But as it stands at this moment, he (Lee) is 100 percent behind his sister

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But BC came out in public and stated that the A's deny what KC claims in her letters about the molestation. So they have already admitted that they believe she has lied. You are right LA can't have it two ways.

The problem is Lee himself or through "his" representation hasn't denied the claims. BC represents GA and CA and not Lee as some would see it.

Yet his lawyer is claiming Lee stands behind Casey with out Lee addressing these claims. I see that as a problem for Lee. It's hard to take him seriously when he says I stand behind her and never addresses the claims himself or through "his" lawyer as a statement from him alone.

lol I agree with you I just think it would bring greater weight if Lee actually said the claims are lies, but I still stand by my sister despite this.
The problem is Lee himself or through "his" representation hasn't denied the claims. BC represents GA and CA and not Lee as some would see it.

Yet his lawyer is claiming Lee stands behind Casey with out Lee addressing these claims. I see that as a problem for Lee. It's hard to take him seriously when he says I stand behind her and never addresses the claims himself or through "his" lawyer as a statement from him alone.

lol I agree with you I just think it would bring greater weight if Lee actually said the claims are lies, but I still stand by my sister despite this.

I agree, by not refuting the claims and saying he stands behind her, he's making a statement to the general public that he agrees with them. I'm thinking Lee doesn't actually, and in fact probably thinks they're so ridiculous it isn't worth refuting or commenting on, but that's just the message he's giving by "standing behind her". The more I think about it, the more I just think he's made this statement to continue on with life as he has been - out of the public eye as much as possible. JMO
lee failing a polygraph isnt exactly conclusive to me.

i dont think anyone in this family could pass a polygraph even when telling the truth.
It is my belief that TonE has stayed out of the public view, has not given any interviews and has not attended any hearings.
IIRC, TL's lawyer attended a hearing to argue against a defense motion to subpeona TL's phone records. I don't recall if TL was there that day or not.
BBM-You have to continue to listen through his depo with John Morgan-LA clarifies this statement....John Morgan asks him again why he believes everything his sister says, and LA spells it out to him (like he wanted JM to figure it out himself)...that he had to believe KC or he would get no information from her. She would tell him nothing if he went public stating he doubts her.
And he doesn't have to go public with his doubts anyway, he is an immune witness for the state-He is not hurting the state's case if he says he supports his sister as of now, but it does hurt the state's case if he tells the world he doubts KC-The defense would make LA out to be a liar and a shill and they will accuse him of being a molester.
Just like many of KC's friends have said, after listening to so much of her lying, you just don't even attempt to call her on it-LA carried it further and went completely along with the lies in an attempt to gain trust. But KC is wise to LA, he has pulled info from her before and brought it straight to CA.
Or....maybe she did tell LA where the body was. Maybe his tactic worked.

BBM. How would his tactic have worked? He did not find the body or tell anyone where the body was. I listened to his whole depo. SHE would tell him nothing if he didn't profess his loyalty to her??? WTH ?? So how did this help? what did she tell him that was the truth? what information did we gain? How did this help Caylee? How does playing these games bring justice to Caylee's murderer?
JJ Thank you for pointing this out again. The only thing that I have seen Lee do since the talk of him molesting KC and possibly being Caylee's daddy became public fodder was to try and spare his mother any more pain. Yes, he took down a memorial in their yard... Why? For goodness sake this is his life we are talking about... His sister, his niece, his mother and father. Did he ask for them to be his family? Did he ask to watch his family implode? He tried playing nice in the press and he IMO has been torn in half and tossed by the way side for it. What can he possibly do to make this situation better? Will standing on a public corner calling KC scum help Caylee? How?

IMO when Lee canceled his play date with KC before she was bailed out and never set another - he was making a stand against his sister. I never heard from his mouth what CMA meant, was he talking to KC? Caylee? his mother? my gut is that wasn't all about KC... CA (under oath) said her PI's were still looking for an alive Caylee, after the memorial - only Lee knows what he meant...

He can't defend himself for things he didn't do or for things he has no proof he didn't do. He kept his mouth shut and found out the FBI had ruled him out as being Caylee's father, how humiliating to know they thought it was a possibility! All I would say to him was they put a pizza in trunk like conditions too.. He can't defend his parents, nor can he defend his sister and I haven't seen him try... All he can do is stay away from the press.

If "the truth" comes out that he knew where Caylee was for months or he fails a poly or KC passed a poly regarding his having sex with her :)sick::sick::sick:) chop him up and feed him to the alligators, in the mean time I think he tried to help and was vilified for it. He was DNA tested as a possible baby daddy of his niece for goodness sake... I can't imagine being in his shoes.

Hard to fail a poly when you refuse to take one.
BBM. How would his tactic have worked? He did not find the body or tell anyone where the body was. I listened to his whole depo. SHE would tell him nothing if he didn't profess his loyalty to her??? WTH ?? So how did this help? what did she tell him that was the truth? what information did we gain? How did this help Caylee? How does playing these games bring justice to Caylee's murderer?

Please note I did not say LA was right in doing any of this, I only wrote that he stated it was his tactic. And in him stating that it is a tactic, his true thoughts become ambiguous to us-We don't know what he really thought happened.
We do not know if LA told DC where the body was, but many of us here are sure someone told him, and it wasn't a psychic from Mechanicsville, Virginia. So LA very well could have passed on the paver info to DC, we do not know. And since he has immunity, he might tell us at trial time.
Also, I would note that I never wrote that LA was using his tactics to help investigators-I don't think he was. I think he wanted info to bring back home to Mama Cindy.
I'm with some of the others that have said it here. If Lee is behind his sister 100% and fully believes his sister is telling the truth then Lee must also be saying that he did indeed carry on an incestuous relationship with his sister and molested her. I'm sorry but Lee can't have his cake and eat it too.

Either he's 100% behind his sister and admits he molested his sister, or he makes a comment stating clearly that he never molested his sister and her claims are in fact lies. Hey I'd even accept a statement from Lee where he says yes the molestation statements are untrue but despite those claims I still stand behind my sister.....he didn't do that oddly. So until Lee address' those claims nothing he says about his belief in his sister holds any weight with me.

BBM-Now see, that's how normal people might respond-But the Anthony's are verbal Einstein's with the best attorneys Orlando has ever housed-NOT! They are so into their own worlds and how they want to handle their turn at bat, they never see the whole picture for what it is and respond accordingly-They rarely speak in ways that the rest of us would and it's tiresome and annoying. I have not figured out whether they do this on purpose, or because they are big dopes, or if their attorneys just stink at PR.
Considering the recent allegations...I squirm every time I read the title of this thread :/
I'm with some of the others that have said it here. If Lee is behind his sister 100% and fully believes his sister is telling the truth then Lee must also be saying that he did indeed carry on an incestuous relationship with his sister and molested her. I'm sorry but Lee can't have his cake and eat it too.

Either he's 100% behind his sister and admits he molested his sister, or he makes a comment stating clearly that he never molested his sister and her claims are in fact lies. Hey I'd even accept a statement from Lee where he says yes the molestation statements are untrue but despite those claims I still stand behind my sister.....he didn't do that oddly. So until Lee address' those claims nothing he says about his belief in his sister holds any weight with me.

Respectfully BBM

One thing I do not understand. When KC was being interview by Yuri he asks her if she was going to stick with this story (Nanny). KC then replies that, yes this was the story she was going to stick with. The normal response from a innocent person would have been that this is what happened, it's not a story, it's the truth. She admits it's a story and LA still supports her. Yuri tells her it's a story and she agrees without realizing what she has just admitted to. jmo
***WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing focused on Lee Anthony’s girlfriend, Mallory Parker, and a conversation she had with a co-worker.
“The words jump off the page: Mallory knows Casey did something to Caylee, and she’s sure she killed Caylee,” Kealing said. The tip came from a journalist covering the case.

But when detectives pressed the issue, Kealing added, they “deteremined the context of the alleged conversation between Parker and a co-worker was only that Parker believed Casey killed Caylee and that Casey never confessed the crime to her.”

Later, Lee Anthony’s attorney denied that Lee or Mallory suggested they suspect Casey Anthony is responsible for Caylee Anthony’s murder. “He is in support of his sister all the way,” attorney Tom Luka told Kealing.

Lee Anthony has said Casey never confessed or suggested she knew what happened to her daughter, Luka added.

OK I promise, last comment because I just keep getting deeper and deeper... The computer I had at the time of this alleged conversation died and I have none of my notes. IIRC this conversation allegedly happened before Caylee was even found..

Mallory and one of the reported participants in the conversation denied it happened, Lee wasn't part of the conversation at all.

IIRC Lee and Luka went separate ways over a year ago. So why is this reporter trying to make it look like NEWS - it's not, it's history... According to the person who allegedly said it - has denied since day 1. So it isn't even history it is a fable.

No more from me about Lee, until I hear something from his own mouth. That's all I was really trying to say anyway.... Some of these atty's have their own agenda.

Thank you all for such a polite discussion and exchange of thoughts and ideas, this is why WS is what it is...
One thing I do not understand. When KC was being interview by Yuri he asks her if she was going to stick with this story (Nanny). KC then replies that, yes this was the story she was going to stick with. The normal response from a innocent person would have been that this is what happened, it's not a story, it's the truth. She admits it's a story and LA still supports her. Yuri tells her it's a story and she agrees without realizing what she has just admitted to. jmo

Lambchop excellent point! I know that there are a few instances where LE got her in statements like this but this stands out like a throbbing big toe that's just been stubbed!
And wouldn't this be another one to make LA think???

"I don't want to be one of those thousands of parents that has to deal with the possibility ... of knowing that their child`s alive and that they`re with someone else. The thought of that every day makes me sick."
And wouldn't this be another one to make LA think???

"I don't want to be one of those thousands of parents that has to deal with the possibility ... of knowing that their child`s alive and that they`re with someone else. The thought of that every day makes me sick."

I've read that many many times and this is the first time it has occurred to me that maybe she meant the thought of Caylee ending up with CA made her sick.
I've read that many many times and this is the first time it has occurred to me that maybe she meant the thought of Caylee ending up with CA made her sick.

OMG!! I never took it that way before-but it makes perfect sense!!:snooty:
I don't like the fact that KC's parents/brother are going around proclaiming her innocence...but I do understand why LA may be in KC's corner. I don't believe that she was molested by him. I don't. She has told way too many lies. All convenient. For her. I guess her attorneys believe her bs. I don't. She is a liar. There is proof of her lies. I guess it would be easy to believe she was raped or molested...for some people. Sadly, women kill their children everyday without an excuse. IMO she is just one of "those" peeps. JMO. She is a waste of air if you ask me. Why all of this trying to save KC crap? Can someone please explain to me where Caylee went on that day? Night? Does anyone honestly believe that KC doesn't know what happened to Caylee? Really? Some phantom nanny or person took her and KC was just so scared that she won't talk? Really? Please.
And wouldn't this be another one to make LA think???

"I don't want to be one of those thousands of parents that has to deal with the possibility ... of knowing that their child`s alive and that they`re with someone else. The thought of that every day makes me sick."

I've read that many many times and this is the first time it has occurred to me that maybe she meant the thought of Caylee ending up with CA made her sick.

OMG!! I never took it that way before-but it makes perfect sense!!:snooty:

This is one of the most damaging statements KC made as far as I am concerned. The first time I heard it and the emphasis she put on it to LE I knew she had a part in Caylee's murder. You can bet LE did too.

I won't go into my personal family histrionics, needless to say I have a female relative who would rather live the "inventive" and drama life with her children rather than allow them to live a stable life with other relatives or the other bio parent, out of spite.

LA isn't any different from the rest of the A Clan camp; he just had the common sense to see CA/GA/KC in public displays and quickly decided to play the silent act since the rest of the family was being rightfully vilified in pubic. IF LA was going to be Caylee's voice, he would have done it immediately. He knows ....... his involvement ...... CA and GA's involvement and KC's involvement in Caylee's murder. He knows and still he is silent. :furious: He is a coward at best. :banghead:
This is one of the most damaging statements KC made as far as I am concerned. The first time I heard it and the emphasis she put on it to LE I knew she had a part in Caylee's murder. You can bet LE did too.

I won't go into my personal family histrionics, needless to say I have a female relative who would rather live the "inventive" and drama life with her children rather than allow them to live a stable life with other relatives or the other bio parent, out of spite.

LA isn't any different from the rest of the A Clan camp; he just had the common sense to see CA/GA/KC in public displays and quickly decided to play the silent act since the rest of the family was being rightfully vilified in pubic. IF LA was going to be Caylee's voice, he would have done it immediately. He knows ....... his involvement ...... CA and GA's involvement and KC's involvement in Caylee's murder. He knows and still he is silent. :furious: He is a coward at best. :banghead:

ITA, except for the coward part. I know I wasn't the easiest sibling to grow up with, and I know my siblings were grateful to have our parents deal with me instead of them. Of course, I'm not a murderer either, and if I did do something horrendous like that, I'd expect them to hold my feet to the fire. But I also would understand if they wanted to stay out of it and let me deal with the problem I created for myself. The hardest thing in the world is to stay out of something and let the person deal with their own problem, and I think that is what he has decided to do. It must hurt him terribly, but this is Casey's ordeal of her own making, and she should be the only one who has to suffer consequences for what she did.

I guess having my own psychological and social problems growing up, I can definitely see how LA would just want to completely stay out it. It's not his mess, he didn't create it, and he shouldn't have to be drug down by his sister by being a part of this whole mess. I am glad that his parents haven't forced him to still be a part of this, but I do wish he never had to be a part of it in the first place.

It doesn't excuse his actions, but he is the better kid and deserves to have a better life no matter what his sister does to mess things up for the whole family. I'm fine now with a good life, but I would NOT want to the be the one to drag down anyone in my family with my problems over the years. My brother told me at my wedding two years ago that I was his hero, and that meant so much to me because I know it was so hard growing up as a normal kid next to a social outcast/family problem of an older sister. To this day it still hurts to me think how my problems affected my brother and sister as we grew up together.

Of course, that separates me from Casey, who doesn't care who she drags down as long as she gets off and gets the life she wants. I hope Lee doesn't let her drag him down with her. He doesn't deserve it, and I wish his parents would see that they don't deserve it either. Of course, they created their own mess and drug themselves down with Casey, but I wish they had known that they didn't have to go down with Casey in the first place. A lot of this mess would have been avoided.

I do wish he would speak up for Caylee, but maybe, just maybe, he's waiting for the trial to do that. It's the last hope I have for him. If he doesn't come out at trial on Caylee's side, then I am through with him and he really is a coward.

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