But as it stands at this moment, he (Lee) is 100 percent behind his sister

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This is one thread that always give me the creeps. No, talking about LA at all gives me the creeps. I can't get his depositions out of my mind, that inappropriate laughing, and his completely weird possessed behavior at Caylee's memorial I can hardly make myself read let alone post in his thread.
Just one weird guy - that's it.

Me too. I refused to watch or listen to the memorial service for many reasons. One, it was a meet/greet media event for CA nothing less-nothing more. And from what I read here, LA's portion was disgusting and insulting to Caylee's memory.

LA has only a couple of brain cells more than KC in that he recognized the damage CA/GA/KC were spewing and he knew enough to "fade" into the background and attempt to do himself some damage control. It has nothing to do with KC or supporting her.

Again, if LA was to be Caylee's hero he would have done it immediately regardless of the outcome to him and his family. :furious:
Logicalgirl thank you for sharing. I know from my own experience what it is like to have such a parent. My mom was a narcissistic addict who would no let our father who desperately wanted custody of us have us kids. Back then unfortunately dad's were NOT given custody of kids, and my dad never ever gave up the fight.For all intents and purposes I was mom. It wasn't because she wanted us, it would not have *looked* good. Off to church every Sunday to make things appear as if they were normal when in reality things were anything but normal.

Once my dad took all 3 of us and ran. A neighbor turned us in and dad was arrested and back to drug addict we went. :furious:
UGH! Thank you for sharing, that makes me so mad. :banghead::furious:
This is one thread that always give me the creeps. No, talking about LA at all gives me the creeps. I can't get his depositions out of my mind, that inappropriate laughing, and his completely weird possessed behavior at Caylee's memorial I can hardly make myself read let alone post in his thread.
Just one weird guy - that's it.

He is unfortunately a product of CA. I truly believe in my heart and soul that CA is herself a narcissist at the very least. Alot of her behaviors remind me of my dad. Yes LA depos were beyond odd and strange.
Which just totally blows my mind that KC would make these statements while fidgeting with her hair, her nails, checking out where her blouse buttons were, twisting the handcuffs and goodness can't remember whatever else she was doing. AND ALL WHILE CHECKING OUT THE CAMERAS LOCATION!!!! Then she was discussing with the FBI agent how much CA was pizzed that she was recorded during her interview ......... KC didn't even make it 10 seconds with thinking.

So KC goes from JB's office looking the "legal assistant" look, poking her eyes to produce tears for the media camera circus to an interrogation room, laughing and flirting with FBI. :loser: Betcha JB wasn't giving her kuddos for that move.

LA displays similar if not down right identical responses when he was being questioned by LE. Inappropriate behavior is one thing, coverup or involvement is another.

Sorry, but I don't buy in to LAs behavior at all.

ITA on Casey and all of her weird behavior that day! Odd to put it mildly considering she'd just been indicted for her daughters murder! One never would have thought so. I'd forgotten about the camera rant for her dear old mom!
I've read that many many times and this is the first time it has occurred to me that maybe she meant the thought of Caylee ending up with CA made her sick.

Yep that was her little bit of "truth" she likes to put out in her oh-so-cleverly-cunning way. (NOT). That's exactly what I thought when I first read it, very chilling IMO. I hope the prosecution uses those words against her in trial.
Logicalgirl thank you for sharing. I know from my own experience what it is like to have such a parent. My mom was a narcissistic addict who would no let our father who desperately wanted custody of us have us kids. Back then unfortunately dad's were NOT given custody of kids, and my dad never ever gave up the fight.For all intents and purposes I was mom. It wasn't because she wanted us, it would not have *looked* good. Off to church every Sunday to make things appear as if they were normal when in reality things were anything but normal.

Once my dad took all 3 of us and ran. A neighbor turned us in and dad was arrested and back to drug addict we went. :furious:

Bless you for being the "mom" as hard as it must have been. The laws re custodial parent are just plain crazy. Here in Canada, at least changes have been made to the length of time a child can be left in permanent limbo. And custody no longer always granted without question to the mother. It may have made us stronger but it's a helluva way to start off life. Christmas will never be a completely happy event for me - as much as I've tried for the sake of my own children.
Sorry about the sideways OT.
Bless you for being the "mom" as hard as it must have been. The laws re custodial parent are just plain crazy. Here in Canada, at least changes have been made to the length of time a child can be left in permanent limbo. And custody no longer always granted without question to the mother. It may have made us stronger but it's a helluva way to start off life. Christmas will never be a completely happy event for me - as much as I've tried for the sake of my own children.
Sorry about the sideways OT.

ITA here in the U.S. they have liberated with regards to custody to father's! Thankfully. If it had not been for my dad I don't honestly know what might have come of us girls. I cannot imagine how hard you had it too. I hope and pray that at the least you did have some love and guidance from your foster families.

Thank you for sharing with me. Sometimes it is nice to know you haven't been alone. You know?
ITA here in the U.S. they have liberated with regards to custody to father's! Thankfully. If it had not been for my dad I don't honestly know what might have come of us girls. I cannot imagine how hard you had it too. I hope and pray that at the least you did have some love and guidance from your foster families.

Thank you for sharing with me. Sometimes it is nice to know you haven't been alone. You know?

Not love or guidance but fortunate for the most part they simply ignored me. I was fortunate to have some very strong school teachers, so books and knowledge was my refuge and I am thankful.

I rarely tell my "story" face to face because I cannot bear the looks of pity when what I seek is acknowledgment of the courage and bravery I had as a child. So thank you for that and yes, it is huge to know we aren't really standing alone.
Not love or guidance but fortunate for the most part they simply ignored me. I was fortunate to have some very strong school teachers, so books and knowledge was my refuge and I am thankful.

I rarely tell my "story" face to face because I cannot bear the looks of pity when what I seek is acknowledgment of the courage and bravery I had as a child. So thank you for that and yes, it is huge to know we aren't really standing alone.

I am very saddened to hear that though!Sweeping reforms of foster care is still needed today!

Kudos! I know of the looks you speak of. I will send you a pm later because there is something else I want to share! I am glad for the wonderful and kindhearted person you have grown to become through it all! Thank God. I know how difficult it is! :)
logicalgirl and anais, you both were fortunate to overcome your adversities.

Unlike LA, who has made the adult decision to stay in his. That is the basic difference with him. He has made the conscience decision NOT to be Caylee's hero.

Sometimes, silence is golden. In LA's case, not.
Okay someone please correct me if I'm wrong (and I just hauled out that 420 page depo of LA's and plunked it on my screen, scattering cyberdust everywhere to look for this) but didn't LA say rather obliquely that he believed everything his sister told him? I always took this to mean that he and she could have had conversations privately in which she told him a "truthier" version than she had concocted for public consumption.

If that's the case, all of what he said afterward may simply be a famous Anthony tendency to tell "half-truths". And it would have absolutely no bearing on whatever she claimed was truthful to others.
logicalgirl and anais, you both were fortunate to overcome your adversities.

Unlike LA, who has made the adult decision to stay in his. That is the basic difference with him. He has made the conscience decision NOT to be Caylee's hero.

Sometimes, silence is golden. In LA's case, not.

Yes, I agree. It's not that I'm feeling judgmental at all because I had a difficult time and he did also so why is he making a choice I would not make etc., it is strictly about my gut reaction to almost every thing he has said and done. This man is a beat off - I just can't make sense of his reactions. I understand his love for his sister and his family, and perhaps his sense of needing to protect them, but surely the murder of a niece supersedes all of that. With Lee, apparently not. Or so it would appear until we hear from him at trial.
Yes, I agree. It's not that I'm feeling judgmental at all because I had a difficult time and he did also so why is he making a choice I would not make etc., it is strictly about my gut reaction to almost every thing he has said and done. This man is a beat off - I just can't make sense of his reactions. I understand his love for his sister and his family, and perhaps his sense of needing to protect them, but surely the murder of a niece supersedes all of that. With Lee, apparently not. Or so it would appear until we hear from him at trial.

LOL, when I first read that sentence, I had to stop and think for a minute...then I realized what you really meant!
logicalgirl and anais, you both were fortunate to overcome your adversities.

Unlike LA, who has made the adult decision to stay in his. That is the basic difference with him. He has made the conscience decision NOT to be Caylee's hero.

Sometimes, silence is golden. In LA's case, not.

Thank you so very much. Unfortunately my one sister did not fare as well. It seems that not everyone will live through tragic upbringings and have the same result in life. Not everyone will have the life skills necessary to cope in the same way. Sometimes when you are raised a certain way it is life as you know it and it seems normal to you. Although the world around you is shaking their heads ya know? It is all that you know.

I do not see LA making an adult choice. I cannot say that he will not be Caylee's hero yet until I see if he will testify for the prosecution and what he will or will not say. Things may have changed. Regardless he has still suffered a horrible loss and tragedy. No two people are alike in dealing and coping mechanisms.

Call me a softie, but yes I do believe that LA has lied in the past. But at this time I have a feeling that he may have changed his mind in regards to Casey. I just don't know until we get closer to trial. Inevitably he will either show or not and that will say alot. Whether or not he testifies and what he says will also answer the question.
My bad...ohhh the anvil must now fall on me. My bad. I cannot apologize enough countzero....anvil hitting me now. Sorry.

But back to the topic at hand, I don't believe Lee ever laid a hand on KC. She is a grifter. Period. End of sentence. JMO

Aw little bitty don't fret. ITA BTW. About the grifter.
At the end of the day, no matter what we saw initially, my hope is that both Lee and Annie come forward with perspectives that we have yet to see from the docs and news stories.
AD rubbed me the wrong way initally, sassy chick...but I started to see a little light at the end of her tunnel when she realized KC stabbed her right in the back-AD won't be as ready to engage the state as she seemed to be when she first walked into her LE interview with attorney in tow. By the end of her interview, I think AD may have been both enlightened and afraid-I hope her fears about KC have turned into appropriate anger at KC's actions-
Same for LA...To paraphrase what Maya D. stated, everybody comes to their point of submission (except for true sociopaths like KC), and perhaps LA will have had his fill as well.
I can't have it both ways-I can't sit here and write that, if LA would just stop talking to the media, I would leave him alone-He HAS stopped talking to the media, so I guess I should not be hyprocritical, and try to leave him alone until or if he ticks me off again!!
Okay someone please correct me if I'm wrong (and I just hauled out that 420 page depo of LA's and plunked it on my screen, scattering cyberdust everywhere to look for this) but didn't LA say rather obliquely that he believed everything his sister told him? I always took this to mean that he and she could have had conversations privately in which she told him a "truthier" version than she had concocted for public consumption.

If that's the case, all of what he said afterward may simply be a famous Anthony tendency to tell "half-truths". And it would have absolutely no bearing on whatever she claimed was truthful to others.

What I remember Lee saying is "I believe everything my sister tells me BECAUSE I HAVE TO." I remember thinking that if he doesn't go along with the program he will have Cindy...the boss...to deal with. I'm sure there would have been hell to pay. I believe that Lee knows that Casey murdered Caylee. If he has listened to all of the evidence then he knows without Casey telling him a thing. I would just like to know how things are between Lee and his parents. Does he just stay away from them and keep his thoughts to himself or does he see them often and pretend to go along with "Casey is innocent."

It was said on JVM...I think...that Lee's girlfriend had told someone she works with that they think Casey is guilty. It hasn't been proven as fact though so who knows.
Maybe Lee and Annie have been promised immunity only if they keep their mouths shut until trial? One can hope..
Kellymay77 Welcome to Websleuths! Glad you've come out from hiding in lurkerville!!! :)

I was raised in a very religious enviroment, but more than the religion itself was the moral standards, forgivenes for all, and although we held family members and loved ones accountable and responsible for their actions we loved them regardless. Of course our issues were not blown wide open to the public and media scrutiny. I guess what I am saying is at the end of the day GA & CA are still Lee's mom and dad. And Casey is still his sister. My mom did some pretty horrendous, depllorable stuff that we kids managed to survive through (Thanks so much Daddy!) but we forgave her. I still loved her. I never forgot however!

Yes I would love to see one of the family members stand up outright for Caylee. But I can see how difficult that could be in this situation with all of the intense scrutiny. As I've read in some other posts reminded me that in his own way Lee has made the effort his way.

All I know is I would not want to be walking in his shoes! My heart and prayers still goes to the family and little Caylee.

Anais, reading about your family reminds me of two things.

1) This situation with Casey is a cautionary tale, for parents. In the bible it says very simply spare the rod, spoil the child. Often times in life the simplest things are the wisest. Casey grew up with no real training or discipline (which does not mean what Cindy believes it means, to punish...it means TO TEACH). There was never a consequence for her lying, cheating, manipulating and stealing from her family. So she never developed empathy or an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect, that distinguishes whether one's prospective actions are right or wrong.
2) There is a difference between a family forgiving one's actions and covering up for them and enabling them. A very distinct difference. If you don't believe me, just ask Grandma Shirley and Uncle Rick.

I don't believe that Lee is one hundred percent behind his sister. I believe he is one hundred percent reflective of the fact that Casey was not some bad seed, in their family Casey psychopathy developed while he too looked the other way, and closed his door. It is not his fault, he was just a boy, but as a man I imagine him to be very conflicted about who or what is to blame. I do not even believe he was shocked by the reports of Casey saying she was abused. I can imagine a Anthony family conversation with Casey along the lines of.... say what you have to say, do what you have to do..to get free..we can deal with any scandal, the important thing is to get you out of jail.


Go back and listen to the civil depo in the section where Lee says I believe everything my sister tells me because I have to. Right around that spot in the tape, he explains that his "strategy" to keep her divulging information is not to confront her. He says something to the effect of when you are trying to get information from someone, you play along, otherwise they shut down and you get nothing. This was in response to the lawyer asking him didn't you just slam on the brakes and say what, that makes no sense, or didn't you point out the contradiction. Lee was very aware that every word he said there would be public within the hour and would get to Casey, so he couched his words very purposefully ,imo. What he was implying,is that this is how it works with Casey, this is what I have to do...in the hope of there being one tiny clue of the truth in her lies.

Unguarded,and believing the conversation to be private, he told Tony the truth..Casey lies, she always lies, he knows she lies...Casey lies, she sure wasn't looking for the baby on the days she said she was, she was not staking out any Zanny apartment, she lies just to lie, she told Tony bull----, she never graduated, never worked as event planner, you name it, he said that is bs ...several times. So, it isn't that Lee falls for Casey's lies, or doesn't recognize that they are lies, or that he stands behind her lies. It is that Lee has learned what game to play with her. I liken it to Desi Arnaz putting in the contracts for I Love Lucy that never, ever in any episode will it be that Lucy actually fools Ricky or makes a fool of Ricky..he will play along but by the end of the episode it is to be revealed Ricky was not Lucy's fool. The episode may not reveal that until 29.8 minutes into it, but in the end...the truth is revealed, he was on to her all along. That is how I took Lee's statement about I believe everything my sister tells me because I have to. By the way......Lucy gets the spanking in the end.
The fact that Mallory now has a lawyer, I take as a good sign!!!

I hold out hope for Lee to gather his courage, go against his mother and everything he was ever misguided about his entire life, growing up Anthony, to take the stand and tell the truth.
Every once in a great while, maybe only a handful of times, ever,... we have a defining moment in our life. God, please...let telling the truth for Caylee be one of Lee's!
Go to the 4.20 minute mark, Mark relays to Greta that Lee indicated to him that he believed Casey either knew or was involved in what happened to his niece, Caylee.

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