. From what we have seen he doesn't show his support to her in writing or by visit..
His on-screen 'I love you' to my mind seemed like more of a middle finger salute to everyone else, the Court, and the Public, to prove that the Anthonys are 'winning'. He's very arrogant, like the rest of his family..
Has Lee been under SWORN oath for anything that he has stated thus far? Has he been Depo'd under oath. Can he at the 11th hour, dump his sister and spill the beans about EVERYTHING that she has said.....he IS covered under Immunity if he is telling the truth.
I just wonder if he hasn't made any contradictory stories under oath that might bite him in the behind later. Hope he is letting everything "play out" so when it comes time for trial that he jumps ship . Just wishing out loud. I want the truth from SOMEONE from the A family.
Has Lee been under SWORN oath for anything that he has stated thus far? Has he been Depo'd under oath. Can he at the 11th hour, dump his sister and spill the beans about EVERYTHING that she has said.....he IS covered under Immunity if he is telling the truth.
I just wonder if he hasn't made any contradictory stories under oath that might bite him in the behind later. Hope he is letting everything "play out" so when it comes time for trial that he jumps ship . Just wishing out loud. I want the truth from SOMEONE from the A family.

Sure - why not?
"She lies." & "I believe everything my sister says."
Good luck with that.
Don't we all.

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